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Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from Zero to Thrive on the COVID-19 pandemic, providing information and resources to families, with a translational network response and a COVID resource database.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: Zero to Thrive
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Education, Patient Treatment and Experience, Non-medical Essential Workers, Social Dimensions
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from Zero to Thrive on the COVID-19 pandemic, providing information and resources to families, with this page specifically geared towards young children.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: Zero to Thrive
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Social Dimensions, Vulnerable Populations, Education, Children
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: A subsection of a federal website on youth programs that provides resources on violence prevention among young people and their families.
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Physical Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual, Emotional Abuse, Crime, Bullying
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Youth.gov
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from You and Me Healthy that is coordinated by the Duke Clinical Research Institute. You and Me Healthy is a community from across the US who aim to address health concerns, including COVID-19 and MPOX. The group provides informational resources and conduts a survey to further their research.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive
Description: Website for Wyoming AIDS Assistance, which provides financial assistance to men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS in Wyoming.
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Creator: Wyoming AIDS Assistance
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive
Description: Page on the CDC's website for their HIV Risk Reduction Tool (beta version). The tool is an online risk calculator, a questionnaire that will help you determine how at-risk you are of contracting HIV. The site also links to more information on HIV, including risk factors, basic facts about the disease, how to know if you are HIV positive, HIV transmittal, and prevention. In addition, the site provides a testing locator.
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Creator: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.)
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believe this item to be in the public domain
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: Page titled, "Opioid Abuse," on the Texas Office of the Attorney General Website. The page provides information on the federal national emergency and answers to frequently asked questions.
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Creator: Texas. Attorney-General’s Office
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from the Illinois Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development, "Resources to Support Providers through COVID-19", with guidance for Illinois families, childcare providers, and businesses.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: Illinois
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: Illinois
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Social Dimensions, Prevention and Control/Risk Management
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: "Help Now NYC" homepage. offers links for potential volunteers and those in need of assistance
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: New York (N.Y.). Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: New York
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Social Dimensions
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from NYC Health with information and resources on Poliovirus and the 2022 outbreak of the virus in New York.
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Group: Poliovirus
Creator: New York (N.Y.). Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: New York
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Tracking the Disease, Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Basic Information
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from NYC Health regarding basic information about monkeypox, vaccines, transmission, prevention, various resources, symptoms, testing
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Group: Mpox (monkeypox) outbreak 2022
Creator: New York City Health
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: New York
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Tracking the Disease, Prevention and Control/Risk Management
Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive
Description: Page titled, "Measles" on the New York City Government website, outlining that there have been 285 confirmed cases of measles in Brooklyn and Queens since October, heavily impacting the Orthodox Jewish communities there. Provides information about measles, and outlines vaccination requirements for local residents in those areas.
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Creator: New York (N.Y.)
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Geographic Location: New York
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene featuring recent guidance, case data, daily syndromic, school and nonessential business restrictions, and links to help.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: New York (N.Y.). Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: New York
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from NYC Human Rights regarding Asian Hate and gives toolkit for addressing anti-Asian bias, discrimination and hate, includes video of remarks from Mayor Eric Adams
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: New York (City). Comission on Human Rights
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: New York
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Social Dimensions
Collection: September 11: Health Effects and Policy web archive
Description: Web page of the World Trade Center Health Registry, a state government initiative to track the health effects of a disaster. The program periodically follows-up with enrollees to track changes in physical and mental health over time and gaps in care. The site contains general information about the registry and researcher opportunities, program information for its enrollees, reports on the health impacts of the September 11, 2001 attacks, and testimonials.
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Creator: New York (N.Y.)
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Survivors' benefits, Health aspects, Government programs, First responders, Personal narratives
Collection: Health Policy Topics web archive
Description: Website for Zero to Three, an organization working to help infants and toddlers thrive during the first three years of their lives by supporting emotionally nourishing relationships between them and their caregivers. The website includes information on their key issues of interest, their work in early childhood development, their events, and other resources.
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Subject: Infant, Child, Preschool, Social Support
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Zero to Three (Organization)
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: Zero Abuse Project is a non-profit organization committed to transforming institutions in order to effectively prevent, recognize, and respond to child sexual abuse. Their website provides training and education resources for prosecuters investigating instances of child sexual abuse as well as victims and their families.
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Subject: Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Sexual
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Zero Abuse Project
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from Zazzle with links to shirts for sale. Shirts present depict different viewpoints on the COVID-19 vaccine.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: Zazzle.com, Inc.
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Social Dimensions, Vaccines
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: Page on the United States White House's Website featuring a recording of the President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Opioid Crisis' September 27, 2017 meeting. During this meeting the commission heard testimony from several individuals regarding both the existing problems and the proposed solutions to the opioid epidemic.
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Creator: YouTube (Firm), White House (Washington, D.C.)
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from Your Covid Recovery regarding supporting recovery after COVID-19, information for individuals, friends, families and caregivers
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: NHS England
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: United Kingdom
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Long Term Health Impacts, Patient Treatment and Experience, Basic Information
Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive
Description: Website for the Yoga Group, a Colorado-based non-profit organization that began providing free yoga classes and sharing information with yoga teachers in the HIV positive community in 1988. As of June 30, 2017, the organization discontinued covering class fees for HIV/AIDS students, but continues to operate an economic hardship program that offers reduced fees for restorative yoga classes.
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Creator: Yoga Group
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) information web page providing health care resources for the New Haven, Connecticut community including patient care, visitation, clinical resources, testing, telehealth, prevention, among others.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: Yale New Haven Health System
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: Connecticut
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Basic Information, Health Facilities
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: National Board of the Young Men’s Christian Associations
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Vulnerable Populations, Children, Vaccines, Basic Information
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: "Yale Medicine COVID-19 Resources" web page providing resources for COVID-19 patients, family of patients, and the general public looking for information about the virus and how to treat it. The main top areas include news, doctors & advice, and lifestyle.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: Yale University. School of Medicine
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: Connecticut
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Basic Information, Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Social Dimensions
Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive
Description: Website for Wyoming Health Freedom, a "a non-partisan grassroots organization advocating for [Wyoming residents'] right to informed consent of any medical treatment or procedure.
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Creator: Wyoming Health Freedom
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Geographic Location: Wyoming
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from World Vision, an international Christian organization who provide assistance and resources to children and families around the world who are experiencing poverty.
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Group: Disaster Response Organizations
Creator: World Vision International
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Vulnerable Populations, Children, Disaster Victims, Natural Disasters, Social Dimensions, Health Disparities, Income, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
Collection: Sexual and Gender Minority Health web archive
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Creator: World Professional Association for Transgender Health
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Health Policy Topics web archive
Description: Website created by the Children's and Adult Center for OCD and Anxiety to be a comprehensive resource on anxiety disorders for parents, educators, and mental health professionals. The website defines many different disorders, describes the symptoms that help identify them, discusses treatment options, and explains measures to prevent anxiety from taking hold of a child's life.
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Subject: Child, Anxiety Disorders, Mental Health, Mental Health Services
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Children's and Adult Center for OCD and Anxiety
Collection: Environmental Health web archive
Description: Website for the World Water Council, "an international multistakeholder platform organization whose mission is to mobilize action on critical water issues at all levels, including the highest decision-making level, by engaging people in debate and challenging conventional thinking. The Council focuses on the political dimensions of water security, adaptation and sustainability."
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Creator: World Water Council
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: WorldoMeter web page on "Age, Sex, Existing Conditions of COVID-19 Cases and Death", last updated 13 May 2020. Data mostly provided by New York City Health, supplemented by some initial studies from China. Tracks the age and sex of COVID-19 cases and deaths, as well as rates of 4 comorbidities (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, cancer).
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: WorldoMeter
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: New York, China
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Tracking the Disease
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from World Obesity regarding COVID-19 with links to statements made by World Obesity, webinar series, data and case studies, government guidelines and recommendations, resources, news, and FAQs.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Obesity Federation
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Vulnerable Populations, Pre-existing Medical Conditions
Collection: Bioethics web archive
Description: Website for the World Congress of Bioethics (WCB). The WCB aims to be truly international, linking all those working in bioethics and related fields, facilitating mutual contact, and encouraging the discussion of cross-cultural aspects in bioethics.
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Creator: World Congress of Bioethics
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from the World Bank and their COVID-19 pandemic response, with news, stories, blogs, updates, datasets, an overview of their projects, and related links and resources.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Bank
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Social Dimensions
Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive
Description: Page on the National AIDS Trust Website dedicated to the National World AIDS Day.
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Creator: National AIDS Trust (U.K.)
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Women's Health web archive
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Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive
Description: Section of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office on Women's Health Website dedicated to HIV and AIDS in women.
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Creator: United States. Department of Health and Human Services
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Women's Health web archive
Description: Website from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health regarding heart disease. Information about heart disease, heart attack, risk factors and prevention.
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Creator: United States. Department of Health and Human Services. Office on Women’s Health
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Heart Disease, Hypertension, Nutrition
Collection: Women's Health web archive
Description: Website from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health. Information about Reproductive Health Care. Links to White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis and Fact Sheet of President Biden's Maternal Health Blue Print.
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Creator: United States. Department of Health and Human Services. Office on Women’s Health
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Medical Research, Reproductive Disorders, Gynecological Health, Heart Disease, Nutrition
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: The current mission of Women In Distress of Broward County, Inc. is to stop domestic violence abuse for everyone through intervention, education, and advocacy. The organization's website features a crisis hotline, information about shelters for victims, various support services and educational resources, event information, and pages specific to donors and volunteers interested in offering support.
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Subject: Domestic Violence, Youth Violence, Sex Offenses, Gender-Based Violence
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Women in Distress of Broward County, Inc.
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from Women Heart about heart disease and COVID-19, links for keeping and safe and healthy, etc.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: Women Heart
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Vulnerable Populations, Pre-existing Medical Conditions
Collection: Women's Health web archive
Description: Website from Women Heart. Information about heart attack in women, support, National Hospital Alliance, stories, blogs, and data.
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Creator: WomenHeart (Organization)
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Heart Disease, Advocacy
Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive
Description: Website for Wisconsin for Vaccine Choice, which "promotes fully informed & educated decisions concerning vaccines."
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Creator: Wisconsin for Vaccine Choice
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Geographic Location: Wisconsin
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Washington Headquarters Services web page on the coronavirus with information for military and civilian personnel and COVID-19 reporting procedures for the Department of Defense.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: United States. Department of Defense. Washington Headquarters Services
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Basic Information
Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive
Description: Page on the World Health Organization's website devoted to measles outbreaks in the Pacific. It provides links to general information resources as well as a series of Joint WHO/UNICEF situation reports on Pacific Measles Outbreaks, including updates on the situation in Samoa.
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Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Geographic Location: Samoa
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: Within WHO's Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Department, the Prevention of Violence (PVL) Unit focuses on preventing interpersonal violence in all its forms, with an emphasis on preventing violence against children. It does so by providing strategic leadership on the topic; developing evidence, norms and standards, including implementation tools; building national capacities to address these issues; and fostering global advocacy.
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Subject: Domestic Violence, Physical Abuse, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Homicide
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: World Health Organization
Collection: Health Policy Topics web archive
Description: Page on the World Health Organization (WHO)'s website devoted to social isolation and loneliness. It provides links to the WHO Commission on Social Connection as well are related infographics, publications, commentaries, and news articles.
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Subject: Social Isolation, Loneliness
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: World Health Organization
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from the World Health Organization with advice, guidance, and training materials related to COVID-19 safety and treatment. The materials are intended for use by health care professionals and administrators, and include resources about COVID-19 as well as hazards that arise during the care giving process.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Health Workforce, Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Vaccines
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Bioethics, Tracking the Disease, Vaccines, Biomedical Research
Collection: Health Policy Topics web archive
Description: Page on the World Health Organization (WHO)'s website devoted to combatting misinformation online. It briefly summarized WHO's work shaping social media policies and partnering with large information sharing platforms to identify and report sources of health misinformation.
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Subject: Health Misinformation
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: World Health Organization
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from the World Health Organization's "R&D Blueprint", a program designed to facilitate the rapid activation of research and development activities during an epidemic. The webpage provides links to research, reports, and resources related to COVID-19.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Tracking the Disease
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Page on the World Health Organization (WHO) website dedicated to information on the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in WHO South-East Asia.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Page on the World Health Organization (WHO) website dedicated to public health information in WHO South-East Asia.
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Group: Global Health Organizations
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from the World Health Organization with information about a statement on the fourth meeting of the International health Regulations Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of COVID-19
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Basic Information
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from the World Health Organization with a statement on the third meeting of the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of COVID-19
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Basic Information
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from World Health Organization regarding flattening the infodemic curve, gives tips to navigate the abundance of information about COVID-19.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Tracking the Disease, Misinformation
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from World Health Organization regarding COVID-19 technology access pool, links to news and press releases and videos and publications
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Adapting Technology, Prevention and Control/Risk Management
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from World Health Organization (WHO) regarding COVAX, COVID-19 vaccines
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from World Health Organization (WHO) regarding access to COVID-19 tools (ACT), includes various downloaded resources and news articles
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Women's Health web archive
Description: Website from World Health Organization with information about Women's Health. Links to fact sheet, data, news, feature stories, photo story, publications, infographs, and related topics.
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Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Medical Research, Advocacy, Maternal Health, Uterine Cancer, Ovarian Cancer
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: The World Health Organization's webpage on the health topic "Violence Against Women." It includes fact sheets, research, and resources.
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Subject: Gender-Based Violence, Physical Abuse, Sex Offenses
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: World Health Organization
Collection: Violence as a Public Health Issue web archive
Description: The World Health Organization's webpage on the health topic "Violence Against Children." It includes fact sheets, statistics, resolutions, guidelines, training, and resources.
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Subject: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Physical Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual, Emotional Abuse, Youth Violence
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: World Health Organization
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
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Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from World Health Organization regarding Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), information about news, work on research, etc.
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Group: Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Basic Information, Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Tracking the Disease
Collection: Environmental Health web archive
Description: Webpage on the World Health Organization's website focusing on general environmental health. The webpage includes an overview of the topic, its global impact, WHO's response, fact sheets, tools, news, resolutions, and other resources.
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Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Environmental Health web archive
Description: Webpage on the World Health Organization's website focusing on children's environmental health. The webpage includes an overview of the topic, the risks children face, WHO's response, fact sheets, tools, news, resolutions, and other resources.
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Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from World Health Organization with links to statements from the Poliovirus IHR Emergency Committee.
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Group: Poliovirus
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Tracking the Disease, Prevention and Control/Risk Management
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Tracking the Disease, Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Biomedical Research, Vaccines, Patient Treatment and Experience
Collection: Health Policy Topics web archive
Description: Page on the World Health Organization (WHO)'s website devoted their Commission on Social Connection. It includes information on its membership and scope, individual personal narratives from around the globe, infographics for social media posts, press releases, articles, and related resources.
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Subject: Social Support
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: World Health Organization
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from World Health Organization regarding the European Programme of Work with information about various emergencies such as COVID-19
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Vulnerable Populations, Children, Tracking the Disease
Collection: Bioethics web archive
Description: Page titled, "Human Genome editing," on the Global Health Ethics section of the World Health Organization (WHO) website. The page describes the WHO expert panel on the topic.
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Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Bioethics web archive
Description: Section titled, "Global Health Ethics," on the World Health Organization (WHO) website. The section links to pages on ethics and health, issues and global health, the WHO Research Ethics Review Committee (ERC), publications, the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Bioethics, the Global Summit of National Bioethics Committees, media, and the ethics platform.
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Creator: World Health Organization, Global Health Ethics
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from World Health Organization (WHO) for tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants, gives list of concerning variants, variants of interest, monitored variants, links of publications
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Tracking the Disease, Variants
Collection: Vaccine Hesitancy web archive
Description: Page titled, "Ten threats to global health in 2019," on the World Health Organization (WHO) website. One of the listed threats is vaccine hesitancy.
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Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Webstie from World Health Organization regarding the monkeypox outbreak, gives general overview,links to news, situation reports, cases and deaths, global trends, fact sheet, FAQs, etc
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Group: Mpox (monkeypox) outbreak 2022
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Tracking the Disease, Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Vaccines
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: To support countries' preparedness effort on the COVID-19 outbreak, WHO`s Department of Health Security and Preparedness has developed various COVID-19 tabletop exercise (SimEx) packages, including a generic COVID 19 SimEx, a Health Facility and Infection Prevention and Control SimEx, and a Point of Entry (POE) SimEx. The packages include the exercises, participant and facilitator guides, and participant feedback forms. They are available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Health Facilities, Tracking the Disease, Vaccines
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: This web page provides protocols and forms for early investigations of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that have been designed so that data can be rapidly and systematically collected and shared in a format that facilitates aggregation, tabulation, and analysis across different settings globally. Data collected using these investigation protocols will be critical to refine recommendations for case definitions and surveillance; characterize key epidemiological features of COVID-19; help understand the spread, severity, spectrum of disease, and impact on the community; and inform guidance for application of countermeasures such as case isolation and contact tracing.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Biomedical Research
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Page on the World Health Organization (WHO) website titled "Global research on coronavirus (COVID-19)" providing a database of research and websites related to COVID-19.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Biomedical Research, Basic Information
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: MythBusters. Information regarding various disinfectants or ways to get COVID-19.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Misinformation
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Page on the World Health Organization (WHO) website dedicated to information on the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak .
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Page on the World Health Organization (WHO) website dedicated to information on the Ebola virus disease (EVD).
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Group: Ebola virus disease outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Basic Information, Vaccines, Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Tracking the Disease
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Page on the World Health Organization (WHO) website containing information on the global research and development (R&D) of diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics for the novel coronavirus.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: World Health Organization
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Biomedical Research, Vaccines
Collection: Women's Health web archive
Description: Website from the University of Manchester The Whitworth with information about creative repsonses to menopause.
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Creator: University of Manchester
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: White House web page, Biden-Harris plan to beat COVID-19
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: White House (Washington, D.C.), United States. President (2021- : Biden)
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: District of Columbia
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive
Description: Page on the White House Website featuring a Presidential Proclamation issued on November 30, 2018 in honor of World AIDS Day. The proclamation renews the administration's "pledge to stand with those living with it until it is eliminated from our communities," and states that they remain "steadfastly focused on achieving the NHAS goals for 2020." The National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) is a plan that details principles, priorities and actions to guide the United States' collective national response to the HIV epidemic. Specifically, it aims to reduce new infections, increase access to care and improve health outcomes for people living with HIV, reduce HIV-related health disparities and inequalities, and to achieve a more coordinated national response to the HIV epidemic.
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Creator: United States. President (2017-2021 : Trump), United States. White House Office
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: Page on the United States White House Website dedicated to the opioid crisis. The site links to materials related to the President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the opioid crisis.
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Creator: White House (Washington, D.C.)
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Official White House government web page on reopening the country, with information on criteria, preparedness, and phase guidelines.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: White House (Washington, D.C.), United States. President (2017-2021 : Trump), United States. President (2021- : Biden)
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Social Dimensions
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: Page on the United States White House Website dedicated to the President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. The page lists all of the meetings and links to related documents.
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Creator: White House (Washington, D.C.)
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: Page on the White House Website dedicated to the President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. The page links to their mission, a list of their members, information on their meetings, the reports they have published, and related resources.
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Creator: White House (Washington, D.C.)
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive
Description: Page on the U.S. White House Website dedicated to the Office of National AIDS Policy, which coordinates the continuing domestic efforts to implement the President's National HIV/AIDS Strategy.
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Creator: United States. President (2017-2021 : Trump), United States. White House Office
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Page titled, "Healthcare," on the US White House website. The page features links to press statements, briefings, and reports concerning various national healthcare issues. A significant number of links focus specifically on the growing coronavirus outbreak in the United States.
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: White House (Washington, D.C.), United States. President (2017-2021 : Trump), United States. President (2021- : Biden)
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Legislation and Jurisprudence
Collection: Health Policy Topics web archive
Description: Established during the tenure of Donald Trump, this website outlines the president's efforts to eliminate the Affordable Care Act and replace it with another health care initiative.
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Subject: Insurance, Health, Jurisprudence, Health Care Reform
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: United States. White House Office, United States. President (2017-2021 : Trump)
Collection: HIV/AIDS web archive
Description: Page on the White House Website featuring the transcript of Vice President Mike Pence's remarks at the administration's World AIDS Day event. The remarks were published on November 29, 2018.
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Creator: United States. President (2017-2021 : Trump), United States. White House Office
Language: English
Type: Website
Rights: The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: Remarks made by U.S. President Donald Trump at the 2018 White House Opioids Summit. The remarks were published on the United States White House's Website on March 1, 2018.
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Creator: White House (Washington, D.C.)
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Opioid Epidemic web archive
Description: Press release titled, "Remarks by President Trump at Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit | Atlanta, GA," published on the United States White House Website on April 24, 2019. The statement provides an overview of the status of the opioid epidemic in America and the adminitsration's response, and includes an assertion that the administration is "holding big pharma accountable."
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Creator: White House (Washington, D.C.)
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Website from the White House regarding COVID-19 College Vaccine Challenge, list of FAQs
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: White House (Washington, D.C.), United States. President (2021- : Biden)
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Vaccines, Social Dimensions, Education
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: "How WhatsApp can help you stay connected during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic"
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Group: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Creator: WhatsApp
Language: English
Type: Website
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Social Dimensions
Collection: Health Policy Topics web archive
Description: Website for the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE), which is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy to support disabled Americans in their employment. The website includes information about PSA campaigns, publications and advertisements to share, background on National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and additional resources.
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Subject: Disabled Persons, Occupational Health
Type: Website
Rights: This item may be under copyright protection. Please ask copyright owner for permission before publishing.
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Contributor: Campaign for Disability Employment (U.S.), United States. Office of Disability Employment Policy
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Page on the World Food Programme website dedicated to the organization's work in Sierra Leone featuring information on the results of the 2014 Ebola outbreak that made the communities there more insecure.
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Group: Ebola Outbreak 2014
Creator: World Food Programme
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: Sierra Leone
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Social Dimensions, Personal Narratives, Prevention and Control/Risk Management
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Page on the World Food Programme website dedicated to the organization's work in Liberia featuring information on the results of the 2014 Ebola outbreak that made the communities there more insecure.
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Group: Ebola Outbreak 2014
Creator: World Food Programme
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: Liberia
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Personal Narratives, Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Social Dimensions, Tracking the Disease, Health Disparities, Income
Collection: Global Health Events web archive
Description: Page on the World Food Programme website dedicated to the organization's work in Guinea and features information on the results of the 2014 Ebola outbreak that made the communities there more insecure.
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Group: Ebola Outbreak 2014
Creator: World Food Programme
Language: English
Type: Website
Geographic Location: Guinea
Collector: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Keyword: Prevention and Control/Risk Management, Social Dimensions
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