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Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: A subsection of a federal website on youth programs that provides resources on violence prevention among young people and their families.
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Physical Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual, Emotional Abuse, Crime, Bullying
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Youth.gov
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Video recording
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Social Media Host: YouTube (Firm)
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Doc Snipes
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Youth Violence, Gun Violence, Adverse Childhood Experiences
Language: English
Type: Video recording
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Social Media Host: YouTube (Firm)
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Oregon State University. College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Physical Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual, Emotional Abuse
Language: English
Type: Video recording
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Social Media Host: YouTube (Firm)
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Mental Health America
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Video recording
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Social Media Host: YouTube (Firm)
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Clarity Child Guidance Center
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Video recording
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Social Media Host: YouTube (Firm)
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Clarity Child Guidance Center
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Video recording
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Social Media Host: YouTube (Firm)
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Doc Snipes
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Physical Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual, Emotional Abuse
Language: English
Type: Video recording
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Social Media Host: YouTube (Firm)
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Cook Children's Health Care System
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Domestic Violence, Adverse Childhood Experiences , Youth Violence, Physical Abuse, Sex Offenses, Suicide
Language: English
Type: Video recording
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Social Media Host: YouTube (Firm)
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: University of Louisville
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Video recording
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Social Media Host: YouTube (Firm)
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Clarity Child Guidance Center
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: Within WHO's Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Department, the Prevention of Violence (PVL) Unit focuses on preventing interpersonal violence in all its forms, with an emphasis on preventing violence against children. It does so by providing strategic leadership on the topic; developing evidence, norms and standards, including implementation tools; building national capacities to address these issues; and fostering global advocacy.
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Subject: Domestic Violence, Physical Abuse, Adverse Childhood Experiences , Homicide
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: World Health Organization
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: The World Health Organization's webpage on the health topic "Violence Against Children." It includes fact sheets, statistics, resolutions, guidelines, training, and resources.
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Physical Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual, Emotional Abuse, Youth Violence
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: World Health Organization
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: A federal government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, based out of Washington D.C. The site provides resources on bullying and cyberbullying, how to spot it, prevent it, and how it affects individuals. The site further details how specific individuals, such as students, parents, and teachers, can do if they or someone they know is being bullied. Please note that the videos could not be captured due to technical issues.
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Subject: Bullying, Schools, Youth Violence, Adverse Childhood Experiences , Mental Health
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: United States. Department of Health and Human Services
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: The Seven Dancers Coalition, based in Hogansburg, NY and Lockport, NY, works to increase awareness of domestic and sexual violence of indigenous people. The group provides information on sexual and domestic violence, trauma bonding, and the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study.
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Subject: Race, Gender-Based Violence, Domestic Violence, Youth Violence, Sex Offenses, Adverse Childhood Experiences
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Seven Dancers Coalition
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: Sandy Hook Promise is a national nonprofit organization founded and led by several family members whose loved ones were killed in a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. Based in Newtown, Connecticut, the organization aims to prevent gun violence before it happens by teaching youth to recognize and report warning signs of violent acts.
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Subject: Gun Violence, Adverse Childhood Experiences , Schools, Mass Casualty Incidents
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Sandy Hook Promise
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: The National Conference of State Legislature report on Adverse Childhood Experiences. The site details what ACEs are, which states have enacted ACEs legislature, and provides informational material on ACEs.
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Substance-Related Disorders, Suicide, Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: National Conferences of State Legislatures
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: Funded by the CDC, the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence (JHCPYV) aims to create, implement, and evaluate a multifaceted, evidence-based approach to youth violence prevention in a high-risk Baltimore community. This website includes sections on research, training, community collaborations, faith based initiatives, reports, conferences, and other resources.
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Subject: Schools, Youth Violence, Bullying, Adverse Childhood Experiences
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: A subsection of the Child Welfare Information Gateway focusing specifically on defining child abuse and neglect, its risk factors, and its impacts.
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Subject: Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual, Adverse Childhood Experiences
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: United States. Department of Health and Human Services
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: A subsection of the CDC's Violence Prevention website focusing specifically on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) definitions, research, strategies, and resources.
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Physical Abuse, Suicide, Substance-Related Disorders, Mental Health, Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (U.S.)
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: Federal website documenting information on different forms of violence and the government recommendations to prevent violence before it occurs. It reflects the government's position that violence is a public health issue and prevention is the best method of reducing the number of deaths and injuries caused by violence outside of the workplace. The definitions, research, strategies, programs and further resources on this website come from the CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC), specifically the Division of Violence Prevention (DVP).
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Child Abuse, Sexual, Gun Violence, Domestic Violence, Sex Offenses, Youth Violence
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (U.S.)
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: Federal website documenting information on different forms of injuries and the government recommendations to prevent injuries and violence before they occur. The definitions, research, strategies, programs and further resources on this website come from the CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC).
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Suicide, Domestic Violence, Sex Offenses, Gun Violence, Youth Violence
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (U.S.)
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: ACEs Aware works to screen, prevent, and treat trauma-induced toxic stress in California. The organization is based within the University of California system that uses evidence-based methods for their screening process. Information about ACEs, the screening process, resources, and grant opportunities can be found on the organization's website.
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Mental Health, Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: California. Department of Health Care Services
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Sexuality, Youth Violence, Adverse Childhood Experiences , Bullying, Schools, Mental Health
Language: English
Type: Report
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: National Resource Center for Reaching Victims
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Blog
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Williams, Keri
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: Project ChildSafe is a firearms safety program developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation that promotes gun safety through the distribution of safety kits and educational messages. The Project ChildSafe Foundation is a national nonprofit organization based in Newtown, Connecticut since 1999.
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Subject: Gun Violence, Adverse Childhood Experiences , Youth Violence, Suicide, Accidental Injuries
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: National Shooting Sports Foundation
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: Prevent Child Abuse is a nonprofit organization based out of Chicago, IL that has been providing information, conducting research, and advocating for policies and services to promote healthy child development and prevent child abuse since 1972.
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Subject: Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual, Adverse Childhood Experiences
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Prevent Child Abuse America
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Report
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: United States. Health Resources and Services Administration
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: This webpage contains a literature summary on Crime and Violence as a social determinant of health. It includes citations and links to related objectives.
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Subject: Crime, Race, Youth Violence, Adverse Childhood Experiences , Domestic Violence, Physical Abuse
Language: English
Type: Report
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: United States. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: A state governor website's subpage about the Children and Youth Division, which works on initiatives to improve the overall well-being of youth and families in Maryland. The page provides links to additional resources.
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Mental Health, Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Maryland Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Mental Health, Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Fact sheet
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Center on the Developing Child (Harvard University)
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
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Subject: Crime, Adverse Childhood Experiences , Substance-Related Disorders, Gun Violence
Language: English
Type: Report
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Safe States Alliance
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: ACESTooHigh is a nonpartisan traditional online news site that reports on research about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) as well as how people, organizations, agencies and communities are implementing practices and policies based on that research. This includes developments in education, juvenile justice, criminal justice, public health, medicine, mental health, social services, and cities, counties and states. Most of the content on this site is comprised of news articles.
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Personal Narrative, Child Abuse, Sexual
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: ACESTooHigh
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: This website was created to raise awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), which was the focus of 1994 study assessing the relationship between adult health risk behaviors and childhood abuse and household dysfunction. The site offers responses to support and protect current victims as well as prevent ACEs and their consequences in the future.
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences , Child Abuse
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: ACE Response
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