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Digital Art Web Archive

Collected by: Cornell University Library

Archived since: Feb, 2014


Many artists and works represented online are indispensable to the history of digital media art; however, web sites are ephemeral and artworks posted on websites and its documentation frequently disappear. The insecurity of access to these materials presents serious obstacles to teaching courses on the history of digital media art. To facilitate future scholarship and classroom teaching, Cornell University Library is preserving and making accessible selected websites identified as important in understanding the history of digital media art. The items in this collection are intended for use in the teaching of Digital Media Art at Cornell University.

Subject:   Arts & Humanities Computers & Technology Digital art Interactive art New media art

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Title: Ken Rinaldo


Description: The Ohio State University faculty page for media artist Ken Rinaldo "Ken Rinaldo is an artist and theorist who creates interactive multimedia installations that blur the boundaries between the organic and inorganic. He has been working at the intersection of art and biology...[,] interactive robotics, biological art, artificial life, interspecies communication, rapid prototyping and digital imaging." -, accessed 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Rinaldo, Ken Digital art Interactive art Multimedia installations (Art) Robotics

Title: Arturo Castro


Description: "Arturo Castro is an artist, educator and engineer currently based in Berlin. He is one of the core developers of the open source toolkit for artists and designers openFrameworks. Currently he works on his own and collaborates with other artists and technologists on projects usually in the field of interactive installations." -- from the website, 2/3/2015 The personal website of artist Arturo Castro.

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Subject:   Castro, Arturo Interactive art Digital art Installations (Art) Computer programming

Title: Audiovisual Academy : Robotic Art Chronology, p.4: 1990-2000s


Description: Post concerning late-20th and early 21st century Robotic Art on the Audiovisual Academy blog; "Audiovisual Academy is a comprehensive educational program for new media and audiovisual studies." - from website, 2014 April 18

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Subject:   Digital art Robotics Installations (Art) Performance art Electronic art

Title: Bill Seaman / Recombinant Poetics


Description: Website devoted to the work of Bill Seaman. "Bill Seaman is Professor in the Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies... [and] a member of the Duke Institute of Brain Sciences.... His research in part focuses on Neosentience..., a potentially new branch of scientific and poetic inquiry related to artificial intelligence. " - from website, 2014 April 18

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Subject:   Robotics Digital art Installations (Art) Performance art Virtual reality in art Computer art Computer programming Video installations (Art)

Title: Bill Vorn - Robotic Art


Description: Website concerning the work of Bill Vorn. "Based in Montreal, Bill Vorn is active in the field of Robotic Art since 1992. His installation and performance projects involve robotics and motion control, sound, lighting, video and cybernetic processes. He pursues research and creation on Artificial Life and Agent Technologies through artistic work based on the Aesthetics of Artificial Behaviors." - from website, 2014 April 18

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Subject:   Robotics Digital art Installations (Art) Performance art Interactive art

Title: Camille Utterback


Description: The personal website of artist Camille Utterback. "Camille Utterback is an internationally acclaimed artist whose interactive installations and reactive sculptures engage participants in a dynamic process of kinesthetic discovery and play. Utterback’s work explores the aesthetic and experiential possibilities of linking computational systems to human movement and gesture in layered and often humorous ways. Her work focuses attention on the continued relevance and richness of the body in our increasingly mediated world." -- from the website, 2/3/2015

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Subject:   Digital art Utterback, Camille Interactive art Sculpture Installations (Art) Kinetic sculpture Computer programming

Title: Luc Courchesne,


Description: Media artist Luc Courchesne's official site. "First delving into interactive portraiture... his work has recently turned to... landscape. With his installations, "panoscopic" images, and a device of his own making used to create a sense of visual immersion, he transforms spectators into a visitors, actors and inhabitants of his experiential crafts." - from website, 2014 May 01

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Subject:   Courchesne, Luc, 1952- Digital art Interactive art Installations (Art) Projection art Video installations (Art)

Title: Damian Stewart


Description: "damian stewart - interdisciplinary creative engineering - sound, light, projection, electronics, software" -- from website, 2/3/2015 Website of artist Damian Stewart.

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Subject:   Digital art Stewart, Damian Sound installations (Art) Electronic art Computer art Projection art Interactive art Installations (Art)

Title: Data Garden


Description: "Data Garden is a creative engine and record label making advances in the way electronic music is produced and distributed. Data Garden was founded in 2011 by Joe Patitucci and Alex Tyson as a record label and arts journal with a mission of encouraging the discovery of electronic music through history, science and community. Then, we focused primarily on online curation of digital media. Over time our activities have expanded to include production of public art, curation and production of events and outdoor festivals, and manufacture of boutique electronic hardware." -- from the website, 2/3/2015

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Subject:   Digital art Electronic music Record labels Sound recording industry Marketing channels Patitucci, Joe Tyson, Alex

Title: Dispotheque | Samuel Bianchini


Description: The website of artist Samuel Bianchini.

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Subject:   Bianchini, Samuel Digital art Projection art Interactive art Installations (Art) Performance art

Title: Eddo Stern


Description: Eddo Stern's "... work explores new modes of narrative and documentary, experimental computer game design, fantasies of technology and history, and cross-cultural representation in computer games, film, and online media. He works in various media including computer software, hardware and game design, kinetic sculpture, performance, and film and video production." - from website, 2014.04.24

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Subject:   Stern, Eddo Digital art Computer art Performance art Kinetic sculpture Computer programming Computer games -- design

Title: Face Music by Ken Rinaldo


Description: "Fusiform Polyphony is a series of 6 interactive robotic sculptures that compose their own music with input from participant facial images. Micro video cameras mounted on the ends of these robots, move toward people’s body heat and faces while capturing human snapshots. These images are digitally processed, pixelated and turned into a constantly evolving generative soundscape, where facial features and interaction are turned into sound melody, tone and rhythm." -- from the website, 2/3/2015

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Subject:   Rinaldo, Ken Interactive art Installations (Art) Robotics Digital art Computer programming Electronic music Sound installations (Art)

Title: Farm Fountain


Description: "Farm Fountain is a system for growing edible and ornamental fish and plants in a constructed, indoor ecosystem. Based on the concept of aquaponics, this hanging garden fountain uses a simple pond pump, along with gravity to flow the nutrients from fish waste through the plant roots. The plants and bacteria in the system serve to cleanse and purify the water for the fish." -- from the website, 2/3/2015

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Subject:   Rinaldo, Ken Youngs, Amy Installations (Art) Interactive art Digital art Hydroponics Biology in art

Title: Josh On


Description: Early works by web artist Josh On

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Subject:   On, Josh, 1972- Digital art

Title: futurefemmes


Description: "A blog showcasing the work of women in digital culture." -- from the website, 2/3/2015

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Subject:   Digital art Computer games -- design Women artists Robotics Kinetic sculpture Interactive art Installations (Art) Performance art Cyberfeminism

Title: refugia


Description: Refugia "is a repository of projects and documents by the subRosa art collective and guests.... Here you will find micro-sites that were developed as part of bigger projects and online versions of articles, books, and leaflets by subRosa. Many of the items you will find here were originally distributed as part of our performances, installations or workshops." - from website, 2014 April 30

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Subject:   subRosa (Cyberfeminist group) Cyberfeminism Digital art Performance art Installations (Art)

Title: Julian Oliver


Description: Website created by and concerning to the work of Julian Oliver. "... Oliver is a New Zealander, Critical Engineer and artist based in Berlin.... He is an advocate of Free and Open Source Software and is a supporter of, and contributor to, initiatives that promote and reinforce civil rights in the networked domain." - from website, 2014 April 18

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Subject:   Oliver, Julian Digital art Electronic art Multimedia installations (Art) Computer programming Computer art

Title: Scott Kildall


Description: "Scott Kildall creates algorithms, sculptures, performances and videos, which repurpose networks of communication and production. His work frequently explores themes of future-thinking and translation between the virtual and the real." - from website, 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Kildall, Scott Digital art Performance art Installations (Art) Sculpture Video art Computer programming Interactive art

Title: Kuai Shen Auson


Description: Kuai Shen Auson's "... artistic approach to self-organization and emergence is envisioned in audiovisual installations that reflect on interspecies artistic collaboration with ants and the metaphor of a post-human ecology, an ecology whose future lies in the communication between species and the mutualism between technological media (human artifacts) and insect media (biological organisms). His current research focuses on ant mimicry in the post-biologic technology of humans based on phenomenology, resilient networks and mimicry." -, accessed 2014 May 01

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Subject:   Auson, Kuai Shen Biology in art Ants Digital art Multimedia installations (Art) Biomimicry Sound installations (Art) Video art

Title: SelectParks


Description: SelectParks is an information source concerning artists working in computer games.

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Subject:   Digital art Computer games -- design

Title: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer


Description: Website devoted to the work of Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. Lozano-Hemmer, an "electronic artist, develops interactive installations that are at the intersection of architecture and performance art. His main interest is in creating platforms for public participation, by perverting technologies such as robotics, computerized surveillance or telematic networks. Inspired by phantasmagoria, carnival and animatronics, his light and shadow works are 'antimonuments for alien agency'." - from website, 2014 April 18

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Subject:   Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael Robotics Digital art Interactive art Electronic art Installations (Art) Performance art


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Title: Maverick Machines


Description: Maverick Machines was an exhibition concerning Gordon Pask, held July 24-August 10 2007 and the Matthew Gallery, Chambers Street, School of Architecture, Edinburgh University. contains documentation of the exhibition.

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Subject:   Pask, Gordon Cybernetics Digital art Multimedia installations (Art) Interactive art

Title: Something Wrong is Nothing Wrong: | Motherboard


Description: "From their base in Holland and their untold number of web domains, video game modifications, .exe’s and Youtube pages, Jodi (“jo” + “di”) has for over a decade been evoking and exposing the confusion, mistrust, fear and excitement we bring to our life with computer screens." -- from the website, 2/4/2015 An interview with the artists of Jodi, describing their process for creating computer art.

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Subject: Computer programming Digital art Computer art Video art Interactive art Heemskerk, Joan Paesmans, Dirk

Title: Cory Arcangel: Video Games For Art's Sake | Motherboard


Description: An interview with Cory Arcangel, discussing his work.

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Subject:   Arcangel, Cory Digital art Computer art Computer programming Video games Computer game -- design Video art Internet -- social aspects Multimedia art Interactive art Performance art Installations (Art)

Title: Nathaniel Stern


Description: "Nathaniel Stern is an artist and writer, Fulbright grantee and professor, interventionist and public citizen. He has produced and collaborated on projects ranging from ecological, participatory and online interventions, interactive, immersive and mixed reality environments, to prints, sculptures, videos, performances and hybrid forms." - from website, 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Stern, Nathaniel, 1977- Interactive art Digital art Multimedia installations (Art) Performance art Sculpture Computer art

Title: Interactive Electronics for Artists and Inventors


Description: "Ken Rinaldo has provided this text as a gift to artists, inventors and experimenters." -- from the website, 2/4/2015

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Subject:   Rinaldo, Ken Interactive art Robotics Electronic art Installations (Art) Kinetic sculpture

Title: Pask Present


Description: Documentation of the March 26 - April 4 2008 exhibition on the work of Gordon Pask.

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Subject:   Pask, Gordon Cybernetics Digital art Robotics Multimedia art Electronic art


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Title: Resonant Architecture: Architecture as Instrument


Description: "Since 2006, the Art of Failure collective has been sending bass frequencies into remarkable architectural structures. These experiences establish a dialog between architecture, the structures’ spatial components, and their geographic context – revealing building's specific acoustic and vibrating qualities." -- from the website, 2/4/2015 " "Video documentaries about architectural spaces set into vibration." -- from the website, 2/4/2015

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Subject:   Art of Failure Digital art Video art Video installations (Art) Music Sound installations (Art)

Title: Simon Penny


Description: "Simon Penny is an Australian practitioner in the fields of Digital Cultural Practices, Embodied Interaction and Interactive Art. His practice has included artistic practice, technical research, theoretical writing, pedagogy and institution building. Over the last twenty-five years, he has made interactive and robotic installations which address critical issues arising at the intersection of culture and technology, informed by traditions of practice in the arts including sculpture, video-art, installation and performance; and by theoretical research in enactive and embodied cognition, ethology, neurology, phenomenology, human-computer interaction, ubiquitous computing, robotics, critical theory, cultural and media studies. Informed by these sources, he designs and builds artworks utilising custom sensor and effector technologies." - from website, 2014 April 24

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Subject:   Penny, Simon Digital art Interactive art Robotics Installations (Art) Electronic art Kinetic sculpture Sound installations (Art) Video installations (Art)

Title: Stelarc


Description: "Stelarc is a performance artist who has visually probed and acoustically amplified his body.... He has used medical instruments, prosthetics, robotics, Virtual Reality systems, the Internet and biotechnology to explore alternate, intimate and involuntary interfaces with the body." - from website, 2014 April 24 The website of artist 'Stelarc.'

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Subject:   Stelarc, 1946- Digital art Performance art Multimedia installations (Art) Sound installations (Art) Electronic art Interactive art Installations (Art)

Title: Web 2.0 Suicide Machine


Description: "Tired of your Social Network? Liberate your newbie friends with a Web2.0 suicide! This machine lets you delete all your energy sucking social-networking profiles, kill your fake virtual friends, and completely do away with your Web2.0 alterego. The machine is just a metaphor for the website which moddr_ is hosting; the belly of the beast where the web2.0 suicide scripts are maintained. Our service currently runs with Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and LinkedIn! Commit NOW!" -- from the website, 2/4/2015

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Subject:   Digital art Online social networks Computer programming Application software Web 2.0 moddr_ Fresco Gamba

Title: The Artvertiser


Description: "The Artvertiser is a software platform for replacing billboard advertisements with art in real-time. It works by teaching computers to 'recognise' individual advertisements so they can be easily replaced with alternative content, like images and video. Rather than refering to this as a form of Augmented Reality technology, we consider The Artvertiser an example of Improved Reality." -- from the website, 2/4/2015

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Subject:   Digital art Oliver, Julian Stewart, Damian Castro, Arturo Computer programming Computer software

Title: The Pirate Cinema: A Cinematic Collage Generated by P2P Users, The Pirate Cinema: A Cinematic Collage Generated by Peer-to-Peer Network Activity


Description: "In the context of omnipresent telecommunications surveillance, “The Pirate Cinema” makes the hidden activity and geography of Peer-to-Peer file sharing visible. The project is presented as a monitoring room, which shows Peer-to-Peer transfers happening in real time on networks using the BitTorrent protocol. The installation produces an arbitrary cut-up of the files currently being exchanged. This immediate and fragmentary rendering of digital activity, with information concerning its source and destination, thus depicts the topology of digital media consumption and uncontrolled content dissemination in a connected world." -- from the website, 2/4/2015 "TPC is based on a data interception software. It reveals, through a simple diversion, different aspects of exchange platforms, such as the global and multi-situated nature of Peer-to-Peer networks (P2P), the potential for viral transmission, and alternative social models. Its purpose is to make available for aesthetic exploration the pre-existing potentials of Peer-to-Peer architectures." -- from the website, 2/4/2015

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Subject:   Digital art Video art Video installations (Art) Performance art Interactive art Computer software Computer programming

Title: VIDA | Concurso Internacional Arte y Vida Artificial | Fundación Telefónica, VIDA: Art and Artificial Life International Awards


Description: "The VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards was started in 1999 to support artistic investigation into artificial life and to promote production in this field. Its own particular framework, art and artificial life, forms part of that multidisciplinary territory where art, science and technology come together. This crossroads between fields underpins the spirit of the prizes, whose trajectory is known for its innovative and visionary character." -- from the website, 2/4/2015

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Subject:   Digital art Artificial life in art Artificial life -- Computer programs Computer programming

Title: Wafaa Bilal


Description: "Iraqi-born artist Wafaa Bilal, an Associate Arts Professor at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, is known internationally for his on-line performative and interactive works provoking dialogue about international politics and internal dynamics." - from website, 2014 April 24

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Subject:   Bilal, Wafaa Digital art Interactive art Installations (Art) Performance art

Title: Wikipedia Art


Description: "A collaborative project initiated by Scott Kildall and Nathaniel Stern, Wikipedia Art was originally intended to be art composed on Wikipedia, and thus art that anyone can edit...; any changes to the art had to be published on, and cited from, ‘credible’ external sources: interviews, blogs, or articles in ‘trustworthy’ media institutions, which would birth and then slowly transform what the work is and does and means simply through their writing and talking about it... [Wikipedia Art was] removed from the site 15 hours after its birth." - from website, 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Wikipedia Interactive art Digital art Internet -- social aspects

Title: Mars Rover Research


Description: Robotics development for planetary exploration from the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

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Subject:   Robotics Mars (Planet) Space robotics Digital art

Title: The Ants: A Community of Microrobots


Description: "The Ants are a community of cubic-inch microrobots at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab. There are two main goals for this project. The first is to push the limits of microrobotics by integrating many sensors and actuators into a small package. The second is to form a structured robotic community from the interactions of many simple individuals. The inspiration behind this idea comes from nature -- the ant colony." - from website, 2014 May 21

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Subject:   Robotics Microrobots Artificial intelligence Biomimicry Digital art

Title: Boadicea : a small, pneumatic walking robot


Description: Boadicea's "mechanics are modeled after a cockroach, Blaberus Discoidalis. Like real insects, Boadicea's front, middle, and rear legs are all different, and the legs have large, overlapping workspaces. Each leg uses a pantograph mechanism to produce Cartesian foot motions." - from website, 2014 May 21

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Subject:   Robotics Biomimicry Digital art Artificial intelligence

Title: Retired Robots - Genghis


Description: Site devoted to the Genghis, a robot developed by the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and transferred to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.

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Subject:   Robotics Digital art Artificial intelligence Biomimicry

Title: Retired Robots : Hannibal and Attila


Description: "Attila and Hannibal were built in the Mobot Lab in the early 1990s. They are the first robots constructed by our lab to serve as experimental platforms for autonomous planetary exploration. The robots are identical, differing only in color (Hannibal is red, Attila is gold). As can be seen in the pictures below, each is a small, six legged robot--the "progeny" of Genghis, our lab's first legged robot." - from website, 2014 May 21

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Subject:   Robotics Space robotics Digital art Artificial intelligence

Title: Humanoid Robotics Group


Description: Information concerning the work conducted by the Humanoid Robotics Group of MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

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Subject:   Robotics Digital art Biomimicry Artificial intelligence

Title: Retired Robots


Description: Site devoted to the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory's Retired Robots

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Subject:   Robotics Digital art Artificial intelligence

Title: Mobot Group


Description: "The MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory performs a broad range of research on mobile robots and autonomous systems. Efforts range from basic research on topics such as vision or natural language to the development of key supporting technologies, such as low cost hardware and powerful software development environments." - from website, 2014 May 21

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Subject:   Robotics Mobile robots Digital art Artificial intelligence

Title: Alan Rath


Description: "A pioneer in the field of electronic art, Alan Rath builds mechanical sculptures infused with uncannily life-like characteristics.... Though often viewed solely through the lens of "digital art" or "new media," Rath's work is first and foremost sculpture, constructed with a deeply refined sense of formal elegance and a broad understanding of art historical context." -

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Subject:   Rath, Alan, 1959- Digital art Electronic art Multimedia installations (Art) Sculpture Video installations (Art) Installations (Art)

Title: Maurice Benayoun


Description: Maurice Benayoun is a new media artist and theorist often combining "video, immersive virtual reality, the Web, wireless technology, performance, large-scale urban art installations and interactive exhibitions." -, accessed 2014 May 01

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Subject:   Benayoun, Maurice Digital art Digital filmmaking Computer graphics Installations (Art) Interactive art Video installations (Art) Virtual reality in art

Title: Critical Art Ensemble


Description: Critical Art Ensemble "(CAE) is a collective of five tactical media practitioners of various specializations including computer graphics and web design, film/video, photography, text art, book art, and performance. Formed in 1987, CAE's focus has been on the exploration of the intersections between art, critical theory, technology, and political activism." - from website, 2014 April 29

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Subject:   Critical Art Ensemble Technology -- Social aspects Digital art Biology in art Performance art Interactive art Multimedia installations (Art) Computer programming Internet -- Social aspects

Title: subRosa


Description: "... official web site of subRosa, a collective of interdisciplinary feminist artists committed to combining art, social activism and politics to explore and critique the intersections of information and bio technologies on women’s bodies, lives and work." - from website, 2014.04.24

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Subject:   subRosa (Cyberfeminist group) Cyberfeminism Digital art Multimedia installations (Art) Interactive art Biology in art Gender studies

Title: Darfur Is Dying


Description: "Darfur is Dying is a viral video game for change that provides a window into the experience of the 2.5 million refugees in the Darfur region of Sudan. Players must keep their refugee camp functioning in the face of possible attack by Janjaweed militias. Players can also learn more about the genocide in Darfur that has taken the lives of 400,000 people, and find ways to get involved to help stop this human rights and humanitarian crisis." - from website, 2014 April 29

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Subject:   Sudan -- Darfur Genocide -- Sudan -- Darfur Sudan -- History -- Darfur Conflict, 2003- Computer games Digital art

Title: DEEPSPEED media: Science fiction and fact by Jonathon Minard et al.


Description: "Jonathan Minard's films, both documentary and science fiction, examine our dreams of the near future, focusing a lens on the relationship between people and technology. How does human nature and the imagination move with the currents of change in our world?" -- from the website, 2/4/2015

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Subject:   Minard, Jonathon Digital art Digital filmmaking Science fiction in art Technology in art Multimedia art

Title: Eduardo Kac, KAC


Description: "Eduardo Kac is internationally recognized for his telepresence and bio art. A pioneer of telecommunications art in the pre-Web '80s, Eduardo Kac... emerged in the early '90s with his radical works combining telerobotics and living organisms. His visionary integration of robotics, biology and networking explores the fluidity of subject positions in the post-digital world." - from website, 2014.04.24

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Subject:   Kac, Eduardo Digital art Robotics Biology in art Interactive art Multimedia installations (Art) Biomimicry Performance art Visual poetry


Description: Flickr photostream of digital artist Ken Rinaldo.

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Subject:   Rinaldo, Ken Digital art Multimedia art Interactive art Installations (Art)

Title: Flong - Interactive Art by Golan Levin and Collaborators


Description: "This is the web site of Golan Levin, an artist and educator living in Pittsburgh. I teach at Carnegie Mellon University, where I also direct the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, an interdisciplinary arts-research center." -- from the website, 2/4/2015

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Subject:   Levin, Golan Digital art Interactive art Multimedia installations (Art) Projection art Electronic art Computer art Computer programming Robotics

Title: Masaki Fujihata


Description: Masaki Fujihata is a Japanese installation, interactive, multimedia and computer artist

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Subject:   Fujihata, Masaki, 1956- Digital art Computer art Installations (Art) Multimedia art

Title: Futurefarmers


Description: Started in 1995 by Amy Franceschini, Futurefarmers is a design studio. "While we collaborate with scientists and are interested in scientific inquiry, we want to ask questions more openly. Through participatory projects, we create spaces and experiences where the logic of a situation disappears... We use various media to create work that has the potential to destabilize logics of "certainty". We deconstruct systems such as food policies, public transportation and rural farming networks to visualize and understand their intrinsic logics." - from website, 2014 April 29

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Subject:   Futurefarmers (Firm) Technology -- Social aspects Digital art Performance art Interactive art Installations (Art) Robotics Sculpture



Description: "Richard Wright is a visual artist working in animated media for over twenty years including many early pioneering digital animated films and interactive installations." - from website, 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Wright, Richard, 1963- Digital art Digital filmmaking Computer art Multimedia art

Title: Relocating the Remains


Description: "Relocating the Remains is a mixed media exhibition initially developed and staged at the Gulbenkian Gallery, The Royal College of Art, London, in August 1997... It is comprised of three large-scale digital installations and a number of smaller lightbox based pieces." - from website 2014 May 01

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Subject:   Piper, Keith, 1960- Imperialism Technology -- Social aspects Digital art Multimedia installations (Art) Computer art Computer programming

Title: Natalie Jeremijenko


Description: "Natalie Jeremijenko fuses art, technology, social issues and the environment. She is director of the xDesign Environmental Health Clinic at NYU, a creative health clinic for the environment. People come in with their environmental concerns and get prescriptions for environmental health solutions and advice..." -- from the website, 2/7/2015

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Subject:   Jeremijenko, Natalie Digital art Biology in art Multimedia installations (Art) Interactive art Public art Environmentalism

Title: Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer


Description: Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau are media artists "working in the field of interactive computer installation" - from website, 2014 May 01

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Subject:   Sommerer, Christa, 1964- Mignonneau, Laurent, 1967- Interactive art Digital art Computer art Projection art Installations (Art) Multimedia art Biology in art

Title: Ivan Abreu


Description: Site of Ivan Abreu. As of 2014 May 01, site focuses on his 2013 work Multilple Vortex Tornado, a sound landscape generated by flipping pages

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Subject:   Abreu, Ivan Sound installations (Art) Digital art

Title: Jane Prophet


Description: "Jane Prophet is a British artist living in the US. She has worked with new media for two decades and integrates it with traditional materials... She makes photographic pieces, temporary installations, objects and video." - from website, 2014.04.24

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Subject:   Prophet, Jane, 1964- Digital art Installations (Art) Multimedia art Video art

Title: Jeffrey Shaw


Description: Jeffrey Shaw, media artist, has served as director of the Institute for Visual Media at the ZKM Center for Art and Media, co-director of the Center of Interactive Cinema Research at the University of New South Wales and Dean of the School of Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong. includes works by Shaw prior to 2002

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Subject:   Shaw, Jeffrey Interactive art Digital art Video installations (Art) Computer art Computer graphics Computer programming Multimedia installations (Art)

Title: Julio le Parc - Continuel Recherche, Julio le Parc - Continual Research, Julio le Parc - Busqueda Continua


Description: Julio le Parc, geometrical and kinetic artist and co-founder of the G.R.A.V (visual art research group) in Paris, worked for more than 50 years with "light, movement and public participation." - from website, 2014 May 01

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Subject:   Le Parc, Julio, 1928- Digital art Projection art Installations (Art) Multimedia art

Title: Keith Piper : Visual Artist


Description: UK-based artist Keith Piper, founding member of the 1980s BLK Art group, has "explored multi-media elements such as computer software, websites, tape/slide, sound and video within an installation-based practice." -, accessed 2014 May 02 "Keith Piper is a British based artist and academic. His creative practice responds to specific social and political issues, historical relationships and geographical sites. Adopting a research driven approach, and using a variety of media, his work over the past 30 years has ranged from painting, through photography and installation to a use of digital media, video and computer based interactivity." -- from the website, 2/7/2015

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Subject:   Piper, Keith, 1960- Digital art Installations (Art) Video art Interactive art Multimedia art

Title: Ken Rinaldo : Interactive installation intersecting organic and technological cultures, Emergent Systems


Description: "Ken Rinaldo is an artist and theorist who creates interactive multimedia installations that blur the boundaries between the organic and inorganic. He has been working at the intersection of art and biology...[,] interactive robotics, biological art, artificial life, interspecies communication, rapid prototyping and digital imaging." -, accessed 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Rinaldo, Ken Biology in art Robotics Digital art Multimedia installations (Art) Installations (Art)


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Title: Kosice


Description: Born Ferdinand Falk in Kosice, Gyula Kosice is an Argentine sculptor, plastic artist and figure in kinetic and luminal art.

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Subject:   Kosice, Gyula, 1924- Kinetic art Digital art Multimedia art Installations (Art) Video art

Title: Vuk Cosic


Description: A primary figure in the movement, Vuk Ćosić uses ASCII characters to create imagery and "author of such subtle conceptual surgical operations as the theft of the Documenta X web site, a "History of Art for Airports" and the "ASCII Art Ensemble" (which aimed to transform the world into the letters and numbers of the American Standard Code for Information Interchange...)" -, accessed 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Cosic, Vuk ASCII (Character set) Digital art

Title: Lynn Hershman Leeson


Description: "... artist and filmmaker Lynn Hershman Leeson has been internationally acclaimed for her pioneering use of new technologies and her investigations of... identity in a time of consumerism, privacy in a era of surveillance, interfacing of humans and machines, and the relationship between real and virtual worlds." - from website, 2014.04.24

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Subject:   Hershman-Leeson, Lynn, 1941- Digital art Video art Performance art Installations (Art)

Title: Mongrel


Description: Incomplete archive of the mongrel work; "This particular kind Mongrel was centred around the practice of Graham Harwood and Matsuko Yokokoji 1995-2008 with input from many people all over the world but especially Richard Wright who joined Mongrel in 2004 helping us form MediaShed. in 2006." - from website, 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Yokokoji, Matsuko, 1960- Wright, Richard, 1963- Harwood, Graham, 1960- Digital art Interactive art Computer art Computer programming

Title: Mongrel X


Description: "Mongrel X engages 'marginalised groups; in digital media arts and emerging technologies for self-expression, communication and social change." - from website, 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Digital art Jarman, Mervin Pierre-Davis, Richard Mongrel X Interactive art Multimedia art

Title: The NorMill


Description: "Here in the Normill, I [Norman T. White] design and construct appliances which, unlike toasters, are clearly pointless and useless. Hopefully they are every bit as efficient, loaded down as they are with new technology." "Norman White is a Texas-born Canadian New Media artist and pioneer of using electronics and robotics in art." - (accessed 2014.04.24)

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Subject:   White, Norman, 1938- Robotics Digital art Multimedia art Electronic art Computer programming Installations (Art)

Title: Feral Robotic Dogs


Description: Feral Robotic Dogs is a project with the mission to "build a networked (knowledge) community interested in the transformation of robotic dogs from their intended entertainment use to activists instruments for exploring (and contesting) local material conditions." - from website, 2014 April 29

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Subject:   Robotics Digital art

Title: old boys network : the mode is the message - the code is the collective


Description: "OBN is regarded as the first international Cyberfeminist alliance and was founded in 1997 in Berlin. Since the early days the network keeps changing due to changing members. OBN is a real and a virtual coalition of Cyberfeminists. Under the umbrella of the term 'Cyberfeminism', OBN contributes to the critical discourse on new media, especially focussing on its gender-specific aspects." - from website, 2014.04.24

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Subject:   OBN (Organization) Cyberfeminism Digital art

Title: Nicolas Schöffer


Description: Dedicated to the life and work of Nicolas Schöffer, "Father of Cybernetic Art"

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Subject:   Schöffer, Nicolas, 1912-1992 Cybernetics Interactive art Digital art

Title: Paolo Cirio - Conceptual Artist


Description: "Paolo Cirio works with information systems that impact the dynamics of social structures. Cirio's artworks investigate various issues in fields such as privacy, copyright, economy and democracy. He renders his conceptual works through prints, installations, videos, online performances and public interventions. Cirio has exhibited in international museums and institutions and has won numerous prestigious art awards. His artworks have been covered by hundreds of media outlets and he regularly gives public lectures and workshops at leading art festivals and universities worldwide." -- from the website, 2/8/2015

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Subject:   Cirio, Paolo Digital art Installations (Art) Multimedia art


Description: " The Paparazzi Bots are a series of five autonomous robots each standing at the height of the average human. Comprised of multiple cameras, sensors and robotic actuators on a custom-built rolling platform, they move at the speed of a walking human, avoiding walls and obstacles while using infrared sensors to move toward humans. They seek one thing, which is to capture photos of people and to make these images available to the press and the world wide web as a statement of culture's obsession with the “celebrity image” and especially our own images. The flash autonomously goes off, capturing people’s photos and elevating them to “celebrity” in a kind of momentary anointing by the robots. The robots also become celebrities through their association to the “famous people” at the exhibition that are captured by the Paparazzi Bots." -- from the website, 2/9/2015

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Subject:   Rinaldo, Ken Digital art Robotics Digital photography Internet -- Social aspects

Title: Miroslaw Rogala : Interactive Multimedia Art


Description: Rogala is an interactive artist who introduced the term (V)User, art participants who are both viewers and users. "The participant's interactions therefore become integral to the work to the extent that the (v)user takes up that responsibility, chooses the amount of time and involvement each cares to give, and is rewarded accordingly." - from website, 2014.04.24

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Subject:   Rogala, Miroslaw Interactive art Digital art Multimedia art Installations (Art)

Title: Roshini Kempadoo


Description: "Roshini Kempadoo is a photographer, media artist, and lecturer. Her research, multimedia, and photographic projects combine factual and fictional re-imaginings of contemporary experiences with history and memory.... [and] includes photographs and screen-based interactive art installations that fictionalise Caribbean archive material, objects, and spaces. They combine sound, animations, and interactive use of objects, to introduce characters that once may have existed, evoking hidden and untold narratives." - from website, 2014.04.24

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Subject:   Kempadoo, Roshini Digital art Multimedia art Photography

Title: RTMark: Your Real Corporation Clearinghouse


Description: "What does ®TMark do? ®TMark receives project ideas from internet users, then lists them (here). Each listed project has its own discussion list (linked from the project). When a project requires a bit of funding to be accomplished, sometimes investors will step up to the plate and offer their help. Even more often, people will offer non-financial help or feedback." -- from the website, 2/9/2015 "So ®TMark is just a corporation? ®TMark is indeed just a corporation, and benefits from corporate protections, but unlike other corporations, its "bottom line" is to improve culture, rather than its own pocketbook; it seeks cultural profit, not financial." -- from the website, 2/9/2015

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Subject:   Digital art RTMark

Title: The Senster, Cybernetic sculptor - Edward Ihnatowicz - The Senster


Description: "Edward Ihnatowicz was a Cybernetic Sculptor active in the late 1960's and early 1970's. His ground-breaking sculptures explored the interaction between his robotic works and the audience, and reached their height with The Senster, a large (15 feet long), hydraulic robot commissioned by the electronics giant, Philips, for their permanent showplace, the Evoluon, in Eindhoven in 1970. The sculpture used sound and movement sensors to react to the behaviour of the visitors. It was one of the first computer controlled interactive robotic works of art." - from website, 2014 April 29

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Subject:   Ihnatowicz, Edward Cybernetics Digital art Robotics Multimedia art Electronic art

Title: Tania Candiani


Description: Mexican artist Tania Candiani is "known for her ability to make art from the trappings of everyday life and to question traditional ways of seeing, she could almost be characterized as an artist-anthropologist." -, accessed 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Candiani, Tania Digital art Multimedia art Installations (Art) Performance art Interactive art Sound installations (Art)

Title: They Rule


Description: "They Rule aims to provide a glimpse of some of the relationships of the US ruling class. It takes as its focus the boards of some of the most powerful U.S. companies, which share many of the same directors... It allows users to browse through these interlocking directories and run searches on the boards and companies... They Rule is a starting point for research about these powerful individuals and corporations." - from website, 2014 April 30

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Subject:   Executives Corporations Corporate power Digital art

Title: Myriam Thyes


Description: "Thyes works in the fields of video art, animation, photography / photo montage, digital images. The artist also launched participatory projects and implements media art in public space. She is especially known for her video installations and animated films with social and cultural history topics in which they reflected meanings forming powerful symbols, breaks, converts." - Google translated from website, 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Thyes, Myriam Interactive art Video art Digital art


Description: The website for "Tmema," the artistic duo of Golan Levin and Zach Lieberman.

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Subject:   Tmema Levin, Golan Lieberman, Zach Digital art Performance art Projection art Sound installations (Art) Installations (Art) Interactive art Computer programming

Title: Tamas Waliczky


Description: Tamás Waliczky is a Hungarian-born computer animator and media artist. "Waliczky works together with his wife Anna Szepesi since the early eighties." - from website, 2014.04.24

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Subject:   Waliczky, Tamás, 1959- Digital art Computer animation Interactive art Installations (Art) Video art

Title: Vertical Roll


Description: "Vertical Roll is a seminal work. In a startling collusion of form and content, Jonas constructs a theater of female identity by deconstructing representations of the female body and the technology of video. Using an interrupted electronic signal — or "vertical roll" — as a dynamic formal device, she dislocates space, re-framing and fracturing the image." - Electronic Arts Intermix., accessed 2014 February 23

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Subject:   Women -- Identity Digital art Video art Jonas, Joan, 1936-

Title: Tantalum Memorial


Description: "Tantalum Memorial" is a series of telephony-based memorials by the artists group Harwood, Wright, Yokokoji, to the people who have died as a result of the "coltan wars" in the Congo. The installation is constructed out of electromagnetic Strowger switches -- the basis of the first automatic telephone exchange invented in 1888. The movements and sounds of the switches are triggered by the phone calls of London's Congolese community as they participate in "Telephone Trottoire" -- a concurrent project also built by the artists in collaboration with the Congolese radio program "Nostalgie Ya Mboka". - from website, 2014 May 02

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Subject:   Mines and mineral resources -- Congo (Democratic Republic) Congo (Democratic Republic) -- History -- 1997- Coltan (columbite–tantalite) Mines and mineral resources -- Political aspects Tantalum Digital art Technology in art Interactive art Installations (Art) Harwood, Graham, 1960- Wright, Richard, 1963- Yokokoji, Matsuko, 1960-

Title: Opus 147, Multidimensional


Description: "Watch a clip from the video of Thomas Wilfred's recorded Lumia Composition Opus 147 'Multidimensional" (1957). Though best seen in person, this high definition excerpt offers a glimpse into Wilfred's extraordinary composition of light, color, and form that transforms slowly overtime, exhibiting a delicate array of ephemeral beauty." -- from the youtube page for the video, 2/11/2015

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Subject:   Digital art Projective art Light art Wilfred, Thomas, 1889-1968

Title: Piano stairs


Description: Staircase in Odenplan, Stockholm subway station converted into piano keys in experiment to encourage people to use the stairs.

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Subject:   Stairs Piano Music Digital art Interactive art Public art Installations (Art) Volkswagen

Title: Piano – As Media Image


Description: Documentation of Toshio Iwai's piece "Piano - As Media Image" in which a grand piano combines with virtual images.

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Subject:   Digital art Multimedia art Sound installations (Art) Projection art Iwai, Toshio

Title: Rigid Waves, Rigid Waves: Narcissus and Echo


Description: Documentation of an installation piece that pictures the viewer on a projection screen; as the viewer approaches the screen, the image becomes more distorted; movements also distort the projection.

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Subject:   Digital art Installations (Art) Projection art Fleischmann, Monika, 1950- Strauss, Wolfgang

Title: Ping Body


Description: "Stelarc employs pinging as a control mechanism for his body: his body movements are not caused by his own nervous system but by an external data system. The data is generated by pinging randomly at some thirty Internet domains and measuring the spatial distances and the time the signal needs to travel. The variation in ping values depends on both the distance and the level of traffic on the Net. The data thus collected is used to trigger a multiple muscle stimulator that activates muscles by tiny electrical currents. In this way activity on the Net is converted and used to set a body in motion" - from website, 2014 April 18

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Subject:   Digital art

Title: A Tribute to John Cage, Robot K-456 in Berlin


Description: Nam June Paik's Robot K-456 on the street in Berlin.

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Subject:   Digital art Paik, Nam June, 1932-2006 Cage, John Robotics Multimedia art Public art Interactive art Technology in art

Title: Virtual Reality : Immersed in High Performance Computing and Communications


Description: Introductory video describing virtual reality utility in various fields, primarily the sciences.

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Subject:   Virtual reality Digital art Electronic Visualization Laboratory (University of Illinois at Chicago) Computer animation

Title: Agatha Appears


Description: "Agatha Appears was started as a pure art project, funny story about two young people who meet at night. Story combines principles of stage design, film montage and html documents, common internet stereotypes and net critics. It imitates the process of teleportation..." - from website, 2014 February 23

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Subject:   Digital art Lialina, Olia Computer programming Interactive art Computer art

Title: Lynn Hershman Leeson: Selected Works


Description: Documentation of works by Lynn Hershman Leeson; each piece is preceded by a title screen, including date of work.

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Subject:   Digital art Hershman-Leeson, Lynn, 1941- Digital filmmaking Computer graphics Computer games -- Design Multimedia installations (Art) Interactive art Installations (Art) Projection art

Title: Adam Killer


Description: Documentation of first-person shooter game in which the player kills a series of men wearing white.

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Subject:   Digital art Condon, Brody, 1974- Computer animation Computer games -- Design

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