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Description: Contains an index of slides preserved by University of Winnipeg, Media Services for the UW Classic's Department.
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Subject: Classical Art and Architecture, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Theatre
Group: University of Winnipeg - Classic's Department
Creator: University of Winnipeg Media Department
Publisher: University of Winnipeg Library
Language: English
Coverage: Global
Format: HTML
Type: Archived website
Rights: This electronic resource is made available by the University of Winnipeg Library for the purposes of research, education, teaching and private study. All intellectual property rights are retained by the legal copyright holders. The University of Winnipeg does not hold the copyright to the content of this file. Formal permission to reuse or republish this content must be obtained from the copyright holder.
Theme: University of Winnipeg - Resource
Collector: University of Winnipeg Library
Description: The WCPI consists of reproductions of more than 70,000 images related to the history of Western Canada, gathered over nearly three decades. It began as a centennial project in 1970 under the direction of local journalist Eric Wells and Thora Cooke. Wells and Cooke appealed to archives, museums and the public to provide pictures of the province’s past for an exhibit which was displayed at the Central Canadian Exhibition, and then toured around schools and fairs in the province. When Wells and Cooke needed a home for the Index, the University of Winnipeg offered space and some expertise, and the Index came to live here. In the early 1990s a decision was taken to move the project off campus, and the Index found a new home in the Exchange District under the direction of a new Board. In 2005, the University of Winnipeg agreed to move the Index back to campus under the management of the Library. The Index consists of slides and contact sheets and does not include any original negatives or prints. Collecting practices for images in the Index varied throughout its development, with the primary source of images being other archives, museums and historical societies. Another significant percentage of images came from families, companies and other forms of private donation.
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Subject: Western Canada, Photographs, Cultural Institutions
Group: Western Canada Pictorial Index
Creator: Various cultural institutions and individuals
Publisher: University of Winnipeg Library
Language: English
Coverage: Western Canada
Format: HTML
Type: Archived website
Rights: This electronic resource is made available by the University of Winnipeg Library for the purposes of research, education, teaching and private study. All intellectual property rights are retained by the legal copyright holders. The University of Winnipeg does not hold the copyright to the content of this file. Formal permission to reuse or republish this content must be obtained from the copyright holder.
Collector: University of Winnipeg Library
Description: The (in)edition Archive is a project of the University of Winnipeg Archives and Records Centre. The Archive consists of on-line images of all issues of the first 19 volumes of the publication, accompanied by searchable indices. As the University's newsletter of record, (in)edition offers news articles, photographs, notices and related material about the University of Winnipeg and the administrators, alumni, faculty, governors, staff, and students who make up its community. In its pages one will find information about Convocations, meetings of governing bodies, research news and events on campus, including musical performances, Wesman teams’ games, and public lectures. (in)edition also provides readers with information about University people including profiles of administrators, faculty, staff and students, appointment notices, and includes the annual ‘Retirement Issue’ which profiles those who have given dedicated service to the University community. In short, (in)edition, is the unique voice of the University and its community. It is hoped that the Archive will provide researchers, University members, alumni and the general public with an easy-to-use history of the University of Winnipeg community.
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Subject: University of Winnipeg, Faculty, Alumni, Students, Events
Group: University of Winnipeg - News
Creator: University of Winnipeg Archives and Records Centre
Publisher: University of Winnipeg Archives and Records Centre
Language: English
Coverage: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Format: HTML
Type: Archived website
Rights: This electronic resource is made available by the University of Winnipeg Library for the purposes of research, education, teaching and private study. All intellectual property rights are retained by the legal copyright holders. The University of Winnipeg does not hold the copyright to the content of this file. Formal permission to reuse or republish this content must be obtained from the copyright holder.
Theme: University of Winnipeg - News
Collector: University of Winnipeg Library
Description: Timeline of the University of Winnipeg made with Timeglider, a web-based timeline software.
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Subject: University of Winnipeg, Manitoba College, Wesley College, United College
Group: University of Winnipeg - History
Creator: University of Winnipeg Library
Publisher: University of Winnipeg Library
Language: English
Coverage: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Format: HTML
Type: Archived website
Rights: This electronic resource is made available by the University of Winnipeg Library for the purposes of research, education, teaching and private study. All intellectual property rights are retained by the legal copyright holders. The University of Winnipeg does not hold the copyright to the content of this file. Formal permission to reuse or republish this content must be obtained from the copyright holder.
Theme: University of Winnipeg - History
Collector: University of Winnipeg Library
Description: The Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study is an extensive research study that has gone beyond the numbers to capture the values, experiences and aspirations of Aboriginal peoples living in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Ottawa. Speaking directly with a representative group of 2,614 First Nations peoples, Métis and Inuit living in these major Canadian cities, as well as 2,501 non-Aboriginal Canadians, the Environics Institute, led by Michael Adams, has released the Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study, which offers Canadians a new perspective of their Aboriginal neighbours. Guided by an Advisory Circle, Aboriginal people designed the research themes, methodology, and executed the main survey.
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Subject: Survey, Social Change, Canada, Urban Centres, Indigenous People
Group: Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study
Creator: Environics Institute
Publisher: Environics Institute
Language: English
Coverage: Canada
Format: HTML
Type: Archived website
Date: 2007-2010
Collector: University of Winnipeg Library
Rights: This electronic resource is made available by the University of Winnipeg Library for the purposes of research, education, teaching and private study. All intellectual property rights are retained by the legal copyright holders. The University of Winnipeg does not hold the copyright to the content of this file. Formal permission to reuse or republish this content must be obtained from the copyright holder.
Theme: Indigenous People
Description: The Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study is an extensive research study that has gone beyond the numbers to capture the values, experiences and aspirations of Aboriginal peoples living in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Ottawa. Speaking directly with a representative group of 2,614 First Nations peoples, Métis and Inuit living in these major Canadian cities, as well as 2,501 non-Aboriginal Canadians, the Environics Institute, led by Michael Adams, has released the Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study, which offers Canadians a new perspective of their Aboriginal neighbours. Guided by an Advisory Circle, Aboriginal people designed the research themes, methodology, and executed the main survey.
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Subject: Indigenous Peoples, Urban Centres, Canada, Survey, Video
Group: Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study
Creator: Environics Institute
Publisher: Environics Institute
Language: English
Coverage: Canada
Format: HTML
Type: Archived website
Date: 2007-2010
Collector: University of Winnipeg Library
Rights: This electronic resource is made available by the University of Winnipeg Library for the purposes of research, education, teaching and private study. All intellectual property rights are retained by the legal copyright holders. The University of Winnipeg does not hold the copyright to the content of this file. Formal permission to reuse or republish this content must be obtained from the copyright holder.
Theme: Indigenous People
Description: A historical narrative of the University of Winnipeg through Historypin, a web-based storytelling platform, created to increase access and exposure to the University of Winnipeg Archives digital profile.
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Subject: University of Winnipeg, Wesley College, Manitoba College, United College
Group: University of Winnipeg - History
Creator: University of Winnipeg Library
Publisher: Historypin
Language: English
Coverage: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Format: HTML
Type: Archived website
Rights: This electronic resource is made available by the University of Winnipeg Library for the purposes of research, education, teaching and private study. All intellectual property rights are retained by the legal copyright holders. The University of Winnipeg does not hold the copyright to the content of this file. Formal permission to reuse or republish this content must be obtained from the copyright holder.
Theme: University of Winnipeg - History
Collector: University of Winnipeg Library
Description: In Aboriginal culture, teachings are passed from generation to generation in a rich tradition of storytelling. Join the University of Winnipeg's Centre for Rupert's Land Studies as they welcome Louis Bird, Aboriginal scholar and storyteller. As part of the Omushkego Oral History Project, Bird will share - in Cree and in English - a sampling of the stories of the Omushkegowak or "Swampy Cree" people of the Hudson and James Bay Lowlands of northern Manitoba and Ontario. Bird is from Peawanuck Ontario and has shared his stories with audiences throughout Canada, the United States, and Europe. In addition to performing traditional Cree legends, mystery stories, and oral history, Bird has devoted three decades to documenting Cree oral traditions. He began making audiotape recordings of the stories told by his elders in 1965. Today, his collection comprises more than 340 hours of material - the largest extant collection of such recordings.
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Subject: Indigenous People, Narratives, Oral History, Cree
Group: University of Winnipeg - Ruperts Land Studies
Creator: OurVoices.ca
Publisher: Omushkego Oral History Project
Coverage: Canada
Format: HTML
Type: Archived website
Collector: University of Winnipeg Library
Contributor: Louis Bird, Aboriginal scholar and storyteller
Rights: This electronic resource is made available by the University of Winnipeg Library for the purposes of research, education, teaching and private study. All intellectual property rights are retained by the legal copyright holders. The University of Winnipeg does not hold the copyright to the content of this file. Formal permission to reuse or republish this content must be obtained from the copyright holder.
Theme: Indigenous People
Description: The Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study is an extensive research study that has gone beyond the numbers to capture the values, experiences and aspirations of Aboriginal peoples living in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Ottawa. Speaking directly with a representative group of 2,614 First Nations peoples, Métis and Inuit living in these major Canadian cities, as well as 2,501 non-Aboriginal Canadians, the Environics Institute, led by Michael Adams, has released the Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study, which offers Canadians a new perspective of their Aboriginal neighbours. Guided by an Advisory Circle, Aboriginal people designed the research themes, methodology, and executed the main survey.
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Subject: Urban Centres, Canada, Social Change, Racism--Canada, Indigenous Peoples--North America--History, Indigenous Peoples--Civil Rights--Canada
Group: Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study
Creator: Environics Institute
Publisher: Environics
Language: English
Coverage: Canada
Format: HTML
Type: Archived website
Date: 2007-2010
Collector: University of Winnipeg Library
Rights: This electronic resource is made available by the University of Winnipeg Library for the purposes of research, education, teaching and private study. All intellectual property rights are retained by the legal copyright holders. The University of Winnipeg does not hold the copyright to the content of this file. Formal permission to reuse or republish this content must be obtained from the copyright holder.
Theme: Indigenous People
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