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Archived since: Jul, 2018
At the end of June 2018, Southern Minnesota had already received between 110-200% its normal amount of rainfall. In a series of torrential storms, areas received an additional 8-10 inches of rain overnight, leaving homes, fields, and roadways underwater.
Subject: Spontaneous Events, Minnesota, Rainstorms, Rainfall anomalies
Date: 2018
Archived since: Mar, 2018
No description.
Subject: Government - Cities, Southwestern Minnesota, Minnesota - Marshall
Archived since: Aug, 2020
No description.
Subject: Politics & Elections, Government - US States, Government - US Federal
Archived since: Oct, 2017
No description.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Rural libraries, Public libraries
Archived since: Mar, 2019
During the month of February 2019, Marshall, MN received more snow than in any other February on record: 37.9 inches, beating out 1952's 32.3 inches. Similar records, including those for temperature, were broken across the region. This collection documents that record-breaking winter for Southwestern Minnesota.
Subject: Spontaneous Events, Floods, Winter storms, Winter -- Minnesota, Cold weather conditions, Snow, Precipitation anomalies, Southwestern Minnesota
Date: 2018-2019
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