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Description: The site contains resources related to providing legal help to people who are transgender.
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Subject: Social Advocacy; Human Rights Advocacy; Transgender People; Legal Assistance to transgender people
Creator: Argus
Publisher: glad.org/issues/transgender-rights/
Language: English
Coverage: United States
Type: InteractiveResource
Date: 2020-04-01
Rights: This collection is made accessible to the public without restriction. The San Jose State University School of Information and Archive-It do not own the copyright to these materials; contact the copyright holders for further information. All materials in this collection are either government-created or have been archived under a claim of fair use for educational and research purposes.
Collector: Shane Alday; Ann Armstrong; Andrea Barrera; Jessica Bell
Description: The National Black Trans Advocacy Coalition is a social justice organization that advocates on behalf of black transgender people. This website provides services and resources the organization provides to the black transgender community.
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Creator: National Black Trans Advocacy Coalition
Publisher: blacktrans.org/about-us/
Language: English
Coverage: United States
Type: InteractiveResource
Date: 2020-05-01
Rights: This collection is made accessible to the public without restriction. The San Jose State University School of Information and Archive-It do not own the copyright to these materials; contact the copyright holders for further information. All materials in this collection are either government-created or have been archived under a claim of fair use for educational and research purposes. Use has been granted by Esperanza Brown of the Black Trans Advocacy Coalition.
Collector: Shane Alday; Ann Armstrong; Andrea Barrera; Jessica Bell
Description: This site contains descriptions and resources related to SRLP’s mission and services.
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Subject: Social advocacy; Human rights advocacy; Transgender people; Legal assistance to transgender people
Creator: Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Publisher: srlp.org/about/legal-services/
Language: English; Spanish
Coverage: United States
Type: InteractiveResource
Date: 2020-02-06
Rights: This collection is made accessible to the public without restriction. The San Jose State University School of Information and Archive-It do not own the copyright to these materials; contact the copyright holders for further information. All materials in this collection are either government-created or have been archived under a claim of fair use for educational and research purposes.
Collector: Shane Alday; Ann Armstrong; Andrea Barrera; Jessica Bell
Description: This site contains resources that provide legal help and/or advocate for transgender people.
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Subject: Transgender people. Legal assistance to transgender people. Civil rights.
Creator: Transgender Law Center
Publisher: transgenderlawcenter.org/legal/
Language: English
Coverage: United States
Type: InteractiveResource
Date: 2019-10-23
Rights: This collection is made accessible to the public without restriction. The San Jose State University School of Information and Archive-IT do not own the copyright to these materials; contact the copyright holders for further information. Use has been granted by Kris Hayashi (he/him), Executive Director, Transgender Law Center.
Collector: Shane Alday; Ann Armstrong; Andrea Barrera; Jessica Bell
Description: The Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund is a nonprofit organization working toward ending discrimination and achieving equality for transgender communities. This site provides information about specific legal and support services offered to trans people by TLDEF.
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Creator: Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, Inc.
Publisher: transgenderlegal.org/our-work/
Language: English
Coverage: United States
Format: text/plain; text/css; image/x-icon; image/jpeg; application/javascript
Type: InteractiveResource
Date: 2020-08-24
Rights: This collection is made accessible to the public without restriction. The San Jose State University School of Information and Archive-It do not own the copyright to these materials; contact the copyright holders for further information. All materials in this collection are either government-created or have been archived under a claim of fair use for educational and research purposes. Use has been granted by Shane Diamon of the Transgender Legal Defence and Education Fund.
Collector: Shane Alday; Ann Armstrong; Andrea Barrera; Jessica Bell
Description: This page describes the mission and vision of the Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative.
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Subject: Social advocacy; Human rights advocacy; Transgender people
Creator: Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative
Publisher: https://www.snap4freedom.org/about
Language: English
Coverage: United States
Type: InteractiveResource
Date: 2020-07-28
Rights: This collection is made accessible to the public without restriction. The San Jose State University School of Information and Archive-It do not own the copyright to these materials; contact the copyright holders for further information. All materials in this collection are either government-created or have been archived under a claim of fair use for educational and research purposes.
Collector: Shane Alday; Ann Armstrong; Andrea Barrera; Jessica Bell
Description: This webpage highlights the importance of the work the group does and describes the resources available.
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Subject: Social advocacy; Human rights advocacy; Transgender people
Creator: Trans Women of Color Collective
Publisher: https://www.twocc.us/our-work/healing-and-restorative-justice-initiative-hrji/
Language: English
Coverage: United States
Format: text/css; text/javascript; image/jpeg; image/png; image/gif; image/x-icon
Type: InteractiveResource
Date: 2020-11-30
Rights: This collection is made accessible to the public without restriction. The San Jose State University School of Information and Archive-It do not own the copyright to these materials; contact the copyright holders for further information. All materials in this collection are either government-created or have been archived under a claim of fair use for educational and research purposes.
Collector: Shane Alday; Ann Armstrong; Andrea Barrera; Jessica Bell
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