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Description: Archived webpage of the Annual and Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group, as part of the Global Summitry collection. The IMF is an international body that aims to promote global financial stability and monetary cooperation. Archived content is from 2016-present and includes meeting documents.
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Subject: International Monetary Fund -- Congresses, World Bank Group -- Congresses, International finance
Group: Formal
Creator: International Monetary Fund
Rights: © International Monetary Fund
Collector: University of Toronto Libraries
Description: Archived webpage of the Ministerial Conferences of the World Trade Organization (WTO), as part of the Global Summitry collection. The WTO is an international organization that facilitates trade between countries. Archived content is from 2016-present and includes a list of past ministerial conferences.
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Subject: World Trade Organization, International trade
Group: Formal
Creator: World Trade Organization
Rights: © World Trade Organization
Collector: University of Toronto Libraries
Description: Archived webpage of the Doha Round of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The Doha Round, also called the Doha Development Agenda, is the trade-negotiation round that began in 2001. Archived content is from 2016-present and includes information about the Doha Round.
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Subject: World Trade Organization, Doha Development Agenda (2001-), International trade
Group: Formal
Creator: World Trade Organization
Rights: © World Trade Organization
Collector: University of Toronto Libraries
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