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National Library of Medicine

Archive-It Partner Since: Mar, 2009

Organization Type: National Institutions

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The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health, collects, preserves, and makes available to the public information about health, medicine, and the biomedical sciences. To continue fulfilling this mission, NLM is collecting and archiving related Web content, which also serves to document the histories of health and medicine. For questions about our web archiving program contact us at

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Title: Отзывы о вакцинах: уроки от людей, получивших вакцину от COVID-19 (русский) - YouTube


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Suicide prevention during COVID-19 - Psychosocial Support IFRC


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This document provides guidance on suicide and harm prevention, tailored to the needs of National Societies. It offers resources relevant to those who may be implementing suicide prevention initiatives for the first time and to those who may be adapting existing activities around suicide and harm prevention to the specific challenges of COVID-19.

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Title: Russian - Программа послов - Вместе мы можем положить конец пандемии - YouTube


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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