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European Union

Collected by: Publications Office of the European Union

Archived since: Apr, 2019


This collection contains the websites of the EU institutions: the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank and the Court of Auditors. This collection also includes the websites of the agencies and other bodies of the European Union. Most of these are hosted on the domain and subdomains.

Subject:   Government

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Title: EU Open Data Portal


Description: Website of the European Union Open Data Portal (EU ODP). EU ODP gives access to open data published by EU institutions and bodies. All the data available via the catalogue are free to use and reuse for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

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Title: N-Lex


Description: Website of N-Lex. N-Lex (National Lex) provides a single entry point to the national law databases on individual EU countries. N-Lex itself contains no documents. It is an easy-to-use interface that allows users to search national databases (on which it is entirely dependent). N-Lex complements EUR-Lex, the EU's website for legal acts, by linking to national law.

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Title: EU Whoiswho


Description: Website of EU Whoisho. EU Whoiswho is an electronic directory which presents the organisational charts of the EU institutions, bodies and agencies in all official EU languages. The EU Whoiswho can be consulted in three ways: by person; by organisational entity (directorate or department); and by hierarchical order.

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Title: Public Access


Description: pilot project was launched in 2014 by the European Parliament to facilitate online access to a wider range of unclassified documents held by EU institutions, and to increase the transparency of decision-making in the EU.

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Title: Community Research and Development Information Service


Description: Website of the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS). CORDIS is the European Commission's primary public repository and portal to disseminate information on all EU-funded research projects and their results in the broadest sense.

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Title: Research*eu magazines | CORDIS


Description: Website of the Research*eu magazine, published until January 2022 by the Publications Office of the EU.

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Title: European data


Description: The portal is a central point of access to European open data from international, European Union, national, regional, local and geodata portals. It consolidates the former EU Open Data Portal and the European Data Portal.

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Title: European data - impact studies on COVID-19


Description: The most relevant and topical datasets, initiatives, reports and articles on COVID-19 are selected and described further. These are written in editorial pieces for the public to explore.

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Title: European data - use cases


Description: Information on how european data is used in practice (2013-2021)

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Title: EC Library Guides


Description: A selection of information resources relevant to the work of the European Commission curated by librarians from the EC Library

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Title: eNotices - On-line forms for public procurement


Description: An on-line tool for preparing public procurement notices and publishing them in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union. eNotices provides access to all standard forms used in European public procurement.

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Title: eNotices2 - the reception system for eForms for european public procurement


Description: eNotices2 allows buyers to submit and manage public procurement notices in the eForms format as defined in Commission Implementing Regulation 2019/1780.

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Title: eTendering - calls for tenders from the European institutions


Description: TED eTendering was an EU institutions' eProcurement platform based on EU Directives on public procurement. Allowing free electronic access to call for tenders' documents such as contractual documentation, technical specifications, annexes, questions and answers etc. *** The archived version is not searchable. To see a selection of tenders as they appeared on the platform, go to the capture from 25 January 2024 and click on "About eTendering" in the upper right corner.

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Title: EUR-Lex


Description: Website of EUR-Lex. EUR-Lex (European Lex) provides free access, in the 24 official EU languages, to: the authentic Official Journal of the European Union; EU law (EU treaties, directives, regulations, decisions, consolidated legislation, etc.); preparatory acts (legislative proposals, reports, green and white papers, etc.); EU case-law (judgments, orders, etc.); international agreements; EFTA documents; summaries of EU legislation; other public documents. It also allows to follow the procedures leading to the adoption of legal acts.

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Title: EU budget online


Description: The website gives access to draft and adopted annual budget documents of the European Union.

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Title: EUR-Lex - COVID-19 related documents


Description: A non-exhaustive list of documents related to the common EU response to the COVID-19 pandemic published on the EUR-Lex website.

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Title: Publications Office of the European Union


Description: Website of the Publications Office of the European Union (Publications Office). Publications Office is an interinstitutional office whose task is to publish the publications of the institutions of the European Union. Its core activities include production and dissemination of legal and general publications in a variety of paper and electronic formats, managing a range of websites providing EU citizens, governments and businesses with digital access to official information and data from the EU and ensuring long-term preservation of content produced by EU institutions and bodies.

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Title: EU law


Description: EU law, national law and related information

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Title: Newsletter Archive - Publications Office of the EU


Description: This site is dedicated to archiving the newsletters of the Publications Office of the European Union.

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Title: About Us - Publications Office of the EU


Description: The Publications Office of the European Union is the official provider of publishing services to all EU institutions, bodies, and agencies. Here you will read about our mission, our vision, our values.

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Title: Publications Office of the EU - Our tenders


Description: In this section you will find calls for tenders by the Publications Office of the European Union, listed by order of upcoming deadline.

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Title: Publications Office of the EU - Logos


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Title: Challenges of the digital age: better access to legal information for EU citizens


Description: Event organised by the Publications Office of the EU to exchange information and best practices across Member States and EU institutions facing common challenges in the field of access to legal information.

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Title: Cellar - the common data repository of the Publications Office of the European Union


Description: Cellar home page, presentation of Cellar, description of the content

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Title: Publications Office of the EU - Comite255


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Title: Designing the face of the EU


Description: An interinstitutional event and training in the framework of the Interinstitutional Digital Publishing Committee

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Title: Annual Information Seminar for the DGs of the European Commission and other EU institutions


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Title: Endorse - Publications Office of the EU


Description: The ENDORSE conference explores the latest trends in multilingual reference data. Organised by the Publications Office of the European Union and Interoperable Europe supported by Digital Europe Programme, it brings together users, practitioners, experts, researchers, solution seekers and providers from the EU institutions and agencies, national public services and universities, as well as in international and intergovernmental organisations and the private sector.

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Title: Annual TED eSenders Seminar 2017


Description: Annual seminar dedicated to all TED (Tenders Electornic Daily) eSenders, including national Official Journals, contracting bodies, public or private bodies acting on behalf of contracting bodies, as well as eProcurement software developers.

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Title: Annual TED eSenders Seminar 2019


Description: Annual seminar dedicated to all TED eSenders, including national Official Journals, contracting bodies, public or private bodies acting on behalf of contracting bodies, as well as eProcurement software developers.

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Title: EU Law in Force


Description: Quick access to European Union law. It provides access to EU Treaties, EU Legislation, International Agreements and Case Law of the European Court of Justice. If there has been a change to an act and this change has been consolidated, the latest consolidated version of the text is displayed. (***search functionality not availble in the archived version***)

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Title: EU Datathon - Publications Office of the EU


Description: The EU Datathon annual open data competition aims to prove the value of open data and to highlight opportunities for business models using EU institutions and national open data. Participating teams are required to develop mobile or web applications by using open datasets published by EU institutions and/or EU Member States.

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Title: EU Datathon 2020 - COVID-19 data


Description: A collection of activities about COVID-19 from the European Commission covering datasets, visualisations and tools.

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Title: EU DataViz 2021


Description: EU DataViz 2021 was an international conference on open data and data visualisation addressing the needs of the public sector across the EU. The conference was funded by ISA2 programme of the European Union.

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Title: EU DataViz 2019


Description: An international conference which took place on 12 November 2019 in Luxembourg. It addressed for the first time the specific needs of the community engaged in data visualisation for the public sector in Europe, bringing together experts, practitioners and solution seekers.

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Title: EU Open Data Days


Description: The EU Open Data Days were organised in November 2021 by the Publications Office of the European Union, with the active support of over 60 partners, representing the data providers from EU institutions and agencies, European national open data portal and national statistical offices, and key digital players in Luxembourg.

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Title: Newsletters Archive 2019 - Publications Office of the EU


Description: Eu Publications Newsletter issues from 2019 - archive

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Title: EU publications


Description: This website managed by the Publications Office of the EU presents publications of the European institutions, agencies and other bodies.

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Title: IDPC 2022


Description: Interinstitutional Digital Publishing Committee (IDPC) Plenary meeting 2022

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Title: IDPC 2023


Description: Interinstitutional Digital Publishing Committee (IDPC) Plenary meeting 2023

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Title: IDPC 2020


Description: Interinstitutional Digital Publishing Committee (IDPC) Plenary meeting 2020

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Title: Librarian's corner - Publications Office of the EU


Description: The librarians of the Publications Office provide a range of services for citizens and specialised audiences, including researchers and information professionals.

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Title: Ted eSenders Webinar 2021


Description: The 2021 TED eSenders Seminar was dedicated, as every year, to all eSenders who provide procurement notices to be published on TED, including national Official Journals, contracting bodies, public or private bodies acting on behalf of contracting bodies, as well as eProcurement software developers.

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Title: Ted ESPD Webinar 2021


Description: This Annual European Single Procurement Document Seminar, took place over one half-day session on 2 December 2021.

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Title: EU Web Archive - Publications Office of the EU


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Title: Web tools - Publications Office of the EU


Description: Digital tools of the web interface in the Publications Office portal.

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Title: EU Whoiswho


Description: EU Whoiswho is an electronic directory which presents the organisational charts of the EU institutions, bodies and agencies in all official EU languages.

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Title: EU Whoiswho - archived versions


Description: EU Whoiswho presents the organisational charts of the EU institutions, bodies and agencies in all official EU languages. This website presents the archived versions of the publication.

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Title: EU Vocabularies


Description: EU Vocabularies website provides access to vocabularies (controlled vocabularies, schemas, ontologies, data models, etc.) managed by the EU institutions and bodies.

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Title: EU Web Archive - Publications Office of the EU


Description: Information on the EU Web Archive which preserves the content and design of the websites of the EU institutions, agencies and other bodies.

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Title: - /covid19/


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Title: Publications Office of the European Union


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Title: Interinstitutional Style Guide


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Title: Public Access


Description: is a pilot project launched in 2014 by the European Parliament to facilitate online access to a wider range of unclassified documents held by EU institutions, and to increase the transparency of decision-making in the EU.

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Title: SIMAP


Description: SIMAP [sımɑp], acronym: information system for public procurement (fr. système d'information pour les marchés publics). This page gives you access to information about the European public procurement.

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Title: SIMAP - COVID-19-related tenders


Description: SIMAP [sımɑp], acronym: information system for public procurement (fr. système d'information pour les marchés publics). This page gives access to information about the European public procurement. This subsite is dedicated to tenders related with the SARS-Cov-19 pandemic between 2020 and 2022

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Title: Tenders Electronic Daily


Description: Website of Tenders Electronic Daily (TED). TED is the online version of the Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU, dedicated to European public procurement. TED provides free access to business opportunities from the European Union, the European Economic Area and beyond.

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