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All of Us Research Program web archive

Collected by: National Library of Medicine

Archived since: Sep, 2021


A selective collection of over 400 web resources archived by the National Library of Medicine beginning in 2021 related to the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program, a federally funded opportunity to advance the study of precision medicine and address the lack of diversity in biomedical research. Included in the archive are websites and social media of government and non-government organizations, journalists, scientists, and participants in the United States. Archived websites are primarily in English with a selection in Spanish. NLM will continue to develop, review, describe, and add content to the collection.

Subject:   Government - US Federal Science & Health Society & Culture Data Science Datasets as Topic Data Collection Biomedical Research All of Us Research Program Precision Medicine

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Title: All of Us - News - AAHD


Description: Webpage, titled "All of Us - News," from the American Association on Health and Disability website. This page gives links to news and details the Disability Community Partner Project. A definition on precision medicine and details on the All of Us project are also present.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: 2022-2023 Schedule for the All of Us Research Program


Description: 2022-2023 Schedule for the All of Us Research Program's traveling Education and Enrollment center. The traveling center will make its way throughout the country beginning in Baltimore, MD and ending in Shreveport, LA.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: American Academy of HIV Medicine | American Academy of HIV Medicine Joins NIH in Launching the All of Us Research Program to Advance Precision Medicine


Description: Press release, titled "01 May American Academy of HIV Medicine Joins NIH in Launching the All of Us Research Program to Advance Precision Medicine," detailing the launch of the All of Us program.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: American Academy of HIV Medicine | All of Us Research Program Webinar


Description: Webpage, titled "American Academy of HIV Medicine - All of Us Research Program Webinar," that links to the American Academy of HIV Medicine's All of Us Webinar from February 2021 and lists accompanying information for the webinar.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: American Academy of HIV Medicine | All of Us Research Program Enduring Webinar


Description: Webpage, titled "American Academy of HIV Medicine - All of Us Research Program Webinar," that links to the American Academy of HIV Medicine's All of Us Webinar from August 2019 and lists accompanying information for the webinar.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: American Academy of HIV Medicine Webex Enterprise Site


Description: Video recording of the American Academy of HIV Medicine's All of Us Webinar from August 2019.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Emory University - All of Us Research Program


Description: Website, titled "Emory University - All of Us Research Program," dedicated to the All of Us partner in Georgia, Emory University. The site gives a brief overview of the All of Us Research Program and Emory University's involvement. Locations of the All of Us program in the Atlanta area and events are also present on the website.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: All of Us Research Program: UCI Health


Description: Website, titled "All of Us Research Program: UCI Health," of the All of Us partner in California, University of California Irvine. The site details important information for individuals looking to join the All of Us program in California. Information found on the page includes: locations, past events, and a link to the research hub.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: Past Events | All Of Us Research Program | University of California, Irvine


Description: Website, titled "All of Us Research Program: UCI Health: Past Events," of the All of Us partner in California, University of California Irvine. The site details past events held by the All of Us Research Program at the University of California Irvine.

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Subject:   Research Projects Using Collected Data

Title: All of Us Research Program | National Institutes of Health (NIH)


Description: Website, titled "National Institute of Health All of Us Research Program," of the National Institute of Health's informational page on All of Us and their link to the main All of Us research page.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: All of Us Tribal Leader and Urban Indian Organization Letter


Description: Website, titled "All of Us Tribal Engagement," detailing the All of Us Research Program's collaboration with Tribal Nations including information on tribal consultation, key milestones, and funding opportunities.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Inclusion in the All of Us Research Program COVID-19 Serology Study


Description: Website, "American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Inclusion in the All of Us Research Program COVID-19 Serology Study," detailing the All of Us Research Program's consultation with tribal leaders about including existing AI/AN participant samples in a COVID-19 Serology Study looking for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Responding to tribal concerns, All of Us has decided not to include these samples and will continue focusing on finalizing consultation about the main program.

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Subject:   COVID-19

Title: All of Us Research Program Overview


Description: Website, titled "All of Us Research Program Overview," detailing the All of Us Research Program at a glance and explaining what precision medicine is.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: All of Us Tribal Leader and Urban Indian Organization Letter


Description: Press release, titled "All of Us Tribal Leader and Urban Indian Organization Letter," detailing regional consultations held between the NIH and Tribal Nations as well as listening sessions. Resources for Tribal Nations are provided in preparation for the regional consultations.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Tribal Collaboration Working Group of the All of Us Research Program Advisory Panel


Description: Website, titled "Tribal Collaboration Working Group of the All of Us Research Program Advisory Panel," detailing the purpose of the Tribal Collaboration Working Group, its deliverables, and roster.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Research Program Tribal Consultation Final Report | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Description: Project report for the All of Us Research Program, titled "All of Us Research Program Tribal Consultation Final Report." The report details the All of Us Research Program's commitment to Tribal Nations and how the project has operated with Tribal Nations including how the project handles cultural sensitivity.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Biobank


Description: Webpage, titled "Biobank," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what a biobank is and who provides the biobank for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Communications and Engagement Partners | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Description: Website, titled "Communications and Engagement Partners," from the National Institutes of Health listing all of the partners in the All of Us program and along with funding information.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: Data and Research Center


Description: Webpage, titled "Data and Research Center," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what the data and research center is and who hosts the data and research center for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Funding Opportunities


Description: Webpage, titled "Funding Opportunities," hosted by the National Institutes of Health that lists current and previous funding opportunities for researchers in the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Genomics Partners


Description: Webpage, titled "Genomics Partners," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what the genome centers will accomplish in the All of Us Research Program and listing the organizations that act as the genomic partners for the program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Health Care Provider Organizations


Description: Webpage, titled "Health Care Provider Organizations," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what the Health Care Provider Organizations are and listing ones associated with the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Participant Center


Description: Webpage, titled "Participant Center," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what the Participant Center is and listing some of the locations.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Participant Technology Systems Center


Description: Webpage, titled "Participant Technology Systems Center," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what the Participant Technology Center is and what organizations host the center.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: All of Us Sharable Resources


Description: Webpage, titled "All of Us Sharable Resources," from the All of Us Research Program that houses free materials for the project. The majority of materials are for promotional purposes, such as images for Social media, fact sheets, and brochures. Most are available in English and Spanish with some other languages being represented as well.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Nursing Resources


Description: Webpage, titled "All of Us Nursing Resources," from the All of Us Research Program that provides resources, such as pamphlets and brochures, for nurses and other medical providers to learn about the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Physician Resources


Description: Webpage, titled "All of Us Physician Resources," from the All of Us Research Program that provides printable resources, such as business cards and note pads, for physicians. Links to other resources can be found on the page.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Releases Initial COVID-19 Survey Data to Researchers | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Description: Press release, titled "All of Us Releases Initial Covid-19 Survey Data to Researchers," detailing an update made to the program's research workbench that allowed researchers access to Covid-19 data as well as data provided by Fitbit technology.

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Subject:   COVID-19

Title: Statement on Data Security from the All of Us Research Program | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Description: Press release, titled "Statement on Data Security from the All of Us Research Program," detailing a security audit performed on the Research Program and the Program's response to the security audit.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: News and Events | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Description: The official NIH All of Us Research Program website for the program's "News and Events." The page hosts all of the program's announcements and lists events held. Videos, external news, testimonials, and the press kit are also available on this page.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: All of Us Research Program Seeks Input on Environmental Health Data


Description: News article, titled "All of Us Research Program Seeks Input on Environmental Health Data," discussing the All of Us Research Program's request for information (RFI) on integrating environmental health data into the project. The article mentions the Researcher's Workbench and how the goal is to add more data to one of the largest datasets of its kind.

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Subject:   Research Projects Using Collected Data

Title: New Data Release: Filling Out the Pandemic Picture


Description: News article, titled "New Data Release: Filling Out the Pandemic Picture," announcing new data released as part of the All of Us Research Program. Data released during this batch pertains to information gathered from the COPE survey and Fitbit products. The article gives more detail about the collection of Fitbit data and mentions that vaccination data will not be available immediately due to security.

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Subject:   COVID-19

Title: New Funding Opportunity: All of Us Research Program Seeks Engagement and Enrollment Partners


Description: Press release, titled "New Funding Opportunity: All of Us Research Program Seeks Engagement and Enrollment Partners," detailing a new funding opportunity and how organizations can apply to use funds for community, researcher, or tribal engagement. Links to full details and more information are provided.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: NIH funds genetic counseling resource ahead of million-person sequencing effort


Description: Press release, titled "NIH funds genetic counseling resource ahead of million-person sequencing effort," detailing the All of Us Research Program's collaboration with Color, a health tech company, to provide genetic counseling for participants of the program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: NIH’s All of Us Research Program Releases New COVID-19 Data


Description: News article, titled "NIH’s All of Us Research Program Releases New COVID-19 Data," announcing a new Covid-19 data set on the Researcher Workbench. With this announcement came news that new Fitbit data was also accessible. The article also details how data from the All of Us Research Program has already been utilized and how to apply for access to the data.

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Subject:   COVID-19

Title: NIH’s All of Us Research Program Releases First Genomic Dataset of Nearly 100,000 Whole Genome Sequences


Description: News release, titled "NIH’s All of Us Research Program Releases First Genomic Dataset of Nearly 100,000 Whole Genome Sequences," announcing the release of genomic sequences to the All of Us Researcher Workbench for Researchers to use. Other information about the All of Us Research Program as a whole is present in the news release.

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Subject:   Research Projects Using Collected Data

Title: Research Roundup: Data Expansion Bolsters Trove of COVID-19 Data


Description: News article, titled "Research Roundup: Data Expansion Bolsters Trove of COVID-19 Data," detailing the released COVID-19 dataset, which includes information about vaccines. Information about new file types and tools is also present in the article.

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Subject:   COVID-19

Title: All of Us Awardees: Media Contacts


Description: Webpage, titled "All of Us Awardees: Media Contacts," that lists organizations associated with the All of Us Research Program as well as contact information.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: All of Us Research Program Backgrounder


Description: Webpage, titled "All of Us Research Program Backgrounder," hosted by the National Institutes of Health answering many frequently asked questions about the All of Us Research Program as well as giving some background information on the initiative.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Researcher Billy A. Caceres Taps All of Us’ Diverse Data to Benchmark Health Disparities


Description: Webpage, titled "Researcher Billy A. Caceres Taps All of Us’ Diverse Data to Benchmark Health Disparities," that includes an interview/overview of Billy A. Caceres, a researcher for the All of Us Program. The interview delves into Caceres' life story, his research, and how his experiences have affected his research.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Building Bridges to Better Health: South Carolina Participant Ambassador Joyce Ann Bell Winkler


Description: Webpage, titled "Building Bridges to Better Health: South Carolina Participant Ambassador Joyce Ann Bell Winkler," that includes an interview/ overview of Joyce Ann Bell Winkler, a participant ambassador for the All of Us Research Program. The interview details Winkler's personal experiences, including her childhood, and her experience with the All of Us Research Program. Her testimony details what the program is like and why others should join the program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Connecting Social Environment and Health Outcomes to Pinpoint Disparities: Harvard Medical School Researcher, Physician, and Parent Cheryl R. Clark


Description: Webpage, titled "Connecting Social Environment and Health Outcomes to Pinpoint Disparities: Harvard Medical School Researcher, Physician, and Parent Cheryl R. Clark," that includes an interview/ overview of Cheryl R. Clark, a researcher for the All of Us Research Program. The interview mentions Clark's personal experiences, her work with the All of Us Research Program, and how the two intersect.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Longtime Volunteers Believe Big Data Will Bring Better Health to All


Description: Webpage, titled "Longtime Volunteers Believe Big Data Will Bring Better Health to All," discussing Lin and Kean Engie's volunteer efforts as well as their support of the All of Us Research Program. The webpage highlights how everyone can benefit from joining the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Atiya Shahid: A Story of Survival, Resilience, and the Power of Mentorship and Research


Description: Webpage, titled "Atiya Shahid: A Story of Survival, Resilience, and the Power of Mentorship and Research," that includes an interview/overview of Atiya Shahid, a Minority Student Research Symposium Scholar. The interview mentions Shahid's life story, her research, and her experiences with the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Thirst for Knowledge and Data Drives Army Veteran to All of Us


Description: Webpage, titled "Thirst for Knowledge and Data Drives Army Veteran to All of Us," that includes an interview/ overview of Keisha Bellamy, a nurse for the All of Us Research Program and a veteran. The interview mentions Bellamy's life story, her experiences in the military, and her involvement in the All of Us research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: New York Participant Ysabel Abreu: A Profile in Perseverance and the Humanity in All of Us


Description: Webpage, titled "New York Participant Ysabel Abreu: A Profile in Perseverance and the Humanity in All of Us," that includes an interview/ overview of Ysabel Aberu, a member of the Participant Advisory Board. The interview details her life experiences that led to her involvement with the All of Us Research Program and why she is proud to be a part of the initiative.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Protecting Data and Privacy | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Description: Website, titled " Protecting Data and Privacy," that details how the All of Us Program ensures data collected from participants will be safe.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: Achieving the Principles through a Precision Medicine Initiative Data Security Policy Framework | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Description: The official NIH All of Us Research Program website for the program's "Achieving the Principles through a Precision Medicine Initiative Data Security Policy Framework." The page details how the All of Us Research Program's security program, including the five principles the program utilizes to maintain security: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: Data Security Policy Principles


Description: The official NIH All of Us Research Program website for the program's "Data Security Policy Principles."

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: Preguntas Frecuentes del Programa


Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "Preguntas Frecuentes del Programa," listing frequently asked questions along with their answers about the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Estamos invitando a un millón de personas a formar el camino hacia una mejor salud.


Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "Estamos invitando a un millón de personas a formar el camino hacia una mejor salud." This is a general informative sheet or flyer for the All of Us Research Program. It answers general questions about the program and what precision medicine is.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: El futuro de la salud comienza con usted


Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "El futuro de la salud comienza con usted," discussing what precision medicine and the All of Us Research Program is.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Future of Health


Description: PDF, titled "Future of Health," of a advertisement flyer for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: El futuro de la salud comienza con usted


Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "El futuro de la salud comienza con usted," of a advertisement flyer for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Cómo me inscribo al Programa Científi co All of Us?


Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "Cómo me inscribo al Programa Científi co All of Us?," detailing how to sign up for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: What is the All of Us Research Program?


Description: PDF, titled "What is the All of Us Research Program?" This is a general brochure with information on the All of Us Research Program. The brochure answers frequently asked questions along with general questions about the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Invisible No Longer


Description: PDF, titled "Invisible No Longer," of a advertisement flyer for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Your electronic health record (EHR): The facts


Description: PDF, titled "Your electronic health record (EHR): The facts," detailing what an electronic health record is, why it is important, how the All of Us Research Program will keep the data safe, and why people should join the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Su registro electrónico de salud


Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "Su registro electrónico de salud," detailing what an electronic health record is, why it is important, how the All of Us Research Program will keep the data safe, and why people should join the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Diversity Fact Sheet


Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "Diversity Fact Sheet," detailing how diversity is important to the All of Us Research Program and how the program addresses concerns participants may have.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Diversity Fact Sheet


Description: PDF, titled "Diversity Fact Sheet," detailing how diversity is important to the All of Us Research Program and how the program addresses concerns participants may have.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: We’re calling on one million people to lead the way toward better health.


Description: PDF, titled "We’re calling on one million people to lead the way toward better health." This is a general informative sheet or flyer for the All of Us Research Program. It answers general questions about the program and what precision medicine is.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Program FAQs


Description: PDF, titled "Program FAQs," listing frequently asked questions along with their answers about the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: What is the All of Us Research Program?


Description: PDF, titled "What is the All of Us Research Program?" This is the general brochure for the All of Us Research Program and gives a brief overview of the program, answers frequently asked questions, and has some contact information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: What is the All of Us Research Program?


Description: PDF, titled "What is the All of Us Research Program?" This is the general brochure for the All of Us Research Program and gives a brief overview of the program, answers frequently asked questions, and has some contact information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: What is the All of Us Research Program?


Description: PDF, titled "What is the All of Us Research Program?" This is the general brochure for the All of Us Research Program and gives a brief overview of the program, answers frequently asked questions, and has some contact information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: What is the All of Us Research Program?


Description: PDF, titled "What is the All of Us Research Program?" This is the general brochure for the All of Us Research Program and gives a brief overview of the program, answers frequently asked questions, and has some contact information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Operational Protocol: The All of Us Research Program


Description: PDF, titled "Operational Protocol: The All of Us Research Program," detailing the All of Us Research Program's background, rationale, objectives, overview, recruitment, enrollment, and program procedures. The documents also delves into possible issues, risks, and benefits of the program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Save the Date


Description: PDF of a save the date for an All of Us Research Program Listening Session and some brief information about the session.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: Considerations for Meaningful Collaboration with Tribal Populations


Description: PDF, titled "Considerations for Meaningful Collaboration with Tribal Populations," which details The Tribal Collaboration Working Group Report to the All of Us Research Program Advisory Panel. The document details the health systems of Native Tribes, the purpose of the working group in trying to include Native Peoples in the All of Us Research Program, and what the inclusivity would entail.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: Homepage | All of Us


Description: Website, titled "All of Us Research Program," of the main All of Us organization which collects medical data from individuals to be used in the future for research. This main page contains links to videos, newsletters, virtual health programs, and a place to apply for funding.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Digital Health Literacy | All of Us


Description: Website, titled "Digital Health Literacy," detailing what digital health literacy is and provides resources to learn about digital health and why it is important.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Engagement Resources Library | All of Us


Description: Website, titled "Engagement Resource Library," that provides resources from NLM, NNLM, and All of Us that can be used by sub awardees and partner libraries to engage with their communities about digital literacy, health literacy, and the NIH All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Genomics: A Revolution in Health and Disease Discovery | All of Us


Description: Website, titled "Genomics: A Revolution in Health and Disease Discovery," detailing one a ready-to-use reading club kit curated by the Network of the National Library of Medicine. The kit contains materials related to "Genomics: A Revolution in Health and Disease Discovery," including a recorded talk with the authors. Additional films and resources are present on the page.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Human Genetics Film Kits | All of Us


Description: Website, titled "Human Genetics Film Kits," detailing the film kits curated by the Network of the National Library of Medicine and their contents. The film kits are designed to support public libraries in raising scientific literacy and awareness of precision medicine. Through attending screenings of the films and participating in related discussions, library patrons will learn about human genetics and the advance of precision medicine.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Learn Internet Skills | All of Us


Description: Website, titled "Learn Internet Skills," from the All of Us Research Program's main website that teaches individuals how to use the internet safely.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Network | All of Us


Description: Website, titled "NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Network," detailing the NNLM community and what they do, how they do it, how individuals can get involved, and giving examples of some of the areas people can help in.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Precision Medicine Traveling Exhibit | All of Us


Description: Website, titled "Precision Medicine Traveling Exhibit," that details the traveling exhibit produced by Network of the National Library of Medicine to promote the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: ALL OUR VOICES: Conversations about Health & Wellness | All of Us


Description: Website, titled "ALL OUR VOICES: Conversations about Health & Wellness," detailing the partnership between NNLM and StoryCorps that was created to support awareness of the All of Us Research Program. A tool kit with related materials on the ALL OUR VOICES project is available.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Virtual Health Programs | All of Us


Description: Website, titled "Virtual Health Programs," that lists upcoming and previous virtual events organized by NNLM. These events are created and distributed to inform individuals about health information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: UC Davis Health: A Member of All of Us California


Description: Website, titled "UC Davis Health: A Member of All of Us California," of the All of Us partner in California, University of California Davis Health. The site details important information for individuals looking to join the All of Us program in California. Information found on the page includes: locations, team members, events, contact information, and how to get started.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: All Of Us Research Program


Description: Website, titled "All of Us Research Program - UCSD," dedicated to the All of Us partner in California, University of California Sand Diego. The site gives relevant information for individuals in the San Diego area wishing to join the All of Us program, including participating locations and blood bank locations.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: All of Us Wisconsin | The future of health in Wisconsin begins with All of Us Badgers!


Description: Website, titled " All of Us Research Program - Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Madison," of the Wisconsin partner for the All of Us Program. The website details how Wisconsinites can join, why they should join, and has other promotional materials.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: AoU Minority Student Research Symposium


Description: Website, titled "All of Us Research Program Minority Student Research Symposium," dedicated to the Minority Student Research Symposium that occurred on May 22, 202Details, such as an agenda, speakers, partners, and frequently asked questions can be found on the site.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: StoryCorps Archive: All Our Voices


Description: Website, titled "StoryCorps Archive: All Our Voices," hosted by StoryCorps where individuals could upload their interviews about the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Team Scientist in Rockville, Maryland, United States


Description: Website, titled "Leidos - Team Scientist," detailing a Team Scientist position in Rockville, Maryland. Qualifications, benefits, job description, and information about Leidos is provided on the page.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: United Health Group - Medical Research Assistant – Reliant Medical Group


Description: Website, titled "United Health Group - Medical Research Assistant – Reliant Medical Group," detailing a position for a Medical Research Assistant in Worcester, Massachusetts. Information on the position and the hiring company are provided on the page.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Nutrition for Precision Health, powered by the All of Us Research Program | NIH Common Fund


Description: All of Us Research Program snap shot detailing the goals and objectives for NIH Common Fund’s Nutrition for Precision Health, powered by the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Research Projects Using Collected Data

Title: NIH’s All of Us program aims to increase diversity in medical research


Description: News article, titled "Arizonans enroll in All of Us program to increase diversity in medical research," detailing the All of Us Research Program in Arizona, how the program differs from other research initiatives, what the data collected will be used for, and what securities are in place to protect participants.

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Subject:   Public Response

Title: NIH “All of Us” Program Takes on Study of COVID Among Racial Minorities


Description: News article, titled "NIH “All of Us” Program Takes on Study of COVID Among Racial Minorities," detailing how the All of Us Research Program has incorporated surveys about COVID-19 and how minorities were impacted by COVID-19.

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Subject:   COVID-19

Title: All of Us Data Browser


Description: Website, titled "Data browser," that is part of the All of Us Research Program Hub. The Data browser allows for individuals to view publicly available data collected by the All of Us Research Program. Data collected is broken down into different subjects.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: All of Us Research Program


Description: Project report for the All of Us Research Program at the University of California San Diego. The report gives a brief description of the project, staff involved with the project, project dates, contact information, and location information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Returning value to research participants through digital health tools


Description: News article, titled "Returning value to research participants through digital health tools," detailing how to return value to research participants including via mobile health resources. The All of Us Research Program's app is mentioned in the article and a guide to using the app has been provided.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: StoryCorps D.I.Y.: All Our Voices


Description: Website, titled "StoryCorps D.I.Y.: All Our Voices," that allows libraries and organizations to promote discussing health by creating a virtual community where individuals share their stories and discussions.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: How EHR Data, Survey Responses Can Mitigate Clinical Research Bias


Description: News article, titled "How EHR Data, Survey Responses Can Mitigate Clinical Research Bias," discussing the use of EHR, Electronic Health Records, in the All of Us Research Program and how these EHRs can have some discrepancies with a patient's full medical history due to varying factors.

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Subject:   Research Projects Using Collected Data

Title: All of Us (initiative) - Wikipedia


Description: Wikipedia entry for the All of Us Research Program. The entry includes information on the program's core values, who can join, what data is collected, budget information, partner information, responses to the program, and the program's progress.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Science Wants Your Data | FiveThirtyEight


Description: News article, titled "Science Wants Your Data," detailing the All of Us program and some of the issues the program may encounter, such as finding enough participants, training researchers in utilizing data only on NIH servers, and security issues. The article concludes with specific questions the author feels participants should ask of the program.

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Subject:   Public Response

Title: JHCHC Careers


Description: Website, titled "JHCHC Careers," detailing different career opportunities at Jackson Hinds Comprehensive Health Center, including the Deputy Principal Investigator position for the All of US Research Program. The site includes some brief information on the position as well as the education requirement.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: NIH's Huge All of Us Research Program Launches This Weekend | Fortune


Description: News article, titled "Enrollment for the NIH’s Ambitious ‘All of Us’ Precision Medicine Project Begins This Weekend," announcing that the All of Us Research Program was beginning enrollment on Sunday, May 6th, 2018.

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Subject:   Public Response

Title: How Obama's Precision Medicine Initiative Will Revolutionize Healthcare


Description: Article, titled "How Obama's Precision Medicine Initiative Will Revolutionize Healthcare," discussing Obama's State of the Union speech in which he announced the Precision Medicine Initiative. The article discusses what is meant by precision medicine, what kind of approach the initiative will take, and what some of the challenges to the program may be.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

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