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Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: Post titled, "NACo releases opioid legislative analysis as Congress prepares next steps on sweeping bills," by Valerie Brankovic published on the National Association of Counties (NACo) blog on September 18, 2018. The page offers key takeaways from the bill and and links to the full report.
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Creator: National Association of Counties , Brankovic, Valerie
Language: English
Type: Blog
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: report titled, "NACo Legislative Analysis: Opioid Legislation in the 115th Congress," published on May 23, 2018 and posted to the National Association of Counties (NACo) website on June 1, 2018. The report details the progress of opioid legislation moving through Congress and offers analyses of the various proposals under consideration, with a special focus on items that could strengthen the local response to the opioid epidemic.
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Creator: National Association of Counties
Language: English
Type: Report
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
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