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Archived since: Dec, 2018
WakingTheFeminists was a campaign calling for equality for women working in Irish theatre. The campaign ran from November 2015 to November 2016.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Arts & Humanities, Spontaneous Events, Theatre, Campaigns
Archived since: Feb, 2023
In 2018, the NLI undertook a crawl to mark the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Government, Politics & Elections, Northern Ireland, Politics
Archived since: Apr, 2023
2023 marked the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. This collection contains websites relating to the anniversary and the visit of President Biden to Ireland.
Subject: Government, Society & Culture, Government - National, Anniversary, Northern Ireland
Archived since: Apr, 2023
A collection of websites relating to both the abolition of the Seanad and the establishment of a Court of Appeal referenda that were held on the 4th of November 2013.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Government, Politics & Elections, Referendum
Archived since: Apr, 2023
A collection of websites relating to the Abortion debate in Ireland between the years 2012-2017.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Science & Health, Politics & Elections, Reproductive health, Abortion
Format: Websites
Type: Collection
Date: 2012-2017
Language: English
Collector: National Library of Ireland
Archived since: Feb, 2023
A collection of websites relating to adult education in Ireland. For university and college websites, please refer to the Higher Education collection.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Computers & Technology, Universities & Libraries, Education
Archived since: Dec, 2018
A collection of websites relating to the introduction of abortion services in Ireland.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Government
Archived since: Oct, 2019
A collection of websites relating to ageing in Ireland. Contains blogs, advocacy organisations and events.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Science & Health, Society & Culture, Blogs, Older people
Archived since: Oct, 2019
A collection of websites relating to the agricultural, horticultural and food production industry in Ireland.
Subject: Government, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Food production, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry
Archived since: Sep, 2018
A collection of websites relating to the annual Budget announcement.
Subject: Government, Blogs & Social Media, Politics & Elections, Government, Budget
Archived since: Dec, 2018
A collection of websites relating to the Irish art and culture scene. Contains websites relating to literature and publishing, which can also be found in Irish literature.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Festivals, Poetry, Opera, Publishing, Art
Archived since: Jun, 2021
A collection of websites archived in relation to the Aviation Industry in Ireland.
Subject: Science & Health, Computers & Technology, Aviation
Archived since: Dec, 2019
Websites relating to biodiversity and wildlife conservation in Ireland.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Biodiversity, Wildlife conservation
Archived since: Oct, 2018
A collection of websites connected to the Blasphemy referendum which was held on the 26th of October 2018. The thirty-seventh amendment of the Irish constitution was signed into law on the 27th November 2018. This collection contains the website and Twitter account of Refcom. Other relevant material can be found in the Presidential election collection, which was held on the same day.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Blasphemy, Referendum
Archived since: Apr, 2023
A collection of Irish blogs and commentary websites.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Commentary, Blogs
Archived since: Oct, 2018
A collection of websites relating to the UK Brexit referendum. This collection focuses on the Irish experience of Brexit. Content, including media coverage, for the years 2021-2022, may be found in the Covid-19 collection and the Irish media and commentary collection.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Blogs & Social Media, Government, Brexit, International Relations, European Union
Archived since: Aug, 2022
A collection of websites detailing the relationship between Britain and Ireland post Brexit.
Subject: Government, Society & Culture, Computers & Technology, Northern Ireland, International relations
Archived since: Jul, 2022
A collection detailing broadcasting in Ireland. The collection is based on the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland's register of licensed stations. The register is available here: https://www.bai.ie/en/broadcasting/licensing-2/.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Broadcasting
Archived since: Apr, 2023
On the 10th October 2014, by elections were held. Vacancies arose in Dublin South West following the election of Brian Hayes, Fine Gael TD, to the European Parliament and also in Roscommon-South Leitrim constituency following the election of Independent TD Luke “Ming” Flanagan to the European Parliament. Paul Murphy, Anti Austerity Alliance, was elected in Dublin South West and Michael Fitzmaurice, Independent, was elected in Roscommon South Leitrim.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Government - Counties, Politics & Elections, Elections, Politics
Archived since: Nov, 2019
Collection containing websites and social media relating to the By- Election held on the 29th November 2019.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Government, Politics & Elections, Elections, By-Election
Archived since: Jun, 2021
A By-Election was held on the 8 July 2021 in Dublin Bay South to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Fine Gael TD Eoghan Murphy. The By-Election was won by Labour candidate Ivana Bacik. This collection includes the websites of candidates running in the election. All candidates were considered for inclusion in the collection, however, only those who had websites could be included. Social media accounts could not be included due to technical reasons. It also includes websites of online-only news websites, TheJournal.ie and Tuairisc. It also includes the website of RTE News.
Subject: Government, Government - Counties, Politics & Elections, Politics, Election
Archived since: Feb, 2023
The 2016 Census was held on the 24th of April. This collection contains the official Census website. Other relevant content may be found in the Remembering 1916, Recording 2016 and the Irish Media and Commentary collection.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Government, Government - National, Census
Archived since: Apr, 2022
The 2022 Census was held on the 3rd April. This collection contains the official Census website and the website of the Central Statistics Office. Other relevant content may be found in the Irish Media and Commentary collection.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Government, Society & Culture, Census
Archived since: Jun, 2021
A collection of websites relating to the charity sector in Ireland.
Subject: Government, Science & Health, Society & Culture, Charity
Archived since: May, 2023
A collection of websites relating to children and the provision of services in Ireland. Contains websites of agencies under the auspices of the Department of Children.
Subject: Government, Society & Culture, Science & Health, Children, Youth
Archived since: Dec, 2020
A collection of websites detailing children's literature in Ireland. It contains websites of authors, illustrators and organisations.
Subject: Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities, Universities & Libraries, Publishing, Children
Archived since: Apr, 2023
A collection of websites connected to the Referendum relating to Children that was held on the 10th November 2012.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Government, Politics & Elections, Referendum
Archived since: Aug, 2019
A collection of websites relating to life in coastal areas and on Ireland's islands.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Culture, Society, Islands, Tourism
Archived since: Feb, 2023
A collection of websites relating to commemorations of historical events. For the Decade of Centenaries, please consult the Remembering 1916, Recording 2016
and Decade of Centenaries
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, History
Archived since: Jun, 2022
A collection containing the websites of communications providers in Ireland. These include broadband and telecom providers.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Government, Communications
Archived since: Aug, 2022
A collection of websites relation to the Irish Construction Industry.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Government - National, Society & Culture, Construction
Archived since: Mar, 2020
This collection contains websites related to the health sector, finance, the response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Irish society and culture.
Subject: Government, Society & Culture, Science & Health, Society, Government, Health, Finance, Covid-19
Archived since: Dec, 2018
Websites relating to the ongoing programme of commemorations to mark the period (2012-2023)
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Government, Commemorations
Archived since: Feb, 2023
A collection of websites relating to Irish aid charities and their work abroad.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Government, Society & Culture, Developing countries, Economic assistance
Archived since: Feb, 2023
A collection of websites relating to disability services in Ireland.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Government, Science & Health, Disability
Archived since: May, 2019
Websites of the Referendum Commission collected in connection with the Divorce Referendum
which sought to amend the regulation of divorce as outlined in the constitution. The referendum was held on the 24th May 2019 and was approved by 82% of the vote.
Subject: Politics & Elections, Society & Culture, Government, Divorce, Referendum
Archived since: Aug, 2022
Education & Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) provides education and learning opportunities across Ireland. Please note the website of the Laois & Offaly ETB did not capture due to technical reasons.
Subject: Education
Archived since: Nov, 2024
This collection contains the websites of organisations that faciliate and provide information about voting and elections in Ireland.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Computers & Technology, Politics & Elections, Elections
Archived since: Mar, 2022
Websites of energy providers and utility companies in Ireland.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Science & Health, Government, Energy, Utilities
Archived since: Apr, 2023
The 2014 European Parliament Elections were held on the 23rd May 2014. The Local Elections and By Elections in Dublin West and Longford- Westmeath were also held on the same day.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Government, Politics & Elections, European Union, Elections
Archived since: Feb, 2024
On 8 March 2024, Irish citizens were asked to vote in two referendums to change the Irish Constitution. This collection consists of media and commentary websites and the official electoral commission website. It also contains a number of advocacy group who campaigned on both sides of the debate.
Subject: Politics & Elections, Government, Government - National, Constitution, Referendum
Archived since: Feb, 2023
A collection of websites relating to family history and genealogy in Ireland. Contains personal blogs and genealogical organisations.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Genealogy
Archived since: Apr, 2023
A collection of websites relating to various festivals in Ireland.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Government, Society & Culture, Culture, Festivals
Archived since: Oct, 2021
This collection contains the websites of financial institutions in Ireland. It contains the websites of all major high-street banks and financial institutions and also includes the website of the Central Bank.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Society & Culture, Banking, Finance
Archived since: Feb, 2023
In 2017, the leader of Fine Gael, Enda Kenny, announced his departure from his position as leader of Fine Gael and therefore his position as Taoiseach. In late May and early June 2017, two senior Fine Gael TDs, Leo Varadkar and Simon Coveney launched their bid for leadership. It was the first time that a new electoral procedure was used to elect a party leader. Members of the parliamentary party accounted for 65% of the vote, local members amounted to 25% and councillors amounted for 15%. From the 29th of May to the 2nd of June, over 25,000 members of the Fine Gael party cast their vote.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Government, Politics & Elections, Election, Politics
Archived since: Feb, 2023
A collection of websites relating to the Thirtieth Amendment of the Constitution (Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union) Act 2012. The Amendment was approved by referendum on the 31st May 2012.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Government, Politics & Elections, Referendum
Archived since: Nov, 2019
Websites of Irish professional organisations relating to the gallery, library, archive, museums (GLAMs) and conservation sectors.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Universities & Libraries, Society & Culture, Archives, Museums, Libraries, Galleries
Archived since: Nov, 2021
Tá suíomhanna gréasán a bhaineann le ceantair Ghaeltachta ann sa bhailiúchán seo.
Subject: Society & Culture, Government - National, Arts & Humanities, Irish language, Gaeltacht
Archived since: Nov, 2019
Websites of Irish cultural institutions, galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs) across Ireland. This collection is updated on a regular basis.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Government, Society & Culture, Galleries, Museums, Libraries, Culture
Archived since: Sep, 2022
A collection of websites relating to the General Election of 2011 held on Friday 25 February 2011.
Subject: Politics & Elections, Government, Elections, Politics
Archived since: Sep, 2022
A collection of websites relating to the 2016 General Election. The election was held on the 26 February 2016.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Government, Politics & Elections, Elections, Politics
Archived since: Jan, 2020
The 2020 Irish general election was held on Saturday 8th February. The 33rd Dáil was formed on the 27th June when Micheál Martin was elected Taoiseach and the coalition between Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party was formed. This collection encompasses media sites, commentary and news websites for this period. It also includes candidate websites from each constituency. These were selected on a random basis. Each constituency is represented by two candidate websites were possible. In Laois Offaly it was not possible to archive candidate websites as they did not exist. Instead, the Twitter account of Green Party candidate, Pippa Hackett was archived. In addition, the websites of the outgoing cabinet and retiring TDs were also archived. The websites of some relevant representative groups, charities and advocacy bodies were also included in this collection. Please note that the websites of political parties, archived at this time are included in their own collection. There may also be relevant coverage of the formation of government in the Covid-19 collection.
Subject: Society & Culture, Government, Politics & Elections, Elections, Politics
Archived since: Dec, 2018
Tá suíomhanna gréasán ann sa bhailiúchán seo a bhí curtha i gCartlann i gcomhar le grúpa Gaeilge an Leabharlann Náisiúnta na hÉireann.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Irish language
Format: Websites
Type: Collection
Date: 2012-
Language: Irish
Collector: National Library of Ireland
Contributor: National Library of Ireland Irish Language group
Archived since: Feb, 2019
A collection of websites relating to charity and advocacy groups in Ireland.
Subject: Science & Health, Government, Politics & Elections, Health, Mental Health, Hospice care, Domestic violence, Cancer, Addiction, Caregivers
Archived since: Sep, 2019
Websites of publicly funded Higher Education institutions in Ireland. This collection is derived from a list of publicly funded Higher Education Institutions available on the Department of Education website. https://www.education.ie/en/Learners/Information/Providers-of-Higher-Education/List.html. Also includes the websites of Dublin Institute of Technology, Tallaght Institute of Technology and Blanchardstown Institute of Technology.
Subject: Science & Health, Society & Culture, Universities & Libraries, College, University, Higher Education
Archived since: Feb, 2023
A collection of websites relating to homeless services in Ireland.
Subject: Government, Society & Culture, Science & Health, Charity
Archived since: Mar, 2022
A comprehensive collection of public and private hospitals in Ireland.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Science & Health, Government - National, Hospitals, Health
Archived since: Oct, 2019
A collection of websites relating to land, property and housing in Ireland. Contains a selection of Approved Housing Bodies that were archived in 2023.
Subject: Government, Society & Culture, Politics & Elections, Housing, Land, Property
Archived since: Dec, 2019
Websites relating to Irish infrastructure projects including BusConnects and the broadband plan. Please note that relevant government departments can be found in the Government departments collection.
Subject: Government, Government - National, Government - Counties, Communication, Transport, Infrastructure
Archived since: Jan, 2021
A collection of websites relating to Institutional redress in Ireland. Includes websites of advocacy groups and Irish media.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Government, Society & Culture, Mother and Baby Homes
Archived since: Jun, 2022
A collection of websites detailing the relationship between Ireland and the European Union. Please note that other relevant content may be found in the Regional Assemblies and Political Parties collections.
Subject: Government, Government - National, Politics & Elections, European Union
Archived since: Dec, 2020
A collection of websites relating to Irish Architecture. Contains the website of the Irish Architectural Archive and some of Ireland's leading firms.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities, Heritage, Architecture
Archived since: Feb, 2020
A collection relating to Irish artists.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Art
Archived since: Aug, 2021
The Irish Community Archive Network (iCAN) was established by the National Museum of Ireland in 2008. Its main aim is to encourage and support communities to collect and share their local history and heritage online. In partnership with iCAN, the NLI is archiving a selection of their local websites.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Local History
Format: Websites
Type: Collection
Date: 2021-
Language: English
Collector: National Library of Ireland
Contributor: Irish Community Archive Network (iCAN)
Archived since: Mar, 2021
A collection of websites documenting contemporary Irish singers and bands.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Music
Archived since: Mar, 2021
A collection of websites relating to Irish Crafts and Design.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Irish Design, Irish Crafts
Archived since: Dec, 2019
Websites relating to the Irish Diaspora.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Culture, Film, Diaspora
Archived since: Apr, 2023
A collection of websites relating to the Irish economy and business. Contains a number of blogs and publications.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Computers & Technology, Government - National, Blogs, Economy, Finance
Archived since: Jul, 2019
Websites relating to the Irish Entertainment sector. Includes the website of comedian Brendan Grace, archived after his death in 2019.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Entertainment, Comedy
Archived since: Mar, 2019
A collection of websites relating to film production in Ireland. Also contains the websites of film festivals.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Computers & Technology, Festivals, Film, Motion picture studios
Archived since: Jul, 2019
A collection of websites documenting Irish history and historical events.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, History
Archived since: Dec, 2020
Tá suíomhanna gréasán a bhaineann le foilsitheoirí Gaeilge in Éirinn ann sa bhailiúchán seo.
Subject: Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities, Universities & Libraries, Irish language, Publishing
Archived since: Oct, 2019
A collection of websites relating to literature in Ireland. Contains websites relating to writing festivals across Ireland and poetry.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Literature, Culture, Festivals
Archived since: Mar, 2019
A collection of Irish news and media websites. Also contains blogs and other commentary websites.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Media, Blogs
Archived since: Aug, 2019
A collection of websites relating to music in Ireland. Contains festival, band and event websites.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Blogs & Social Media, Music, Traditional music
Archived since: Mar, 2019
A collection of websites relating to photography in Ireland, including the websites of galleries, photographers and blogs.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Blogs & Social Media, Photography
Archived since: Jan, 2022
Websites of all Irish ports with an online presence.
Subject: Science & Health, Government, Computers & Technology, Shipping
Archived since: Sep, 2018
Collection of websites reflecting issues in Irish society. The websites were archived in October 2018 to coincide with the 2019 Budget. Websites relating to climate change, agriculture, homelessness and older people were archived. From 2019 these themes formed the basis of individual collections. Also contains websites archived during 2015-2017.
Subject: Government, Society & Culture, Politics & Elections, Homelessness, Agriculture, Government
Archived since: Dec, 2018
A collection of websites relating to Sports in Ireland. Includes governing bodies and sports personality websites. Other collections in the web archive relate to sport including the GAA collection and the Olympics collections.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Sport
Archived since: Mar, 2021
A collection of websites documenting Irish Theatre in Ireland.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Drama, Theatre
Archived since: Mar, 2020
This collection is a collaboration with the Irish Traditional Music Archive. Websites are selected for inclusion in the web archive by the staff of ITMA.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Irish traditional music
Format: Websites
Type: Collection
Date: 2021-
Contributor: Irish Traditional Music Archive (ITMA)
Collector: National Library of Ireland
Archived since: Feb, 2023
A collection of websites relating to the Irish Travelling Community
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture
Archived since: Aug, 2022
A collection of websites relating to the life and work of James Joyce.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, James Joyce, Literature
Archived since: Apr, 2020
In February 2020, Labour leader Brendan Howlin announced his intention to step down as leader of the party. There were two candidates in the following leadership contest, Alan Kelly and Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. Kelly won the contest in April 2020. This collection contains the Labour party website. Please note that media coverage of this contest can be found in the Covid-19 collection.
Subject: Politics & Elections, Politics
Archived since: Jun, 2022
A collection relating to the Irish legal system.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Government, Society & Culture, Law
Archived since: Jul, 2019
This collection relates to contemporary LGBTI+ life in Ireland.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, LGBTI+, Culture, Society
Archived since: May, 2024
On the 7 June 2024, Limerick was the first Irish city to vote for a directly elected Mayor. This was a result of the 2019 plebiscite in which Limerick City and County voted in favour of a proposal for a directly elected Mayor. The Mayor will serve for a five year term and can serve a maximum of two terms. In 2024, there were 15 candidates in the election. Candidates who had an individual website were included in this collection, although the majority had only a social media presence, which was not archived. Media websites and the website of the electoral commission were archived as part of the Local and European election collection.
Subject: Politics & Elections, Government - Counties, Government - Cities, Elections
Format: Websites
Type: Collection
Date: 07-06-2024
Language: English
Collector: National Library of Ireland
Archived since: May, 2019
A collection of Local Authority websites. These websites were first collected in 2014 and have been collected on an annual basis since 2019. The collection includes a number of Town Councils and Local Authorities that are no longer in existence. A small number of websites were archived prior to 2014.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Arts & Humanities, Local Government
Archived since: Apr, 2023
Local Elections were held on the 23rd May 2014. On the same day, the European Parliament elections and by-elections in Dublin West and Longford Westmeath were also held. They were the first elections to take place after the Local Government Reform Act 2014 had come into force which was responsible for redrawing local electoral area boundaries and the abolition of borough and town councils and the merging of some county and city councils.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Government, Politics & Elections, Local Authority, Politics, Elections
Archived since: Sep, 2018
A collection of websites relating to local history and community groups in Ireland.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, History
Archived since: May, 2019
Websites and Twitter accounts relating to the 2019 Local and European elections. Please note that the websites of political parties and local authorities were archived as part of this election, but are available in separate collections. • For the European elections, the website or Twitter account of all outgoing MEPs were archived. The successful candidates in each constituency were also archived along with the runner-up. • A number of media and commentary websites were included, for example, The Journal and Tuairisc were archived. • The websites of other groups, e.g. Women for Election, INAR, Spunout, were included to represent some of the issues that came up in the election. • To represent the local elections in Ireland, the NLI undertook significant research and compiled a comprehensive list of all candidates. It was decided that a random sample of candidates’ websites, representing all constituencies in Ireland would be included in the archive. However, this proved impossible as not all candidates in the random sample had websites. It was therefore impossible to include a representative sample and it was decided that individual candidate websites would not be included.
Subject: Government, Government - Counties, Politics & Elections, European Union, Local Government, Elections
Archived since: May, 2024
On June 7th 2024, Ireland held Local, European and the Limerick Mayoral elections. This collection includes a selection of candidate websites from each of the European constituencies. A random selection of five candidate websites was chosen for inclusion. Other advocacy group websites and media websites were included, along with the state websites relating to Irish elections. Websites relating to the Limerick Mayoral election can be found in a separate collection.
Subject: Government, Politics & Elections, Government - Counties, Europe, Elections
Archived since: Apr, 2023
A collection of websites relating to the Marriage Equality Referendum that was held on the 22nd of May 2015. This collection contains political party websites, Irish news and commentary websites and advocacy groups on both sides of the debate.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Government, Politics & Elections, Referendum
Archived since: Jan, 2023
A collection of websites relating to the work of Michael Barron.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture, Social Justice
Archived since: Feb, 2022
A collection of websites relating to immigration in Ireland. Contains websites of groups that work with migrants to Ireland.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Government, Society & Culture, Migration
Archived since: Jul, 2019
A collection relating to the work of the National Library of Ireland. Contains the websites of the NLI and the Museum of Literature Ireland.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Universities & Libraries, Libraries
Archived since: Jul, 2018
Websites archived by the National Library of Ireland 2011-2018. These include websites archived as part of Marriage Equality, 2011 and 2016 General Elections and the Eighth Amendment collections. Work is ongoing to present these as collections. More details can be found here: https://www.nli.ie/en/udlist/web-archive-collections.aspx
Subject: Politics & Elections, Spontaneous Events, Blogs & Social Media
Archived since: Oct, 2018
Websites that record events relating to the House of the Oireachtas and politics in Ireland. It includes the website of Denis Naughten, archived when Naughten resigned as Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment in 2018. Also includes the social media of the Social Democratic and Labour Party and Fianna Fáil to record their partnership in 2019.
Subject: Politics & Elections, Government, Society & Culture, Politics
Archived since: Oct, 2024
The 2024 Olympics and Paralympics were held in Paris, France. 133 Irish athletes competed in the Olympics, winning a total of seven medals. 35 athletes represented Ireland at the Paralympics, returning with six medals.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Government, Paralympics, Olympics, Sport
Archived since: Aug, 2022
A collection of websites relating to law enforcement, policing and reform in Ireland.
Subject: Society & Culture, Computers & Technology, Law enforcement, Policing
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