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National Library of Medicine

Archive-It Partner Since: Mar, 2009

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The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health, collects, preserves, and makes available to the public information about health, medicine, and the biomedical sciences. To continue fulfilling this mission, NLM is collecting and archiving related Web content, which also serves to document the histories of health and medicine. For questions about our web archiving program contact us at

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Title: HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials | AIDSinfo


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the AIDsInfo Website that connects patients with clinical trials in multiple areas of HIV/AIDS research.

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Title: NIH Clinical Center Department of Bioethics


Collection: Bioethics web archive

Description: Website for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Department of Bioethics. The site features the department's research, publications, and training materials, and provides information on staff and alumni, department services, fellowship opportunities and relevant resources.

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Title: Zika Virus: An Emerging Health Threat | NIH Director's Blog


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Post titled, "Zika Virus: An Emerging Health Threat," by Dr. Francis Collins published on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director's Blog on January 26, 2016. The post features a video of predicted distribution, background on the disease and the status of treatment as well as next steps.

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Title: NOT-AI-16-026: Notice of NIAID's Interest to Highlight High-Priority Zika virus (ZIKV) Research Areas


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Press release titled, "Notice of NIAID's Interest to Highlight High-Priority Zika virus (ZIKV) Research Areas," published on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website on January 22, 2016. The report describes high-priority research areas related to the Zika virus that the organization is targeting.

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Title: Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Website for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee (IPRCC). It includes the latest news and links to the 2018 NIH Pain Consortium Symposium registration page. The IPRCC is a federal advisory committee created to enhance pain research efforts and promote collaboration across the government.

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Title: What is Alzheimer's?


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: Web resource from the National Institutes of Health Senior Health Center that describes Alzheimer's, its causes and prevention, treatment and diagnosis, and other aspects of the disease.

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Title: Pain Consortium


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Website for the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) Pain Consortium, which was established to enhance pain research and promote collaboration among researchers across the many NIH Institutes and Centers that have programs and activities addressing pain.

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Title: Ebola Outbreak 2014: Information Resources


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Page titled, "Ebola Outbreak 2014: Information Resources," on the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Disaster Information Management Research Center website. The page features resources on the disease and the outbreak.

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Title: The CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey (CRISIS)


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: The CRISIS Survey is designed to enable researchers and care providers to examine the extent and impact of life changes induced by the COVID-19 epidemic on the mental health and behavior of individuals and families across diverse international settings. This data may enable the identification of pre-, peri, and post-COVID-19 demographic, social, and clinical predictors of both short- and long-term impairment and distress induced by COVID-19 and its sequelae. The survey is designed to allow for follow-ups on a regular basis, with recommended frequencies of twice monthly or monthly. To facilitate multicultural perspectives, translations in a broad range of languages are available. Download surveys in PDF or Word Format, via GitHub, or via REDCap.

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Title: Virus Variation Resource pages for Ebolavirus, MERS coronoavirus give quick and easy access to related sequences and other data


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Virus Variation Resource pages for Ebolavirus, MERS coronavirus give quick and easy access to related sequences and other data," published on the National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI) News website on September 19, 2014. The article points readers to Ebola resource pages hosted by NCBI.

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Title: Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center: Treatment


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: This page from ADEAR (an NIH component) delves into various treatment and medication options, and includes numerous resources and fact sheets for referral.

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Title: Preventing Alzheimer's Disease


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: Pamphlet published by the National Institute on Aging about current theories and methods to minimize Alzheimer's risk.

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Title: Understanding Ebola and Marburg | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Page on the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) website dedicated to Ebola and Marburg. The page links to pages providing more information on the virus, including an overview, causes of disease, how it is transmitted, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment and prevention.

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Title: Ebola/Marburg


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Page titled, "Ebola/Marburg," on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) website. The page provides basic information on Ebola as well as relevant research and news stories.

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Title: Ebola/Marburg Research


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Page on the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) website dedicated to Ebola and Marburg. The page focuses on answering why studying the two viruses are priorities for NIAID and how the organization is addressing the topic. It also provides short summaries on the status of vaccine development, diagnostics, treatment, long-term health effects, featured research and the latest news.

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Title: Understanding Ebola/Marburg


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Page on the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) website dedicated to Ebola and Marburg. The page links to pages providing more information on the virus, including an overview, causes of disease, how it is transmitted, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment and prevention.

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Title: NIEHS's Health and Education: Autism page


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: One of the potential causes of autism that is currently being heavily researched involves environmental factors and environmental health. The National Institute of Environment and Health Services has significant information about the work being done on its website.

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Title: HEAL Initiative | National Institutes of Health (NIH)


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Page on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Website dedicated to the Helping to End Addiction Long-Term (HEAL) Initiative. HEAL is an aggressive trans-agency effort launched in April 2018 to speed scientific solutions to help curb the opioid crisis using well-establish NIH research and working with public and private organizations. The site includes links to resources, past events, and news and announcements.

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Title: Opioids – Digital Press Kit | National Institutes of Health (NIH)


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Page on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Website dedicated to the Opioids Digital Press Kit. The site, last reviewed in December 2017, includes sections on NIH funding, the NIH Pain Consortium, images, and soundbites.

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Title: COVID-19 Response | NIH 3D Print Exchange


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This collection of designs was created to support the manufacturing of personal protective equipment (PPE) or other necessary medical devices that are in short supply due to the COVID-19 outbreak. While many can be printed with a 3D printer at home or a local Maker space, the National Institutes of Health, Food and Drug Administration, Veterans Administration, America Makes (in collaboration with NIH), and the contributing creators cannot ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of these designs when manufactured without proper quality controls and processes.

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Title: All of Us Research Program | National Institutes of Health (NIH)


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "National Institute of Health All of Us Research Program," of the National Institute of Health's informational page on All of Us and their link to the main All of Us research page.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: All of Us Tribal Leader and Urban Indian Organization Letter


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "All of Us Tribal Engagement," detailing the All of Us Research Program's collaboration with Tribal Nations including information on tribal consultation, key milestones, and funding opportunities.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Inclusion in the All of Us Research Program COVID-19 Serology Study


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, "American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Inclusion in the All of Us Research Program COVID-19 Serology Study," detailing the All of Us Research Program's consultation with tribal leaders about including existing AI/AN participant samples in a COVID-19 Serology Study looking for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Responding to tribal concerns, All of Us has decided not to include these samples and will continue focusing on finalizing consultation about the main program.

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Subject:   COVID-19

Title: All of Us Research Program Overview


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "All of Us Research Program Overview," detailing the All of Us Research Program at a glance and explaining what precision medicine is.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: All of Us Tribal Leader and Urban Indian Organization Letter


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Press release, titled "All of Us Tribal Leader and Urban Indian Organization Letter," detailing regional consultations held between the NIH and Tribal Nations as well as listening sessions. Resources for Tribal Nations are provided in preparation for the regional consultations.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Tribal Collaboration Working Group of the All of Us Research Program Advisory Panel


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "Tribal Collaboration Working Group of the All of Us Research Program Advisory Panel," detailing the purpose of the Tribal Collaboration Working Group, its deliverables, and roster.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Research Program Tribal Consultation Final Report | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Project report for the All of Us Research Program, titled "All of Us Research Program Tribal Consultation Final Report." The report details the All of Us Research Program's commitment to Tribal Nations and how the project has operated with Tribal Nations including how the project handles cultural sensitivity.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Biobank


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Biobank," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what a biobank is and who provides the biobank for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Communications and Engagement Partners | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "Communications and Engagement Partners," from the National Institutes of Health listing all of the partners in the All of Us program and along with funding information.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: Data and Research Center


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Data and Research Center," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what the data and research center is and who hosts the data and research center for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Funding Opportunities


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Funding Opportunities," hosted by the National Institutes of Health that lists current and previous funding opportunities for researchers in the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Genomics Partners


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Genomics Partners," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what the genome centers will accomplish in the All of Us Research Program and listing the organizations that act as the genomic partners for the program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Health Care Provider Organizations


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Health Care Provider Organizations," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what the Health Care Provider Organizations are and listing ones associated with the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Participant Center


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Participant Center," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what the Participant Center is and listing some of the locations.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Participant Technology Systems Center


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Participant Technology Systems Center," hosted by the National Institutes of Health detailing what the Participant Technology Center is and what organizations host the center.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: All of Us Sharable Resources


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "All of Us Sharable Resources," from the All of Us Research Program that houses free materials for the project. The majority of materials are for promotional purposes, such as images for Social media, fact sheets, and brochures. Most are available in English and Spanish with some other languages being represented as well.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Nursing Resources


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "All of Us Nursing Resources," from the All of Us Research Program that provides resources, such as pamphlets and brochures, for nurses and other medical providers to learn about the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Physician Resources


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "All of Us Physician Resources," from the All of Us Research Program that provides printable resources, such as business cards and note pads, for physicians. Links to other resources can be found on the page.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Releases Initial COVID-19 Survey Data to Researchers | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Press release, titled "All of Us Releases Initial Covid-19 Survey Data to Researchers," detailing an update made to the program's research workbench that allowed researchers access to Covid-19 data as well as data provided by Fitbit technology.

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Subject:   COVID-19

Title: Statement on Data Security from the All of Us Research Program | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Press release, titled "Statement on Data Security from the All of Us Research Program," detailing a security audit performed on the Research Program and the Program's response to the security audit.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: News and Events | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: The official NIH All of Us Research Program website for the program's "News and Events." The page hosts all of the program's announcements and lists events held. Videos, external news, testimonials, and the press kit are also available on this page.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: All of Us Research Program Seeks Input on Environmental Health Data


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: News article, titled "All of Us Research Program Seeks Input on Environmental Health Data," discussing the All of Us Research Program's request for information (RFI) on integrating environmental health data into the project. The article mentions the Researcher's Workbench and how the goal is to add more data to one of the largest datasets of its kind.

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Subject:   Research Projects Using Collected Data

Title: New Data Release: Filling Out the Pandemic Picture


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: News article, titled "New Data Release: Filling Out the Pandemic Picture," announcing new data released as part of the All of Us Research Program. Data released during this batch pertains to information gathered from the COPE survey and Fitbit products. The article gives more detail about the collection of Fitbit data and mentions that vaccination data will not be available immediately due to security.

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Subject:   COVID-19

Title: New Funding Opportunity: All of Us Research Program Seeks Engagement and Enrollment Partners


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Press release, titled "New Funding Opportunity: All of Us Research Program Seeks Engagement and Enrollment Partners," detailing a new funding opportunity and how organizations can apply to use funds for community, researcher, or tribal engagement. Links to full details and more information are provided.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: NIH funds genetic counseling resource ahead of million-person sequencing effort


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Press release, titled "NIH funds genetic counseling resource ahead of million-person sequencing effort," detailing the All of Us Research Program's collaboration with Color, a health tech company, to provide genetic counseling for participants of the program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: NIH’s All of Us Research Program Releases New COVID-19 Data


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: News article, titled "NIH’s All of Us Research Program Releases New COVID-19 Data," announcing a new Covid-19 data set on the Researcher Workbench. With this announcement came news that new Fitbit data was also accessible. The article also details how data from the All of Us Research Program has already been utilized and how to apply for access to the data.

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Subject:   COVID-19

Title: NIH’s All of Us Research Program Releases First Genomic Dataset of Nearly 100,000 Whole Genome Sequences


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: News release, titled "NIH’s All of Us Research Program Releases First Genomic Dataset of Nearly 100,000 Whole Genome Sequences," announcing the release of genomic sequences to the All of Us Researcher Workbench for Researchers to use. Other information about the All of Us Research Program as a whole is present in the news release.

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Subject:   Research Projects Using Collected Data

Title: Research Roundup: Data Expansion Bolsters Trove of COVID-19 Data


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: News article, titled "Research Roundup: Data Expansion Bolsters Trove of COVID-19 Data," detailing the released COVID-19 dataset, which includes information about vaccines. Information about new file types and tools is also present in the article.

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Subject:   COVID-19

Title: All of Us Awardees: Media Contacts


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "All of Us Awardees: Media Contacts," that lists organizations associated with the All of Us Research Program as well as contact information.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: All of Us Research Program Backgrounder


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "All of Us Research Program Backgrounder," hosted by the National Institutes of Health answering many frequently asked questions about the All of Us Research Program as well as giving some background information on the initiative.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Researcher Billy A. Caceres Taps All of Us’ Diverse Data to Benchmark Health Disparities


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Researcher Billy A. Caceres Taps All of Us’ Diverse Data to Benchmark Health Disparities," that includes an interview/overview of Billy A. Caceres, a researcher for the All of Us Program. The interview delves into Caceres' life story, his research, and how his experiences have affected his research.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Building Bridges to Better Health: South Carolina Participant Ambassador Joyce Ann Bell Winkler


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Building Bridges to Better Health: South Carolina Participant Ambassador Joyce Ann Bell Winkler," that includes an interview/ overview of Joyce Ann Bell Winkler, a participant ambassador for the All of Us Research Program. The interview details Winkler's personal experiences, including her childhood, and her experience with the All of Us Research Program. Her testimony details what the program is like and why others should join the program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Connecting Social Environment and Health Outcomes to Pinpoint Disparities: Harvard Medical School Researcher, Physician, and Parent Cheryl R. Clark


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Connecting Social Environment and Health Outcomes to Pinpoint Disparities: Harvard Medical School Researcher, Physician, and Parent Cheryl R. Clark," that includes an interview/ overview of Cheryl R. Clark, a researcher for the All of Us Research Program. The interview mentions Clark's personal experiences, her work with the All of Us Research Program, and how the two intersect.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Longtime Volunteers Believe Big Data Will Bring Better Health to All


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Longtime Volunteers Believe Big Data Will Bring Better Health to All," discussing Lin and Kean Engie's volunteer efforts as well as their support of the All of Us Research Program. The webpage highlights how everyone can benefit from joining the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Atiya Shahid: A Story of Survival, Resilience, and the Power of Mentorship and Research


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Atiya Shahid: A Story of Survival, Resilience, and the Power of Mentorship and Research," that includes an interview/overview of Atiya Shahid, a Minority Student Research Symposium Scholar. The interview mentions Shahid's life story, her research, and her experiences with the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Thirst for Knowledge and Data Drives Army Veteran to All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "Thirst for Knowledge and Data Drives Army Veteran to All of Us," that includes an interview/ overview of Keisha Bellamy, a nurse for the All of Us Research Program and a veteran. The interview mentions Bellamy's life story, her experiences in the military, and her involvement in the All of Us research Program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: New York Participant Ysabel Abreu: A Profile in Perseverance and the Humanity in All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Webpage, titled "New York Participant Ysabel Abreu: A Profile in Perseverance and the Humanity in All of Us," that includes an interview/ overview of Ysabel Aberu, a member of the Participant Advisory Board. The interview details her life experiences that led to her involvement with the All of Us Research Program and why she is proud to be a part of the initiative.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Protecting Data and Privacy | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled " Protecting Data and Privacy," that details how the All of Us Program ensures data collected from participants will be safe.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: Achieving the Principles through a Precision Medicine Initiative Data Security Policy Framework | National Institutes of Health (NIH) — All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: The official NIH All of Us Research Program website for the program's "Achieving the Principles through a Precision Medicine Initiative Data Security Policy Framework." The page details how the All of Us Research Program's security program, including the five principles the program utilizes to maintain security: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: Data Security Policy Principles


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: The official NIH All of Us Research Program website for the program's "Data Security Policy Principles."

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: Preguntas Frecuentes del Programa


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "Preguntas Frecuentes del Programa," listing frequently asked questions along with their answers about the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Estamos invitando a un millón de personas a formar el camino hacia una mejor salud.


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "Estamos invitando a un millón de personas a formar el camino hacia una mejor salud." This is a general informative sheet or flyer for the All of Us Research Program. It answers general questions about the program and what precision medicine is.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: El futuro de la salud comienza con usted


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "El futuro de la salud comienza con usted," discussing what precision medicine and the All of Us Research Program is.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Future of Health


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "Future of Health," of a advertisement flyer for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: El futuro de la salud comienza con usted


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "El futuro de la salud comienza con usted," of a advertisement flyer for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Cómo me inscribo al Programa Científi co All of Us?


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "Cómo me inscribo al Programa Científi co All of Us?," detailing how to sign up for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: What is the All of Us Research Program?


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "What is the All of Us Research Program?" This is a general brochure with information on the All of Us Research Program. The brochure answers frequently asked questions along with general questions about the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Invisible No Longer


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "Invisible No Longer," of a advertisement flyer for the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Your electronic health record (EHR): The facts


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "Your electronic health record (EHR): The facts," detailing what an electronic health record is, why it is important, how the All of Us Research Program will keep the data safe, and why people should join the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Su registro electrónico de salud


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "Su registro electrónico de salud," detailing what an electronic health record is, why it is important, how the All of Us Research Program will keep the data safe, and why people should join the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Diversity Fact Sheet


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF in Spanish, titled "Diversity Fact Sheet," detailing how diversity is important to the All of Us Research Program and how the program addresses concerns participants may have.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Diversity Fact Sheet


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "Diversity Fact Sheet," detailing how diversity is important to the All of Us Research Program and how the program addresses concerns participants may have.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: We’re calling on one million people to lead the way toward better health.


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "We’re calling on one million people to lead the way toward better health." This is a general informative sheet or flyer for the All of Us Research Program. It answers general questions about the program and what precision medicine is.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Program FAQs


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "Program FAQs," listing frequently asked questions along with their answers about the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: What is the All of Us Research Program?


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "What is the All of Us Research Program?" This is the general brochure for the All of Us Research Program and gives a brief overview of the program, answers frequently asked questions, and has some contact information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: What is the All of Us Research Program?


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "What is the All of Us Research Program?" This is the general brochure for the All of Us Research Program and gives a brief overview of the program, answers frequently asked questions, and has some contact information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: What is the All of Us Research Program?


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "What is the All of Us Research Program?" This is the general brochure for the All of Us Research Program and gives a brief overview of the program, answers frequently asked questions, and has some contact information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: What is the All of Us Research Program?


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "What is the All of Us Research Program?" This is the general brochure for the All of Us Research Program and gives a brief overview of the program, answers frequently asked questions, and has some contact information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Operational Protocol: The All of Us Research Program


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "Operational Protocol: The All of Us Research Program," detailing the All of Us Research Program's background, rationale, objectives, overview, recruitment, enrollment, and program procedures. The documents also delves into possible issues, risks, and benefits of the program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Save the Date


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF of a save the date for an All of Us Research Program Listening Session and some brief information about the session.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: Considerations for Meaningful Collaboration with Tribal Populations


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: PDF, titled "Considerations for Meaningful Collaboration with Tribal Populations," which details The Tribal Collaboration Working Group Report to the All of Us Research Program Advisory Panel. The document details the health systems of Native Tribes, the purpose of the working group in trying to include Native Peoples in the All of Us Research Program, and what the inclusivity would entail.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management

Title: Homepage | All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "All of Us Research Program," of the main All of Us organization which collects medical data from individuals to be used in the future for research. This main page contains links to videos, newsletters, virtual health programs, and a place to apply for funding.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: Digital Health Literacy | All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "Digital Health Literacy," detailing what digital health literacy is and provides resources to learn about digital health and why it is important.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Engagement Resources Library | All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "Engagement Resource Library," that provides resources from NLM, NNLM, and All of Us that can be used by sub awardees and partner libraries to engage with their communities about digital literacy, health literacy, and the NIH All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Genomics: A Revolution in Health and Disease Discovery | All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "Genomics: A Revolution in Health and Disease Discovery," detailing one a ready-to-use reading club kit curated by the Network of the National Library of Medicine. The kit contains materials related to "Genomics: A Revolution in Health and Disease Discovery," including a recorded talk with the authors. Additional films and resources are present on the page.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Human Genetics Film Kits | All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "Human Genetics Film Kits," detailing the film kits curated by the Network of the National Library of Medicine and their contents. The film kits are designed to support public libraries in raising scientific literacy and awareness of precision medicine. Through attending screenings of the films and participating in related discussions, library patrons will learn about human genetics and the advance of precision medicine.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Learn Internet Skills | All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "Learn Internet Skills," from the All of Us Research Program's main website that teaches individuals how to use the internet safely.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Network | All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Network," detailing the NNLM community and what they do, how they do it, how individuals can get involved, and giving examples of some of the areas people can help in.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Precision Medicine Traveling Exhibit | All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "Precision Medicine Traveling Exhibit," that details the traveling exhibit produced by Network of the National Library of Medicine to promote the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: ALL OUR VOICES: Conversations about Health & Wellness | All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "ALL OUR VOICES: Conversations about Health & Wellness," detailing the partnership between NNLM and StoryCorps that was created to support awareness of the All of Us Research Program. A tool kit with related materials on the ALL OUR VOICES project is available.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Virtual Health Programs | All of Us


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "Virtual Health Programs," that lists upcoming and previous virtual events organized by NNLM. These events are created and distributed to inform individuals about health information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: What’s New in the COVID-19 and HIV Guidance | NIH


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: A Study to Evaluate the Safety, Reactogenicity, and Effectiveness of mRNA-1273 Vaccine in Adolescents 12 to <18 Years Old to Prevent COVID-19 - Full Text View -


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Website from U.S. National Library of Medicine, regarding clinical trials for vaccines in adolescents 12 to 18 years old to prevent COVID-19

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Title: ACTIV-6: COVID-19 Study of Repurposed Medications -


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Webpage from the U.S. National Library of Medicine for, a resource providing patients, families, professionals, and researchers access to publicly shared clinical trials. This page provides information about a COVID-19 study of repurposed medications used to reduce symptoms for those with mild to moderate cases of COVID-19.

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Title: Nutrition for Precision Health, powered by the All of Us Research Program | NIH Common Fund


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: All of Us Research Program snap shot detailing the goals and objectives for NIH Common Fund’s Nutrition for Precision Health, powered by the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Research Projects Using Collected Data

Title: Home | NIH COVID-19 Research


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Website from National Institutes of Health regarding finding effective treatments for SARS-CoV-2 variants

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Title: NIH’s COVID-19 Response | NIH COVID-19 Research


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 38-page NIH-wide COVID-19 strategic plan provides a framework for accelerating the development of COVID-19 therapeutic interventions, vaccines, and diagnostics. NIH will carry out this mission by improving, advancing, and optimizing COVID-19-related research in five key areas: fundamental knowledge, detection and diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and health disparities.

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Title: NIH COVID-19 Communities Responding Together


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Website from the National Institutes of Health, "Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) Against COVID-19 Disparities", with information and resources for communities of color.

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Title: All of Us Data Browser


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Website, titled "Data browser," that is part of the All of Us Research Program Hub. The Data browser allows for individuals to view publicly available data collected by the All of Us Research Program. Data collected is broken down into different subjects.

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Subject:   Ethics and Data Management