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Archived since: May, 2015
This collection contains archived web sites related to archival collections held by the Frances Loeb Library.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture
Language: English
Relation: Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Collector: Frances Loeb Library
Archived since: Jun, 2015
The Design Labs at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD) were launched to bring design to new frontiers of research and societal impact. The ambitious and rapidly expanding research agenda of the GSD serves the global community as much as it trains the next generation of architects, landscape architects and urban planners and designers. This collection of websites represents the capture of the online presence of the Design Labs.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Blogs & Social Media, Universities & Libraries, design
Creator: Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Publisher: Frances Loeb Library, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Rights: © President & Fellows of Harvard College
Language: English
Archived since: Jul, 2019
A collaboration between GSD students and the Frances Loeb Library, the Design Nexus seeks to promote African American designers in the design professions to showcase their craft, explore different geographies of design practice, and inspire change within design institutions to participate in adopting new approaches to elevate Black designers. This collection includes the professional websites of the designers featured and the initiative's website.
Language: English
Relation: Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Collector: Frances Loeb Library
Archived since: Feb, 2019
A collection of GSD faculty projects or initiatives.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Relation: Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Collector: Frances Loeb Library
Archived since: Apr, 2019
This collection contains content related to research initiatives at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Websites that are not collected by the Harvard University Archives, but are still related to the Harvard Graduate School of Design can be found here.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Universities & Libraries
Language: English
Collector: Frances Loeb Library
Archived since: Sep, 2019
This collection contains websites for student driven organizations, conferences, and initiatives at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.
Language: English
Relation: Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Collector: Frances Loeb Library
Page 1 of 1 (10 Total Results)