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National Library of Medicine

Archive-It Partner Since: Mar, 2009

Organization Type: National Institutions

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The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health, collects, preserves, and makes available to the public information about health, medicine, and the biomedical sciences. To continue fulfilling this mission, NLM is collecting and archiving related Web content, which also serves to document the histories of health and medicine. As with the other materials in the Library collections, NLM does not endorse the content of any web sites other than its own. To learn more about what the library collects, please see the Collection Development Guidelines of the National Library of Medicine. For questions about our web archiving program contact us at

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Images & Texts in Medical History: A Workshop in Methods, Tools, & Data from the Digital Humanities

Archived since: May, 2016


Website of Images and Texts in Medical History workshop that brought together historians and librarians interested in applying digital humanities tools to researching the history of medicine. Seventy-Five participants and observers gathered at the National Library of Medicine April 11-13 to explore innovative methods and data sources useful for analyzing images and texts in the field of medical history.

Subject:   Arts & Humanities ,  Science & Health Society & Culture

NLM History of Medicine Division

Archived since: Jan, 2016


The NLM History of Medicine Division (HMD) collects, preserves, makes available, and interprets for diverse audiences one of the world’s richest collections of historical material related to health and disease. Spanning ten centuries, encompassing a variety of digital and physical formats, and originating from nearly every part of the globe, our collections include: born-digital content, manuscripts, printed works and more.

Subject:   Government - US Federal Science & Health,  Arts & Humanities

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