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Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: "Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon - April 21, 2020". Talks about why the state did not implement a statewide lockdown. Posted 22 April 2020. 3:37 timestamp.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Governors’ Association , Gordon, Mark
Language: English
Type: Video recording
Social Media Host: YouTube (Firm)
Geographic Location: Wyoming
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Social Dimensions
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Report
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Vaccines, Health Disparities, Prevention and Control/Risk Management
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: This 12-page document provides key considerations for governors and state leaders as they develop strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect the health and well-being of individuals receiving long-term care. It includes a high-level review of considerations for governors; a detailed briefing of considerations and related state examples; and an appendix with quick links to additional resources, including relevant federal guidance.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Publication
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Vulnerable Populations, Elderly, Pre-existing Medical Conditions, Health Facilities, Caregiving
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: Press release published on the National Governors Association (NGA) Website by the NGA Center for Best Practices on April 11, 2017. The Press release announces that eight states; Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, North Carolina, New Jersey, Virginia, and Washington, will participate in a learning lab to better integrate opioid use disorder treatment into their justice involved populations.
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Creator: National Governors’ Association , N/A
Language: English
Type: Press release
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: In June and July of 2020, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) surveyed executive branch officials regarding state policies to safeguard against COVID-19 for pregnant women, postpartum women, and infants. This web page provides the results of the survey.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Report
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Vulnerable Populations, Children, Pregnant Women
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: This 38-page report synthesizes and expands upon expert recommendations for states recovering and reopening from the COVID-19 pandemic by outlining 10 key steps and related operational considerations for governors to guide critical decisions in support of the public's health and well-being in the weeks and months ahead.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Publication
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Social Dimensions
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Given the protracted nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, states will likely experience additional, simultaneous emergencies concurrent with additional outbreaks of the virus. This nine-page memorandum provides Actions for Governors Looking to Bolster Emergency Preparedness, and An Overview of the Planning Considerations for Simultaneous Emergencies.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Publication
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: Page titled, "Opioid Use Disorder and Addiction,' on the National Governors Association Website. The page describes a governor's role in fighting opioid use disorder in their state, and features relevant publications, projects, policies, recommendations, and videos.
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Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: News bulletin on the National Governors Association (NGA) Website stating the prominent role governors have in combating the opioid epidemic. The site has links to policies and recommendations, videos of meetings from 2014-2016, and links to other resources.
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Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: "Mask Up America". Posted 2 July 2020. 3:31 timestamp.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Video recording
Social Media Host: YouTube (Firm)
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: Page on the National Governors Association (NGA) Website featuring the agenda and Presentations from the November 2016 learning lab on telehealth strategies for expanding access to opioid addiction treatment hosted by the National Governors Association (NGA).
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Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: report titled, "Finding Solutions to the Prescription Opioid and Heroin Crisis: A Road Map for States," by the National Governors Association (NGA) on how states can respond to the national opioid crisis with effective health care and public safety strategies.
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Creator: National Governors’ Association , Murphy, Kelly, Becker, Melinda, Locke, Jeff
Language: English
Type: Report
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: National Governors' Association's coronavirus website; "Coronavirus: What you Need to Know: Current Information On The Status Of COVID-19 In The United States And Abroad, What Actions States/Territories Have Taken To Address It, And The Latest Efforts By The Federal Government", with policies and guidance, advocacy, state action tracking, all arranged by topic.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Basic Information, Legislation and Jurisprudence, Prevention and Control/Risk Management
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: This 17-page memo provides information regarding COVID-19 testing and test capacity, and strategies governors may consider as they work to increase that capacity in their states for both short-term and long-term needs.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Governors’ Association , McBride, Bill
Language: English
Type: Report
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Tracking the Disease, Basic Information
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: This brief provides considerations for developing a strategy for COVID-19 testing in long-term care facilities, a review of state actions to date, and a map of state activity.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Publication
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Tracking the Disease, Health Facilities, Caregiving
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Publication
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Social Dimensions
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: News bulletin published on the National Governors Association (NGA) Website on July 13, 2016 regarding the compact signed by the governors attending the 2016 NGA Winter Meeting which describes the planned collective efforts to fight opioid addiction.
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Creator: National Governors’ Association
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
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