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Description: Border People is an information website for those who cross the border on a regular basis.
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Subject: Cross Border, Brexit
Description: The Border People website is recognised as an important source of cross-border citizens’ information and advice on the island of Ireland.
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Subject: Northern Ireland, Citizens Information
Description: Website of Brexit Border, a blog analysing the impact of Brexit on Ireland.
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Subject: Referendum
Description: Website of Brexit Border, an online publication.
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Subject: Cross Border, Brexit
Description: Website for the Centre for Cross Border Studies.
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Subject: Peacebuilding
Description: Website of the Centre for Cross Border Studies.
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Subject: Cross Border, Brexit
Description: Website of the Dublin City University Brexit Institute.
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Subject: Higher Education, Brexit
Description: Website of the Higher Education Authority.
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Subject: Industry, Higher Education
Description: Website of the Irish Central Border Area Network.
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Subject: Cross Border, Brexit
Description: Website for Irish 4 Europe.
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Subject: European Union
Description: Leargas is the personal blog of Gerry Adams.
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Description: Website of the Standing Conference on Teacher Education, North and South.
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Description: Irish language news website. Suíomh gréasáin nuacht agus imeachtaí reatha as Gaeilge.
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Subject: Irish language, News and current affairs
Description: Website of the online-only, Irish language news site, Tuairisc.
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Subject: News Web sites, Brexit
Description: Website of the satirical publication, Waterford Whispers News.
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Description: Website for the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Suíomh gréasáin an Roinn Talmhaíocht, Bia agus Mara.
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Subject: Agriculture
Description: Website for AgriLand, which features news articles about agriculture in Ireland and internationally.
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Subject: Agriculture
Description: Agriland is an online agricultural publication.
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Subject: Agriculture, Brexit
Description: Website of Bord Iascaigh Mhara, Ireland's Seafood Development Agency,
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Description: The website of Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board.
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Subject: Food industry, Food
Description: Website of the Irish Food board, Bord Bia.
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Description: Website for the British Council in Ireland.
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Description: Website for the British Irish Chamber of Commerce.
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Subject: European Union, Commerce
Description: Website of the British Irish Chamber.
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Subject: Cross Border, Brexit
Description: Chambers Ireland is an advocacy group that works on behalf of Irish businesses.
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Description: Website for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Suíomh gréasáin an Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Tradála.
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Subject: Foreign affairs
Description: A local authority led cross border organisation serving a population of just under 1 million people, spanning six Local Authorities, along the east coast of Ireland/N Ireland.
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Subject: Cross Border, Brexit
Description: The website of the Economic and Social Research Institute, which is an independent research institute in Dublin, Ireland.
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Subject: Economic and social development, Research
Description: The ESRI is the Economic and Social Research Institute.
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Description: Website of the European Movement Ireland, which is a voluntary, not-for-profit, independent, membership-based organisation working to develop the connection between Ireland and Europe.
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Subject: Referendum, Presidents
Description: Since 1954, European Movement Ireland has been working to strengthen the connection between all sectors of Irish society and Europe.
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Subject: Brexit
Description: The website of Fáilte Ireland, which is the National Tourism Development Authority.
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Subject: Tourism
Description: Website of the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC), which is Ireland's largest business and employers lobbying organisation.
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Subject: Lobbyists
Description: Website of the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC), which is Ireland's largest business and employers lobbying organisation.
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Subject: Lobbyists
Description: Website of Industrial Development Authority.
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Subject: Investments, foreign
Description: Website for Institute of International and European Affairs.
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Subject: Research institutes
Description: The IIEA is the Institute of International and European affairs.
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Description: Website of the Irish Independent.
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Subject: Newspapers
Description: The IRHA is the Irish Road Haulage Association.
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Description: Website for the Irish Exporters Association.
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Subject: Export associations
Description: The Irish Exporters Association is the independent representative body for all Irish exporters.
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Description: Website of The Irish Times, which is the online presence of this Irish daily broadsheet newspaper.
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Subject: Newspapers
Description: Website of the Department of Justice.
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Subject: Brexit, Government Department
Description: Website of the Loughs Agency.
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Subject: Cross Border, Border Security
Description: Website of the Irish Government that provides news. Suíomh gréasáin a sholáthraíonn nuacht maidir le Rialtas na hÉireann.
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Subject: Government, News and current affairs
Description: Website of Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ), the public service broadcaster of Ireland. Suíomh gréasáin RTÉ atá ina chraoltóir seirbhís phoiblí.
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Subject: Politics and culture, Public services
Description: Website of RTÉ (Raidió Teilifís Éireann) News, which is Ireland's national public-service media organisation.
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Subject: News, Current affairs
Description: The SFI is the Science Foundation Ireland.
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Description: Official website of the Department of the Taoiseach. Suíomh gréasáin oifigiúil do Roinn an Taoisigh.
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Subject: Government
Description: Website for The Irish World.
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Subject: Irish newspapers, News and current affairs
Description: Website of the online only news site, The Journal.
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Description: Irish online only publication covering news, business, sport and entertainment.
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Subject: Politics and culture
Description: Website of the British Irish Studies(IBIS).
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Subject: Brexit
Description: Website of the Department of Social Welfare.
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Subject: Brexit, Government Department
Description: Afloat is an Irish sailing, boating and maritime magazine.
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Description: AIIHPC is a collaborative of hospices, health and social care organisations and universities on the island of Ireland.
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Description: An Sionnach Fionn is an online commentary website.
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Subject: Commentary, Brexit
Description: DBEI is the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation.
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Subject: Brexit, Government Department
Description: Website of the eCommerce Association of Ireland.
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Description: The Environmental Pillar is made up of national environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs) who work together to represent the views of the Irish environmental sector.
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Description: InterTradeIreland helps small businesses in Ireland and Northern Ireland explore new cross-border markets, develop new products, processes and services and become investor ready over the last 20 years.
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Description: ISME is the Irish Small Medium Enterprise Association.
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Subject: Brexit
Description: Press release from Merrion Street, the government news agency.
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Subject: Brexit
Description: Website of the Irish Government news service, Merrionstreet.ie
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Subject: Government, Brexit
Description: A Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) blog for discussion of politics, policy and political reform
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Description: SBCI is the strategic banking corporation of Ireland.
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Description: Website of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
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Subject: Brexit, Government Department
Description: Website of the American Brexit Committee.
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Description: Website of An Post, Ireland's national postal service.
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Subject: Postal service, Brexit
Description: Website of the Irish Central Bank.
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Description: Website of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.
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Subject: Brexit, Government Department
Description: Formerly known Co-operation North, Co-operation Ireland was founded in 1979 by Dr. Brendan O'Regan. It was set up to improve North-South co-operation and in particular the economic links between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
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Subject: Brexit
Description: Website of the Commission for Railway Regulation, an independent body that has responsibility for railways and cableways in Ireland.
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Subject: Cross Border, Transport
Description: Website of the Irish statistics office.
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Subject: Brexit
Description: Dairy Industry Ireland represents the interests of Ireland's primary and secondary dairy processors, including the specialised nutrition sector.
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Description: Website of the Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment.
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Subject: Brexit, Government Department
Description: Website of the Department of Defence.
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Subject: Brexit, Government Department
Description: Website of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
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Subject: Brexit, Government
Description: Diplomat is the Island of Ireland’s Diplomatic and Consular news site
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Subject: Brexit
Description: Website of Dublin Port.
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Subject: Infrastructure, Port
Description: Website of the Department of Education.
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Subject: Brexit, Government Department
Description: Enterprise Ireland is the government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets.
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Description: FLAC is an independent human rights organisation dedicated to the realisation of equal access to justice for alL.
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Subject: Brexit
Description: Food Drink Ireland repersents the interests of food, drink and non-food grocery manufacturers and suppliers.
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Description: Foras na Gaeilge is responsible for promoting the Irish language throughout Ireland.
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Subject: Cross Border, Irish language
Description: Website of the Irish Government.
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Subject: Government, Brexit
Description: Website of the Green party.
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Subject: Political Party, Brexit
Description: Website of the department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.
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Subject: Brexit, Government Department
Description: Website of HPRA; The Health Products Regulatory Authority.
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Subject: Brexit
Description: The Irish Aviation Authority is responsible for the management of Irish controlled airspace, the safety regulation of Irish civil aviation and the oversight of civil aviation security in Ireland.
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Description: IBEC is the business and employer association for organisations based in Ireland.
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Description: Website of the Irish Council of Trade Unions. See the "Trade Union" collection for a complete list of all Trade Union websites archived.
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Description: Website of the Irish Farmer's Association.
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Description: The IMDO is the Irish Maritime Development Office.
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Description: IPHA is the Irish Pharmacuetical Healthcare Association.
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Description: Website of the Irexit party.
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Subject: Political Party, Brexit
Description: The Irish Post is an online news website for the Irish community in the UK.
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Description: Website of the Local Enterprise Office.
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Description: The Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Ireland was established in 1955 by an Agreement between the Government and the companies underwriting motor insurance in Ireland for the purpose of compensating victims of road traffic accidents caused by uninsured and unidentified vehicles.
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Description: Website of the Musgrave Group, one of Ireland's largest retailers.
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