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Archived since: Mar, 2020
Selected websites that preserve the response and effect of COVID-19 on the University of Minnesota. Responses include information on program and department updates, student and employee information, event cancellations, and coping resources. Other responses provide information on academic planning, alternative instruction methods and research. A blog and social media site from a University coalition on COVID-19 and a shared resource for talents and expertise are also preserved. Captures of these websites are ongoing.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media, Science & Health
Creator: University of Minnesota
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: May, 2016
The Driven to Discover web archives document the annual marketing campaign by the University of Relations at the University of Minnesota. This one time capture of this website preserves the 2015 campaign, entitled, “Ours is a world of challenge and possibility. And we are the driven.” Stories from students, faculty and the University community are shared through this platform and showcase the University of Minnesota’s identity, values and work to the public. Captures are complete.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: University of Minnesota
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: Jan, 2013
The Folwell Hall Renovation web archives document the preservation project of Folwell Hall in 2011. Information on this site includes fun facts on Folwell Hall, historical photographs on the building, a timeline on the preservation project and historical information on William Watts Folwell in which the building was named after. Captures are complete.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: University of Minnesota
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: Mar, 2012
The Land Grant 150 web archives documents the University of Minnesota’s celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act of 1862, legislation that laid the groundwork for the public research university’s ongoing mission of learning, discovery, and engagement for the common good. Captures are complete and support existing University Archives collections.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: University of Minnesota
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: Jul, 2006
UThink: Blogs at the University Libraries web archives document the faculty, staff and student communal blog, hosted by the University Libraries. These University members were able to create their own blog posts, as a way to support teaching and learning, scholarly communication and individual expression. Captures are complete.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media
Creator: University of Minnesota
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: Jul, 2019
The University of Minnesota System web archives document the five distinct campuses, the offered degrees and programs, statewide research and outreach, leadership information and ways that one can support the University of Minnesota. Captures are ongoing.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: University of Minnesota
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: Jun, 2015
Website documenting the PeopleSoft upgrade.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: University of Minnesota
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: Jun, 2007
Selected websites that document the general resources for University of Minnesota related academic and research opportunities, archived from 1996 to 2006 on Internet Archive. Captures are complete and support existing University Archives collections.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: University of Minnesota
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Page 1 of 1 (8 Total Results)