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National Library of Medicine

Archive-It Partner Since: Mar, 2009

Organization Type: National Institutions

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The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health, collects, preserves, and makes available to the public information about health, medicine, and the biomedical sciences. To continue fulfilling this mission, NLM is collecting and archiving related Web content, which also serves to document the histories of health and medicine. As with the other materials in the Library collections, NLM does not endorse the content of any web sites other than its own. To learn more about what the library collects, please see the Collection Development Guidelines of the National Library of Medicine. For questions about our web archiving program contact us at

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NLM: About

Archived since: Aug, 2016


The National Library of Medicine (NLM), on the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, has been a center of information innovation since its founding in 1836. As the world's largest biomedical library, NLM maintains and makes available a vast print collection and produces electronic information resources on a wide range of topics that are searched billions of times each year by millions of people around the globe. It also supports and conducts research, development, and training in biomedical informatics and health information technology. In addition, the Library coordinates an 8,000+ member Network of the National Library of Medicine that promotes and provides access to health information in communities across the United States.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM/NIH Clinical Alerts and Advisories

Archived since: Sep, 2015

No description.

Subject:   Science & Health ,  Government - US Federal

NLM Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)

Archived since: Jan, 2014


The United Medical Language System (UMLS) integrates and distributes key terminology, classification and coding standards, and associated resources to promote creation of more effective and interoperable biomedical information systems and services, including electronic health records.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM Trans-NIH BioMedical Informatics Coordinating Committee (BMIC)

Archived since: May, 2017


The Trans-NIH BioMedical Informatics Coordinating Committee (BMIC) was established in the Spring of 2007 to improve communication and coordination of issues related to clinical- and bio-informatics at NIH. The Committee provides a forum for sharing information about NIH informatics programs, projects, and plans, including their relationship to activities of other federal agencies and non-government organizations.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM Technical Services Division

Archived since: Jan, 2016


The Technical Services Division (TSD) is responsible for the selection, acquisition, and cataloging of all materials for the NLM modern collection. TSD coordinates technical services programs and projects with the library community including other national and research libraries in the U.S. and abroad, several library associations, and other Government and non-Government organizations.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM Specialized Information Services

Archived since: Sep, 2015


Specialized Information Services (SIS) creates information resources and services in toxicology, environmental health, chemistry, and HIV/AIDS. The Office of Outreach and Special Populations assists special populations in obtaining health information via training, technology, and partnerships. SIS coordinates many of NLM's information activities and its web site provides access to a comprehensive list of resources within and outside of NLM.

Subject:   Science & Health ,  Government - US Federal

NLM Special Events

Archived since: Jun, 2016


Web pages for special events organized by the National Library of Medicine.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM Public Services

Archived since: May, 2017


The NLM Public Services Division (PSD) is responsible for providing access to, maintaining, digitizing, and preserving print and nonprint material in the NLM collection. In addition, PSD staff develop and maintain MedlinePlus and MedlinePlus Connect, consumer health information resources available on the NLM website.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM Office of the Director

Archived since: Feb, 2015


The NLM Office of the Director includes all the centralized management functions at the National Library of Medicine: planning, personnel, budget, contracting, purchasing, public communications and equal employment opportunity. The NLM Director reports directly to Congress as well as to the Director of NIH. The NLM Director is supported by the NLM Board of Regents.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM Office of Communications and Public Liaison

Archived since: Feb, 2015


The NLM Office of Communications & Public Liaison (OCPL) operates through the Office of the Director and provides strategic communications support to all offices and divisions of the Institute. In support of the NLM mission, OCPL increases visibility and promotes awareness of NLM’s activities, programs, research, and resources. In addition, utilizing a variety of channels, OCPL shares news and information about NLM with the public, the media, federal staff, and other stakeholders.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM National Network of Libraries of Medicine/National Network Office

Archived since: Feb, 2016


The NLM National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) advances the progress of medicine and improves public health by providing U.S. health professionals with equal access to biomedical information and improving individuals' access to information to enable them to make informed decisions about their health. NNLM offers funding for projects that improve access to health information, increase engagement with research and data, expand professional knowledge, and support outreach that promotes awareness and use of NLM resources in local communities.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR)

Archived since: Mar, 2016


The National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR) works closely with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to improve the dissemination of the results of health services research, with special emphasis on the growing body of evidence reports and technology assessments which provide organizations with comprehensive, science-based information on common, costly medical conditions and new health care technologies.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)

Archived since: Sep, 2016


The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.

Subject:   Government - US Federal Computers & Technology,  Science & Health

NLM Literature Selection and Technical Review Committee

Archived since: Mar, 2017


The NLM Literature Selection and Technical Review Committee (LSTRC) is a federal advisory committee that was established in 1987. The LSTRC meets three times a year to review and recommend journals for inclusion in MEDLINE. The LSTRC recommendation is based on a journal’s scientific content, quality, importance, editorial policies, and subject matter.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications

Archived since: Sep, 2016


Established by the United States Congress in 1968, the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications (LHNCBC) furthers biomedicine through data science research and application development. LHNCBC’s work is used across the world in biomedical research and by health professionals.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM History of Medicine Division

Archived since: Jan, 2016


The NLM History of Medicine Division (HMD) collects, preserves, makes available, and interprets for diverse audiences one of the world’s richest collections of historical material related to health and disease. Spanning ten centuries, encompassing a variety of digital and physical formats, and originating from nearly every part of the globe, our collections include: born-digital content, manuscripts, printed works and more.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health ,  Arts & Humanities

NLM Health Information Technology and Health Data Standards

Archived since: Apr, 2017


NLM is the central coordinating body for clinical terminology standards within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). NLM works closely with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to ensure NLM efforts are aligned with the goal of the President and HHS Secretary for the nationwide implementation of an interoperable health information technology infrastructure to improve the quality and efficiency of health care.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM Extramural Program

Archived since: Jan, 2016


The Extramural Programs (EP) Division of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) offers grants for research projects and research training in biomedical informatics and data science. Biomedical informatics and data science research applies computer and information sciences to improve the access, storage, retrieval, management, dissemination and use of biomedical information.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM Exhibition Program

Archived since: Feb, 2015


Institutional website archive for NLM's exhibition programs, principally those within the History of Medicine Division.

Subject:   Government - National,  Science & Health ,  Society & Culture National Library of Medicine (U.S.) Exhibition

NLM Consumer Health Informatics Research resource (CHIRr)

Archived since: Jan, 2020


Consumer Health Informatics Research resource (CHIRr) provides a resource of outcome variables and suggested measures to guide a comprehensive consumer health informatics assessment. The resource provides a reservoir of suggested outcome variables that make it easier to engage in health communication and related consumer health informatics intervention research.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM Board of Regents

Archived since: Feb, 2015


The NLM Board of Regents advises, consults with, and makes recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) on matters related to the activities carried out by and through the NLM and the policies respecting these activities. The Board also serves as the National Medical Libraries Assistance Advisory Board, which advises and assists in the preparation of general regulations and with respect to policy matters arising in the administration and review of applications for support of projects designed to develop facilities and techniques necessary to collect, preserve, store, process, retrieve, and facilitate the dissemination and utilization of widely expanded knowledge in health sciences and the biomedical information this support has generated.. The Board meets three times a year in February, May and September.

Subject:   Government - US Federal,  Science & Health

NLM Blogs and Social Media

Archived since: Jul, 2013


A collection of blogs and social media from the National Library of Medicine.

Subject:   Government - US Federal Blogs & Social Media,  Science & Health

NLM Bibliographic Services Division

Archived since: Sep, 2015


BSD provides access to biomedical literature references. It does this primarily through MEDLARS® (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System), the Library's computer-based system for storing and retrieving bibliographic and factual information, and the printed products derived from this system, such as International Nursing Index, Index to Dental Literature, and others.

Subject:   Science & Health ,  Government - US Federal

MEDLINE Plus Health Topics Espanol

Archived since: Jul, 2015


MedlinePlus contiene información sobre los síntomas, causas, tratamientos y prevención de más de 1000 enfermedades, condiciones y temas de bienestar. MedlinePlus se revisa regularmente y los enlaces son actualizados diariamente.

Subject:   Science & Health ,  Government - US Federal

MEDLINE Plus Health Topics

Archived since: May, 2015


MedlinePlus contains information on symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention for over 1000 diseases, illnesses, health conditions and wellness issues. MedlinePlus health topics are regularly reviewed, and links are updated daily.

Subject:   Science & Health ,  Government - US Federal

Page 1 of 1 (25 Total Results)