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Archived since: May, 2014
The collection has been archived on Archive-It since May 16, 2014. Most of the collection is not publicly visible. It consists of content captured from the web page and Facebook page of the Dominican Sisters of Hope (DSOH). It also includes content captured from the following web pages: the Mariandale Retreat and Conference Center, a sponsored ministry of the DSOH; OP Sisters in Committed Collaboration (OPSCC); the online publication, Dominican Life;
and the Dominican Sisters Conference(DSC).
Subject: Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities, religious people, religious functions, religious ceremonies
Archived since: Apr, 2019
On Monday April 15th 2019, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris France caught on fire. These snippets of the web caught the events on and post the fire.
Subject: Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Notre Dame, Fire, France, Cathedral, Paris, Catholic
Archived since: Jan, 2019
This Collection exhibits the mission of the Dominican Sisters of Hope through its social media platform. It capture's videos, text and images posted by and about the sisters that promote the message of hope
Subject: Society & Culture, Arts & Humanities, Catholic Women, Religious people, Social Activism, Women in Religion
Creator: Dominican Sister of Hope Archives
Type: Text, Still Images, Audio, Video
Date: 2018-02-01 -
Language: English
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