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Biodiversity in Italy - Activism & Associationism

Collected by: National Biodiversity Future Center - Università di Padova

Archived since: Jun, 2023


The project intends to archive the main web pages that talk and have talked about biodiversity in Italy from the 1990s to the present, giving future historians the opportunity to reconstruct, also using quantitative methods, the themes, actors, possible silences and evolution that have characterised the Italian debate on the subject. Two collections in particular will be created: - Institutions (sites created by political, museum, scientific, journalistic institutions...) - Activism and associations (sites created or frequented by associations relevant to the issue of biodiversity and its conservation. A third collection could cover all the web material created by the project, to ensure its longevity through the use of authoritative and widely used online archives

Subject:   Science & Health Arts & Humanities Politics & Elections Italy Biodiversity

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Title: Boschilla. Il suono del tuo passo


Description: Association dedicated to the protection and enhancement of mountain landscapes and inland areas through the production of audio and video documentaries

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Accademia Kronos


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Title: Ambiente e/è Vita


Description: Association committed to environmental protection and sustainable development

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Anpana


Description: The National Association for the Protection of Animals, Nature, and the Environment was founded in Rome on April 3, 1985, and is now present throughout Italy. Its objectives are to protect animals, nature, and the environment, and to carry out suitable monitoring of compliance with general and local laws and regulations concerning the protection of nature, the environment, and animals.

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Subject:   Animals & Wildlife

Title: ASOIM - Associazione Studi Ornitologici Italia Meridionale


Description: The association was founded in 1986, bringing together university professors, researchers, university students, and birdwatching enthusiasts. It promotes ornithological and faunistic research and knowledge, supporting scientific work of international, national, and local interest, collaborates in wildlife conservation, studies and defends the environment in southern Italy, gathers birdwatching enthusiasts from Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, and Calabria, organizing training and educational activities.

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Subject:   Biodiversity Animals and Wildlife

Title: Guardia Nazionale Ambientale


Description: Guardia Nazionale Ambientale is a third-level National Entity - now also recognized internationally - established in 2001 with the aim of creating a democratic body with a dual objective: the aggregation of women and men who, in a democratic and law-abiding manner as per the dictates of Law 266/1991, come together to safeguard the environment. Similarly, it is an organization with a pyramidal organizational structure, attentive to the respect of individual roles, made up of volunteers who, freely and without any distinction, have chosen to dedicate part of their free time to others and to nature in all its forms.

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Subject:   Animals and Wildlife

Title: Guardie Ambientali


Description: Guardie Ambientali d'Italia organized into Regional, Provincial, and Municipal groups, operate under a single statute registered and approved by the competent authorities. They work within programs agreed upon in conventions with the aforementioned administrations. Their jurisdiction covers the municipalities of the provinces to which they belong, where they operate as Public Officers with administrative or judicial police functions, issuing appropriate "Decrees" in hunting, fishing, environmental, and animal welfare matters. They are tasked with ensuring compliance with laws and regulations protecting the environment, contributing to the development and activities related to the conservation of natural and landscape heritage.

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Subject:   Animals and Wildlife

Title: InFestanti


Description: Association established in 2006 to carry out awareness-raising actions on sustainable agriculture, public health, cooperation, and environmental protection

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Subject:   Biodiversity Agro-ecology

Title: L.I.D.A Lega Italiana dei Diritti dell'Animale


Description: Since its establishment in 1977, the Italian League for Animal Rights has advocated for the legal recognition of animals' natural rights and campaigned against all forms of violence towards humans and non-human entities. The organization practices and promotes cultural shifts in human-animal relationships, aiming for lifestyles and political decisions founded on respect and solidarity towards all living beings, regardless of species.

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Subject:   Animals and Wildlife

Title: Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli (LIPU)


Description: Lipu is the association for nature conservation, biodiversity protection, and the promotion of ecological culture in Italy. With 30,000 supporters, nearly 100 local branches, over 600 active volunteers, and dozens of operators, technicians, and educators, Lipu serves as a reference point for nature conservation in Italy. Each year, Lipu cares for over 15,000 wild animals in difficulty at numerous Recovery Centers or First Aid Centers across various parts of Italy. They manage 30 Oases and Reserves where nature is protected and accessible for visitors.

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Subject:   Animals and Wildlife

Title: Movimento Azzurro | Associazione di Protezione Ambientale


Description: Movimento Azzurro, headquartered in Rome, is an environmental protection association with characteristics of volunteering and a Non-Profit Organization of Social Utility at the national level, recognized by the State under law 349/86 (Ministerial Decree) and established in Eco-Sections founded by individuals who identify with the tradition and values of Christian social doctrine and who are committed to promoting initiatives aimed at enhancing the conservation of nature, environmental reparation, and a correct and positive relationship between humans and the environment

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: N.O.G.E.Z | Nucleo Operativo Guarde Zoolofile


Description: Animal protection association to counteract illicit activities and actions against animals and the environment

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Subject:   Activism

Title: No Grandi Navi


Description: Network of associations for the removal of cruise ships from the Basin of San Marco and the Venice lagoon

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Subject:   Activism

Title: Comitato NO TAV - Torino


Description: No Tav Torino was informally founded, based on a Charter of Intentions, on December 13, 2002, to specifically oppose the construction of the proposed high-speed and high-capacity railway lines, particularly the Turin-Lyon line

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Title: Forum Nazionale Salviamo il Paesaggio


Description: Salviamo il Paesaggio is an organization dedicated to designing and launching awareness and education campaigns against the destruction of the territory; it particularly targets public institutions to implement appropriate policies for environmental protection

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: 16 Dicembre Carrara


Description: Website gathering all news related to the event on December 16, 2023, against the extractivist development model that is destroying the Apuan Alps in Tuscany

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Subject:   Climate Biodiversity

Title: Ambiente Mare Italia


Description: Ambiente Mare Italia places education, research, and study related to biodiversity conservation and the enhancement of the territory at the core of its activities.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Ambiente e non solo


Description: Journalist Marco Talluri's blog dedicated to the environment and biodiversity conservation

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Subject:   Biodiversity Waste and Pollution

Title: Associazione Ambiente e Lavoro


Description: Associazione Ambiente e Lavoro was founded in 1988 to promote environmental protection and safety in living and working environments through concrete and achievable proposals in a short timeframe, supported by analyses of absolute scientific rigor and technical feasibility, while fostering information and education

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Title: Animalisti Italiani


Description: Animalisti Italiani is an association founded in 1998 with the aim of promoting in our country a culture based on respect for the right to life of all living beings, humans, and animals, against all forms of violence, exploitation, and abuse

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Subject:   Animals and Wildlife

Title: Anta - Associazione Nazionale per la Tutela dell'Ambiente


Description: Association dedicated to environmental protection in its many facets

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Apuane Libere


Description: Apuane Libere is a project aimed at safeguarding the Apuan Alps not only concerning their protection from marble extraction but also for the enhancement of the specific ecosystem of the area. The project's goal is to promote environmental research and support all alternative economic activities to the marble trade that can safeguard the territory.

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Subject:   Biodiversity Climate

Title: A Sud


Description: A Sud is an independent, radical, horizontal, feminist environmental non-governmental organization. They investigate the causes of environmental crises, denounce the responsible parties, defend human rights, build tools for local communities, and provide education and information.

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Subject:   Climate Agro-ecology Waste and Pollution

Title: Athamanta


Description: Athamanta is an informal organization composed of associations, collectives, and citizens fighting against marble extraction from the Apuan Alps, against environmental devastation, and for the promotion of an alternative and sustainable economy for the territory. Athamanta promotes walks and trekking to raise awareness among the population about the issues related to marble quarries

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Subject:   Biodiversity Climate

Title: Il Bilancione Fiumicino


Description: Citizens' committee against the construction of the Concordia Tourist Port in Fiumicino, Rome

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Subject:   Activism


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Title: Brigate Verdi


Description: Brigate Verdi is an environmental association that focuses on land conservation, promotes sustainable agricultural practices, and advocates for the recycling of materials that can be transformed into new objects

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Subject:   Biodiversity Waste and Pollution Agro-ecology

Title: Comune-info


Description: Comune-info is an Italian website dedicated to social mobilizations in Italy, with particular attention to ecological mobilizations, labor struggles and self-management of social spaces

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Subject:   News & Insights

Title: Crinali Liberi


Description: Blog dedicated to the environmental protection of the Mugello's territory, in Tuscany

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Eco-istituto del Veneto "Alex Langer"


Description: The Eco-Institute of Veneto 'Alex Langer' is an environmental association founded in Mestre in 1996 to promote ecological awareness regarding resource usage and waste disposal, sustainable mobility, and public health

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Subject:   Waste and Pollution Biodiversity

Title: Equologia


Description: Website that gathers news on the environment, renewable energy, sustainable mobility, and public health

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Subject:   Biodiversity Waste and Pollution

Title: Extinction Rebellion - Italia


Description: The website of the Extinction Rebellion Italian committee

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Title: Fondazione per la Flora Italiana


Description: The Foundation for Italian Flora aims to support activities related to the study, conservation, and cultural and scientific enhancement of flora in Italy. It also seeks to raise awareness among the population about the various activities it carries out.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: FAI Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano


Description: FAI Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano is a non-profit foundation established in 1975, following the model of the National Trust, with the aim of protecting and enhancing Italy's historical, artistic, and landscape heritage.

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Title: Fra Cielo e Terra


Description: A blog that gathers ecological mobilizations and events related to the world of sustainable agriculture in Italy

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Subject:   News & Insights

Title: Fridays for Future Italia


Description: The website of the Italian Fridays for Future committee

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Title: Genuino Clandestino


Description: National network of associations and informal groups advocating for food sovereignty, sustainable agriculture, and environmentally-friendly and fair food production chains

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Subject:   Agro-ecology

Title: GreenAccord


Description: Greenaccord is a non-profit Cultural Association, inspired by Christian values, founded to encourage the commitment of all men and women of any belief or religious denomination on the theme of nature conservation. Greenaccord organizes a series of national and international forums aimed at all media professionals with the aim of promoting a secular and in-depth reflection through continuous debate on the role and responsibility of journalists regarding ecological issues.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Green Cross Italia


Description: Green Cross Italy was established on March 18, 1998, following a brief consultation period among key figures from the realms of politics, environmentalism, culture, science, and social engagement. It promotes a global shift in humanitarian aid, guided by a relationship with nature and the foundations of life on the planet.

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Subject:   Activism

Title: Aree protette e biodiversità Archives - Greenreport: economia ecologica e sviluppo sostenibile


Description: All the news regarding biodiversity and protected areas from Green Report, an online newspaper on ecology and economics. Starts from 2013

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Gruppo d'Intervento Giuridico (GrIG)


Description: Gruppo d’Intervento Giuridico (GrIG) is an environmental association born in Cagliari in June 1992 and operates autonomously, upon notification from associations, committees, and individual citizens. Its activity is focused on the use of legal tools to defend the territory and its environmental, naturalistic, landscape, archaeological, historical, and cultural values from the attacks carried out daily by speculators, polluters, and unfortunately, insensitive, careless, or even complicit public administrators.

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Subject:   Activism

Title: Associazione Il Sentiero


Description: The association 'Il Sentiero' operates in the field of environmental education and ecotourism in one of the most significant areas of the Apuan Alps Regional Park, organizing socialization events to enhance and develop activities related to nature tourism, including the organization of stays, green weeks, and excursions for individuals, organizations, and public schools.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Il Giornale dell'Ambiente


Description: Website gathering daily news on the environment, sustainable lifestyle, and events aimed at enhancing landscape and territory

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Subject:   Biodiversity Climate

Title: Lega Italiana Difesa Animali e Ambiente


Description: Lega Italiana Difesa Animali e Ambiente aims to contribute to the dissemination and consolidation of a new animalist consciousness and respect for the environment through public debate, media campaigns, education at various school levels, and constructive dialogue with all institutions. The organization fights for the conservation of nature, the protection of wildlife, the abolition of hunting, the fight against poaching, illegal wildlife trade, and illegal activities harmful to nature and animals in general. It promotes a more sustainable lifestyle and dietary choices. It opposes all forms of animal abuse, advocates for the abolition of live experimentation, intensive farming, the use of animals in circuses, shows, and popular events, seeks to ban zoos and dolphinariums, and opposes the breeding, capture, and killing of animals for fur.

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Subject:   Animals and Wildlife

Title: Mare Vivo


Description: Since 1985, Marevivo has been working to protect the sea and the environment, combating pollution and illegal fishing, studying biodiversity, promoting and enhancing marine protected areas, providing education in schools and universities for sustainable development, and raising awareness on all issues related to the sea.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: MedReAct | In Azione per il Mar Mediterraneo


Description: MedReAct was founded in 2014 by a group of activists to counter the loss of biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea. It defends the Mediterranean from the impact of indiscriminate fishing practices and operates in direct contact with local communities, the scientific community, activists, and maritime operators. MedReAct collaborates and networks with other organizations committed to safeguarding the sea. Believing in actions that yield tangible results, MedReAct demonstrates its achievements. One such accomplishment is the protection of the Pomo Trench, where, thanks to its determination, the largest marine reserve in the Adriatic was established, yielding extraordinary results not only in the recovery of fish species but also in the biodiversity of the Adriatic.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Mondeggi Bene Comune


Description: A community located in the municipality of Bagno a Ripoli (Florence) that fights for food sovereignty and land redistribution through the self-management of a farm and an olive grove

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Subject:   Agro-ecology

Title: Mountain Genius


Description: Website for news and events on environmental sustainability, biodiversity conservation, and stories of mountain-related sports challenges

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Natour Biowatching


Description: Natour Biowatching is an association of environmental guides dedicated to biodiversity and wildlife conservation, particularly focusing on birds

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Subject:   Animals and Wildlife

Title: No CCS


Description: A website that gathers social mobilizations against environmental disasters caused by mismanagement of cement factories in Italy, which severely impact the environment and biodiversity

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Subject:   Waste and Pollution

Title: Nunatak. Rivista di storie, culture, lotte della montagna


Description: A quarterly magazine focused on the mountain environment, its biodiversity, and the environmental conflicts that characterize it

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Subject:   Biodiversity Animals and Wildlife

Title: Pfas Land


Description: A website that collects information and events related to the social struggles risen to eliminate PFAS from agricultural practices

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Subject:   Waste and Pollution Agro-ecology Biodiversity


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Title: Rete Rus


Description: RUS - Network of Universities for Sustainable Development is the first experience of coordination and sharing among all Italian universities committed to the issues of environmental sustainability and social responsibility. The main purpose of the Network is to promote the culture and good practices of sustainability, both within and outside the universities (at urban, regional, national, and international levels), in order to increase the positive impacts in environmental, ethical, social, and economic terms of the actions undertaken by the members of the Network. This contributes to achieving the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and strengthens the visibility and value of the Italian experience at the international level.

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Subject:   Biodiversity Agro-ecology



Description: RISE UP 4 CLIMATE JUSTICE is a radical political space demanding a change of course and a tangible alternative to a system that is plundering our planet and jeopardizing our present and future. We take action and mobilize against the giants responsible for the climate crisis. The climate issue is not something we can turn back on. The concept of climate justice must be a vector for radical and comprehensive transformation, where the reconfiguration of capital's contradictions and the autonomy of the movement spaces we create materialize the contestation we launch against those forces implementing new forms of domination and exploitation.

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Title: Salviamo San Giuliano avvelenata dal Tav


Description: Blog curated by the citizens of San Giuliano, in the municipality of Susa, a place particularly affected by the construction of the TAV tunnel. It gathers insights and mobilization events

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Title: Ultima Generazione


Description: Website of the Italian "Ultima Generazione" - "Last Generation", an environmentalist activist group born in 2021

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Subject:   Climate

Title: L'Umana Dimora


Description: The Environmental Association L'Umana Dimora, born within the framework of the Compagnia delle Opere, is a recognized environmental association, accredited by the Ministry of the Environment as an "Environmental Protection Association" under Article 13 of Law No. 349 of 8/7/1986. L'Umana Dimora aims to promote a passionate study of the environment and its natural elements (water, air, mineral rocks, plants, animals, landscapes), and a more direct, healthy, and respectful interaction with nature by humans through reasonable and rational use of agriculture, breeding forms, agritourism, and territorial planning

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: LAC Lega Abolizione Caccia


Description: LAC promotes wildlife defense, environmental conservation, and restoration through legal, political, cultural, educational, informative, and editorial initiatives

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Subject:   Animals and Wildlife


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Title: AISA - Associazione Nazionale Sicurezza Ambientale


Description: AISA is an association dedicated to the training of zookeepers and environmental conservation.

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Title: Alberi in Comune


Description: Environmental association dedicated to urban reforestation in the municipality of San Donà di Piave, in the Veneto region.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Alternativa Sostenibile


Description: Magazine collecting articles on environmental conservation, particularly focusing on sustainable construction and technologies

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Subject:   Biodiversity Waste and Pollution

Title: Amici della Terra Italia


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Subject:   Biodiversity Waste & Pollution


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Title: Archeoplastica


Description: Project for the recovery and cataloging of plastic waste found on Italian beaches to raise awareness about the issue of plastic pollution in the sea.

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Subject:   Waste & Pollution

Title: Associazione Agriambiente


Description: Environmentalist association based in Rome committed to biodiversity conservation and sustainable agriculture in respect of environmental balance

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Subject:   Agro-ecology Biodiversity

Title: Associazione Terra!


Description: Terra! is an environmentalist association committed since 2008 at the local, national, and international levels in projects and campaigns on environmental and ecological agriculture issues. They work in collaboration with associations, committees, and civil society organizations for the ecological transition of the food system, promoting a development model based on respect for rights.

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Subject:   Agro-ecology

Title: Spinta dal bass


Description: Organization against the TAV and environmental devastation active in the territory of the province of Turin

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Title: Bologna for Climate Justice


Description: Bologna for Climate Justice is an informal network of individuals and organizations based in Bologna and Emilia Romagna committed to the fight against climate change and promoting sustainable mobility

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Subject:   Climate Waste and Pollution

Title: Il bosco di Ogigia


Description: The Bosco di Ogigia is a project aimed at promoting good environmental and agricultural practice

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Title: Terra Nostra


Description: Terranostra, the environmental association of Coldiretti, aims to promote and support agritourism activities with a focus on protecting and enhancing the natural resources of rural areas. Its actions seek to improve the relationship between humans and the environment, agriculture and tourism, agricultural entrepreneurs and citizen-consumers, rural and urban worlds. The initiatives and activities are therefore inspired by the protection of natural resources, territory, and landscape and forestry heritage, the development of the receptive potential of agricultural companies, the conservation, proper use, and enhancement of rural building heritage, the protection of the specificity and authenticity of agri-food and artisan products, and the preservation of rural traditions and cultures.

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Subject:   Agro-ecology

Title: Campi Aperti


Description: Association promoting sustainable and organic agriculture by organizing self-managed weekly markets in the city of Bologna and arranging meetings and mobilizations on ecological and anti-racist issues

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Subject:   Agro-ecology

Title: Centro Studi Cetacei Onlus


Description: Centro Studi Cetacei, as a research group of the Italian Society of Natural Sciences, was founded in 1985 and is recognized by the competent Ministries as a suitable reference and coordination point for interventions and studies on cetaceans.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Città del Bio


Description: Città del Bio is the association that brings together municipalities and territorial entities sharing the choice to promote organic agriculture, understood not only in its cultivation model sense, but above all as a cultural project.

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Subject:   Agro-ecology

Title: Codici Ambiente


Description: Codici Ambiente is an association born in 2010 dedicated to the protection of the environment and animals, as well as the health and psychophysical well-being of individuals connected to environmental and wildlife conservation, historical-archaeological, and landscape assets

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Subject:   Biodiversity


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Title: Earth - Associazione per la tutela giuridica della natura e dei diritti


Description: The association promotes environmental awareness campaigns and training courses for zookeepers.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Etna Viva


Description: Etna Viva was established in 2000 to seek a condition of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and more broadly, to disseminate knowledge about the unique characteristics of each territory, particularly the area surrounding Mount Etna

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: ‘Historic’ vote means Italian state must now protect animals and ecosystems


Description: Article dedicated to the introduction of animals and environment protection into the Italian Constitution

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Subject:   Biodiversity Animals & Wildlife

Title: Fare Ambiente


Description: Fare Ambiente is a European ecological movement for sustainable development for the adoption of provisions and measures suitable for environmental protection and, at the same time, for its enhancement through the orderly development of territorial potential, as well as human resources, both individual and collective, aimed at integral progress, and therefore, moral, civil, and socio-economic development of the individual, within a context of harmony between them and nature.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Fare Verde


Description: In 1986, in opposition to nuclear power, Fare Verde was established. The first initiatives of Fare Verde were implemented shortly after the Chernobyl incident in April 1986. They were dedicated to Italy's exit from nuclear power and the critique of the high-energy intensity development model.

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Subject:   Activism


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Title: Forum Ambientalista


Description: Forum Ambientalista was founded in 2003, inheriting the legacy of various local committees engaged in issues related to public water management, local development, waste recycling, and clean and renewable energy sources. The objectives of the Association include promoting alternative energies to fossil fuels, nuclear power, and waste incineration, as well as waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and door-to-door waste collection. They advocate for the defense of water as a common good, environmentally-friendly agricultural practices, the development of protected natural areas, and local development as an alternative to large-scale projects. The Association organizes public awareness events on environmental issues through demonstrations, legal actions, conferences, seminars, activities with schools, and projects with the National Civil Service.

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Subject:   Activism

Title: Centro Studi Interdisciplinari Gaiola Onlus


Description: Centro Studi Interdisciplinari Gaiola Onlus was established in 2004 to facilitate a territorial analysis of the marine-coastal ecological system of Posillipo in the Gulf of Naples, aiming to provide a comprehensive framework for a more informed management of its resources.

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Subject:   Biodiversity


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Title: Biodiversità - Greenpeace Italia


Description: All the news regarding biodiversity from the Greenpeace Italia website

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Title: Green Planner Magazine


Description: Website collecting articles on biodiversity conservation, sustainable agriculture, technologies for sustainable agricultural development, tools for calculating the environmental impact of businesses and services

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Subject:   Agro-ecology Biodiversity

Title: Green Style


Description: GreenStyle is the magazine dedicated to environmental issues by T-Mediahouse, a company of the Triboo Spa group, with in-depth coverage of everything related to ecology, health, nutrition, sustainable mobility, recycling and do-it-yourself projects, clean energy, home care, natural remedies, as well as respect for the environment, animals, and plants. In short, there are plenty of tips for living a 360-degree green lifestyle

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Gruppi Ricerca Ecologica


Description: The association is one of the oldest environmental protection organizations in Italy, recognized by the Ministry of the Environment and Land Protection. Over more than forty years of activity, it has consistently defended the environment and achieved significant victories. The organization addresses biodiversity comprehensively, from primary forests to hydrogeological systems, and from endangered species to the defense of seeds, breeds, and ecotypes that underlie the typical products of the Mediterranean diet.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Nasce il Centro Nazionale di Biodiversità finanziato dal PNRR – IRBIM


Description: Reducing biodiversity loss by 30% and restoring ecosystem balance by at least 15% through ecological habitat restoration actions by 2030 are just some of the objectives of the National Biodiversity Future Centre, a project coordinated by the National Research Council (CNR), involving 48 partner institutions and universities, totaling over 1300 researchers and several hundred new hires. The ambitious project foresees funding of over 320 million euros for the first three years (2023-2025), allocated within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The proposal aims to deploy the most powerful research and innovation initiative on biodiversity ever attempted in Italy, based on synergy between universities, research institutions, foundations, and businesses.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Associazione Italiana Medici per l’Ambiente


Description: Associazione Italiana Medici per l’Ambiente was founded in 1989 by a group of Italian doctors who were aware that in order to guarantee everyone's health, doctors must also be concerned about the health of the environment in which we live, both as medical professionals and as inhabitants of the Earth. The main objective is to inform and engage civil society in order to influence policymakers on environmental issues. Health must be a priority in political decision-making, and the criterion for decision-making should be quality of life, opposing by all means those who pursue initiatives that are not respectful of health and the environment.

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Subject:   Waste and Pollution Climate

Title: Istituto Oikos


Description: Istituto Oikos is a non-profit organization committed to biodiversity conservation in Europe and in countries in the Global South, as well as to the promotion of more sustainable lifestyles.

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Subject:   Biodiversity

Title: Italian Climate Network


Description: Italian Climate Network was born on July 18, 2011, in Rome: a volunteer association founded by a group of individuals, united by a common commitment to combating climate change and dedicated to engaging many young people in activities related to education, training, and advocacy. Areas of intervention: environmental management, scientific research in climate science, environmental publishing and environmental journalism

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Title: Italia Nostra


Description: Italia Nostra was born in Rome in 1955. Cultural volunteer activities organized by Italia Nostra have contributed to spreading the culture of conservation of heritage throughout the country.

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Subject:   Activism

Title: L'Altra Italia Ambiente


Description: The association was founded in 1986 through the initiative of a group of Italian parliamentarians and the rector of the University of Naples Federico II. It promotes environmental protection, environmentally friendly lifestyles and mobility, as well as campaigns for information and awareness-raising

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Subject:   Biodiversity Waste and Pollution

Title: Lampedusa Turtle Rescue


Description: Associazione Caretta Caretta was founded in 1996 as a cultural association, non-profit, to manage the Marine Turtle Rescue Center in Lampedusa. The association is primarily involved in the rescue, rehabilitation, and care of wild animals, wildlife conservation, research, awareness, and dissemination on environmental issues and biodiversity.

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Title: La Nuova Ecologia


Description: La Nuova Ecologia is a non-profit cooperative company, established in 1995 thanks to the initiative of Legambiente for the publication of the association's reference magazines and the conception of numerous other related initiatives. It was born and operates under the belief that environmental information, education, and communication are fundamental tools in sustainable development policy. In addition, it organizes conferences and seminars, journalism and communication courses. At the core of its work is a constant commitment to the protection and enhancement of ethical principles in economic and social relationships

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Subject:   Biodiversity

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