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Archived since: Jun, 2023
A stand-alone site to celebrate the 50th anniversary of co-education at Phillips Exeter Academy. The series of events were under the celebration called Her Voice: at the table
Subject: Society & Culture, Girls, Women, Co-education
Archived since: Jun, 2023
This is the blog post site for the Class of 1945 Library. Here the library features upcoming events, highlights particular stories, and features new programs going on in the library. This blog post has traditionally been managed by the library staff.
Subject: Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media
Language: English
Collector: Phillips Exeter Academy
Archived since: Aug, 2016
This collection documents the changes in the Phillips Exeter Academy's website.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media
Archived since: Jun, 2023
Since 1878 is a multi-part series by the 142nd Board of The Exonian. It examines the paper’s coverage of racism at the Academy and, by extension, in the country as a whole. The articles do not provide a complete overview of racist events over the years in question. Additionally, research draws heavily from The Exonian’s archives, which do not present a holistic depiction of racial dynamics at the Academy. Instead, Since 1878 offers a portrait of The Exonian, the Academy and the nation, decade by decade, by highlighting articles published in the paper. Please reach out to abrandes@exeter.edu for corrections, responses and inquiries.
Subject: Society & Culture, Government - National
Archived since: Jun, 2023
The Exonian is the oldest continuously running secondary school newspaper in the U.S., beginning with its first issue of April 6, 1878. The paper is run by students at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire and publishes bi-weekly. The paper is comprised of three main boards—the Editorial Board, the Web Board and the Business Board—directed by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board, comprised of section and layout editors, directs article production and print appearance. The Web Board updates the site theexonian.com weekly and manages long-term endeavors. The Business Board directs all finances and outreach of The Exonian, including subscriptions and social media. Since its inception, The Exonian has published news, commentary, and content pertaining to the Exeter community. Since 2010, it has published content online.
Subject: Society & Culture
Archived since: Jun, 2023
The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) seeks to create and collaborate on inclusive learning environments inside and outside of the classroom by fostering greater understanding around topics of: race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, ability, religion, spirituality and other aspects of identity. OMA programs support students, and provide opportunities for education and engagement. By exploring differences and similarities, celebrating diversity, and encouraging intergroup dialogue, we nurture a community that is culturally aware and inclusive. OMA staff and faculty serve as primary advisers for culture and affinity groups, including La Alianza Latina (LAL), the Afro-Latino Exonian Society (ALES), Asian Advisory Board (AAB), International Student Alliance (ISA) and International Student Alliance Board (ISAB). OMA also works closely with Student Activities to help plan and execute various activities, including International Day, Asian Night Market, Asian Dinner, International Tea, the Students of Caribbean Ancestry (SOCA) Carnival, dinners sponsored by LAL and ALES, and more. This newsletter is a representation of the student and staff reflections over the years activities.
Subject: Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities
Creator: The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA)
Language: English
Collector: Phillips Exeter Academy
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