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National Library of Medicine

Archive-It Partner Since: Mar, 2009

Organization Type: National Institutions

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The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health, collects, preserves, and makes available to the public information about health, medicine, and the biomedical sciences. To continue fulfilling this mission, NLM is collecting and archiving related Web content, which also serves to document the histories of health and medicine. For questions about our web archiving program contact us at

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Title: Organization for Autism Research


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: The Organization for Autism Research, a non-profit founded in 2001, funds research and studies related to autism in America. Their website includes links to other agencies participating in autism research (including NIH), as well as some of the original research they have funded.

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Title: Center for Autism Research


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: The Center for Autism Research, located at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, is a research institute dedicate to autism. Their page includes information about research being done both at CAR and around the country.

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Title: NIEHS's Health and Education: Autism page


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: One of the potential causes of autism that is currently being heavily researched involves environmental factors and environmental health. The National Institute of Environment and Health Services has significant information about the work being done on its website.

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Title: National Health Service (UK)'s Autism and Asperger's Syndrome: Causes page


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: This webpage from the UK's National Health Service lays out the potential causes of ASD in a clear and concise format.

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Title: CDC's Autism Spectrum Research & Tracking page


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: The research on the CDC's ASD Research & Tracking page is fed by a CDC surveillance monitoring system for relevant research tracking. It includes all of the most current research in the United States on ASD.

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Title: Autism Speaks' What is Autism? Page


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: Autism Speaks is one of the main US-based, autism non-profits.

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Title: Autism Treatment Network


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: The Autism Treatment Network is hosted on the Autism Speaks website and includes information about treatment centers across the United States, as well as pertinent information about treatment methods and options.

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Title: Autism Society Research page


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: The research page of the Autism Society's website aggregates some current research around two of the more promising areas in autism research: the Treatment Guided Research Initiative, and the Environmental Health Initiative.

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Title: Autism Society's About Autism page


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: Another of the leading American non-profits that addresses autism, the Autism Society, has extensive information about autism now, including information on symptoms, diagnosis, causes, and facts and statistics.

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Title: The Autism Blog


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: The autism-specific blog of Seattle Children's Hospital provides readers with an overview of ASD-related developments and provides resources for patients and caregivers.

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Title: National Autism Association's Causes page


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: There are many potential causes of autism, nearly all of which are highly controversial. The National Autism Association outlines some of the most common theories, and links to other pages with potential causes.

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Title: National Autism Association


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: The National Autism Association, a parent-run 501c(3), is one of the leading autism advocacy and education groups in the nation. Their website includes information about autism writ large, treatment, and support, among other things.

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Title: HHS Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee's Summary of Advances page


Collection: Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web

Description: The Interagency Autism Coordinating committee is a group set up by the US Department of Health and Human Services. The report on this page indexes all of the recent research (since the committee's inception) and breaks it down into several categories for ease of use.

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