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National Library of Medicine

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The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health, collects, preserves, and makes available to the public information about health, medicine, and the biomedical sciences. To continue fulfilling this mission, NLM is collecting and archiving related Web content, which also serves to document the histories of health and medicine. For questions about our web archiving program contact us at

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Title: Dealing with Drug Seeking Behavior


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Dealing with Drug Seeking Behavior," by Stacey Butterfield published in the American College of Physicians (ACP) Hospitalist publication in February 2014. The article discusses the difficulty of recognizing and treating pain, especially when physicians factor in the complication of opioid misuse and addiction.

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Title: "Did AIDS Protest Go Too Far?: Conference: ACT UP draws fire and praise after activists shouted down a Cabinet official in San Francisco"


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "Did AIDS Protest Go Too Far?: Conference: ACT UP draws fire and praise after activists shouted down a Cabinet official in San Francisco," by Victor F. Zonana published in the Los Angeles Times on July 2, 1990. The article covers the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Louis Sullivan's appearance at the Sixth International Conference on AIDS.

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Title: Doctor Found Liable in Suit Over Pain - latimes


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Doctor Found Liable in Suit Over Pain," by Maria La Ganga and Terence Monmaney published on the Los Angeles Times Website on June 15, 2001. The article reports on an Alameda County jury that found a doctor liable for elder abuse for not prescribing enough painkillers to relieve the suffering of a dying man.The story suggests this could be a wake-up call to physicians nationwide who undertreat pain, which the author considers to be a major health problem.

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Title: Sierra Leone Ebola outbreak death toll now 5


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Sierra Leone Ebola outbreak death toll now 5," by Clarence Roy-Macaulay published on the Associated Press (AP) website on June 3, 2014. The article provides a status report on the impact of the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone.

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Title: "How Did a Small Midwest Town End Up with America's Worst HIV Problem?"


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "How Did a Small Midwest Town End Up with America's Worst HIV Problem?" by Jessica Wapner available through the "front page aggregator" The article was originally published on on May 3, 2016.

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Title: DOL Gives $15 Million in Aid to Flint for Recovery


Collection: Environmental Health web archive

Description: Article titled, "DOL Gives $15 Million in Aid to Flint for Recovery," published on the EDM Digest website on March 24, 2016. The article discusses the United States Department of Labor (DOL) funding allocated to Flint, Michigan to help the city recover from its ongoing water contamination crisis.

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Title: Army to set up Ebola testing labs in Liberia --


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Army to set up Ebola testing labs in Liberia," published on the Federal Soup website on October 31, 2014. The article covers a group of "soldier scientists" working to establish labs in West Africa to help fight the Ebola outbreak.

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Title: OxyContin: Purdue Pharma's painful medicine | Fortune


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "OxyContin: Purdue Pharma's Painful Medicine," published on Fortune Magazine's Website on November 9, 2011. The article looks at the complicated history and legacy of the opioid OxyContin and its creator, Purdue Pharma.

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Title: The “Right” and “Wrong” Kind of Addict: Iatrogenic Opioid Addiction in Historical Context


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "The 'Right' and 'Wrong' Kind of Addict: Iatrogenic Opioid Addiction in Historical Context," by Jonathan Jones published on the Hipporeads Website. The article explores the sociohistoircal context for the concept of addiction as either legitimate or illegitimate based on the route by which a person has become addicted.

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Title: History News Network | Ebola and ISIS: The Twin Plagues of Our Time


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Ebola and Isis: The Twin Plagues of Our Time," by Timothy Furnish published on the George Washington University (GMU) History News Network site on October 22, 2014. The article compares Ebola and Islamic terrorism, examining the impact of, and responses to each.

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Title: History News Network | The Historical Roots of the Ebola Scare in the United States


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "The Historical Roots of the Ebola Scare in the United States," by Sheldon Stern published on the George Washington University (GMU) History News Network website on October 24, 2014. The article describes the American response to Ebola, and posits that American reactions are rooted in the country's racial past.

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Title: HPP’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan – Homeless Prenatal Program


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "How the Government Bungled the Ebola Response," by Eric Katz published on Government Executive's website on January 14, 2016. The article critiques the United States government response to the Ebola virus outbreak.

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Title: Brush with the Law


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Brush with the Law," published on the Montgomery County Community College's Website. The article describes an exhibition curated by the founder and director of Brush with the Law, a non-profit, community-based visual arts program that helps bring awareness to and fosters an understanding of people who experience the effects of drug addiction and the criminal justice system. The exhibit features an installation displaying short messages written by people struggling with drug addiction, specifically heroin, and the family and friends whose lives have been affected by the user.

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Title: Lower Opioid Overdose Death Rates Associated with State Medical Marijuana Laws


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Press release titled, "Lower Opioid Overdose Death Rates Associated with State Medical Marijuana Laws," published on the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network Website on August 25, 2014. The article, originally published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine, looks at the correlation between the presence of medical marijuana laws and the lower rate of death caused by opioids.

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Title: Europe's silent opioid epidemic


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Europe's Silent Opioid Epidemic," published on April 5, 2018. The article, which originally appeared in the magazine, Horizon: The EU Research & Innovation Magazine, describes how researchers are trying to understand the effect of the opioid epidemic in Europe, where opioids are more tightly regulated but codeine abuse is rising.

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Title: Students Create Children’s Story to Explain COVID-19 - Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences - University at Buffalo


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Don’t Punish Pain Rally Attracting Nationwide Acceptance


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Don’t Punish Pain Rally Attracting Nationwide Acceptance," by Ed Coghlan published on the National Pain report Website on September 15, 2018. The article describes the Don't Punish Pain organization's objectives and growing number of sponsored rallies throughout the United States. The Don't Punish Pain organization was founded by chronic pain patients that use opioids in response to legislative efforts to curb opioid overprescription, which they believe inadvertently makes it more difficult for them to obtain medication and creates public confusion over legitimately and illegitimately obtained opioids.

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Title: The data speak: Stronger pandemic response yields better economic recovery | MIT News


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Penn State projects take on the opioid epidemic | Penn State University


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Penn State Projects Take On The Opioid Epidemic" published on the Penn State University Website on November 13, 2017. The article discusses two new projects by Penn State researchers, law enforcement, and the community to raise awareness of opioid addiction and to identify and disrupt the opioid distribution network in Pennsylvania.

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Title: Shunned by the tribe: HIV/AIDS among American Indians and ...


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled "Shunned by the tribe: HIV/AIDS among American Indians and Alaska Natives," by Seema Yasmin published on the Thomson Reuters Foundation News Website on December 12, 2013. The article covers the high rate of HIV amongst American Indians and Alaska Natives as compared with white Americans, and the community's reaction to HIV positive members.

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Title: Special Series: 'Alternatives' - N.H. Gets Creative to Curb Ongoing Opioid Crisis | New Hampshire Public Radio


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: A special series titled, "'Alternatives' - N.H. Gets Creative to Curb Ongoing Opioid Crisis," by Paige Sutherland published on the New Hampshire Public Radio's Website on September 20, 2017. The series focuses on the creative methods New Hampshire is using to combat their opioid epidemic, including acupuncture, involuntary commitment, and needle exchanges.

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Title: 9/11 Victims’ Compensation: A History of the Funding Battle


Collection: September 11: Health Effects and Policy web archive

Description: News article, titled "A History of the Long Fight to Secure Funding for 9/11 First Responders," by Matt Stieb and published on the Intelligencer website on June 12, 2019. It provides an overview of federal lawmakers' response to the health crises and deaths experienced by those exposed to contaminants at the September 11, 2001 attack sites. The article was written at the time that Congress was debating whether or not to extend funding for the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund beyond 2020.

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Title: Are You On It?


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: This article from the popular discusses the expanding diagnoses of "Autism Spectrum Disorder" in long-form journalism.

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Title: The EMT Who Sees the Opioid Crisis Firsthand


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "The EMT Who Sees the Opioid Crisis Firsthand," published in the Job section of New York Magazine. The article profiles Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Michelle Redeye, who volunteers as an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Chief on the Seneca Nation reservation in the Cattaraugus territory near Gowanda, New York. Here Redeye describes the heroin epidemic in her community, how EMS has responded, and the personal impact it has had on her.

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Title: Ebola doctor ‘lied’ about NYC travels | New York Post


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Ebola Doctor 'Lied' About NYC Travels," by Jamie Schram and Bruce Golding published on the New York Post website on June 29, 2014. The article describes the New York City authorities' investigation into the movements of its first Ebola patient.

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Title: A Dose of Drugs, A Touch of Violence, A Case of AIDS: Conceptualizing the SAVA Syndemic


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "A Dose of Drugs, A Touch of Violence, A Case of AIDS: Conceptualizing the SAVA Syndetic," by Merrill Singer of the Hispanic Health Council published in Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology - Special Issue: Gangs, Drugs & Violence in November of 1996. The article draws upon findings from a set of ethnographic and survey research projects in the Puerto Rican community of Hartford, Connecticut to develop a conceptualization of the close interconnections between substance abuse, violence and AIDS, referred to as SAVA.

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Title: COVID-19: A Student's Story


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: AHCA bad for LGBTs, people living with HIV/AIDS


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "AHCA bad for LGBTs, people living with HIV/AIDS," published on the SAMPAN Website, a bilingual Chinese-English newspaper based in New England, on March 17, 2017. The article covers The Fenway Institute's policy brief's claim that the American Health Care Act would harm LGBT people, those living with HIV and Black and Latino Americans.

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Title: A new paper suggesting Narcan might have downsides is presenting an immoral case.


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Are We Reviving Too Many Opioid Overdoses? Is This Really a Question?" published on the Slate Website on March 8, 2018. The article discusses a paper that suggests the overdose-reversing drug naloxone presents a "moral hazard" and posits that its argument is based on an immoral premise.

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Title: People with autism aren’t protected from opioid addiction.


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "People with Autism Aren't Protected From Opioid Addiction. They Might Be at Higher Risk," by Elizabeth Kunreuther published on Slate's Website on April 19, 2018. The article discusses the link between populations with autism and opioid use.

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Title: On the Anniversary of His Death, Inside Harris Wittels’ Final Intimate, Revealing Discussion with Pete Holmes


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "On the Anniversary of His Death, Inside Harris Wittels' Final Intimate, Revealing Discussion with Pete Holmes," by Arjune Rama, MD published on the Splitsider Website on February 19, 2016. The article features an interview with Pete Holmes, the host of the podcast, "You Made It Weird," who interviewed sitcom producer and close friend Harris Wittels a few months before Wittels' opioid overdose death in 2014. In that podcast episode, published on The Nerdist Website on November 29, 2014, Wittels spoke frankly about his struggle with addiction. See collection seed: ""

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Title: Substance Use Disorders in People With Physical and Sensory Disabilities


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Substance Use Disorders in People With Physical and Sensory Disabilities," published in Volume 6, Issue 1 of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) periodical "In Brief" in August of 2011. The article is aimed at helping people who work with physical and sensory deprivation to better understand substance abuse disorders and help their clients find assistance centers.

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Title: VA Report: Vets In Private Care Are At Higher Risk For Opioid Addiction


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "VA report: Vets in Private Care Are At Higher Risk for Opioid Addiction," published on the Task & Purpose Website. The article discusses the July 2017 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Inspector General report that discovered that veterans treated for pain in non-VA settings are at an especially high risk for opioid addiction. Task & Purpose was launched in 2014 to provide an unfiltered perspective on military and veterans issues post 9/11.

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Title: The Case Against HIV


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "The Case Against HIV," by HIV/AIDS denialist, Henry Bauer published on Website. The article was first published in October of 2013 and was last updated in December of 2016.

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Title: Measles in Samoa: how a small island nation found itself in the grips of an outbreak disaster


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Article titled, "Measles in Samoa: how a small island nation found itself in the grips of an outbreak disaster," by Katherine Gibney, published on The Conversation website on December 11, 2019. The article reports the latest update on the Samoan measles outbreak and provides context behind the nation's recent loss of confidence in its vaccination program, which has contributed towards the current epidemic's impact on the nation's infant population.

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Title: Ebola Virus History: First Picture Taken at CDC in 1976


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Ebola: The First Glimpse of a Virus," by Alexandra Sifferlin published on Time website October 13, 2014. The article details Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) virologist Frederick A. Murphy's reflections on being the first person to see the Ebola virus under a microscope.

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Title: Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy Sends Letter to All Doctors on Opioids | Time


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article posted on the Time Magazine Website August 26, 2016 talks about U.S. Surgeon General Murthy writing to every doctor in the country about the current opioid epidemic to be better educated about the addictiveness of painkillers, and to come together to work for a solution.

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Title: Fentanyl Killed My Sister. Here's What I'd Say to Her Dealer | Time


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Personal essay titled, "What I'd Say to the Drug Dealer Who Gave My Sister a Fatal Dose of Heroin," by Nadia Bowers published on TIME's Website on May 19, 2018. The essay is written as a letter addressed to Bowers' sister's drug dealer, who provided a fatal dose of heroin mixed with fentanyl.

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Title: Inspired by current ebola crisis, alt-rock band releases "One Truth," feat. choir of scientists -


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Inspired by current Ebola crisis, alt-rock band releases 'One Truth," feat. choir of scientists," by RJ Frometa published on the Vents Magazine website. The article provides the story behind a song inspired by the death of Dr. Sheik Humarr Khan to Ebola called "One Truth" by the band Thousand Days.

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Title: A Drug Cop. A Daughter On Opioids. One Family's Story Of Addiction. | WAMU


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article (and accompanying audio segment on WAMU 88.5 Washington, DC) titled, "A Drug Cop. A Daughter on Opioids. One Family's Story of Addiction," by Patrick Madden and Tyrone Turner posted on WAMU's Website October 10, 2017. The article covers a Hagerstown narcotics cop dealing with the opioid addiction and subsequent overdose by his own daughter.

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Title: The disturbing reason behind the spike in organ donations


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "The disturbing reason behind the spike in organ donations," by Cleve R. Wootson, Jr. published on the Washington Post Website on April 17, 2018. The article covers the increase in organ donations as a result of the uptick in opioid-related deaths.

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Title: WGA Annual Meeting Day 3: Governors explore opioid crisis solutions, First Ladies share their experiences, new Chair’s Initiative announced


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "WGA Annual Meeting Day 3: Governors explore opioid crisis solutions, First Ladies share their experiences, new Chair's Initiative announced," published on the Western Governors' Association (WGA) Website on June 27, 2018. The article features a recap of the third day of the Western Governors' Association 2018 Annual Meeting in which the governors discussed the national opioid crisis as well as the states' responses to epidemics in their respective communities.

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Title: New proposals would change HIV disclosure laws in Michigan


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "New proposals would change HIV disclosure laws in Michigan," by Cody Combs on the West Michigan news Website on May 29, 2018. The article reports that a new set of proposed bills in the Michigan legislature would change the current penalty for failing to disclose HIV before sex from a felony to a misdemeanor, and require proof that an individual actually contracted HIV as a result of having sex with someone HIV positive.

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Title: Deadly ebola outbreak kills at least 200 in West Africa, says World Health Organisation - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Deadly Ebola outbreak kills at least 200 in West Africa, says World Health Organization (WHO)," by Martin Cuddihy published on ABC News website on June 5, 2014. The article covers the spread of the Ebola virus throughout Guinea and the response of public health authorities in West Africa.

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Title: Ahwatukee mom says ‘no’ to vaccinations | News |


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Article titled, "Ahwatukee Mom says 'no' to vaccinations" by Veronica Graff, published on the Ahwatukee Foothills News website on May 31, 2019. About two Ahwatukee moms, one of whom is in a pro-vaccine Facebook group and one who is in an anti-vax Facebook group.

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Title: HIV & AIDS Information :: Gammora does not cure HIV


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "Gammora does not cure HIV," by Roger Pebody and Gus Cairns published in the Bad Science and Bogus Treatments section of the NAM Website on November 6, 2018. The article explains why the press release on the clinical study on the impact of the Gammora treatment issued by Zion Medical was misleading, and that the study has not been peer reviewed. NAM originally stood for National AIDS Manual.

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Title: Colleges ask students to leave campus amid COVID-19 outbreaks, but experts advise the opposite – Algona Radio


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Public defender: an AIDS activist remembers 15 years in the trenches


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "Public defender: an AIDS activist remembers 15 years in the trenches," by Benjamin Hardy published on the Arkansas Times Website on May 12, 2016. The article highlights the work of Eric Camp and his fellow activists in the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network in Arkansas who educated the public and fought for those sick with AIDS beginning in 1990.

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Title: INDONESIA Bali: after losing billions to COVID-19, international tourism to start again on 11 Sept


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Gene Editing Blocks HIV Transmission in Cells


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "Gene Editing Blocks HIV Transmission in Cells," published on the Asian Scientist Website on May 28, 2018. The article reports on the scientific development by Japanese scientists that allows researchers to edit genes to block the replication of HIV in human cells.

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Title: BBC News - Profile: Leading Ebola doctor Sheik Umar Khan


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Profile: Leading Ebola doctor Sheik Umar Khan," published on BBC News website on July 30, 2014. The article covers the death of a doctor that contracted Ebola after treating patients with Ebola in Sierra Leone.

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Title: BBC News - Ebola crisis: Nigeria declared free of virus


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Ebola crisis: Nigeria declared free of virus," published on BBC News Africa website on October 20, 2014. The article details Nigeria's response to the Ebola virus and features a video.

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Title: Why opioids are such an American problem - BBC News


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Why Opioids Are Such An American Problem," by Owen Amos published on the BBC Website October 25, 2017. Some of the reasons cited in the article include perks given to doctors by drug companies to peddle their products, the lack of universal health care in the U.S., the ready advertisement of prescription opioids on television, poor training of doctors, and a "culture of medication."

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Title: Anesthesiologist wins disability benefits for opioid addiction | Business Insurance


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Anesthesiologist wins disability benefits for opioid addiction," published on the Business Insurance Website on January 18, 2003. The article discusses the court ruling that an anesthesiologist must be provided long-term disability insurance to deal with an addiction to an opioid commonly used in her practice.

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Title: Child Watch Column: Children and the Opioid Crisis


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Children and the Opioid Crisis," by Children's Defense Fund president, Marian Wright Edelman published in Edelman's weekly column titled, "Child Watch" on the Children's Defense Fund Website on October 27, 2017. The column addresses the opioid epidemic's impact on children.

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Title: Country Considering Medical Ethics Panel


Collection: Bioethics web archive

Description: Article titled, "Country considering medical ethics panel," by Wang Xiaodong published on the China Daily website on December 25, 2018. The article describes China's response to an unsanctioned experiment in human genome editing in two embryos conducted by Chinese researcher, He Jiankui.

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Title: Doctors Without Borders staffer has Ebola -


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Spain ramps up Ebola response; Norwegian tests positive in Sierra Leone," by Laura Smith-Spark published on the CNN website on October 8, 2014. The article describes the spread of the Ebola virus outside of Africa, particularly in Spain, and the measures that public health officials are taking to prevent escalation.

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Title: Nina Pham beat Ebola; now it's back to normal. -


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "What will nurse do after beating Ebola? Hug her dog, of course," by Michael Martinez and Mark Bixler published on the CNN website on October 25, 2014. The article details the recovery of Nina Pham, the first person to contract Ebola within the United States and also features a video recording.

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Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "American doctor declared free of Ebola finds the virus in her eye months later," by Faith Karimi and Joshua Berlinger published on the CNN website on May 8, 2015. The article describes the case of one individual who discovered the Ebola virus remained in his eye after he had been discharged from the hospital, highlighting the need to check for the virus via eye exams in Ebola survivors.

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Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Ebola declared dead in Liberia," by Elizabeth Cohen published on the CNN website on May 10, 2015. The article reports that the 2014 Ebola epidemic is over in Liberia and reflects on how it was handled.

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Title: Opioid commission to Trump: Declare state of emergency - CNN


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Opioid Commission Tells Trump to Declare State of Emergency," by Wayne Drash published on the CNN Website on August 1, 2017.

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Title: The opioid epidemic is not an official emergency - CNN


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "The Opioid Epidemic is Not an Official Emergency," by Nadia Kounang, published on CNN's Website on August 24, 2017.

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Title: Biden jumps into vaccine mandate debate as VA requires health workers to get vaccinated | CNN Politics


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: What happened to monkeypox? Kansas updates end | Gaz |


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: The 5 Scariest Autism "Treatments"


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: This article, from , outlines some of the more dangerous and bizarre alternative treatments that some use on those with autism.

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Title: The Worst Drug Epidemic in U.S. History


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: report titled, "The Worst Drug Epidemic in US History," by Pennsylvania State Representative Matt Baker published in the Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice. The report looks at the history of the opioid epidemic in general, the number of deaths in Pennsylvania, and the steps the state is taking to combat the issue.

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Title: 100 HIV/AIDS organizations sign letter urging Congress to oppose American Health Care Act


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "100 HIV/AIDS organizations sign letter urging Congress to oppose American Health Care Act," published on the Healio Website on March 22, 2017. The article covers the movement amongst HIV/AIDS organizations to oppose the AHCA, which would take away health insurance coverage for thousands of HIV patients.

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Title: Over 950 HIV professionals sign letter to Congress urging access to care


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "Over 950 HIV professionals sign letter to Congress urging access to care," published on the Healio Website on January 4, 2017. The article describes a letter to Congress regarding the importance of maintaining affordable health care options, particularly for those living with HIV.

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Title: Larry Kramer, Truvada Whores and the Angry Divide Between Two Generations


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "Larry Kramer, Truvada Whores and the Angry Divide Between Two Generations," by Brian Addison published on the HIV Equal Website. The article comments on a generational divide in the gay community around the use of PrEP/Truvada.

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Title: Stories of Black Men in the South are Seldom Told, Until Now


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "Stories of Black Men in the South are Seldom Told, Until Now" by Tommy Brown published on the HIV Plus Magazine Website on February 6, 2017. The article highlights the stigma surrounding HIV in black men living in the South and the programs developed to shift attitudes and beliefs about HIV/AIDS in these communities.

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Title: Opioid Crisis Fuels a Spike in HIV Infections, and Experts Fear there's More to Come


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "Opioid Crisis Fuels a Spike in HIV Infections, and Experts Fear there's More to Come," by Erin Schumaker published on the Huffington Post Website on April 26, 2018. The article features two cities in Massachusetts struggling with HIV outbreaks made particularly difficult by the prevalence of fentanyl use. Fentanyl produces a short but intense high, leading to more frequent injections, which in turn leads to a greater likelihood that people will share needles. Needle sharing is a common means by which HIV can be spread.

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Title: Opioid Crisis Fuels A Spike In HIV Infections, And Experts Fear There's More To Come | HuffPost Health


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Opioid Crisis Fuels a Spike in HIV Infections, and Experts Fear There's More to Come," by Erin Schumaker published on the Huffington Post Website on April 18, 2018. The article discusses two Massachusetts cities that are struggling with an outbreak of fentanyl use.

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Title: Expert: Opioids Are 'The Defining Epidemic Of The 21st Century' | HuffPost Health


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Expert: Opioids Are 'The Defining Epidemic of the 21st Century," by Roger Parloff published on the Huffington Post Website on June 6, 2018. The article presents expert Psychiatrist Robert L. DuPont's reflections on the epidemic.

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Title: A Viral Story Links The Zika Crisis To Monsanto. Don't Believe It.


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "A Viral Story Links the Zika Crisis to Monsanto. Don't Believe It," by Anna Almendrala published on the Huffington Post website on February 17, 2016. The article dispels a rumor generated by a report published by Argentine doctors claiming that the increase in microcephaly cases is caused by a larvicide, pyriproxyfen. This claim denies global scientific consensus on the Zika virus outbreak and its link to microcephaly.

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Title: Convenience Store Installs Anti-Drug Lights To Deter Heroin Use In Bathrooms


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Convenience Store Installs Anti-Drug Lights to Deter Heroin Use in Bathrooms," published on the International Business Times Website on December 6, 2017. The article details the decision made by a convenience store in Altoona, Pennsylvania to install blue-tinted lights in their public bathrooms to discourage customers from shooting heroin there.

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Title: Rosh Hashanah dinner, Yom Kippur break-fast, sukkah hops: How risky are these High Holiday activities during COVID-19? - Jewish Ledger


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: S. Korea's planned scheme of 'living with COVID-19' raises hope, concerns


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: For all their risks, opioids had no pain-relieving advantage in a yearlong clinical trial - Los Angeles Times


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "For all their risks, opioids had no pain-relieving advantage in a yearlong clinical trial," published on the Los Angeles Times Website on March 6, 2018. The article discusses the first randomized clinical trial to make a head-to-head comparison between opioids and other kinds of pain medications. The trial known as Strategies for Prescribing Analgesics Comparative Effectiveness (SPACE) enrolled patients treated by the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs health care system in a year-long study funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

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Title: Group addresses COVID-19 challenges for children with an incarcerated parent | The Louisiana Weekly


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Heroin Addiction Among Middle-Class Women - The Unique Ways the Opioid Epidemic Affects Females | Marie Claire


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "How Heroin Came for Middle-Class Moms" by Hayley Krischer published on the Marie Claire Website on August 20, 2018. The article focuses on how the opioid epidemic impacts people of all socioeconomic backgrounds, including those that one would least expect to be afflicted by addiction.

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Title: Opioid epidemic changes how police test drugs - The Morning Call


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Opioid Epidemic Changes How Police Test Drugs," by Pamela Lehman published on The Morning Call Website on August 7, 2017. The article warns that police (and other first responders) must exercise greater caution when testing and handling drugs during arrests of opioid users as some of the drugs are so powerful that simple air/touch exposure can lead to overdoses necessitating the application of naloxone.

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Title: Pregnant women must protects themselves, fetuses from Zika virus | Miami Herald


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "We Must Protect Pregnant Women from the Zika Virus," by Tom Frieden published on the Miami Herald website on August 29, 2016. The article provides information on the Zika virus for vulnerable populations, specifically pregnant women in Miami, and argues for immediate action to prevent the virus from spreading.

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Title: Life after COVID-19: Milwaukee needs to develop a support system for coronavirus survivors | The Milwaukee Independent


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Michigan cities sue drug manufacturers, pharmacies over opioid epidemic |


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Michigan cities sue drug manufacturers, pharmacies over opioid epidemic," published on the MLive Website on December 19, 2017. The article reports on Michigan cities that are suing drug manufacturers and pharmacies over the opioid epidemic.

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Title: DHHS provides list of steps being taken in Flint water crisis


Collection: Environmental Health web archive

Description: Article titled, "DHHS provides list of steps being taken in Flint water crisis," published on the Michigan Live website on February 1, 2016. The article details the federal government's response to the water contamination crisis in Flint, Michigan.

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Title: Ethics & Religion Talk: What is your view on needle exchanges? |


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Ethics & Religion Talk: What is your view on needle exchanges?" by Melody Wilson published in the Grand Rapids Press Opinion section on March 21, 2017. The article features interviews with various local religious leaders what their faith tradition says about needle exchanges.

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Title: Ebola in West Africa: Epidemic requires massive deployment of resources | Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Ebola in West Africa: Epidemic requires massive deployment of resources," published on the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) website on June 21, 2014. The article describes what it will take in terms of resources to bring the Ebola epidemic under control in West Africa.

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Title: Resurgence of Epidemic Ebola in West Africa | Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Resurgence of Epidemic Ebola in West Africa," published on the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) website on June 3, 2014. The article describes a new wave of Ebola cases in West Africa, which it states could be due to a reluctance on the part of patients to go to a hospital.

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Title: Virus Variation Resource pages for Ebolavirus, MERS coronoavirus give quick and easy access to related sequences and other data


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Virus Variation Resource pages for Ebolavirus, MERS coronavirus give quick and easy access to related sequences and other data," published on the National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI) News website on September 19, 2014. The article points readers to Ebola resource pages hosted by NCBI.

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Title: Ending the Opioid Epidemic — A Call to Action | NEJM


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Ending the Opioid Epidemic - A Call to Action," published in the New England Journal of Medicine on November 9, 2016. The article, written by U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, talks about the letter and pocket card he mailed in August of 2016 to millions of doctors across the country to address the opioid epidemic.

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Title: Larry Kramer Changes His Mind About PrEP, Calls It An 'Essential Tool'


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Article titled, "Larry Kramer Changes His Mind About PrEP, Calls It An 'Essential Tool," by Matthew Tharrett on December 11, 2015. The article describes Larry Kramer's position change on PrEP and the criticism he aimed at the pharmaceutical manufacturer, Gilead for its "abusive pricing" of the drug.

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Title: Revisiting 'Truvada Whore,' Three Years Later


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Essay titled, "Revisiting 'Truvada Whore,' Three Years Later," by David Duran who coined the term, "Truvada Whores" in a 2012 piece about PrEP. In this piece he revisits his words from 2012 and revises his opinion on PrEP, or Pre-exposure prophylaxis.

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Title: PrEP is about HIV prevention, not good or bad behavior


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Essay titled, "PrEP is about HIV prevention, not good or bad behavior," by award-winning writer and commentator, Josh Kruger. The essay discusses what PrEP, or Pre-exposure prophylaxis does, its efficacy, why there is controversy surrounding it, and whether taking the drug is immoral.

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Title: Man Infected with Ebola Misinformation Through Casual Contact With Cable News - The New Yorker


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "Man Infected with Ebola Misinformation Through Casual Contact with Cable News," by Andy Borowitz published on the New Yorker website on October 7, 2014. The satirical article highlights how the media has stoked fear of the Ebola virus.

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Title: Inside the Ebola Wars


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "The Ebola Wars," by Richard Preston published on the New Yorker website on October 27, 2014. The article discusses how genomics research can help to contain the Ebola virus outbreak.

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Title: Data-Sharing Website May Speed Response to New Illegal Drugs


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Data-Sharing Website May Speed Response to New Illegal Drugs," published on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Website on July 5, 2018. The article describes the agency's efforts to help identify fentanyl, which comes in many forms with slightly different chemical structures, through a Website for sharing data on these drugs' chemical signatures.

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Title: Paterson hospital's opioid program goes national -


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Article titled, "Paterson hospital's opioid program goes national," by Jonathan D. Salant published on the news Website on June 12, 2018. The article describes a program developed in a New Jersey hospital that avoids using opioids to treat pain. The program has inspired legislation co-sponsored by Representative Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-9th District) that passed through the House of Representatives on June 12, 2018.

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Title: FDA Cracks Down On Fake Ebola Cures Sold Online : Shots - Health News : NPR


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Article titled, "FDA Cracks Down on Fake Ebola Cures Sold Online," published on the National Public Radio (NPR) website on October 23, 2014. The article discusses efforts to keep people from purchasing fake Ebola treatments.

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Title: Opioid Questions Answered : Shots - Health News : NPR


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Segment titled, "Questions And Answers About Opioids And Chronic Pain," published on the National Public Radio (NPR) Website on March 9, 2018. The segment features questions fielded from Facebook and Twitter about opioids and chronic pain with edited responses from Dr. Ajay Wasan, professor and Vice Chair for Pain Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

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