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Description: The website of Coláiste Árainn Mhóir, an Irish-language summer college on an island in the Gaeltacht of Donegal.
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Subject: Gaeltacht, Irish summer colleges
Description: Gaelscoileanna is an organization that seeks to To establish and sustain a high standard of Irish-medium education throughout the country as well as to develop and strengthen the Irish speaking community and culture.
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Subject: Irish language, Irish-medium education, Ireland -- schools
Description: Statistics on Irish-medium education
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Subject: Irish-medium education, Gaelscoileanna
Creator: Gaelscoileanna Teo.
Description: Statistics on Irish-medium schools, gathered by Gaeloideachas.
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Subject: Irish-medium education, Ireland -- education, Irish language
Description: Links to research reports on various aspects of Irish-language education and on language immersion.
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Subject: Irish-language medium education
Description: Oideas Gael is an organization that enables adults to learn the Irish language in the Donegal Gaeltacht.
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Subject: Irish language, Language immersion, Gaeltacht
Description: Conradh na Gaeilge (the Gaelic League), organization for the Irish-speaking community, established in 1893.
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Subject: Irish language
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Subject: Irish language, Census data
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Description: Is é Conradh na Gaeilge fóram daonlathach phobal na Gaeilge. Conradh na Gaeilge is the democratic forum of the Irish-speaking public.
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Subject: Irish language, Language movements, Language rights
Language: Irish
Description: An explanatory page about Conradh na Gaeilge, its organization and its constitution.
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Subject: Conradh na Gaeilge, Irish language, Gaelic League
Language: Irish
Description: Website of Coláiste Chamuis, an Irish-language summer college in the Connemara Gaeltacht, County Galway.
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Subject: Gaeltacht, Irish-language summer colleges
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Description: Coláiste na Mumhan is an Irish-language summer college in the Gaeltacht of County Cork.
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Subject: Irish-language summer colleges, Gaeltacht
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Subject: Irish film, An Cailín Ciúin (The Quiet Girl)
Creator: Nic Giolla Phádraig, Bernardine
Date: 2023
Description: Website of Coláiste Lurgan, an Irish-language summer college in the Gaeltacht of County Galway.
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Subject: Irish language summer colleges, Gaeltacht, Irish language learning
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Description: Website of Coláiste Bhríde, Rann na Feirste, an Irish language summer college in the Gaeltacht of County Donegal.
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Subject: Irish language summer colleges, Gaeltacht, Irish language learning
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Subject: Irish language, Gaeilge, Gaeltacht, Language policy
Creator: An Coimisinéir Teanga
Description: A PDF document that lays out the Irish Government's policies regarding the Irish language.
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Subject: Irish language, Gaeilge, Language policy, Language planning
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Description: A research report prepared by MORI Ireland on behalf of the BCI / Foras na Gaeilge
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Subject: Irish language -- public opinion, Radio broadcasting -- Ireland, Language policy -- Ireland
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