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Archived since: Nov, 2016
The International Institute of Modern Letters (IIML) hosts Victoria’s Creative Writing programme, offering both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Underlying our programme is the notion that creativity is the engine of a healthy and successful society. Our courses do not teach a specific set of predetermined skills. Rather, our aim is to develop the imaginative capacity and individual literary skills and voices of emerging writers, in a stimulating workshop environment.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture
Archived since: Aug, 2016
Haere mai! Welcome to the New Zealand Electronic Text Collection - Te Pūhikotuhi o Aotearoa, part of Victoria University of Wellington Library. The New Zealand Electronic Text Collection comprises significant New Zealand and Pacific Island texts and materials held by Victoria University of Wellington Library. This encompasses both digitised heritage material and born-digital resources. The NZETC supports the teaching, learning and research activities at Victoria University of Wellington through: The digitisation of historical works held uniquely by the Victoria University Library with an emphasis on works created by Victoria; The support of the creation of born-digital resources created by Victoria. The texts made available on the NZETC are freely accessible to all researchers regardless of their affiliation with Victoria University of Wellington.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Universities & Libraries, Society & Culture
Archived since: Jul, 2017
This collection contains the journals hosted by Victoria University of Wellington on OJS (Open Journal System)
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Universities & Libraries, Society & Culture
Archived since: Jul, 2020
No description.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Society & Culture
Archived since: Feb, 2018
Archive of websites from Victoria University of Wellington.
Page 1 of 1 (8 Total Results)