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Archived since: May, 2009
Collection contains the websites of organizations with collections in the Special Collections Department, Iowa State University Library
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Computers & Technology, Science & Health
Archived since: Sep, 2007
The materials consist of Iowa State University websites captured by University Archives staff. Included are the websites of Iowa State's eight colleges, their departments, and affiliated labs and research centers; independent research centers and institutes reporting to the Dean of Research; interdisciplinary programs; and administrative units overseeing academic affairs, faculty development, student life, research, public affairs, human resources, and other areas of the university. Also included are sites providing information on campus events, such as Commencement; sites established to disseminate information on specific initiatives, such as Diversity and Inclusion; and publications, such as the Iowa State Daily and news stories produced by Strategic Relations and Communications.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: Iowa State University
Source: http://www.iastate.edu/
Format: Web sites
Type: Collection
Language: English
Collector: Iowa State University. Library. Special Collections Department
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