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Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive
Description: Page on the UNICEF Website dedicated to Children AIDS. Children AIDS aims to prevent HIV among women, children, and adolescents who have been left behind and treating those living with HIV. Their HIV program response builds upon UNICEF's core commitments to "realizing the rights of every child, especially the most disadvantaged." It sets out three core goals: eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV; eliminate the treatment gap in children and adolescents; and prevent HIV in adolescents.
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Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive
Description: Page on the UNICEF Website dedicated to AIDS. The page details what the organization does for children impacted by HIV/AIDS, and provides data, news and resources.
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Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive
Description: Section on the UNICEF Website dedicated to HIV and AIDS. UNICEF supports governments and communities in their efforts to reduce inequities in HIV service delivery and to address the underlying factors of gender, age and poverty that make people vulnerable to HIV. UNICEF also supports governments to deliver services that prevent mother-to-child transmission, test infants early, link children diagnosed with HIV to treatment and care and prevent new HIV infections in adolescents.
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