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National Library of Medicine

Archive-It Partner Since: Mar, 2009

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The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health, collects, preserves, and makes available to the public information about health, medicine, and the biomedical sciences. To continue fulfilling this mission, NLM is collecting and archiving related Web content, which also serves to document the histories of health and medicine. As with the other materials in the Library collections, NLM does not endorse the content of any web sites other than its own. To learn more about what the library collects, please see the Collection Development Guidelines of the National Library of Medicine. For questions about our web archiving program contact us at

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Title: e-Patient Dave


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "e-Patient Dave," maintained by Dave deBronkart. The blog features content related to deBronkart's experience with cancer and his campaign for more transparency in the health care system.

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Title: Wheelchair Kamikaze


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Wheelchair Kamikaze," maintained by Marc Stecker. The blog features content related to Stecker's experience living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), including video recorded from Stecker's wheelchair.

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Title: Watching the Lights Go Out


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Watching the Lights Go Out," maintained by David Hilfiker. The blog features content related to Hilfiker's experiences living with cognitive impairment, including a misdiagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

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Title: Translational Global Health


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Global Health," maintained by the Public Library of Science (PLOS). The blog features international perspectives on global health including scientific research and issues related to policy and population health.

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Title: Tracking Zebra


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Tracking Zebra," maintained by Dr. Amesh Adalja. The blog covers topics related to infectious disease, politics, and health care.

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Title: This may hurt a bit | Diverse Perspectives on Science and Medicine


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "This may hurt a bit," maintained by Shara Yurkiewicz at the Public Library of Science (PLOS). The blog features content related to Yurkiewicz's residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

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Title: The Reality of Anxiety


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "The Reality of Anxiety and Coping Strategies to Manage It," maintained by Aimée White. The blog features Mann's experiences living with anxiety with emphasis on sharing effective coping strategies.

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Title: The Quantum Lobe Chronicles


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, 'The Quantum Lobe Chronicles," maintained by William Lu, a clinical psychologist. The blog features content related to psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and physics.

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Title: The Butter Compartment


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "The Butter Compartment," which is run by Lee Ann Thill, a type 1 diabetic and an art therapist whose professional and advocacy work is directed towards helping people with diabetes through art.

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Title: TEDMED Blog - TEDMED is a global community dedicated to unlocking imagination in service of health and medicine.TEDMED Blog | TEDMED is a global community dedicated to unlocking imagination in service of health and medicine.


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "TEDMED Blog," maintained by TEDMED. The blog features content related to medicine and health innovation that TEDMED considers extraordinary.

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Title: Speaking of Medicine


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Speaking of Medicine," maintained by the Public Library of Science IPLOS). The blog features content for the PLOS medical journals community that relates to global health topics.

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Title: Shake, Rattle and Roll


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Shake, Rattle and Roll," maintained by Kate Kelsall. The blog features content related to Kelsall's Parkinson's Disease.

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Title: Seattle Mama Doc Blog | Seattle Children's Hospital


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Seattle Mama Doc," maintained by Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson. The blog features content related to Swanson's experience as a mother and pediatrician.

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Title: Running for My Life: Fighting Cancer One Step at a Time


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Running for my Life: Fighting Cancer One Step at a Time," maintained by Ronni Gordon. The blog features content related to Gordon's experience living with leukemia.

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Title: Rock Talk | NIH Extramural Nexus


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Open Mike," maintained by Dr. Michael Lauer and published on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Extramural Research web site. The blog features content created by Lauer, the Deputy Director for Extramural Research intended to share NIH research and activities with the public.

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Title: Respiratory Therapy Cave


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Respiratory Therapy Cave," maintained by John Bottrell. The blog features content related to Bottrell's experience as a Respiratory Therapist.

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Title: Public Health Perspectives


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Public Health Perspectives," maintained by Beth Skwarecki and Atif Kukaswadia at the Public Library of Science (PLOS). The blog features content related to public health from a variety of perspectives.

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Title: Pediatric Education: Pediatric digital library intended to serve as a source of continuing pediatric education


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Website created to become a pediatric virtual learning community where physicians, residents, and fellows can continue their education in the field of pediatrics. The site presents questions, cases which illustrate the questions, a forum for discussing the questions.

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Title: Obesity Panacea | Diverse Perspectives on Science and Medicine


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Obesity Panacea," maintained by Peter Janiszewski and Travis Saunders at the Public Library of Science. The blog features content related to obesity research and myths.

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Title: Not Running a Hospital


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Not Running a Hospital," maintained by Paul Levy. The blog features content related to Levy's experience as a former hospital CEO.

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Title: NIH Director's Blog


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "NIH Director's Blog," maintained by Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The blog features content of import to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

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Title: NCCIH Research Blog | NCCIH


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "NCCIH Research Blog," maintained by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) at the National Institutes of Health. The blog features content related to research developments in complementary health practices.

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Title: My Life as an Asthma Mom


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "My Life as an Asthma Mom," maintained by an anonymous blogger. The blog features content related to the author's experience as a mom with allergies and asthma caring for three children that also suffer from allergies and asthma.

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Title: Medical Humor | Funny Medical Videos | ZDoggMD


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "ZDogg MD" maintained by Dr. Zubin Damania. The blog features Damania's educational videos featuring musical parodies related to health and medicine.

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Title: Lisa Bonchek Adams Writings on metastatic breast cancer, grief & loss, life, and family


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: The blog features content related to Bonchek Adams' experience living with breast cancer.

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Title: Life with Muscular Dystrophy | An online muscular dystrophy book & blog


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Life with Muscular Dystrophy," maintained by an anonymous blogger. The blog features content related to the author's experience living with Becker muscular dystrophy, with particular emphasis on positive aspects.

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Title: | Social media’s leading physician voice


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "KevinMD," maintained by Kevin Pho. The blog features content related to Pho's work as a primary care physician.

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Title: Jeffrey, MD: My Journey through Medical School, Residency, Being an Attending, and Life


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "JeffreyMD," maintained by an anonymous blogger that writes under the name Dr. Jeff W. The blog chronicles Jeff's experiences as a medical student and as a physician.

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Title: In the Mind's Eye, Dyslexic Renaissance


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "In the Mind's Eye, Dyslexic Renaissance," maintained by Thomas G. West. Posts chronicle West's various publications on the subject of dyslexia.

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Title: GruntDoc — Ramblings of an Emergency Physician in Texas


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "GruntDoc," maintained by an anonymous blogger. The blog features content related to the blogger's work as a physician in the Navy and then as a civilian in emergency medicine.

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Title: Family Dysfunction and Mental Health Blog


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Family Dysfunction and Mental Health Blog," maintained by David M. Allen, M.D. The blog features content related to mental health, drugs and psychotherapy with an emphasis on the role of family dysfunction in behavioral problems.

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Title: Every Patient's Advocate


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Trisha Torrey is Every Patient's Advocate," maintained by Trisha Torrey. The blog features content related to patient advocacy.

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Title: Emergiblog: The Life and Times of an ER Nurse


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Emergiblog," which is run by registered nurse Kim McAllister. The blog discusses her experiences as a nurse in the emergency department and other topics related to nursing.

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Title: Emergiblog


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Emergiblog," maintained by Kim McAllister. The blog features content related to McAllister's experience as an Emergency Room nurse.

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Title: Early Onset Alzheimer's - Encourage, Inspire, and Inform


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Early Onset Alzheimer's Blog," maintained by Linda S. Fisher. The blog features content related to Fisher's experience with early onset Alzheimer's disease.

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Title: EMCrit Blog - Emergency Department Critical Care & Resuscitation


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "EMCrit Project," maintained by Scott D. Weingart. The blog features content related to Maximally Aggressive Care research.

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Title: EM Lyceum


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "EM Lyceum," maintained by emergency physicians at Bellevue Hospital Center, including editor Whitney K. Bryant, MD, MPH. The blog was created to encourage academic debate within the field of emergency medicine and clinical practice.

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Title: Doctor David's Blog


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Doctor David's Blog: Musings of a Pediatric Oncologist," maintained by Dr. David Loeb. The blog feaures content related to Dr. Loeb's work as a pediatric oncologist.

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Title: Dispatch from the Digital Health Frontier (formerly Life as a Healthcare CIO)


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Life as a Healthcare CIO," maintained by John Halamka. The blog contains content related to health technology.

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Title: DNA Science Blog: Genetics in Context


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "DNA Science Blog," maintained by Ricki Lewis at the Public Library of Science (PLOS). The blog features content related to "genetics in context."

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Title: CodeBlog: Tales of a Nurse


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "CodeBlog," maintained by an anonymous blogger. The blog features content from many contributors in the health care field.

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Title: ChroniCarly


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "ChroniCarly," maintained by Carly Medosch. The blog features content related to living with a chronic illness and patient advocacy.

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Title: Christina's Considerations


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Christina's Considerations," maintained by Christina Thielst. The blog features content related to the health care system from the perspective of a former hospital administrator, consultant, and educator.

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Title: Child in Mind


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Child in Mind," maintained by Claudia M. Gold. The blog features content related to Gold's work as a pediatrician with a particular interest in pediatric mental health.

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Title: Champagne Tap: A New York EM Resident forEM


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Champagne Tap: Ultrasound 'for EM'," maintained by Jordan Chanler-Berat. The blog features content related to Chanler-Berat's work as an ultrasound fellow in emergency medicine.

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Title: CDC - Blogs - Public Health Matters Blog


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Public Health Matters," maintained by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The blog features content related to the evolution of public health.

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Title: CDC - Blogs - Our Global Voices


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Our Global Voices," maintained by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The blog features content related to global diseases, public health and security.

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Title: CDC - Blogs - CDC Works For You 24/7 Blog


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "CDC Works for You 24/7 Blog," maintained by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The blog features content related to the research and activities of the CDC.

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Title: Breathinstephen | Asthmatic, Respiratory Therapist, Marathon Walker, Health Advocate, Lab Rat


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Breathinstephen," maintained by Stephen Gaudet. The blog features content related to Gaudet's experience as an asthmatic marathon walker and respiratory therapist.

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Title: Breast Cancer? But Doctor....I hate pink!


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Breast Cancer? But Doctor...I hate pink!" maintained by Ann Silberman. The blog features content related to Silberman's experience of living with breast cancer, including facing a terminal diagnosis.

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Title: Blog – The Anatomy of a Brain Tumor


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Anatomy of a Brain Tumor," maintained by an anonymous blogger. The blog features the authors reflections as a partner and caregiver to his wife who was diagnosed with brain cancer during her illness and after her death.

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Title: Blog : HIV Education: Speakers, Author, and Humorist


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Shawn and Gwenn: A Boy, A Girl, A Virus," maintained by Gwenn Barringer and Shawn Decker, a serodiscordant couple. The blog features content related to sexual health, especially as it relates to HIV and serodiscordant relationships.

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Title: At Both Ends of the Stethoscope


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "At Both Ends of the Stethoscope," maintained by an anonymous blogger. The blog features content related to the author's experience as a doctor who also suffers from chronic illness.

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Title: Adventures of an Ambulance Riding Librarian


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

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Title: Addiction Inbox


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Addiction Inbox," maintained by Dirk Hanson. The blog features content related to the science of substance abuse.

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Title: 33 Charts


Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "33 Charts," maintained by Bryan Vartabedian. The blog features content related to Vartabedian's work as a pediatrician and his interests in health and technology.

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Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "The Bifurcated Needle," maintained by the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center for Health Security. The blog covers content related to scientific and technical innovations as they relate to health security.

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Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "The Panic Virus," maintained by the Public Library of Science (PLOS). The blog features content related to the false connection between vaccines and autism that sparked controversy.

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Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "This May Hurt a Bit," maintained on the Scientific American website. This blog contains the intuitions, insights, and growing pains of medical student Shara Yurkiewicz. She stopped updating the blog in December 2014.

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Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

Description: Blog titled, "Loma Linda University School of Medicine Student Blog," maintained by the Loma Linda University School of Medicine. The blog features, "first-hand accounts of life at Loma Linda University School of Medicine" with the aim of providing prospective students "a glimpse into what life in the School of Medicine is all about."

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Collection: Health and Medicine Blogs

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