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Archived since: Feb, 2020
No description.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media, Society & Culture
Archived since: Mar, 2015
This collection contains faculty created websites, blogs, and social media at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Universities and colleges--Faculty; Trinity University (San Antonio, Tex.); Private universities and colleges--Texas--San Antonio; Web archives
Creator: Trinity University (San Antonio, Tex.)
Publisher: Trinity University Special Collections & Archives
Coverage: San Antonio (Tex.)
Format: text/html
Type: Collection
Rights: The materials in this collection may be protected by copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code). The materials are available for personal, educational, and scholarly use. It is the responsibility of the researcher to locate and obtain permission from the copyright owner or his or her heirs for any other use, such as reproduction and publication.
Language: eng
Collector: Trinity University Special Collections & Archives
Archived since: Dec, 2013
No description.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media
Archived since: May, 2014
This collection contains websites, blogs, publications, and social media of student organizations and groups at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. These groups include university-sponsored organizations, registered student organizations, and fraternities and sororities.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Trinity University (San Antonio, Tex.), College students--Texas--San Antonio, Student activities--Texas--San Antonio, Private universities and colleges--Texas--San Antonio, Web archives
Creator: Trinity University (San Antonio, Tex.)
Publisher: Trinity University Special Collections & Archives
Coverage: San Antonio (Tex.)
Format: text/html
Type: Collection
Rights: It is the sole responsibility of researchers to comply with federal copyright regulations and laws for fair use and in the cases of third party copyright. If reproducing content from the web archive, we strongly suggest users identify the copyright holders of that material and contact them directly. Please contact Special Collections and Archives (http://lib.trinity.edu/lib2/spec_coll.php) if you have any questions.
Language: eng
Collector: Trinity University Special Collections & Archives
Archived since: Jul, 2012
This collection contains official and affiliated university websites, blogs, publications, and social media related to Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Trinity University (San Antonio, Tex.), Libraries and colleges, Private universities and colleges--Texas--San Antonio, Web archives
Creator: Trinity University (San Antonio, Tex.)
Publisher: Trinity University Special Collections & Archives
Coverage: San Antonio (Tex.)
Format: text/html
Type: Collection
Rights: It is the sole responsibility of researchers to comply with federal copyright regulations and laws for fair use and in the cases of third party copyright. If reproducing content from the web archive, we strongly suggest users identify the copyright holders of that material and contact them directly. Please contact Special Collections and Archives (http://lib.trinity.edu/lib2/spec_coll.php) if you have any questions.
Language: eng
Collector: Trinity University Special Collections & Archives
Page 1 of 1 (9 Total Results)