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Archived since: Mar, 2020
Selected websites that preserve the response and effect of COVID-19 on the University of Minnesota. Responses include information on program and department updates, student and employee information, event cancellations, and coping resources. Other responses provide information on academic planning, alternative instruction methods and research. A blog and social media site from a University coalition on COVID-19 and a shared resource for talents and expertise are also preserved. Captures of these websites are ongoing.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media , Science & Health
Creator: University of Minnesota
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: Sep, 2017
Selected websites that document the departments and programs associated under the College of Design. Resources on these outlets include design curriculums, collaborative projects, presentations, and the college’s blog. Material on design studies, research, and laboratories are also included. Websites on the School of Architecture Centennial Celebration, the College of Design’s Goldstein Museum, the College’s Annual Fashion Show and the Graphic Design Senior Show preserve the events’ information and a collection database. Captures of websites are ongoing unless the website ceases updating or has been moved to a new web address. These websites also support existing University Archives collections.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media
Creator: University of Minnesota. College of Design
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: Sep, 2015
Selected websites that preserve the academic, admission, research and project development in the College’s departments and schools. The College of Education and Human Development blog that highlights new perspectives on education and human development. Captures are ongoing and support existing University Archives collections.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media
Archived since: Nov, 2013
Selected websites that preserve programs and research interests on food security, international agriculture, farming, and integrated pest management. Information regarding the College’s academic opportunities, experiential learning, projects and research and their Food thought blog, are also included. Captures of websites are ongoing unless the website ceases updating or has been moved to a new address. These websites also support existing University Archives collections.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Science & Health, Blogs & Social Media
Archived since: Nov, 2011
Selected websites and a blog that documents the research, training and dissemination of health related information produced by the Health Sciences at the University of Minnesota. This collection also includes information on direct access to care and health resources for University communities. Captures are ongoing and support existing University Archives collections.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Science & Health, Blogs & Social Media
Creator: University of Minnesota. Health Sciences
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: Mar, 2015
The Immigration History Research Center Archives web archives document a collection of Somali youth stories created by and for Somali youth to reach a global audience and to provide a better understanding of the lives of Somali youth. Captures are complete and support existing University Archives collections.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media
Archived since: Mar, 2014
Selected websites that describe the news updates for the University of Minnesota. Blog posts and articles on University related content are shared through this digital platform. Captures are ongoing.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media
Creator: University of Minnesota. News Service
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: Jul, 2006
UThink: Blogs at the University Libraries web archives document the faculty, staff and student communal blog, hosted by the University Libraries. These University members were able to create their own blog posts, as a way to support teaching and learning, scholarly communication and individual expression. Captures are complete.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media
Creator: University of Minnesota
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Archived since: Nov, 2012
Selected websites that document the resources related to the umbrella body of the University Senate. Resources include committee information, policy actions and ways to get involved. Captures of websites are ongoing unless the website ceases updating or has been moved to a new address. They also support existing University Archives collections.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media
Creator: University of Minnesota. University Senate
Collector: University of Minnesota Archives
Page 1 of 1 (9 Total Results)