National Symposium on Web Archiving Interoperability

January 12th, 2017

By the Archive-It Team


The Internet Archive, home of the National Symposium on Web Archiving Interoperability.


The National Symposium on Web Archiving Interoperability brings together a diverse group of engineers, archivists, researchers, and others for a technology-oriented agenda focused on building tools and communities that support interoperable web archiving systems. Co-organized by Archive-It, Stanford University, the University of North Texas, and Rutgers University, and generously sponsored by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the symposium will advance and add to the project partners’ work on their IMLS-funded “WASAPI” grant, aka “Systems Interoperability and Collaborative Development for Web Archiving” (LG-71-15-0174-15). For more information on the project, check out the WASAPI Community’s GitHub repository.

The symposium will be held February 21-22, 2017, at the Internet Archive’s headquarters in San Francisco (via Google Maps), starting in the afternoon of Tuesday, 2/21 (so folks can travel from the East Coast same day, if desired) and running all day on Wednesday, 2/22. We will update this page as the dates approach, with more information about the agenda.