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The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health, collects, preserves, and makes available to the public information about health, medicine, and the biomedical sciences. To continue fulfilling this mission, NLM is collecting and archiving related Web content, which also serves to document the histories of health and medicine. As with the other materials in the Library collections, NLM does not endorse the content of any web sites other than its own. To learn more about what the library collects, please see the Collection Development Guidelines of the National Library of Medicine. For questions about our web archiving program contact us at

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Title: COVID-19: Supporting NCD patients in Jordan (phase II), WDF21-1825 | World diabetes foundation


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: COVID-19: Ensuring provision of NCD services in Mozambique, WDF20-1794 | World diabetes foundation


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Strengthening NCD services in Assam, WDF20-1772 | World diabetes foundation


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: COVID-19: Supporting NCD patients and other vulnerable groups in Tanzania, WDF20-1771 | World diabetes foundation


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: COVID-19: Supporting NCD patients among refugees and vulnerable host populations in Jordan, WDF20-1770 | World diabetes foundation


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: mHealth for strengthening national diabetes prevention and control, WDF15-1246 | World diabetes foundation


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: The State of the Global Education Crisis: A Path to Recovery


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: UNU-WIDER : Working Paper : COVID-19: mortality, future years lost, and demographic structure


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: The purpose of this 14-page paper, by the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research, is to examine the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on two demographic-economic measures, namely, the losses of future lifetime years and future lifetime working years, respectively, both in aggregate and for each death. It provides preliminary, inevitably hypothetical, estimates of these measures for Italy and Kenya.

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Title: WHO COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Progress Report - 1 February to 30 June 2020


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This report highlights the main points of progress that were made up to June 30, 2020, under the three objectives outlined in the COVID-19 Strategic Response and Preparedness Plan: scaling up international coordination and support; scaling up country preparedness and response by pillar; and accelerating research and innovation. The report also discusses some of the key challenges faced so far, and provides an update on the resource requirements for the next phase of WHO's response as part of an unprecedented whole-of-UN approach to the pandemic.

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Title: Policy Brief of the UN Secretary-General: A Disability-Inclusive Response to COVID-19


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 18-page Policy Brief highlights the impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities and in doing so, outlines key actions and recommendations to make the response and recovery inclusive of persons with disabilities. While the brief contains specific recommendations focusing on key sectors, it identifies four overarching areas of action that are applicable for all.

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Title: WHO-convened global study of origins of SARS-CoV-2: China Part


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on noncommunicable disease resources and services: results of a rapid assessment


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This report presents the results of a rapid assessment conducted by the Noncommunicable Disease Department in May 2020 detailing the initial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on noncommunicable disease resources and services.

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Title: Household transmission investigation protocol for 2019-novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 31-page household transmission investigation is a case-ascertained prospective study of all identified household contacts of a laboratory confirmed 2019-novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection. It is intended to provide rapid and early information on the clinical, epidemiological, and virological characteristics of 2019-nCoV. The protocol has been designed to investigate household transmission of 2019-nCoV in any country in which 2019-nCoV infection has been reported and households are exposed.

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Title: Breastfeeding and COVID-19


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This scientific brief examines the evidence to date on the risks of transmission of COVID-19 from an infected mother to her baby through breastfeeding, as well as evidence on the risks to child health from not breastfeeding, and several recommendations.

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Title: Pulse survey on continuity of essential health services during the COVID-19 pandemic: interim report, 27 August 2020


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: The Pulse survey on continuity of essential health services during the COVID-19 pandemic aimed to gain initial insight from country key informants into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on essential health services across the life course. The survey results in this interim report can improve understanding of the extent of disruptions across all services, the reasons for disruptions, and the mitigation strategies countries are using to maintain service delivery.

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Title: Progress on drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene in schools


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This report, co-published with UNICEF, details the latest data from the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP), which reveal that 43 percent of schools around the world lacked access to basic hand-washing with soap and water in 2019 -- a key condition for schools to be able to operate safely in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Title: Refugees and migrants in times of COVID-19: mapping trends of public health and migration policies and practices


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Final Statement on the 8th meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005)


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Statement on the meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee for Ebola virusdisease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on 17 July 2019


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Six-page PDF report on the July 17, 2019 meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee for Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The report includes meeting proceedings, context and discussion, and conclusions and advice.

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Title: Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 40-page report summarizes the World Health Organization-China Joint Mission undertaken to rapidly inform national (China) and international planning on next steps in the response to the ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and on next steps in readiness and preparedness for geographic areas not yet affected. The major findings are described in six sections: the virus, the outbreak, transmission dynamics, disease progression and severity, the China response, and knowledge gaps.

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Title: COVID-19 Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) Global Research and Innovation Forum: Towards a Research Roadmap


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This seven-page report summarizes a meeting of world experts on COVID-19 held on February 11-12, 2020, to assess the current level of knowledge about the coronavirus, agree on critical research questions that need to be answered urgently, and find ways to work together to accelerate and fund priority research that can contribute to curtail this outbreak and prepare for future outbreaks. The report details eight immediate research actions were agreed upon as part of this forum.

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Title: Coordinated Global Research Roadmap: 2019 Novel Coronavirus


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: The Role of Opioid Prices in the Evolving Opioid Crisis


Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive

Description: report titled, "The Role of Opioid Prices in the Evolving Opioid Crisis," published by the Council of Economic Advisors in April of 2019. The report examines the annual economic cost of the opioid crisis, which it concludes is substantially higher than was previously believed. It also identifies factors that have, and continue to contribute to the opioid epidemic.

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Title: Tracking COVID-19 in Immigration Detention | Vera Institute


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Community Violence Intervention Programs, Explained | Vera Institute


Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive

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Subject:   Homicide Crime Gun Violence

Title: Epidemics, Pandemics and Humanitarian Challenges: Lessons from a Number of Health Crises


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this 40-page report brings together the lessons from work on major health crises, humanitarian response, and crisis management so that they can be shared. It discusses how health systems react to crises, whether it be in terms of war and disaster medicine, regular public health systems, or the management of major health crises, such as cholera and Ebola.

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Title: Using Art to Promote a Healthy Community during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Urban Institute


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Immigrant-Serving Organizations' Perspectives on the COVID-19 Crisis


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: COVID-19 and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: COVID-19-related Trafficking of Medical Products as a Threat to Public Health


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 31-page report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime covers the COVID-19-related trafficking of substandard and falsified medical products, including personal protective equipment intended for medical purposes, as a threat to public health. It presents a condensed assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the trafficking of substandard and falsified medical products.

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Title: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Trafficking in Persons | UNODC


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Interim Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Schools


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Vaccine misinformation management field guide - UNICEF


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Technical Note on COVID-19 and Harmful Practices


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This four-page technical note compiles some of the evidence on harmful practices in the time of a public health emergency and proposes programmatic responses during the COVID-19 pandemic on a policy level; systems level; in terms of evidence and data; and on the level of communities and individuals.

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Title: Does COVID-19 Affect the Health of Children and Young People More Than We Thought? The case for disaggregated data to inform action


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This eight-page report details how, contrary to the current narrative, the risks of COVID-19 disease in children and young people depend largely on where individuals live and how vulnerable they are to disease and ill health. The newly emerging multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) further underscores the need for better reporting, monitoring, and analysis to understand the COVID-19 disease health risks for children and young people.

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Title: The Evolving Epidemiologic and Clinical Picture of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Disease in Children and Young People


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 44-page paper reviews the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents six months after the COVID-19 pandemic started, susceptibility and transmissibility of infection in children and adolescents, potential for mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy, and clinical manifestations of disease (morbidity and mortality) in children and adolescents, including in relation to pre-existing comorbidities and vulnerabilities.

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Title: Impacts of Pandemics and Epidemics on Child Protection: Lessons learned from a rapid review in the context of COVID-19


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 74-page report is a rapid review that collated and synthesized evidence on the child protection impacts of COVID-19 and previous pandemics and epidemics. The research questions of the rapid review included: What are the effects of pandemics and epidemics on child protection outcomes?, and What are the effects of pandemic and epidemic infection control measures on child protection outcomes?

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Title: Digital Contact Tracing and Surveillance During COVID-19. General and child-specific ethical issues


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has seen an unprecedented rapid scaling up of technologies to support digital contact tracing and surveillance. This 26-page working paper explores the implications for privacy as the linking of datasets increases the likelihood that children will be identifiable; increases the opportunity for (sensitive) data profiling; and frequently involves making data available to a broader set of users or data managers.

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Title: A Rapid Review of Economic Policy and Social Protection Responses to Health and Economic Crises and Their Effects on Children: Lessons for the COVID-19 pandemic response


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 54-page rapid review seeks to inform the initial and long-term public policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, by assessing evidence on past economic policy and social protection responses to health and economic crises and their effects on children and families. It focuses on virus outbreaks/emergencies, economic crises, and natural disasters, which, like the COVID-19 pandemic, were rapid in onset, had wide-ranging geographical reach, and resulted in disruption of social services and economic sectors, without affecting governance systems.

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Title: Ethical Considerations for Evidence Generation Involving Children on the COVID-19 Pandemic


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 18-page paper identifies key ethical considerations when undertaking evidence generation involving children during the mitigation stage of the pandemic (emergency phase), on subject matter relating to COVID-19 once the pandemic has been contained, and once containment policy measures, including lockdowns, have been lifted (post-emergency phase).

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Title: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Family Planning and Ending Gender-based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation and Child Marriage


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: The United Nations Population Fund aims to achieve three world-changing results by 2030: Ending unmet need for family planning, ending gender-based violence including harmful practices such as female genital mutilation and child marriage, and ending all preventable maternal deaths. This seven-page analysis shows how the COVID-19 pandemic could critically undermine progress made toward achieving these goals.

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Title: COVID-19: A Gender Lens | United Nations Population Fund


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This nine-page report discusses how disease outbreaks such as COVID-19 affect women and men differently, and pandemics make existing inequalities for women and girls and discrimination of other marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities and those in extreme poverty, worse. This needs to be considered, given the different impacts surrounding detection and access to treatment for women and men.

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Title: Northern Mariana Islands COVID Country Profile 230321


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: UNDRR Americas & Caribbean COVID-19 Brief: People with disabilities in the face of COVID-19 in the Americas and the Caribbean | UNDRR


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This five-page document details how the COVID-19 pandemic affects people with disabilities, who face additional barriers due to the way they interact with their surroundings, as well as from a lack of or interruption to health services, support networks, and other critical services.

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Title: COVID-19 Brief: Preliminary Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa | UNDRR


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 23-page paper focuses on actions taken by disaster risk reduction (DRR) actors in Africa in relation to COVID-19. It describes the integration of biological hazards in DRR strategies, by looking at eight DRR strategies from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. It also looks at roles and responsibilities of DRR agencies in the response to COVID-19 and, by looking at contingency plans available online, describes common characteristics of response planning for COVID-19.

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Title: UNDRR Asia Pacific COVID-19 Brief: Reducing Vulnerability of Migrants and Displaced Populations


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This nine-page report highlights the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on certain groups of people, including refugees and migrant workers, and offers some key policy recommendations to ensure no one is left behind in COVID-19 prevention, response, and recovery. The policy guidance provided includes a recommendation to ensure that economic assistance and social protection target displaced and migrant populations.

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Title: Rights in a pandemic – Lockdowns, rights and lessons from HIV in the early response to COVID-19 | UNAIDS


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 76-page report outlines 10 immediate areas for action for governments toward building effective, rights-based COVID-19 responses. These include taking proactive measures to ensure that people, particularly people in vulnerable groups, can access HIV treatment and prevention services; designating and supporting essential workers, including community-led organizations; and implementing measures to prevent and address gender-based violence.

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Title: Rights in the time of COVID-19 — Lessons from HIV for an effective, community-led response | UNAIDS


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Policy Brief: COVID-19 in an Urban World


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 30-page policy brief describes how cities can manage the COVID-19 pandemic and emerge as the hubs of energy, resilience, and innovation that make them such vibrant and appealing places for many to live. It also looks at how the pandemic has exposed deep inequalities in how people live in cities, and how cities serve their residents, with the most vulnerable suffering the most.

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Title: COVID-19 and Vulnerable Populations | Union of Concerned Scientists


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Building Emergency Planning Scenarios for Viral Pandemics UCL-IRDR Covid-19 Observatory


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: The purpose of this 41-page report is to provide a systematic, if incomplete, record of the issues connected with the COVID-19 pandemic in order to improve the basis for future emergency planning. Like all large disasters, COVID-19 involves cascading consequences. These need to be factored into future emergency planning scenarios.

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Title: Coronavirus Tracker: How Justice Systems Are Responding in Each State | The Marshall Project


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This four-page joint report between the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University, summarizes a multi-wave panel survey to document the impacts of COVID-19 on law enforcement agencies in the United States and Canada. The report reflects preliminary results from the first panel of data collection, implemented between March 25 and April 3, 2020.

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Title: Ethical Framework for Health Care Institutions & Guidelines for Institutional Ethics Services Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic - The Hastings Center


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: What we are learning from COVID-19 about being prepared for a public health emergency


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: The COVID-19 crisis has illuminated the critical need for federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial leaders to take steps to shore up the nation's preparedness for the long term, even as the current response is ongoing. This eight-page COVID-19 Policy Response Brief lays out four major issue areas that need attention: funding and coordination, medical countermeasures, healthcare readiness, and equity and resilience.

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Title: The Impact of Chronic Underfunding on America’s Public Health System: Trends, Risks, and Recommendations, 2020 - tfah


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This annual analysis of the nation's investment in public health concludes that the nation's public health system is seriously underfunded, and this lack of investment puts Americans' lives at risk. Furthermore, the impact of this underinvestment gets worse each year as the range and severity of health security threats continue to grow. The COVID-19 crisis demonstrates this reality in the starkest of terms.

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Title: Pain in the Nation 2022: U.S. Experienced Highest Ever Combined Rates of Deaths Due to Alcohol, Drugs, and Suicide During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic - tfah


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: COVID-19 Policy Response Brief - tfah


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This eight-page policy brief highlights the most important action steps needed to ensure Americans' health security during the COVID-19 pandemic. The brief includes recommendations for policy action within four major issue areas: Funding and coordination, medical countermeasures, healthcare readiness, and equity and resilience.

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Title: Violence Based on Religion or Belief: Taking Action at the United Nations • Stimson Center


Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive

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Subject:   Religion

Title: Addressing Inequities in Education: Considerations for American Indian and Alaska Native Children and Youth in the Era of COVID-19 | Society for Research in Child Development SRCD


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Dying, Bereavement and Mortuary and Funerary Practices in the Context of COVID-19


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This eight-page brief sets out key considerations for events related to death, burial, funerals (rites, ceremonies, and practices), and mourning in the context of the global outbreak of the COVID-19. Further participatory inquiry should be undertaken, but given ongoing transmission, conveying key considerations for adapted end-of-life, mortuary, burial, and funeral practices and related community engagement have been prioritized.

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Title: Key Considerations: COVID-19 in Informal Urban Settlements


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This eight-page brief sets out key considerations for protecting informal urban settlements from the spread and impacts of COVID-19. There is heightened concern about these settings because of the combination of population density and limited infrastructure. This briefing discusses what is known about vulnerabilities and how to support local action.

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Title: Key Considerations: Quarantine in the Context of COVID-19


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This six-page brief sets out practical considerations relating to the design and impact of measures that restrict human movement patterns in the context of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease). These measures include quarantine, in which individuals who have been exposed to a communicable disease are separated from others for the duration of the disease's incubation period; isolation, in which individuals with a communicable disease are separated from others for as long as they are infectious; and social distancing, in which individuals or large groups of people are restricted from gathering.

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Title: Risks Related to Population Movement and Gatherings During Ramadan


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This three-page note sets out key considerations in relation to COVID-19 during the holy month of Ramadan on the continent of Africa. It provides evidence to support design of protective public health policies, alternative practices, and reduction of risk. Anthrologica was commissioned to produce this brief.

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Title: COVID-19: Why Are Prisons at Particular Risk, and What Can Be Done to Mitigate This?


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This eight-page brief provides key considerations related to COVID-19 in the context of prisons, jails, and similar detention facilities. It summarizes the particular risks associated with an outbreak of COVID-19 in prisons in low-and middle-income countries, and highlights approaches that may be used to mitigate those risks. It was developed by Anthrologica.

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Title: Considerations and Principles for Shielding People at High Risk of Severe Outcomes from COVID-19


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This eight-page brief considers the rationale for shielding individuals at high risk of severe disease or death from COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries. It provides an overview of proposed approaches to shielding, discusses the categories of individuals who may be identified for shielding, and outlines the likely difficulties of these measures and ways to mitigate them.

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Title: Compliance with Physical Distancing Measures for COVID-19 and Implications for RCCE in Eastern and Southern Africa


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 10-page brief reports on attitudes and practices relating to physical distancing measures in Eastern and Southern Africa in the context of the current global COVID-19 outbreak. Where relevant, it also includes insight and learning from the Ebola outbreaks in West Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Title: Social science support for COVID-19: Briefings from the Cellule d’Analyse en Sciences Sociales


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This web page provides a set of briefing documents outlining key lessons learned from social sciences analyses during the Democratic Republic of the Congo Ebola outbreak response, aiming to connect findings from the research conducted by the Cellule d'Analyse en Sciences Sociales (CASS) with recommendations for supporting and improving the approach to tackling COVID-19 and its secondary impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa. These briefs have been developed by UNICEF for the CASS, under a Wellcome-DFID grant. They have been reviewed and contributed to by partners from GOARN research, Anthrologica, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC), Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp (ITM), Translators Without Borders (TWB), MSF-Epicentre, NOVETTA, and Oxford University.

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Title: ILO | Social Protection Platform


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 47-page report discusses how COVID-19 poses a moment of opportunity for countries to accelerate the establishment of national social protection floors containing basic social protection guarantees that ensure universal access to health care and income security at least at a nationally defined minimum level, with the progressive achievement of higher levels of protection within comprehensive social protection systems.

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Title: Childhood in the Time of COVID


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Title: Double Jeopardy: COVID-19 and Behavioral Health Disparities for Black and Latino Communities in the U.S. (Submitted by OBHE)


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

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Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This 68-page report, an in-depth assessment of violence and threats to health care in regions experiencing armed conflict and political violence, identifies more than 1,203 reported incidents of violence against or obstruction of health care in 20 countries and territories experiencing conflict in 2019, compared to the 973 reported in 23 countries and territories for 2018. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the consequences of violence against health care will be felt even more acutely.

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Title: Hospital Readiness for COVID-19: Analysis of Bed Capacity and How it Varies Across the Country - RWJF


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: Findings from this seven-page brief, along with the interactive county-level map, can assist policymakers and local officials in identifying regions and hospitals with the greatest capacity constraints when treating COVID-19 (coronavirus) patients. This will help federal, state, and local policymakers considering ways to generate surge capacity in identifying areas with the greatest need for additional inpatient beds.

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Title: The Impact of Coronavirus on Households Across America


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: This series of five polls conducted by NPR, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, finds that a substantial share of U.S. households have not been protected from serious impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic across many areas of residents' lives.

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Title: Occupancy Rates in Rural and Urban Hospitals: Value and Limitations in Use as a Measure of Surge Capacity


Collection: Global Health Events web archive

Description: The purpose of this seven-page brief is to describe variations in hospital occupancy rates nationally and by state, provide additional data for state and local officials, and highlight challenges in identifying surge capacity. The onset of COVID-19 in the United States has caused concern among healthcare leaders and policymakers about the surge capacity of hospitals to accommodate a potential influx of patients.

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Title: Tackling Covid-19 Pandemic through Integrating Digital Technology and Public Health - The Rockefeller Foundation