NYC Public School 56 Queens - The Harry Eichler School
NYC Public School 56 Queens (The Harry Eichler School) serves and international community in one of the most diverse boroughs in the nation. We are proud of the fact that Queens also has one of the largest (if not THE largest) library circulation in the country. We're a community of readers, online and in print! It stands to reason that our "digital native" fifth grade students would want to archive their favorite online web sites for posterity as part of the Archive-it project. Mrs. Alperstein's class has the honor of participating for a third year weighing in on digital favs of this 21st century elementary school learners.
Enthusiasm for the project has expanded as student choices follow us around with our latest accessory - flash drives holding lists of must have URLs to recall in the future. The experience of losing digital work has given us a true appreciation of archiving, especially as we work with the Library of Congress and Archive-it. Some of our explanations include "aha" moments as we reflect upon reasons for the need to archive. Realizations include,
"I want to be able to show my family years from now what I liked on the web. It will be very difficult to explain a web site but I'll be able to show them if it is archived."
"A web site is worth a thousand words, and will help me remember what I really enjoyed when I was 10."
"It's important to archive because we may not know what is important now, but we'll only first understand the importance, once we look back. Then we'll be able to better see what we did, liked, and learned in 2011. I don't think we know why just yet."
"We need to save sites because we don't understand them yet and maybe we'll know better who we were."
"I wish we could do this every year because then we would have a collection and see how things changed over time."
Thank you for giving us a voice for posterity. It's an honor to work with the Library of Congress and Archive-it even though we're only 10 years old!
Shruthi, Alyssa, Amit, Saumya, Parvati, Anjali, Misael, Ria, Shivanna, Neeram, Maniza, Riaz, Aliyah, Hussain, Sophia, Sabrina, Sebastian, Amanda, Nicholas, Timothy, Emma, and Mrs. Neme Alperstein
Visit NYC Public School 56 Queens's 2009-10 Web Archiving Page
Visit NYC Public School 56 Queens's 2008-09 Web Archiving Page
NYC Public School 56 Queens - The Harry Eichler School
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Culture and Sensitivity

American Natural History Museum http://www.amnh.org/
The infamous nature museum, with special exhibits from Brains, to the great theorem from Charles Darwin. There are kids exhibits, and the famous dinosaur fossils and moon exhibit greets you every time you visit. There is a kids area, but you don't need to live in NYC to hear about the AMNH!
This collection is a student's guide to the wonderful arts and the varieties of cultures.
Or browse by URL
- http://www.amnh.org/
The infamous nature museum, with special exhibits from Brains, to the great theorem from Charles Darwin. There are kids exhibits, and the famous dinosaur fossils and moon exhibit greets you every time you visit. There is a kids area, but you don;t need to live in NYC to hear about the AMNH!
- http://www.britishmuseum.org/default.aspx
This website has a lot of information, and it ranges from Egypt's pharaohs and sarcophagi to old, ancient European architect and artifacts.
- http://www.civil-war.net/
The Civil War and all it's aspects in a web-page. It includes photos, articles about debated subjects, letters and diaries and more general information.
- http://www.culturalstudies.net/
This website is going under construction, but has a blog to discuss culture, and will soon have open information about culture.
- http://www.firstworldwar.com/
This website incorporates multimedia about the World War with videos, pictures and telegrams. Some of the most visited topics are included, like how the German leader, Adolf Hitler's experience in the field of nursing and doctors.
- http://www.getty.edu/museum/
This website features various works of art, including the Getty's most famous exhibits. It features the current exhibits and has a changing body, it features the art that is in the museum itself.
- http://www.japaneselifestyle.com.au/culture/culture.html
This website provides local information about what is happening in Japan, and about Japan in easy language, at least easier than Wikipedia! Japan is an amazing country, don't get it confused with China.
- http://www.metmuseum.org/
This site has an amazing variety of arts and dates that are historic not only to the Met (vernacular for us New York City-ers), but to it's art as well. You can buy tickets, and read articles pertaining to the art as well.
- http://www.moma.org/
This is the infamous MoMA, the museum that features the newest art and the craziest features. For example, an exhibit that runs and is loved by art people is the helicopter that hangs from the ceiling. Everything is modern and crazy, but amazing at the same type. Nothing has the same concept either!
- http://www.movingimage.us/
This is basically a multimedia website; it is about the pictures and video used in America. It has history about how it evolved.
- http://www.museumofglass.org/
This museum is about welded, blown and other formats of glass. It is about how glass ornaments evolved over time and how it adorned houses and such.
- http://www.nmai.si.edu/
This website is about the different types of American Indians from different places in America. There is a whole part about Native American jewelry too!
- http://www.omsakthi.org/religions.html
This website gives information about the majority of religions in child-speak, but covers the most important aspects. It covers Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Shinto and more.
- http://www.pbs.org/opb/meaningoffood/food_and_culture/
Food integrates with culture beautifully- and dietary issues raises more awareness. For example, in Jewish culture, Kosher is integrated- you can't drink milk and eat meat at the same time- and in Hindu culture, you cannot eat the cow, which is sacred to the gods.
- http://www.seeing-stars.com/museums/MuseumOfTelevision.shtml
The museum of TV! Finally, a museum that covers America's pastime: TV! This museum covers the history of the different types of TV with their principles and how they work.
- http://www.si.edu/
This website is about how kids interact with the art, and the information provided includes exhibits like no other. It even has an encyclopedia for terms in art and other fields that you may not know! You can plan your visit with it's extensive park too!
- http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/cultures.htm
This website has fun, easy descriptions for changing topics of culture.
- http://www.tenement.org/
This website has information about the tenements; the small apartments that immigrants lived in. It has information about how tenements were built, and how immigrants lived as well.
- http://www.uffizi.com/
Uffizi is a museum which gives Italian art, particularly art in Florence. It gives you historical information, the Florence Museum and more.
- http://christianculture.ca/
This site not only gives information about Christian Culture, it gives information and a "definition", or simply a thinking process about the word culture, and what it means to other people and cultures. It gives prayers and how the world (in Christian culture) was made.
- http://musicasculture.org/
Music is part of who we are and expresses culture too. This website explains in detail how music is associated with culture, and some projects you can do witht hem.
- http://www.africaguide.com/culture/index.htm
This website provides a thorough examination of African culture, from which area of Africa practices which religion, the two main cultures, Islamic Culture, and Christian Culture. It gives information about the 7 main parts of Africa too.
- http://www.bergpublishers.com/BergJournals/FoodCultureandSociety/tabid/521/Default.aspx
Food integrates with culture beautifully- and dietary issues raises more awareness. For example, in Jewish culture, Kosher is integrated- you can't drink milk and eat meat at the same time- and in Hindu culture, you cannot eat the cow, which is sacred to the gods.
- http://www.eurocult.org/
This website has information about how some artists contribute to European's fancy repertoire. "Inspire, engage and empower" is it's motto, and I think it reflects the European's culture.
Planet of the Apps

NASA http://www.nasa.gov/
NASA will show you experiments, news, podcasts and many more. We liked this because we work with NASA so we know what is going on in the "NASA world".
This collection informs everyone about the amazing inventions of technology.
Or browse by URL
- http://automobiles.honda.com/?ef_id=r7hN
This website has many articles of technology and more gadgets and programs plus more. They write articles about it so you would know if it is good or not.
- http://gateway.com
This site will show you all types of computers and items Gateway create,you will be shocked at what they do create.
- http://www.apple.com/
This website you can access all of the Apple technology that has been created and you can see all types of models. We liked this website because we can see all of our favorite products.
- http://www.businessweek.com/
This has articles that shows you what is going on in the world. It is kind of like a newspaper but it is mainly about money or business.
- http://www.dell.com/
This will show you what Dell not only makes but what they sell. You can see all things Dell and one of these would be your next birthday present.
- http://www.energystar.gov/
Do you have a sticker on your computer that says Energy Star on it? If you do, thank you. That means your computer saves energy.
- http://www.ibm.com/us/en/sandbox/ver2/
IBM makes your computer, printers and many more things. You will be happy for what you find and you will beg your parents for this.
- http://www.intel.com/?en_US_01
Intel is the motherboard in your computer,if it wasn't for this your computer wouldn't work. You wouldn't know that yo had an Intel product.
- http://www.lg.com/us/index.jsp
Lucky Goldstar is a company that makes a lot of things, you might know them by LG. You should look at this website and recognize it from your house.
- http://www.microsoft.com/windows/default.aspx?icid=winvan
This will show you the types of operating systems and products and you will like this. You would be surprised at what you see.
- http://www.nasa.gov/
NASA will show you experiments, news, podcasts and many more. We liked this because we work with NASA so we know what is going on in the "NASA world".
- http://www.oracle.com/index.html
Oracle runs a lot of things such as websites. It is sort of a program. You would like this because there is a lot of products, they have a list from A-Z.
- http://www.panasonic.com/
This will make you fall into the website of technology and you would want everything. You would be shocked by what you see and you would like it. This website is very interesting.
- http://www.samsung.com/us/
You will be able to see the Samsung products that are amazing. You can see the great products which yo might even have in your home!
- http://www.technologyreview.com/
This website has many articles of technology and more gadgets and programs plus more. They write articles about it so you would know if it is good or not.
- http://www.toshiba.com/
This website shows us the brilliant technology made by Toshiba. It will give us information about what we want for school to make us better students.
- http://www.toyota.com/
Toyota is a car company that makes your daily car. With technology you make cars by putting in parts and more things. You would be really surprised.
- http://www1.lexmark.com/products/
Lexmark is your printer. If you look at the website you can see their products and something you want for your computer.
Yearn 2 Learn
This collection encourages children all around the globe to conquer their fear... to learn!
Or browse by URL
- http://citationmachine.net/
This website helps you create an ample Bibliography. All you do is insert the information needed, it creates a perfect format. You can choose from both non-print and print.
- http://dsc.discovery.com/
Another Discovery Website, now for adults.
- http://fieldtrip.com/
In this website what you learn is what you can learn in a field trip. You will be happy because if it is raining and you can't go somewhere on a trip, go on this website.
- http://kids.discovery.com/
This is a teaching website which has educational games and will teach you a lot. It is like school but on your computer.
- http://www.4kids.org/
This website gives information about the basic building blocks of life-atoms, the electrons etc. It makes learning fun!
- http://www.aplusmath.com/
This website gives the basic tips for Math and you can choose your grade level too. Math is actually easy!
- http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_education.html
This teaches you a lot of quotes that are very popular. It is good to know for when you are writing and you can include quote in your writing.
- http://www.coolmath.com/
On this website it has math games. Yes for kids, it is fun and you learn while playing these games.
- http://www.education.com/
This website has information about science and kid principles as well.
- http://www.glencoe.com/sec/socialstudies/partners/index.html
This website provides sources that contribute to Social Studies. There is a Natural History source, Biographies and more.
- http://www.how-to-study.com/
This website gives tips on how to ace tests by studying. It gives organization tips and the website gives relaxing tips as well.
- http://www.howstuffworks.com/
This will show you, how stuff works. It will teach you about many things. If you don't know who to operate something you go to this website.
- http://www.kidsknowit.com/
This website is dedicated to making education fun and free. Free educational websites for the young! We the kids can learn in peace!
- http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/
This teaches you a lot of quotes that are very popular. It is good to know for when you are writing and you can include quote in your writing.
- http://www.learningplanet.com/
On this website you can find a lot of educational games and it teaches you a lot. You will be happy with what you learn on this website.
- http://www.literacypartners.org/
This website helps kids read and comprehend their reading. It gives them tips and believes that reading is extremely important in life, which it is.
- http://www.nces.ed.gov/nceskids/
This will let you create graphs and make a lot of things. You are allowed to do this for free and it helps you in school.
- http://www.pbs.org/nbr/
This is the business report on PBS. It includes reports daily and nightly for the Dow Jones, the NASDAQ, and the Standard and Poors.
- http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/
You will be able to play games, take quizzes and learn a lot. You can see different types of science. You will definitely learn about science.
- http://www.socialstudiesgroup.com/who-we-are/the-partners/
This website gives social studies help to who needs it- the "partners" who help.
- http://www.streetlaw.org/en/landmark.aspx
This is a website about the great cases that the Supreme Court debated on, the cases that everyone should know. Debating and the Judicial Branch-here I come with the Archiving Case!
- http://www.whitehouse.gov/
This tells you what is going on in the White House. It shows you news in the White house and the presidents' decisions.
- http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/
On this website you can learn about all of the presidents. This can help you in homework and school. You will love this website.