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Georgia Disability History Archive

Collected by: University of Georgia Libraries

Archived since: Jun, 2019


The Georgia Disability History Archive seeks to document the vital and transformative work undertaken by disability activists, advocates, and organizations and, crucially, the experiences of people with disabilities over the past 100-plus years in the state of Georgia. Major collecting areas include, but are not limited to: accessibility, activism and social justice, citizen advocacy, independent and community living, self-advocacy, education, employment, recreation, culture and pride.

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Title: Southeast ADA Center: Your Regional Resource for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)


Description: The Southeast ADA Center is one of ten regional centers in the United States that serves as a resource for individuals, businesses, and state and local governments by providing information, educational materials, and technical assistance for understanding, implementing, and adhering to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

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Title: Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities


Description: The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities is a federally funded, independent state agency that works with legislators, other agencies, advocacy groups, organizations, and individuals to develop, influence, and support public policy that fosters a positive change in the way education, housing, workplace, careers, and community living opportunities are made available to persons with developmental disabilities.

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Title: Celebrate the ADA - ADA Anniversary Tool Kit


Description: Website celebrating the anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), developed by the Southeast ADA Center in collaboration with the ADA National Network and the Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) of Syracuse University with funding from the the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research.

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Title: ADA Live!


Description: "ADA Live!" is a monthly radio show produced by the Southeast ADA Center, a member of the ADA National Network, and is a project of the Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) at Syracuse University.

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Title: Citizen Advocacy of Atlanta and DeKalb


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Title: Disability Law and Policy Center of Georgia


Description: The Disability Law and Policy Center of Georgia, Inc. is a non-profit organization that enforces the legal rights of people with disabilities through education, individual case assistance, mediation, and complex litigation.

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Title: Georgia Disability History Alliance Facebook


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Title: Statewide Independent Living Council of Georgia


Description: The Statewide Independent Living Council of Georgia, Inc. (“The SILC”) is a private nonprofit corporation governed by people with all types of disabilities from all across the state. The role of the SILC is to identify societal barriers to independent living and to collaborate with Centers for Independent Living, Rehabilitation Services and other related entities to remove those barriers and to increase the supports and services needed to create independent living opportunities.

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