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Description: Secretary Mike Leavitt used a 500-Day Plan as a management tool to guide his energies in fulfilling the President's vision of a healthier and more hopeful America. The plan is a personal expression of many of Secretary Leavitt's priorities and provides direction to the daily leadership and management of the Department.
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Creator: OS
Description: The activities of the Deputy Secretary are included in this site.
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Description: In the President's Management Agenda, the President focuses on initiatives where reform is most needed, where there is the greatest opportunity for improvement, and where practical solutions can be readily implemented. Since the PMA was rolled out, the federal government has concentrated on becoming more results-oriented, more efficient and more effective, and it will continue these efforts to ensure that the American people receive the premiere programs and services they deserve.
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Description: Report to the President regarding HHS progress in meeting the President's Management Agenda.
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Creator: OS
Description: The Secretary's website outlines his priorities, principles, and initiatives
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Creator: OS
Description: The Secretary's blog discusses health and caring issues across the world.
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Creator: Michael O. Leavitt
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