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Title: Open Sound New Orleans


Description: Open Sound New Orleans is a community media project that invites and enables New Orleanians to document their lives in sound. You can participate by recording, or making recording requests for, the important sounds and voices in your life and adding them to the soundmap. In order to facilitate a diversity of direct dispatches from around our city, we lend recording equipment – and offer training in its use – to community organizations, neighborhood groups and individuals. Contributed recordings can be shared, reused and adapted by others (please refer to our license for additional information). Our intent is to make more accessible the authentic, unedited sounds and voices of New Orleans. Sharing the sounds of our city as we hear them, move through them, and create them, is an act of celebration. But it also serves each contributor – you and me and anyone else who might participate – as a simple way to extend our own experience to others, harness our representations and those of our city, and participate in New Orleans' public culture with intentionality. A collaborative soundmap made by the people of New Orleans.

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Subject:   Soundmap Soundmaps New Orleans New Orleans Post-Katrina New Orleanians Post-Katrina Public Culture Community Media Oral History Ambient Recordings Music Recordings Voice Recordings Interstitials Sound Recordings Community Media Project Community Project Community Development Self-Representation Community Representation Community Self-Representation Participatory Participatory Media Participatory Project Participatory Culture Culture Blues American Beauty South Hipsters Motels Dwyer Canal History Instrumentals Brass Bands New Orleans East Neighborhood Food Protest Pontchartrain Park Hip-Hop Community,  Conversation ,  Jazz Fest City Park Architecture St. Bernard ESL Drainage Gentilly Woods Weather French Quarter Music Healthcare Steamboat Natchez City Hall Mississippi River Transportation St. Anna's Episcopal Church Algiers Point Rebuilding,  Radio ,  Second Line Second Lines Mardi Gras Housing Hurricanes Animals Education Crime Bayou St. John Hustling Businesses Singing Family Recreation Saints Energy Pontilly Gumbo Easton Park Ferry NOMA New Orleans Museum of Art Quintron Parades Kids Walking Festivals Lundi Gras Summer Tourists Tourism Art Mardi Gras Indians Social Aid and Pleasure Clubs Civil Rights Restaurants,  Jazz ,  Police Amistad Sin Fronteras Post-K Demolition Fireworks Cops Sacred Politics NOPD Nature Infrastructure Interviews Immigration Memory Canal Street Corruption FEMA

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