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Archived since: Feb, 2009
Official Blogs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This includes a collection of blogs offered by state government organizations.
Subject: Government - US States, Blogs & Social Media
Collector: Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Archived since: Jul, 2008
This collection captures the Mass.gov website on a weekly basis, excluding downloadable documents which are captured quarterly in the “Mass.gov site with documents” collection. The main home page of Mass.Gov and the emergency alert page are captured on a daily basis. The main official Facebook and Twitter accounts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are also captured on a daily basis.
Subject: Government - US States, Blogs & Social Media
Collector: Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Archived since: Mar, 2009
This collection captures Mass.gov and includes downloadable electronic documents. It is run quarterly. For weekly captures of non-document pages, see the “Mass.gov” collection.
Subject: Government - US States
Collector: Commonwealth of Massachusetts
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