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National Library of Medicine

Archive-It Partner Since: Mar, 2009

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The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health, collects, preserves, and makes available to the public information about health, medicine, and the biomedical sciences. To continue fulfilling this mission, NLM is collecting and archiving related Web content, which also serves to document the histories of health and medicine. As with the other materials in the Library collections, NLM does not endorse the content of any web sites other than its own. To learn more about what the library collects, please see the Collection Development Guidelines of the National Library of Medicine. For questions about our web archiving program contact us at

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Title: WyoAIDS Assistance


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for Wyoming AIDS Assistance, which provides financial assistance to men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS in Wyoming.

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Title: HIV Risk Reduction Tool | CDC


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the CDC's website for their HIV Risk Reduction Tool (beta version). The tool is an online risk calculator, a questionnaire that will help you determine how at-risk you are of contracting HIV. The site also links to more information on HIV, including risk factors, basic facts about the disease, how to know if you are HIV positive, HIV transmittal, and prevention. In addition, the site provides a testing locator.

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Title: Yoga for HIV/AIDS and for Cancer


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the Yoga Group, a Colorado-based non-profit organization that began providing free yoga classes and sharing information with yoga teachers in the HIV positive community in 1988. As of June 30, 2017, the organization discontinued covering class fees for HIV/AIDS students, but continues to operate an economic hardship program that offers reduced fees for restorative yoga classes.

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Title: World AIDS Day


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the National AIDS Trust Website dedicated to the National World AIDS Day.

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Title: HIV and AIDS |


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Section of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office on Women's Health Website dedicated to HIV and AIDS in women.

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Title: Presidential Proclamation, November 30, 2018 |


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the White House Website featuring a Presidential Proclamation issued on November 30, 2018 in honor of World AIDS Day. The proclamation renews the administration's "pledge to stand with those living with it until it is eliminated from our communities," and states that they remain "steadfastly focused on achieving the NHAS goals for 2020." The National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) is a plan that details principles, priorities and actions to guide the United States' collective national response to the HIV epidemic. Specifically, it aims to reduce new infections, increase access to care and improve health outcomes for people living with HIV, reduce HIV-related health disparities and inequalities, and to achieve a more coordinated national response to the HIV epidemic.

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Title: Office of National AIDS Policy |


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the U.S. White House Website dedicated to the Office of National AIDS Policy, which coordinates the continuing domestic efforts to implement the President's National HIV/AIDS Strategy.

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Title: World AIDS Day | Vice President Mike Pence's remarks |


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the White House Website featuring the transcript of Vice President Mike Pence's remarks at the administration's World AIDS Day event. The remarks were published on November 29, 2018.

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Title: HIV Services | Volunteers of America


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Section of the Volunteers of America Mid-States Website dedicated to HIV services. The section links to HIV information, including background on the virus, testing, PrEP, social network strategies, healthy relationships, prevention case management, and programs that provide safer sex supplies and syringes, housing, and testing.

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Title: Until There's a Cure


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for Until There's a Cure, a national organization dedicated to eradicating HIV/AIDS by raising awareness and funds to combat this pandemic.

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Title: UNICEF | HIV and AIDS


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Section on the UNICEF Website dedicated to HIV and AIDS. UNICEF supports governments and communities in their efforts to reduce inequities in HIV service delivery and to address the underlying factors of gender, age and poverty that make people vulnerable to HIV. UNICEF also supports governments to deliver services that prevent mother-to-child transmission, test infants early, link children diagnosed with HIV to treatment and care and prevent new HIV infections in adolescents.

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Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the UNICEF Website dedicated to AIDS. The page details what the organization does for children impacted by HIV/AIDS, and provides data, news and resources.

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Title: University of California San Francisco Medical Center | HIV and Aging


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the University of California San Francisco Medical Center Website dedicated to their HIV and Aging program. The page provides a very brief explanation of the program and why it's needed.

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Title: Stribild


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for Stribild, a prescription medication that contains a combination of elvitegravir, cobicistat, emtricitabine, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. Stribild is used alone to treat HIV-1. The Website provides safety, patient and prescription information.

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Title: POWER Program | Sasha Bruce Youthwork


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Sasha Bruce Youthwork Website dedicated to the POWER Program. The POWER Program provides prevention and education services to youth between ages 13-24, including at-risk youth. The page features a video.

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Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Samaritan's Purse Website featuring the search results for the term, "AIDS." The search returned articles and blog posts about the charity organization's work with HIV/AIDS.

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Title: Samaritan's Purse


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Samaritan's Purse web site featuring the search results for the term, "AIDS." The search returned articles and blog posts about the charity organization's work with HIV/AIDS.

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Title: Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders (SAGE) | Aging and HIV/AIDS


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders (SAGE) Website dedicated to aging and HIV/AIDS, and the specific work that SAGE does.

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Title: Spermicidal Condoms - We say NO


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Post titled, "Spermicidal Condoms - We say NO," published on the blog maintained by Rip n Roll, an online condom vendor. The post includes a letter from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stating that condoms with nonoxynol-9 should not be recommended as a preventative measure against HIV, providing justification for the company's stance on spermicidal condoms.

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Title: Project Inform


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for Project Inform, encourages the development of better treatments and cures for both HIV and hepatitis C by advocating for innovative, medically-based prevention strategies.

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Title: Poz | Truvada


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Poz Website featuring a fact sheet on the prescription drug, Truvada (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate + emtricitabine).

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Title: POZ


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for POZ, an award-winning print and online brand for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. The POZ website offers daily news, treatment updates, personal profiles, investigative features, videos, blogs and an extensive social network that includes community forums.

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Title: Planned Parenthood | HIV/AIDS


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Planned Parenthood Website dedicated to HIV/AIDS.

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Title: Odefsey


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for Odefsey, a prescription medication used alone to treat HIV-1. The Website provides safety, patient and prescription information.

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Title: Office of AIDS Research OAR, National Institutes of Health


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the National Institute of Health's (NIH) Office of AIDS Research. The site features information on the office, links to resources for researchers, the office's research priorities, news and links to meetings and events.

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Title: Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR)


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Webpage on the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases' website devoted to the Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR) program. It includes background information, a mission statement, locations on the current centers, funding information, and other resources.

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Title: HIV/AIDS | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases website for the HIV/AIDS. The page explains why NIAD considers HIV/AIDS a priority research area and how it is attacking the disease. It features content on prevention, vaccine development, news, treatment, finding a cure, featured research and clinical trials. Additionally, it has content specific to researchers including information on funding opportunities, tools, datasets and services, and networks and collaborations. Links to the CDC's list of risk factors for contracting HIV/AIDS.

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Title: New England AETC


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the New England AETC, an organization that provides education and clinical training opportunities on effective counseling, diagnosis, treatment, care management of individuals living with HIV/AIDS to health care providers and assists in prevention efforts.

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Title: Homepage | Microbicide Trials Network


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the Microbiocide Trials Network (MTN), a worldwide collaborative clinical trials network that brings together international investigators and community and industry partners whose work is focused on the development and rigorous evaluation of promising microbicides – products applied inside the vagina or rectum that are intended to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV.

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Title: Minnesota AIDS Project | Minnesota AIDS Project


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the Minnesota AIDS Project, which provides compassionate, confidential and non-discriminatory services to people living with HIV across the state of Minnesota.

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Title: Metro Wellness & Community Centers


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for Metro Wellness & Community Centers in Tampa Bay, Florida. The organization provides premier comprehensive HIV services and medical care, social activities, classes, support groups, counseling, health and fitness programs, youth programs, substance abuse programs, older adult programs, behavioral health services and free HIV testing.

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Title: Mercy Care | HIV Services


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Mercy Care Website dedicated to HIV Services. Mercy Care is an Atlanta-based health center that provides HIV Integrated Treatment for HIV patients as part of their primary medical services, as well as an Early Intervention Clinic (a Ryan White funded program).

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Title: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) |


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

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Title: Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention | HIV, STD and Viral Hepatitis Program


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Website dedicated to their HIV, STD and Viral Hepatitis Program, which aims to stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), viral hepatitis and HIV, to reduce illness and death, and to promote the health and well-being of people with, or at risk for these diseases. The page includes links to frequently asked questions, guidance and recommendations materials, surveillance reports, and a testing locator tool.

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Title: La Clinica del Pueblo | HIV Medical Case Management


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the La Clinica del Pueblo's Website dedicated to HIV Medical Case Management. The page includes information on the service and why it exists, and includes a list of areas it serves and links to the clinic's other services.

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Title: Latino Commission on AIDS


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the Latino Commission on AIDS, an organization founded to respond to the need for HIV prevention and care for Latinos in 1990 by spearheading health advocacy for Latinos, promoting HIV education, developing model prevention programs for high-risk communities, and by building capacity in community organizations. The group provides HIV testing and counseling, HIV prevention education, and a host of programs aimed toward Latinos at risk of or impacted by HIV/AIDS.

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Title: inPractice


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the inPractice Website dedicated to HIV resources. inPractice provides point-of-care clinical reference resources specifically designed to meet the needs of HIV specialists.

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Title: HIV/AIDS | Indian Health Service (IHS)


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Indian Health Service Website dedicated to the organization's HIV/AIDS program. The Indian Health Service is a federal health program for American Indians and Alaska Natives and the IHS HIV/AIDS program coordinates and promotes HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment activities specific to Indians as part of a comprehensive public health approach.

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Title: Hyacinth AIDS Foundation


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for Hyacinth AIDS Foundation, an organization whose mission is to help people live with HIV, slow the epidemic and serve as a critical voice in the public debate surrounding AIDS in New Jersey.

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Title: HIV/AIDS Housing/U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Website dedicated to addressing the housing needs of individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

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Title: HIV Prevention Trials Network


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the HIV Prevention Trials Network, a worldwide collaborative clinical trials network that develops and tests safety and efficacy of interventions designed to prevent the transmission of HIV.

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Title: How I Value Life


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for How I Value Life, a branch of the Until There's A Cure Foundation dedicated to raising awareness and supporting those living with HIV/AIDS around the world.

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Title: Center for HIV Law and Policy


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the Center for HIV Law and Policy, a national resource and advocacy organization working to advance the rights of people affected by HIV.

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Title: National HIV Curriculum


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the National HIV Curriculum, a free education service for healthcare workers involved with the clinical care of HIV-infected individuals from the Frontier AIDS Education and Training Center and the University of Washington.

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Title: Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA)


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Website dedicated to the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA). PACHA provides advice, information, and recommendations to the Secretary regarding programs, policies and research to promote effective treatment and prevention of, and to find a cure for, HIV and AIDS.

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Title: Homepage |


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for HIV/AIDS, sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The site provides basic information, federal resources, news and events, "new media," the HIV/AIDS national strategy, and a blog. The site also features a service locator.

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Title: Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy (OHAIDP) |


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Health and Human Services' (HHS) Website dedicated to the Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy (OHAIDP). The page features information about the office and links to tabs on initiatives, resources and contact information.

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Title: Healthline | What’s the Risk of HIV Transmission? FAQs for Mixed-Status Couples


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Healthline Website dedicated to answering questions related to mixed-status (HIV positive and HIV negative) couples. The information was medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, PhD, CRNP.

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Title: Healthline | HIV and Women: Common Symptoms


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Healthline Website dedicated to providing common symptoms of HIV in women, and information on how to reduce the risk of transmitting or contracting HIV as a woman.

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Title: Pennsylvania Department of Health | HIV Services and Epidemiology


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Section on the Pennsylvania Department of Health's Website dedicated to HIV Services and Epidemiology. The section includes HIV epidemiology and prevention messages, lists services provided by the state, HIV/AIDS data and general information about medication, reporting and testing.

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Title: New York State Department of Health | AIDS Institute


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Section of the New York State Department of Health Website dedicated to the AIDS Institute. The AIDS Institute is responsible for coordinating state programs, services and activities relating to HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and hepatitis C.

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Title: Greater Than AIDS #HIVBEATS


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Greater Than AIDS Website dedicated to the campaign, #HIVBEATS. The page features videos that combat the stigma of HIV/AIDS and educate the public about HIV prevention and treatment.

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Title: Greater Than AIDS


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for Greater Than AIDS, an organization that uses targeted media messages and community outreach to increase knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS, confront stigma surrounding the disease, and promote actions to stem the spread of the disease. The site features content supporting HIV positive loved ones, facts about the disease, information on how to start a conversation about it, and testing and treatment information.

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Title: Gospel Against AIDS


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for Gospel Against AIDS, an organization founded to equip houses of worship with ways to provide care for those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Since its founding, Gospel Against AIDS has expanded into correctional facilities, sites abroad in Africa, Europe and Central America, and other faiths, including Atheist groups. Gospel Against AIDS provides training to future trainers and presenters, as well as services out of all kinds of facilities that are accessible to the community.

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Title: My Life on PrEP


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Frontiers Media Website devoted to the channel, "My Life on PrEP," featuring a compilation of articles related to the title topic.

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Title: Family and Medical Counseling Service, Inc.


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Family and Medical Counseling Service, Incorporated Website dedicated to the organization's services. The page features HIV counseling and testing, as well as prevention services, including a needle exchange service.

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Title: | HIV


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

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Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Website dedicated to HIV/AIDS. The page explains the FDA's role in fighting HIV/AIDS, which includes preventative services such as monitoring blood supplies, ensuring quality of barrier products, aiding in the development of therapeutic medicines and vaccines for HIV/AIDS and preventative microbicides and ensuring proper sterilization and disinfection in reprocessing medical devices, as well as testing, research, field inspections and opening up access to drugs available abroad.

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Title: Protect Yourself, Protect Others: Safe Options for Home Needle Disposal | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Laws and Regulations | US EPA


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Website dedicated to safe home needle disposal. The site features downloadable documents on medical waste disposal in English, Spanish and Mandarin.

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Title: Community Options for Safe Needle Disposal | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Laws and Regulations | US EPA


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website on community options for safe needle disposal. The page features a downloadable document on safe options for disposing of needles found in one's community.

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Title: City of El Paso's Public Health Department - HIV


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the City of El Paso's Public Health Department Website dedicated to HIV. The page provides information on the office's services and programs, statistical data, and HOPWA resources.

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Title: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Website dedicated to HIV/AIDS related topics. It features a description on drug abuse and addiction's link to HIV contraction, the role of synthetic cannabinoids in treating HIV, links to publications, related notes and articles, related news releases and other resources; and links to clinical trials.

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Title: National Institute on Drug Abuse


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: This page on the National Institute on Drug Abuse is dedicated to the relationship between drug use and HIV infection.

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Title: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Website dedicated to drug use and viral infections (HIV, Hepatitis).

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Title: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) | AIDS Research Program (ARP)


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Website dedicated to the AIDS Research Program (ARP).

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Title: Straight Talk and Honest Answers About AIDS


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the Connecticut Forum's 1993 forum event titled, "Straight Talk and Honest Answers About AIDS."

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Title: Nonoxynol-9 and the Risk of HIV Transmission


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Condom Depot Website featuring an Epi Dupdate titled, "Nonoxynol-9 and the Risk of HIV Transmission." The page summarizes recent data on the effectiveness of Nonoxynol-9 as a microbicide, with particular reference to its effect on HIV transmission.

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Title: | STIs and HIV


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the state of Colorado Website dedicated to sexually transmitted infections and HIV. The page links to more subject specific resources on the website.

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Title: Prevention and Health | Chicago House


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Chicago House Website dedicated to Prevention and Health. The page features the Chicago House program, Health Outreach Prevention and Education (HOPE). Chicago House strives to provide evidence-based, sex-positive, community-and client-centered prevention, testing, linkage to care, and PrEP awareness and navigation services. Their services specifically encourage practices that will reduce HIV risk and sexual harm by affirming sexual desire and promoting care for the whole person.

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Title: California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Office of AIDS


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Section of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Website dedicated to the Office of AIDS. The page describes the office's mission statement and links to guiding documents and informational resources, as well as other Office of AIDS pages.

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Title: Home | Let's Stop HIV Together | CDC


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Webpage on the CDC's website devoted to Let's Stop HIV Together, a national campaign with a mission "to empower communities, partners, and health care providers to reduce HIV stigma and promote HIV testing, prevention, and treatment." It's the official campaign of the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) in the United States initiative.

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Title: MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Website titled, "25 Notable HIV and AIDS Reports Published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)." The page provides links to 25 notable HIV/AIDS reports published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).

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Title: HIV-Specific Criminal Laws | Law | Policy and Law | HIV/AIDS | CDC


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Website that details HIV-specific criminal laws.

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Title: State HIV Laws | Law | Policies | HIV/AIDS | CDC


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Website dedicated to State HIV Laws, which highlights HIV-specific criminal laws.

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Title: PrEP | HIV Basics | HIV/AIDS | CDC


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Website dedicated to PrEP, or Pre-exposure prophylaxis.

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Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Section on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Website dedicated to HIV/AIDS. The site links to information on HIV/AIDS, risk and prevention, testing, statistics, research, policy and law, programs, funding, guidelines for clinicians, a resource library, training and conferences, HIV in the workplace, and the HIV/AIDS division of the CDC. There is also a link to an HIV/AIDS risk calculator and pages dedicated to awareness campaigns.

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Title: HIV Treatment Works | Campaigns | Act Against AIDS | CDC


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Website dedicated to the Act Against AIDS campaign. The page provides links on how to get care, stay in care, and live with HIV/AIDS, as well as links to get "campaign" materials. The Act Against AIDS campaign promotes HIV/AIDS treatment.

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Title: Act Against AIDS | CDC


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page titled, "Act Against AIDS" on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Website dedicated to the organization's HIV/AIDS campaigns. The site links to campaign materials and information related to awareness, testing, prevention, care and treatment, providers, and archived campaigns.

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Title: Home - RAIN, Inc.


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for RAIN, formerly Regional AIDS Interfaith Network, a faith-based volunteer group that addresses the challenges presented by HIV/AIDS, including changing attitudes, ensuring that those dying with AIDS do not die alone, and providing education and advocacy for all people living with HIV/AIDS.

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Title: Office of HIV and AIDS Malignancy - National Cancer Institute


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Website dedicated to the Office of HIV and AIDS Malignancy. The Office of HIV and AIDS Malignancy facilitates and provides broad oversite for HIV/AIDS associated cancer research carried out in multiple divisions and offices of the NCI.

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Title: California Prostitutes Education Project (CAL-PEP)


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for California Prostitutes Education Project (CAL-PEP), an education and outreach organization in the Bay Area of California focusing on the impact of HIV on high risk, hard to reach African American and Latinos, women youth and men who have sex with men. Its programs include street based/mobile rapid HIV testing and specimen collecting, and evidence based education. The site includes information on the organization, its funders, services and volunteer opportunities.

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Title: Homepage - Black AIDS Institute


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the Black Aids Institute, the only national HIV/AIDS think tank focused exclusively on black people with a mission to stop the AIDS pandemic in black communities by engaging and mobilizing black leaders, institutions, and individuals to confront HIV. The site links to a gallery of images and links to news, programs, reports, resources, information about the organization and how to get involved.

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Title: Bebashi | Videos


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

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Title: Bebashi | HIV and Sexual Health


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Bebashi Website dedicated to HIV and Sexual Health. The page provides information on HIV and other STIs, prevention, testing, and living with HIV. Bebashi is a full-service HIV/AIDS organization with special interest in serving low-income people of color with HIV. Bebashi was the first African American organization in the United States to address the AIDS crisis and remains one of Philadelphia's largest community-based minority providers of HIV/AIDS education and services for the urban community.

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Title: Avert


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for Avert, an organization that provides "global information and education on HIV and AIDS." Avert attempts to counter the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS with personal stories and promotes testing and prevention.

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Title: Global Advocacy for HIV Prevention (AVAC)


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the Global Advocacy for HIV Prevention (AVAC). The Global Advocacy for HIV Prevention (AVAC) is an organization working to accelerate the ethical development and global delivery of HIV prevention tools as part of a comprehensive and integrated response to the epidemic through education, policy analysis, advocacy and a network of global collections, we mobilize and support efforts to deliver HIV prevention tools, demonstrate and roll out new HIV prevention options and develop long term solutions needed to end the epidemic.

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Title: AIDS Services Coalition - Info Center


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the AIDS Services Coalition, an organization that provides HIV/AIDS related programs and services including testing, a food pantry, support groups, an eLearning Center, free condoms, a housing consortium and homeless services, and HIV prevention outreach.

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Title: Aids Truth


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website containing information on fallacious arguments and false claims that the small number of AIDS denialists continue to make, including scientific evidence that HIV is the cause of AIDS and the benefits of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs).

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Title: AIDS Fund


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the AIDS Fund, which produces a variety of HIV/AIDS fundraising and awareness programs throughout the year, including AIDS Walk Philly, AIDS Run Philly, GayBINGO, Black-Tie GayBINGO, World AIDS Day, and Workplace Giving Campaigns. The funds they raise provide emergency financial assistance to people living with HIV and organizations providing HIV services in the Greater Philadelphia region. The organization also educates and increase public awareness of HIV/AIDS related issues, and is an affiliate of the Names Project, which curates panels for the AIDS Memorial Quilt.

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Title: AIDS Services of Dallas


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the AIDS Services of Dallas, which provides housing and support services for low income and homeless individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS.

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Title: Aging with HIV |


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the Website dedicated to the topic of growing older with HIV.

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Title: National HIV/AIDS Strategy


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on Website dedicated to the National HIV/AIDS strategy. The page provides an overview of the five year plan, the strategy's vision, goals, and indicators of progress, as well as links to other HIV/AIDS related content.

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Title: Homepage |


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for HIV information sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Secretary's Minority AIDS Initiative Fund (SMAIF). The site provides links to basic information, federal resources, news and events, "new media," the HIV/AIDS national strategy, and a blog. The site also features a service locator.

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Title: AID Atlanta


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for AID Atlanta, an organization that offers a broad range of services and has grown to be the most comprehensive AIDS service organization in the Southeast US. AID Atlanta has been providing HIV/AIDS related services, care, and education since its inception in 1982.

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Title: Action Wellness--Putting Good Health Into Motion


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for Action Wellness, an organization fighting chronic disease in the Greater Philadelphia area by helping individuals face practical challenges.

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Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Website dedicated to state criminal statutes on HIV transmission, last updated in 2008.

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Title: Alliance of AIDS Services - Carolina


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the Alliance of AIDS Services California, a union of three AIDS services organizations seeking to combine resources and services into a single agency that could serve the larger community. They provide free testing services, prevention education programs, and food for low income HIV-positive households.

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Title: WNCAP - Western North Carolina AIDS Project


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Website for the Western North Carolina AIDS Project, an independent non-profit agency that works to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by HIV and AIDS, while at the same time working to prevent further spread of the disease in our community.

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Title: Wisconsin HIV Outreach Project


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Website dedicated to the Wisconsin HIV Outreach Project. The Wisconsin HIV/AIDS Outreach Project is focused on providing training, education and information statewide to increase the capacity of organizations and individuals to prevent HIV transmission in populations at highest risk.

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Title: ViiV | ACCELERATE! Initiative


Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive

Description: Page on the ViiV Website dedicated to the ACCELERATE! Initiative. ACCELERATE! Initiative was developed to address the critical needs of black men who have sex with men (MSM), initially in Baltimore, MD and Jackson, Mississippi. The initiative focus on developing sustainable community programs with and for the HIV community focused on education, treatment, and prevention and access to care.

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