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National Library of Medicine

Archive-It Partner Since: Mar, 2009

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The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health, collects, preserves, and makes available to the public information about health, medicine, and the biomedical sciences. To continue fulfilling this mission, NLM is collecting and archiving related Web content, which also serves to document the histories of health and medicine. As with the other materials in the Library collections, NLM does not endorse the content of any web sites other than its own. To learn more about what the library collects, please see the Collection Development Guidelines of the National Library of Medicine. For questions about our web archiving program contact us at

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Title: #2019nCoV hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Twitter search result page for "#2019nCoVs," which picks up tweets that include "#2019nCoV."

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Title: #911health - Twitter Search


Collection: September 11: Health Effects and Policy web archive

Description: Twitter feed for a hashtag devoted to health issues impacting the first responders and survivors of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

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Title: #CRISPR hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Bioethics web archive

Description: Twitter page for the latest tweets using the hashtag, "#CRISPR." CRISPR is a DNA editing method that makes genetic engineering faster, easier, and more efficient.

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Title: #DontBeASpreader hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag "#Don'tBeASpreader" on Coronavirus awareness

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Title: #EbolaResponse (@ebola_response) | Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Twitter account page for the United Nations (UN) Global Ebola Response campaign.

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Title: #EndAIDS2030 hashtag on Twitter


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Twitter page for the hashtag phrase, "#EndAIDS2030." The phrase was created by a coalition of leading forces in the global AIDS response that are working together to end AIDS by the year 2030.

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Title: #Flint hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Environmental Health web archive

Description: Page on the Twitter website featuring the search results for the phrase, "#Flint." The phrase refers to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.

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Title: #FlintForward hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Environmental Health web archive

Description: Page on the Twitter website featuring the search results for the phrase, "#FlintForward." The phrase refers to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.

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Title: #FlintWater hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Environmental Health web archive

Description: Page on the Twitter website featuring the search results for the phrase, "#FlintWater." The phrase refers to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.

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Title: #GeneEditStudy hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Bioethics web archive

Description: Twitter page for the latest tweets using the hashtag, "#GeneEditStudy." The hashtag refers to studies involving gene editing.

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Title: #GeneEditStudy public meeting #4: #Race & #Genetics (with image, tweets) · C_G_S · Storify


Collection: Bioethics web archive

Description: Page gathering together social media posts on #GeneEditStudy public meeting #4: #Race and #Genetics. The meeting focused on the question of whether or not CRISPR gene editing tools should be used in human embryos prior to birth to re-engineer genes linked to disease risk.

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Title: #GeneEditSummit hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Bioethics web archive

Description: Twitter page for the latest tweets using the hashtag, "#GeneEditSummit." The Gene Edit Summit is an international gathering of experts in human gene editing sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine's Human Gene-Editing Initiative. The summit was created to host discussions surrounding the scientific, ethical, and governance issues associated with human gene-editing research.

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Title: #Gravechat hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter page that displays all tweets that feature the hashtag phrase, "#GraveChat." The hashtag was created by John Edwards for his live burial event in Baltimore, MD that was aimed at raising awareness about the opioid epidemic. Edwards, the founder of UK-based organization, Walking Free, chatted with Twitter participants about opioid addiction and suicide from a coffin over the course of three days. The organization Walking Free tackles addiction through Christianity.

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Title: #IStayHomeFor hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag #IStayHomeFor results

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Title: #MyCOVIDVaccine - Twitter Search / Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: #OpioidEpidemic hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter page for the latest tweets using the hashtag, "#opioidepidemic."

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Title: #PrayforDemi hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter page displaying all tweets featuring the hashtag, "#PrayForDemi." The hashtag began trending in support of pop singer and actress Demi Lovato who was hospitalized after an opioid overdose on July 24, 2018. Lovato has been openly fighting addiction and mental health issues since the age of 18.

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Title: #PurdueParma hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Page on the Twitter Website displaying all tweets that feature the phrase,"#PurduePharma." Purdue Pharma is the manufacturer and distributor of the popular opioid, OxyContin.

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Title: #RxAwareness hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter page that displays all tweets that feature the hashtag phrase, "#RxAwareness," which refers to prescription drug awareness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched the #RxAwareness campaign to educate Americans about the dangers of prescription opioids.

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Title: #SafeHands hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag "#SafeHands" on proper handwashing

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Title: #SleeveUp - Twitter Search / Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: #StayAtHome hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag #StayAtHome on self-quarantining

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Title: #TeamofTomorrow #covid #vaccine #antivaccine #hypocrisy #foryou #bullshit


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: #UequalsU hashtag on Twitter


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Twitter account page for "#UequalsU," a slogan that means "Undetectable equals Untransmittable." "UequalsU" was coined by activists to push physicians, scientists and public health bodies to change guidelines, policies, and program priorities to reflect the scientific evidence that shows that HIV treatment works so well that people who achieve viral suppression are not at risk of passing the virus on to their partners, even without barrier methods.

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Title: #VaccinesSaveLives | Twitter


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag used by WHO and others for promoting the use of vaccines and the sharing of accurate vaccine information.

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Title: #VaccinesWork | Twitter


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag #VaccinesWork, promoted by UNICEF, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, and Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance in order to promote vaccination during World Immunization Week.

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Title: #VoicesProject hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter page that displays all tweets that feature the hashtag phrase, "#VoicesProject." The Voices Project is a web series featuring the stories of those impacted by addiction in America started and edited by Ryan Hampton, an addiction activist who serves as the outreach lead for the non-profit Facing Addiction.

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Title: #WAD2017 hashtag on Twitter


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Twitter Website displaying all tweets featuring the hashtag "#WAD2017," which was created for World AIDS Day in 2017.

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Title: #ZikaResearch hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Twitter search result page for "#ZikaResearch," which picks up tweets that include "#ZikaResearch."

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Title: #coronacomic - Twitter Search / Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Twitter page collecting posts using #coronacomic. The posts feature comic strips and cartoons relating to life during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Title: #coronavirus | with music original sound - evelynnwilsonn - TikTok


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: #crisisnextdoor hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter page featuring all the latest tweets using the hashtag, "#CrisisNextDoor."

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Title: #flattenthecurve - Twitter Search / Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: #fluvaccine | Twitter


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag fluvaccine. The hashtag refers to the annual vaccines developed against different strains of influenza.

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Title: #genedrivestudy hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Bioethics web archive

Description: Twitter page for the latest tweets using the hashtag, "#GeneDriveStudy." The hashtag refers to CRISPR research involving gene drives, which are systems of biased inheritance that enhance the ability of a genetic element to pass from organism to its offspring.

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Title: #harmreduction hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter page for the hashtag phrase, "#harmreduction." Posts are related to harm reduction efforts aimed at preventing drug overdoses, particularly for opioid abusers.

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Title: #healthworkers hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag "#healthworkers" thanking and praising healthcare workers

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Title: #hhsvaxchat | Twitter


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Page on Twitter website dedicated to #HHSVaxChat. The hashtag was created by the National Vaccine Program with the Surgeon General and Assistant Secretary for Health to answer common questions about vaccines.

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Title: #hpvvaccine | Twitter


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag hpvvaccine. The hashtag refers to the vaccine against the human papillomavirus (HPV).

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Title: #ivaxtoprotect hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Twitter feed for a public health campaign for National Immunization Awareness Month in August 2019.

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Title: #libsopioidtownhall hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Page on the Twitter Website that displays all tweets that feature the hashtag phrase,"#libsopioidtownhall," which refers to the virtual town hall event hosted by the Public Library Association and WebJunction on September 12, 2017.

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Title: #measles | Twitter


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag measles.

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Title: #millionmaskchallenge hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag #millionmaskchallenge, documenting efforts to create masks for personal or medical personnel use

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Title: #opiate hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter page for the latest tweets using the hashtag, "#opiate."

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Title: #opioid hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter page for the latest tweets using the hashtag, "#opioid."

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Title: #pubhealthchat hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Tweets that featuring the hashtag phrase, "#pubhealthchat."

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Title: #SolidarityNotStigma


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: #stopheroin hashtag on Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter page displaying all tweets that feature the hashtag phrase, "#StopHeroin."

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Title: #TheMoment


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: #vaccination | Twitter


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag vaccination.

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Title: #vaccine | Twitter


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag vaccine.

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Title: #VaccinEquity


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: #vaccines | Twitter


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Twitter hashtag vaccines.

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Title: $100 Percent True Stories from the Anti-vaxx Crowd | Reddit


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Page titled, "r/vaxxhappened," on the Reddit website. The page features a forum dedicated to conversations between anti-vaxxers and those who support vaccinations.

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Title: **Also, Tonic Water. Nasty stuff but good for you!! Stay safe out there guys! | atasktofalex | TikTok


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: 2018 OHRP Forum – Katherine Blizinsksy - YouTube


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Video, titled "OHRP Research Community Forum," hosted by ECU Research and Katherine Blizinsksy. The thirty minute video discusses the All of Us Program and precision medicine.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: 5/2019 NACNR - NIH All of Us Research Program/Precision Medicine Initiative - YouTube


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Video recording, titled "5/2019 NACNR - NIH All of Us Research Program/ Precision Medicine Initiative," of the National Advisory Council of Nursing Research meeting where Dr. Stephanie Devany gave an update on the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Public Response

Title: 9/11 Health Watch (@911HealthWatch) | Twitter


Collection: September 11: Health Effects and Policy web archive

Description: Official Twitter feed for 9/11 Health Watch Inc., focusing specifically on the sick and injured first responders and survivors of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

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Title: ACT UP New York (@actupny) | Twitter


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Twitter account page for the organization ACT UP New York. ACT UP is a diverse non-partisan group of individuals united in anger and committed to direct action to end the AIDS crisis.

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Title: AIDS Action (@aidsaction) | Twitter


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Twitter account page for AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, an AIDS service organization that advocates at all levels of government for fair and effective AIDS policies, conducts cutting edge HIV prevention programs, and provides health and wellness services to people already living with HIV in the state.

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Title: AIDS Healthcare (@AIDSHealthcare) | Twitter


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Twitter account page for AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) based in Los Angeles, CA, which provides cutting edge medicine and advocacy regardless of ability to pay.

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Title: AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC) (@HIVpxresearch) | Twitter


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Twitter account page for the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC). AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC) aims to speed up the development of preventative HIV vaccines.

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Title: AIDSinfo (@AIDSinfo) | Twitter


Collection: NLM Blogs and Social Media

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Title: AIDSinfo | Facebook


Collection: NLM Blogs and Social Media

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Title: ASPR (@PHEgov) | Twitter


Collection: Environmental Health web archive

Description: Twitter account page for the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)'s division for Public Health Emergency (PHE).

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Title: Able2Know HIV Forum


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the Able2Know HIV Forum, which enables users to ask an expert questions on HIV.

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Title: About All Our Voices


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: YouTube video, titled "About All Our Voices," detailing the All Our Voices program and gave some examples from the program.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: Advocates for Opioid Recovery (@AORecovery) | Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter account page for Advocates for Opioid Recovery, a non-profit organization that aims to advance a science and evidence based treatment system that can reduce death and suffering from opioid addiction and produce more long-term opioid addiction survivors by breaking down regulatory, legislative and ideological barriers. The organization primarily promotes Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT).

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Title: All Our Voices


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: YouTube playlist for the "All Our Voices" program. Videos on the playlist detail the program, how to join, and the benefit of joining.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All Our Voices: Record you Story


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: YouTube video, titled "All Our Voices: Record you Story," detailing the All Our Voices program and gave some examples from the program.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: All of Us - Gundersen - Facebook


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official Facebook group for the All of Us Program at Gundersen Health System. Posts from the page cover a variety of topics and includes information for events hosted by the All of Us Program at Gundersen Health System.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us - MCHS - Facebook


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official Facebook group for the All of Us Program at Marshfield Clinic Research Institute. Posts from the page cover a variety of topics and includes information for events hosted by the All of Us Program at Marshfield Clinic Research Institute.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Arizona - Facebook


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official Facebook page of the All of Us Research Program at The University of Arizona. Posts on the page mainly revolve around events hosted by the partner and details on how to join the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Emory - Facebook


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official Facebook page of the All of Us Research Program at Emory University. Posts on the page mainly revolve around events hosted by the partner and encouragements to join the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Hits the Road with Henry Pop-Ups


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Video recording, titled "All of Us Hits the Road with Henry Pop-Ups," produced by the All of Us research Program at the Henry Ford Health Center. The video details what the All of Us Research Program is aiming to accomplish and how the program is keeping data secure. Henry, a bus used by the All of Us Research Program as a pop-up site, is shown throughout the video.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us MKE - Home


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: The official All of Us Milwaukee, Wisconsin Facebook page that shares information about the All of Us Program in Milwaukee. Information relates to events, webinars, and general information regarding health.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Med Research | Cronkite News


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Video, titled "All of Us Med Research | Cronkite News," giving a brief overview of the All of Us Research Program in Arizona and how the program affects the medical field due to its diversity. The news video interviews participant Victor Avila, asking him why he decided to join the program.

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Subject:   Public Response

Title: All of Us Pennsylvania - YouTube


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: The official All of Us Pennsylvania YouTube. The majority of videos involve Dr. Mylynda Massart answering various questions about the program. Other videos on the channel include more promotional videos for the program including testimonials.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Program at the University of California San Diego


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official Facebook group for the All of Us Program at the University of California San Diego. Posts from the page cover a variety of topics and includes information for events hosted by the All of Us Program at the University of California.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Program at the University of Miami


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official Twitter page for the All of Us Program at the University of Miami. Posts from the page cover a variety of topics and includes information for events hosted by the All of Us Program at the University of Miami.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Research Program


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Video posted on TikTok from user "peridothedgehog" detailing their experience with the All of Us Research Program and how they believe it will be beneficial. The video also mentions how the user discovered the All of Us Research Program.

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Subject:   Public Response

Title: All of Us Research Program - YouTube


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official YouTube page of the All of Us program that includes promotional videos, webinars, and other informational videos about the All of Us program.

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Subject:   General Sources

Title: All of Us Research Program - YouTube


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official All of Us YouTube playlist from Henry Ford Health. The twelve videos in the playlist answer various questions prospective participants may have about the program and include short interviews with different members of the health community.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Research Program Enrollment Journey


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Video recording, titled "All of Us Research Program Enrollment Journey," produced by the All of Us research Program at the Henry Ford Health Center. The video details what the All of Us Research Program is aiming to accomplish, how to join the program, and what joining the program looks like.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Research Program Surveys


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Video recording, titled "All of Us Research Program Surveys" produced by the All of Us research Program at the Henry Ford Health Center. The video discusses why the All of Us Research Program uses surveys to ask participants about their lifestyle.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Research Program Twitter


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: The official twitter for the All of Us Research Program that share information about the program, events taking place, and other health related information.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Research Program at Marshfield Clinic Research Institute


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official YouTube page for the All of Us Program at Marshfield Clinic Research Institute. Videos from the channel discuss various topics, such as health issues that could be linked to DNA, mental health, etc.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us Research Program: LSU Health Sciences Center - Facebook


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official Facebook page of the All of Us Research Program at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. Posts on the page mainly revolve around events hosted by the partner and encouragements to join the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us at the University of Miami - Facebook


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official Facebook page of the All of Us Research Program at University of Miami. Posts on the page mainly revolve around events hosted by the partner and encouragements to join the program.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us • Community Health Center, Inc. • Instagram


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official Instagram for All of Us in partnership with Community Health Center, Inc.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: All of Us-UW (@AllofUsBadgers) / Twitter


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official Twitter feed for the Wisconsin All of Us partner program, focusing on events hosted by the organization and local news pertaining to All of Us.

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Subject:   Participant Recruitment

Title: Allied Against Opioid Abuse (@AAOA_tweets) | Twitter


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: Twitter account page for Allied Against Opioid Abuse, a national education and awareness initiative to help prevent abuse and misuse of prescription opioids. The initiative is a collaboration among partners in public health, prevention and healthcare communities.

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Title: AllofUsAZ - YouTube


Collection: All of Us Research Program web archive

Description: Official YouTube page for the All of Us Program at The University of Arizona. Videos from the channel are mainly promotional videos for the All of Us Research Program. Some videos are in English, while others are in Spanish to represent the Latinx communities in Arizona and the surrounding states.

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Subject:   Engagement

Title: Amazon removes books promoting autism cures and vaccine misinformation | Reddit


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Post links to article related to Amazon pulling books that spread vaccine misinformation and books arguing that vaccines and autism are linked.

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Title: An Update on Our Work to Keep People Informed and Limit Misinformation About COVID-19 - About Facebook


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Anti-Vaccine movies disappear from Amazon after CNN Business report


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Page titled, "Anti-Vaccine movies disappear from Amazon after CNN Business report," by u/Arriveria published on the r/worldnews subreddit on the Reddit website on March 2, 2019. The forum links to an article published on CNN that describes Amazon's response to a report that highlighted the amount of anti-vaccination media available through Amazon and cited concerns that the company was promoting and distributing harmful content.

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Title: Anti-Vaxx Is Dangerous on Tumblr


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Blog titled, "Your 'choice' to not vaccinate does not affect only you," and maintained by the user anti-vaxxers-are-child-abusers on Tumblr. The blog focuses on dispelling misinformation about vaccines and promoting vaccination.

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Title: Barb Loe, NVIC (@NVICLoeDown) | Twitter


Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive

Description: Twitter account for Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center

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Title: Bioethics


Collection: Bioethics web archive

Description: Page on the Reddit website dedicated to the r/bioethics subreddit. The forum provides a platform for users to discuss bioethical questions, research and articles.

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Title: CDC (@CDCgov) | Twitter


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Twitter account page for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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