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Archived since: Jul, 2016
This is a single page capture of an open letter to European citizens, lawmakers and regulators, from founder and Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Professor Barbara van Schewick, and Professor Larry Lessig regarding Net Neutrality.
Subject: Computers & Technology, Government, Blogs & Social Media, Faculty, Net Neutrality
Archived since: Apr, 2016
This collections consist of websites regarding Dress Code. This collection was create in order to support Richard Thompson Ford’s project on Dress Codes.
Subject: Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities
Creator: Sarah Wilson
Language: English
Archived since: Mar, 2016
Legal Research Plus is a blog created and managed by the instructors that teach Advanced Legal Research at Stanford Law School since the fall of 2005.
Subject: Blogs & Social Media, Computers & Technology, Universities & Libraries
Archived since: Aug, 2019
This is the New Student Orientation’s website for Stanford Law School. Produce by the Office of Student Affairs to help new incoming students to coordinate and communicate about events, locations, to-dos, and schedule for first week of school.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Archived since: Feb, 2021
Starting in March 2020, the Robert Crown Law Library was closed due to the outbreak of COVID-19. As result, library staff switch focus from in-person services on how to provide services and resources to be put online. This collections of urls are microsites developed by Reference and Access Services Librarians to meet the need of our users.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Archived since: Aug, 2019
This collections consist of web crawls capturing the Robert Crown Law Library. The Robert Crown Law Library is the legal research center of Stanford University. The library’s website has relevant information regarding access, research support, and outlines services available. The website is arranged as produced. There is an bi-annual collection of the official Robert Crown Law Library’s website.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: Robert Crown Law Library
Type: Website
Rights: Copyright is held by Stanford Law School.
Language: English
Identifier: LAW-92308
Collector: Special Collections Librarian
Archived since: Aug, 2019
Add This series consist of the web crawls of Stanford University Bulletin’s webpages for the Stanford Law School. Starting in 2000, Stanford University would produce an electronic version of the previous analogue publication of the Bulletin. The Stanford Law School Bulletins contains information but not limited to course lists, course descriptions, last name of lecturers, and faculty listing. Accretion are accrued annually.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Universities and colleges--Curricula--Catalogs
Coverage: 2019-Present
Rights: Copyright held by Stanford Law School.
Language: English
Collector: Special Collections Librarian
Archived since: Aug, 2019
This collection of web pages consists of Stanford Law School’s Faculty and teaching Staff. Each URL is representative of an individual. Each page has information contains but not limited to their education, publication, legal experiences, courses that they are teaching, publications and employment history. There is an annually accretion of material in February.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Faculty
Language: English
Collector: Special Collections Librarian
Archived since: Aug, 2019
Stanford Law School has an active student life with a host of varied student run organizations and journals. This collection captures the various different student organizations’ webpage. All student groups fall under the jurisdiction of the Office of Student Affairs. Depending on the student organization, receive some financial support from Office of Student. For a Student Organization to be officially recognized and access to some of that funding, all student group must applied. The requirements are that a new student organization must not overlap with an already existing group, to have at least 12 members, and a written proposal that outlines their mission, group actives, and proposed budget. Any student organization must meet the requirements and limitations outlined in the Handbook for Student Organizations. After gaining written approval from the Office of Student Affairs. The nascent student organization is then able to elect their executive board, which allows the group to start organizing and hosting events, speakers, and programs at Stanford Law School. This collection is organized by student organization in alphabetical order.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Arts & Humanities
Archived since: Feb, 2020
This collection of websites consist of Stanford Law School’s journal publication.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Archived since: Sep, 2019
This collection consist of websites of Stanford Law School’s Program and Centers pages. These website explain legal scholarship focus available for students to study. Each has different focuses and course of studies and project that are led by Faculty. This collection accrues new material biannually.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Universities & Libraries, Legal Education, Educational law and legislation
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