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Collection: Institute for Alternative Futures
Description: The website of AFA, IAF’s for-profit subsidiary and a consultancy with a track record of over 30 years helping private sector leaders choose their better future by developing strategies that account for future risk and reward. This site presents services (Environmental Scanning, Futures Risk Audit, Forecasting, Scenario Building, Visioning, Change Leadership, War Gaming), case studies (Pfizer War Games, Pfizer Futures Intelligence Network, IMS Health, Forest Products Co.), client testimonials, client list, and team member bios.
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Subject: foresight, futures, strategic foresight, strategy, planning, environmental scanning, forecasting, scenarios, leadership, war gaming
Creator: Institute for Alternative Futures
Language: English
Coverage: United States
Type: Website
Rights: All rights reserved. Content may only be used for educational, teaching, and learning purposes. If intended use is beyond these purposes, it is the responsibility of the user to obtain the appropriate copyright permissions.
Collection: Institute for Alternative Futures
Description: The website of IAF, the 501(c)3 non-profit research and education organization founded in 1977 by Clement Bezold, James Dator and Alvin Toffler to promote and pursue anticipatory democracy and foresight. This site presents IAF’s history and many projects in government, healthcare, health equity, nonprofits, public health, sustainability, and education. Materials available include project reports, forecasts, scenarios, videos, and scenario workshop toolkits.
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Subject: foresight, futures, strategic foresight, strategy, planning, environmental scanning, forecasting, scenarios, leadership, aspirational futures, governance, public sector, trends, foresight seminars, Government, society, technology, environment, economics, politics, health, healthcare, health equity, nonprofits, public health, sustainability, education, anticipatory democracy and foresight
Creator: Institute for Alternative Futures
Language: English
Coverage: United States
Type: Website
Rights: All rights reserved. Content may only be used for educational, teaching, and learning purposes. If intended use is beyond these purposes, it is the responsibility of the user to obtain the appropriate copyright permissions.
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