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Education, Indiana State Board of

Collected by: Indiana State Library

Archived since: Sep, 2020


Established by the Indiana General Assembly, the State Board of Education oversees K-12 education policymaking in the State of Indiana. The bipartisan board is composed of eleven members, including the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Subject:   Government - US States Education

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Title: Indiana State Board of Education: SBOE HOME


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Title: Children's Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Health Plan


Description: In the 2005 legislative session, Indiana’s elected officials saw the need for a comprehensive children's mental health plan and passed Senate Enrolled Act 529, which includes a chapter regarding children's mental health services.

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Title: Special education director's experiences preventing and responding to requests for due process hearings


Description: Mitigating disputes in Special Education: Experience of the Special Education Director

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Subject:   Special education

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