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Archived since: Feb, 2015
Institutional website archive for NLM's exhibition programs, principally those within the History of Medicine Division.
Subject: Government - National, Science & Health , Society & Culture, National Library of Medicine (U.S.), Exhibition
Creator: National Library of Medicine (U.S.). Office of the Director. Office of Communications and Public Liaison , National Library of Medicine (U.S.). Division of Library Operations. History of Medicine Division. Exhibition Program Section
Group: NLM Institutional Archives
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Archived since: Feb, 2015
The NLM Office of Communications & Public Liaison (OCPL) operates through the Office of the Director and provides strategic communications support to all offices and divisions of the Institute. In support of the NLM mission, OCPL increases visibility and promotes awareness of NLM’s activities, programs, research, and resources. In addition, utilizing a variety of channels, OCPL shares news and information about NLM with the public, the media, federal staff, and other stakeholders.
Subject: Government - US Federal, Science & Health
Creator: National Library of Medicine (U.S.). Office of the Director. Office of Communications and Public Liaison
Group: NLM Institutional Archives
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