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Description: The Green Muslim Project is an initiative supported & launched by Islamic Cultural Centre UK & London Central Mosque under the leadership of Director General Dr. Ahmed Al Dubayan. The organisation has an environmental focus and encourages Muslims to donate money to plant trees across the UK. Website no longer working (last checked September 2024).
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Type of Organisation: Charitable donations
Topics: Activism, Environment
Type of Website: Informational, Donation service
Description: The Ayaan Institute is a think-tank that produces analysis and publications to stimulate new thinking and policies to solve the complex problems facing Muslims around the world.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Research
Location: London
Topics: Policy
Type of Website: Informational
Description: New Beginings was formed in 2020 in Oldham by Bilal Brown to provide support, companionship and education for new Muslims.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy
Location: Oldham
Topics: New Muslim Support, Islamic Education
Type of Website: Informational
Description: The Convert Muslim Foundation provides various types of support and networking opportunities for Muslim converts in the UK. They provide education and training for converts and those wishing to support them, direct advice, signposting and conduct related research. The Foundation has existed for around 30 years according to their website (last checked September 2024).
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Research
Topics: New Muslim Support, Research, Education
Type of Website: Informational
Description: The Institute for Islamic Strategic Affairs (IISA) is a global think-tank that provides consultancy to governments, NGOs, and INGOs. Its work focuses especially on conflict resolution and security. It is founded by Usama Butt.
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Type of Organisation: Research
Location: London, National, International
Topics: Policy, Conflict, Politics, Research
Type of Website: Informational
Description: The Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK (MPACUK), civil liberties pressure group, setup in 2001 to encourage civil engagement within the Muslim community at all levels in the UK. It campaigns against Islamophobia and offers training and tools for Muslim communities to becomes organised to do the same.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Campaigning
Topics: Islamophobia, Politics
Location: National
Type of Website: Informational
Description: Established in 2020, this innovative initiative conducts online surveys, interviews and collates data on British Muslims to increase the evidence base for issues that require representation to policy makers and media institutions.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Research
Topics: British Muslims, Data collection, Research, Policy, Politics, Inequalities
Location: National
Type of Website: Informational
Description: A UK-based collective of Muslim volunteers that works with Muslims in prisons by sharing resources (financial grants and books) and offering support and draws public attention to the needs and experiences of those who are incarcerated.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Campaigning
Topics: Support, Muslims in Prison, Research
Location: National
Type of Website: Informational
Description: The New Horizons project was founded by Dilwar Hussain and intends to promote greater recognition of the diversity of views in the Islamic tradition and challenge narrow interpretations. It arranges public events that engage in critical discussions around identity, tradition and reform, to provide a positive, contextual vision of Islam in Britain.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Campaigning
Religious Affiliation: Progressive
Topics: Religious Reform, British Muslims, New Muslims, Inequalities, Education
Type of Website: Informational
Description: This project was founded and lead by Taj Hargey. It aims to conduct and present a Quran-centric interpretation of Islam that is contextualised in Britain. It intends to do this by conducting dependently-funded policy research that reframes debates on faith in British Muslim communities.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Research
Religious Affiliation: Quranist, Progressive
Location: Oxford
Topics: Quran, British Muslims, Religious Reform, Education, Policy
Type of Website: Informational
Description: Founded 2008 by Yusuf Patel, the SREIslamic provided Muslim parents with face to face and online workshops to navigate LGBTQ related topics in schools. Name changed to 'Muslim Family Initiative' between April and September 2024 - see separate entry with new website.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Research
Topics: Sex Education, Schools, Education, Policy
Location: National
Type of Website: Informational
Description: Set up to tackling anti-Muslim hatred and records instance of hate crime. It produces reports and briefings, engages policy makers and also works with police forces across England, Wales and Scotland to try to seek justice for victims through the prosecution of perpetrators.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Research
Topics: community, activism, media, politics, Islamophobia, Policy
Location: National
Type of Website: Informational
Description: The Cordoba Foundation is a UK-based research and advisory group with the stated aim of “bridging the gap of understanding between the Muslim World and the West” It was established in London in 2005 by Anas Al-Tikriti
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Type of Organisation: Research
Topics: Politics, Policy, Coexistence
Location: National, International
Type of Website: Informational
Description: A website focused on the theme of peace run by the Ahmadiyyah community in the UK which is led by Mirza Masroor Ahmed. Blog highlights activities including interfaith conferences and peace walks.
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Type of Organisation: Campaigning
Religious Affiliation: Ahmadiyyah
Topics: Religious Leadership, Coexistence
Type of Website: Informational
Description: A British based Muslim campaign group that works nationally and internationally to challenge discriminatory state policies and advocate for due process and the rule of law. It works with the survivors of the ‘War on Terror’ and seeks to empower communities through educational work-shops, community events and seminars.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Campaigning, Research
Location: National, International
Topics: community, activism, Islamophobia, Policy, Politics
Type of Website: Informational
Description: Set up in 2004 , Helping Households Under Great Stress (HHUGS) is a UK an advocacy and support group that offers financial, emotional and practical support and advice to Muslim households impacted by counter-terrorism, national security and extremism-related laws, policies and procedures, in the UK and abroad. It also provides pastoral care and rehabilitation for victims.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy
Topics: Prevent, Inequalities, Support
Location: National
Type of Website: Informational
Description: IFEES was founded by Fazlun Khalid and is a UK based charity dedicated to increasing environmental awareness from an Islamic perspective. The earliest such initiative in the UK, since the mid-1980s, has produced research, teaching materials and training to educate Muslim communities and wider society.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Campaigning
Topics: education, Environment, Activism
Location: National, International
Type of Website: Informational
Description: The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is an independent campaign, research and advocacy that was set up in 1997 to investigate, expose and report on human rights abuses. It runs campaigns, produces reports that are launched at international levels such as the EU and The Hague and also hold regular book launches and conferences with academic and community activists.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Research, Campaigning, Legal advice
Topics: community, activism, media, politics, Policy, Islamophobia, Inequalities
Description: Maslaha seeks to change and challenge the conditions that create inequalities for Muslim communities in areas such as education, gender, criminal justice, health, negative media coverage. It focuses on three areas; educating and empowering Muslim communities, educating public service providers and wider society to better understand Muslims and other marginalised communities and influencing systemic change and replicating local success at a national level
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Campaigning
Topics: Inequalities, Policy, Activism, Education, Gender, Health
Location: National
Type of Website: Informational
Description: MEND is an advocacy platform that seeks to encourage active citizenship among British Muslims in local communities by becoming more actively involved in British media and politics. It seeks to do this by encouraging voter registration before elections, lobbying of MPs, Members of the House of Lords and raising of political awareness of Muslim communities. It also aims to challenge Islamophobia in the media by providing analysis of news coverage of Muslims in the U.K.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Campaigning
Topics: activism, media, politics, policy, Islamophobia
Location: National
Type of Website: Informational
Description: This advocacy group focuses on challenging the UK Government’s Prevent counter terrorism policy. Led by Dr Layla Aitlhadj, it produces guidance, resources and supports individuals who have been affected by Prevent.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Campaigning
Topics: activism, media, politics, Policy, Prevent, Islamophobia, Support
Location: National
Type of Website: Informational
Description: Created by after the actor Riz Ahmed's 2017 speech in the House of Commons on diversity on screen, the Riz Test rates how Muslims are portrayed on Film and TV and scores them according to a set of criteria.
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Type of Organisation: Campaigning
Topics: Media, Islamophobia, Inequalities
Location: National
Type of Website: Informational
Description: A charity, largely run by volunteers, providing support for people affected by Islamophobic incidents in England and Wales. Provides free legal advice to victims, signposts to other services and aims to shape policy around Islamophobia.
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Type of Organisation: Advocacy, Legal advice
Location: National
Topics: Islamophobia, Support, Inequalities, Policy
Type of Website: Informational
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