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Description: Athens Access to Justice's site listing COVID-19 resources that fell under three categories: housing, stimulus money, and unemployment.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic Assistance, Housing, Unemployment
Creator: Athens Access to Justice - Western Circuit
Publisher: WordPress
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-05-21
title: COVID-19 Resources – Athens Access to Justice
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: An article on Tim Denson's site to inform the Athens community that Commissioner Mariah Parker and Commissioner Tim Denson have called on the Governor Brian Kemp to put in place a moratorium on rent payments and also to call upon President Trump and Congress to enact a national moratorium on rent and mortgage payments. Commissioner Parker and Denson also called on local landlords and mortgage holders to enact a number of policies to ensure that Athenians are able to stay in their homes and stay financially stable through the pandemic.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance
Creator: Tim Denson
Publisher: Committee to Elect Tim Denson
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: A graphic flyer documents an active lists of resources, where to find emergency funds and other resources available for artists during COVID-19.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Government aid to the arts, Economic assistance
Creator: Georgia Main Street, Athens Downtown Development Authority, Main Street America
Publisher: Athens-Clarke County Unified Government
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: PDF
Date: 2020-06-15
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: An article listing different resources for low income families, such as: community meal services and resources; free breakfasts and lunches; and resources per county -- Clarke, Oconee, Barrow, Oglethorpe, and Walton.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Low income parents, Breakfasts, Luncheons
Creator: Lacie Dooley
Publisher: Macaroni Kid
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-30
title: Resources for Low Income Families While School Is Closed | Macaroni KID Athens
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: The purpose of the survey was to gather information during the time of the pandemic to inform the local government about the challenges being faced by the local creative community as some of their incomes were reduced during the pandemic. With this report, the Athens Arts Alliance hoped to advocate for artists impacted by COVID-19 by proposing relief opportunities that can be developed through the proposed Athens Resiliency Packages.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Art museums and community, Economic impact analysis
Creator: Lauren Fancher
Publisher: Athens Arts Alliance
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: PDF
Date: 2020-06-15
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Lyndon House Arts Center, Athens Institute for Contemporary Art (ATHICA), Creature Comforts' Get Artistic Program, tiny ATH gallery, Georgia Museum of Art, Athens Cultural Affairs Commission, Athens Area Arts Council, Athens-Clarke County Arts Division, Flagpole
Description: A directory of Athens area businesses with real time information on what each are offering during the pandemic. The site was published by Kaptiv8, a marketing agency based out of Athens, Georgia. Since 2011, Kaptiv8 has been building brands from Athens with a team of thoughtful storytellers, creative thinkers, talented designers and strategic marketers.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Small Business, Restaurateurs, Stores, Retail
Creator: Classic City Love
Publisher: Kaptiv8
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-05-22
title: Classic City Love - Support Athens Georgia Small Businesses
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Relation: https://kaptiv8marketing.com/
Description: The page provided by Athens-Clarke County Unified Government provided data, maps, and resources about the COVID-19 response in Athens. Concerning local resources there are links to interactive maps, surveys, and dashboards that are updated daily to help connect the people to resources in their community.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, County school systems, Local government--United States
Creator: Clarke County School District
Publisher: ArcGIS
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-30
title: ACC COVID-19 Response |
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
description: A curated and publicly viewable repository with ACC maps and data related to COVID-19
Description: A letter from AADSA to detail their collective thoughts on the COVID-19 Pandemic. As well, towards the end highlighting Athens Mutual Aid Network; reminding citizens of the Mayor & Commission special called session; listing and supporting the UGA Campus Workers Union demands; and concluding with their organization's statements and demands.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-
Creator: Athens Area Democratic Socialists of America
Publisher: Google
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: covid19 response - Google Docs
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
description: covid19 response
Description: A google document that was available to the Athens community to relay resources and relief information.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic Assistance, Small business
Publisher: Google
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
title: Google Docs - create and edit documents online, for free.
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A google document listing the status of Athens-Clarke County services.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Homeless Persons, Food banks, Medical centers
Publisher: Google
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Rent Strike 2020 was an campaign working in partnership with Socialist Alternative, the Rose Caucus, and branches of Youth Climate Action Team & Youth Climate Strike, as well as multiple direct-action and mutual aid organizations around the country.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Petitions
Creator: Joshua2020.com
Publisher: Google
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-22
title: Governor Brian Kemp: Suspend Rent, Mortgage, & Utility Payments During the Coronavirus Crisis
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
description: Governor Brian Kemp: Suspend Rent, Mortgage, & Utility Payments During the Coronavirus Crisis
Description: A google sheet listing names of medical/hospital workers with their cash app, venmo, or zelle information for others to send them money to buy themselves coffee.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Nurse and physician, Physicians (General practice)
Publisher: Google
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-05-05
description: Athens Medical Workers Venmo/ Cash APP
title: Athens Medical Workers Venmo/ Cash APP - Google Sheets
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A google sheet showcasing the following type of information related to Athens small businesses: name of business, website (or preferred social media), hours, if the business offers takeout or curbside, if the business has a delivery option, and any other information that the business wants the public to know.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Small business, Stores, Retail, Restaurateurs
Publisher: Google
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-22
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A google sheet listing the names of Athens medical workers with their respective venmo, cash app, and zelle information for others to send them money to buy themselves coffee.
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Subject: Economic Assistance, COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Nurse and physician, Physicians
Publisher: Google
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-05-05
description: Athens Medical Workers Venmo/ Cash APP
title: Athens Medical Workers Venmo/ Cash APP - Google Sheets
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: The Regents Public Library Advisory Council (RPLAC) created a pandemic service level chart to guide libraries in deciding how to implement phased expansion of services.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Library, Library materials, Public services (Libraries)
Creator: Regents Public Library Advisory Council (RPLAC)
Publisher: Georgia Public Library Service
Language: English
Coverage: Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: PDF
Date: 2020-06-10
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A message from Michael with a song titled "Underneath the Bunker" to convey that everyone will get through COVID-19 pandemic.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-
Creator: Michael Stipe
Publisher: EK
Language: English
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
description: A video message from Michael Stipe. Directly.
title: Message from Michael Stipe
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A tweet from CNN highlighting an interview with a Georgia restaurant owner who responded to Governor Kemp easing lockdown restrictions. The tweet includes a clip of the interview.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Small business, Public health, Restaurateurs
Creator: CNN
Publisher: Twitter
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-28
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Hugh Acheson, Anderson Cooper
Description: The West Broad Farmers Market's about page details when the market was open during the week and where buyers could pick up their purchased items.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Farmers' markets, Small business, Farmers
Creator: West Broad Farmers Market
Publisher: LocallyGrown
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-05-04
title: West Broad Farmers Market — LocallyGrown.net
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Athens-Clarke County Unified Government agenda's webpage showcasing tentative Mayor and Commission agendas for the following sessions (dates included): regular session, May 5, 2020; work session, May 26, 2020; special called session and agenda setting session, May 19, 2020; taxpayer bill of rights public hearing #1 and FY21 budget review schedule, May 21, 2020; legislative review committee, January 23, 2020; and government operations committee, April 23, 2020.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Local government--United States, Municipal government by commission, Mayors--United States
Creator: Athens-Clarke County Unified Government
Publisher: CivicPlus Content Management System
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-13
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Athens-Clarke County Unified Government's frequently asked questions concerning the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, COVID-19 (Disease), Local government--United States
Creator: Athens-Clarke County Unified Government
Publisher: CivicPlus Content Management System
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-22
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Athens-Clarke County government issued a second ordinance declaring local emergency related to COVID-19 Shelter in Place on March 19, 2020. This is a PDF version of that ordinance.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Local government--United States, County ordinances
Creator: Athens-Clarke County Unified Government
Publisher: CivicPlus Content Management System
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: PDF
Date: 2020-03-22
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A webpage showcasing COVID-19 information and resources provided by Athens Clarke County government.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, COVID-19 (Disease), Local government--United States, Public health
Creator: Athens-Clarke County Unified Government
Publisher: CivicPlus Content Management System
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-22
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Athens Area Chamber of Commerce provided information related to Chamber Recovery Pages, Chamber Chats, Weekly Developments, Financial Assistance, Mental Health Resources, Local Restaurants, Frequently Asked Questions, and Additional Resources.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Small business, Mental health
Creator: Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
Publisher: GrowthZone
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-05-22
title: Covid-19 Resources - Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
description: Covid-19 Resources - Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
Description: Renee Trujillo started a petition to Athens-Clarke County elected officials to support underemployed workers. In the petition, Trujillo states that the only way for elected officials to support low-income, tip-based, and hourly workers is to pass the following measures: amend unemployment insurance; require businesses to continue to provide benefits to their employees (including healthcare); a temporary eviction ban that includes small businesses under commercial leases; mortgage forbearance for landlords at risk of losing property due to loss of income from renters; emergency medicaid health insurance for those who are uninsured; government sponsored interest-free loans for those in need of financial aid; the addition and distribution of SNAP benefits to the underemployed of ACC; and an extension on tax deadlines for workers, small businesses and independent contractors with consideration to waive a percentage of taxes for workers who owe in for 2020.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Petitions
Creator: Renee Trujillo
Publisher: Change
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
title: Petition · Support for the underemployed in Athens-Clarke County due to COVID-19 crisis · Change.org
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A PDF documenting the Clarke County School District's plan to re-open schools for 2020-2021 school year.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, County school systems, Public health
Creator: Clarke County School District
Publisher: Blackboard
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-30
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A video from Clarke County School District demonstrating how to be proactive against catching the coronavirus-19 disease.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Public health, County school systems, COVID-19 (Disease)
Creator: Clarke County School District
Publisher: Blackboard
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-30
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A PDF showcasing Envision Athens' achievements over the year of 2020, community feedback, and their partner organizations. Envision Athens is a community-wide effort to develop a common vision for the future of the Athens-Clarke County community. Their mission is to service Athens-Clarke County as the catalyst, convener, and champion of progress in addressing the community's most pressing needs and optimizing the community's opportunities for collaborative community development.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Community organization
Creator: Envision Athens
Publisher: Dropbox
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: Dropbox - 2020 Annual Report.pdf - Simplify your life
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A PDF documenting the department's school and school-based programs requirements and recommendations & considerations and guidance for school nurses and school health providers.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Public health, County school systems
Creator: Georgia Department of Public Health
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: James Gray created a GoFundMe to raise money to spay and neuter feral cats in his area. All donations went directly towards helping the cats he found needing fixed, as well as shots, kennels, and resources for finding homes for foster babies.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Cat family (mammals), Animal rescue
Creator: James Gray
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by James Gray : Cat Rescue Of Athens Ga
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Lindsey Roper organized a GoFundMe fundraiser to financially support Little Kings employees.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Small Business, Economic assistance
Creator: Lindsey Roper
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
title: Fundraiser by Lindsey Roper : Little Kings Shuffle Club Employee Survival Fund
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Keith Gray organized a GoFundMe fundraiser to financially assist Plantation Buffet staff.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Restaurateurs, Small business
Creator: Keith Gray
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by KEITH GRAY : Plantation Buffet Kitchen Staff
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Five and Ten created a GoFundMe to accept donations that would be set aside for an employee emergency fund. The fund was used on a case-by-case basis to help alleviate the financial difficulties of their staff.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Restaurateurs, Waiters and waitresses
Creator: Eddie Peyton
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by Eddie Peyton : 5&10 Employee Emergency Fund
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Lindsey Roper organized a GoFundMe fundraiser to financial support Manhattan Cafe's employees.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Small business, Restaurateurs, Economic assistance
Creator: Lindsey Roper
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
title: Fundraiser by Lindsey Roper : The Manhattan Cafe Employee Survival Fund
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: GoFundMe fundraiser began to raise money to buy more sewing machines to outfit an army of seamstresses with supplies to ramp up production to provide Piedmont Athens Regional and local healthcare professionals in dire need.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Medical personnel
Creator: Diana Harbour
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-06
title: Fundraiser by Diana Harbour : A Sewing Army for Athens
Contributor: Travis MacKellar, Megan Cook
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Luke Fields of musical band 'Bit Brigade' organized a GoFundMe fundraiser to assist band members.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Band music, Economic assistance
Creator: Luke Fields
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser for Bit Brigade by Luke Fields : Bit Brigade Could Use Some Help
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: DePalma's Italian Cafe partnered with "Athens - we love you" to start a local campaign that allowed local citizens to donate money that was in turn used to buy meals for local area hospital staff, thereby offered a benefit to two hard hit areas of their local citizenry, health care workers and restaurants.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Medical personnel, Restaurateurs
Creator: Dave Cappi
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by Dave Cappi : DePalma’s - Athens, We Love You!
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A GoFundMe for Keith Hill as he was in the ICU battling COVID-19 at the time of the fundraiser. Keith Hill, born and raised in Athens, was active in the Athens community where people knew him affectionately as "DJ Keith."
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, COVID-19 (Disease), Economic assistance, Hospital care
Creator: Adam West, Brant Wells
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-06
title: Fundraiser for Keith Hill by Adam West : Friends of Keith Hill
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Relation: https://bulldawgillustrated.com/lifestyle/athensuga-culture/covid-19-champions-keith-hill/
Description: Norman Scholz organized a GoFundMe for others to donate to the Globe's staff emergency fund during the early months of the coronavirus outbreak. The Globe is a long running, locally owned restaurant and bar. The fundraiser goal was $20,000 to help The Globe staff as they would be without work for at least 3 weeks.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Small business, Restaurateurs
Creator: Norman Scholz
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by Norman Scholz : Globe staff emergency fund
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Cat Bobon organized a GoFundMe fundraiser to find financial assistance in keeping Cillies clothing store afloat.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Small business, Stores, Retail
Creator: Cat Bobon
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
title: Fundraiser by Cat Bobon : Help Cillies During The Coronavirus Crisis!
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Owner and chef Mimi Maumus created a GoFundMe to pay employees that are still owed their next paycheck and to stay afloat.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Restaurateurs, Small business
Creator: Mimi Maumus
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by Mimi Maumus : Help home.made pay employees & survive
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Fund raisers (Persons), Restaurants--Employees
Publisher: Go Fund Me
Date: 2020-04-01
Description: WUXTRY Records were seeking financial support using GoFundMe to help them through the pandemic crisis.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Small business, Record stores
Creator: Mark Methe
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-13
title: Fundraiser by Mark Methe : Help Save Wuxtry Records In Athens & Decatur
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Caledonia Lounge organized a GoFundMe fundraiser to help their employees in financial need and towards the lounge's bills. The Caledonia Lounge, a small business in Athens, opened in 2000 and are known to host concerts featuring local bands, touring acts, and fashion shows.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Small business, Restaurateurs, Economic assistance
Creator: Caledonia Lounge
Publisher: Go Fund Me
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-22
title: Fundraiser by Caledonia Lounge : Help save the Caledonia!
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Sanni Baumgartner organized a GoFundMe fundraiser to help assist Community Service boutique in sewing reusable fabric face masks for local hospital staffs.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Small business, Economic assistance, urban hospitals
Creator: Sanni Baumgärtner
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by Sanni Baumgärtner : Help us sew protective fabric face masks
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Jesse Lindsey organized a GoFundMe to assist Viva in paying their employees and to keep the restaurant afloat.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Small business, Economic assistance, Restaurateurs
Creator: Gaby Lindsey
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by Jesse Lindsey : Help Viva! Pay Employees & Keep the Doors Open
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A GoFundMe created by Seth Hendershot where he was trading donations for his musical services.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Band music
Creator: Seth Hendershot
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by Seth Hendershot : Hendershot's Survival Campaign
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: GoFundMe COVID-19 Small Business Relief began a fundraiser for Hi-Lounge to help them during the pandemic.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Restaurateurs, Small business
Creator: GoFundMe COVID-19 Small Business Relief
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Dionne Richardson, co-owner of Keepin It Real Hair Studio for 19 years at the time of the GoFundMe campaign, started a fundraiser to provide employees economic assistance.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Beauty shops, Small business
Creator: Dionne Richardson
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser for Jacquelyn Johnson by Dionne Richardson : Keepin It Real Hair Studio
Contributor: Quantre Hall, Jacquelyn Johnson, Erika Brown
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Jonathan Eden organized a GoFundMe fundraiser to financially support Porterhouse Grill employees.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Small business, Restaurateurs
Creator: Jonathan Eden
Publisher: GoFundMe
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
title: Fundraiser by JONATHAN EDEN : Porterhouse Grill Employee Relief Fund!
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: GoFundMe fundraiser to keep Flicker Theatre and Bar open during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Small business
Creator: Flicker Theatre
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
title: Fundraiser by Jeremy Long : Pay it forward
Contributor: Kimberly Long, Jeremy Dyson
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Relation: http://flickertheatreandbar.com/
Description: GoFundMe fundraiser to help Georgia healthcare workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Nurse and physician, Physicians, Economic assistance
Creator: Feed the Frontlines
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-06
title: Fundraiser for Feed the Frontlines by Feed The Frontlines : Feed the Frontlines
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Sister Louisa's Church (bar) started a GoFundMe campaign to directly assist their staff during the pandemic.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Bartenders
Creator: Dylan Snapp
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by Dylan Snapp : CHURCH ATHENS STAFF
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: Sandi Teet started a GoFundMe campaign to help raise funds for The Rail Athens' staff.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Restaurateurs, Small business
Creator: Sandi Teet
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by Sandi Teet : The Rail Athens COVID-19 Tip Jar
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: David Eduardo organized a GoFundMe fundraiser to help The World Famous' staff and the business's recurring expenses.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Small business, Restaurateurs
Creator: David Eduardo
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
title: Fundraiser by David Eduardo : The World Famous Appreciates Your Assistance!
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: 40 Watt Club started a GoFundMe campaign to directly assist their staff during the pandemic.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic Assistance, Clubs
Creator: James Aurelio Wilson
Publisher: GoFundMe
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-01
title: Fundraiser by James Aurelio Wilson : 40 Watt Club Employee Relief Fund
Contributor: Jessica Smith
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A news article detailing Kelly Girtz discussing the impact of COVID-19 in Athens and there is an audio clip included.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Public health, Mayors--United States
Creator: Leah Fleming, Taylor Gantt
Publisher: Georgia Public Broadcasting
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-30
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: A news article detailing Georgia Public Broadcasting offering digital resources to school staff and students in the wake of the pandemic. Also, there is an audio clip accompanied with the article.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Electronic information resources
Creator: Leah Fleming, Taylor Gantt
Publisher: Georgia Public Broadcasting
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-30
title: GPB Education Offers Digital Resources For Teachers, Students At Home | Georgia Public Broadcasting
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: A news article detailing how a chef and restaurant owner, Hugh Acheson, closed his restaurants during the pandemic to begin delivering thousands of meals a week to first responders.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Restaurateurs, First responders
Creator: Rickey Bevington
Publisher: Georgia Public Broadcasting
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: When Feeding People In A Pandemic, Nourish Them Too | Georgia Public Broadcasting
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: A letter from Rebecca Burns, an Athenian, detailing how Athens, GA responded to absorbing more patients after rural hospitals neighboring Athens-Clarke County closed. Burns is an author of three books on Georgia history and teaches part-time at the University of Georgia. Accompanied with the article are clear and bright pictures from Asha Stuart.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Politics and government, Local government--United States, Rural health
Creator: Rebecca Burns
Publisher: Politico
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-13
title: How Southern Politics are Failing One Town’s Coronavirus Response- POLITICO
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Asha Stuart, Michael Burnett, Montez Carter, Grace Bagwell Adams, Russell Edwards, Brock Slabach, Brett Atchley, Kelly Girtz, Blaine Williams
description: How Southern Politics are Failing One Town’s Coronavirus Response
Description: A resources page from Athens Mutual Aid Network to assist locals during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic Assistance, Public health
Creator: Alden DiCamillo
Publisher: Alden DiCamillo
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: An article from the Washington Post using Athens, GA, where the University of Georgia is located, as a case study with other college towns to discuss the impacts on college towns with students coming back to campuses.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, University towns, Public health
Creator: Karin Brulliard
Publisher: The Washington Post
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-30
title: With students — and covid-19 — on campuses, college towns look on warily - The Washington Post
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: This radio broadcast from WUGA hosts discusses the impact of COVID-19 on the Athens-Clarke County Community.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Talk Radio Stations, Community Life, Government
Creator: Martin Matheny, Alexia Ridley, Chris Shupe
Publisher: WUGA
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-03-23
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz, Stephen Frye, Houston Gaines
Rights: https://rightsstatements.org/en/
Description: A video from Clarke County School District showcasing their town hall on August 5, 2020.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, County school systems, School management and organization, Forums (Discussion and debate)
Creator: Clarkecoschools
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: CCSD Town Hall - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz and Manager Blaine Williams discuss the local government's coronavirus COVID-19 emergency response in the first of a series of Community Conversations held every Wednesday evening live from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Forums (Discussion and debate), Public health
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-28
title: 04-22-2020 Community Conversation - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz, Blaine Williams
Description: An update from Mayor Kelly Girtz on March 15, 2020 to remind community members to look out for each other and to inform the community that he will be updating the public on a consistent basis concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Local government--United States, Public health
Creator: Kelly Girtz
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-02
title: Athens-Clarke County COVID-19 Update March 15, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz about the events of May 31 in downtown Athens, Georgia involving demonstrators protesting unfair policing of Black and brown communities and the clearing of downtown with a curfew.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Law enforcement, Protest movements
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-06-19
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - June 1, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz
Relation: www.accgov.com/mayor
Description: A new message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz with some updates on local responses from ACCGov, details on the virtual Community Conversation on Wed., May 13 with ACCGov Leisure Services Director Kent Kilpatrick and staff from ACCGov Transit, a suggestion to contact Georgia's U.S. Senators, and encouragement to continue to practice other safe behaviors.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, COVID-19 (Disease)
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-06-19
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - May 12, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Relation: www.accgov.com/coronavirus
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz with some updates on local responses from ACCGov, details on a new weekly virtual open house conversation series on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m., and information about upcoming meetings.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Public health, Local government--United States
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-22
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - April 20, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz
Relation: www.accgov.com/coronavirus
Description: A news outlet, 11Alive, relays information from the health department.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, University towns, Public health
Creator: 11Alive
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-01
title: Athens-Clarke County COVID-19 cases compared to UGA - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
description: The health department explains the numbers.
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz with some updates on local responses from ACCGov, the opening of the Greenway and Firefly Trail to the public with appropriate physical distancing, highlights of some members of the community contributing to helping others, and brief remarks on the Governor's executive order prior to its release and the consideration of extending the local ordinance into May.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Local government--United States, County ordinances
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-06
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - April 2, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz about the local response to coronavirus COVID-19 and the recent Mayor and Commission declaration of a local emergency.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Local government--United States, Public health
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-06-19
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz
Description: Soriano, as a Fox 5 Atlanta news trainee, highlighted Creature Comforts manufacturing and bottling hand sanitizer in repurposed glass beer bottles.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Beer industry, Beer bottles
Creator: Ashley Soriano
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz encouraging people to stay resilient throughout the pandemic, announcing the second round of funding for local small business grants with the Joint Development Authority beginning soon, announcing the College Square Plaza project, informing the public about open house meetings for the North Athens Downtown Development Project on October 11 & 12, and reminding residents about early voting starting October 12.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Small business, Voting, Economic assistance
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-01
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - October 8, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz
Relation: www.accgov.com/elections, www.ndathensplanning.com, www.accgov.com/collegesquare, www.accgov.com/jda
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz with some updates on local responses from ACCGov, the election date postponement until June 9, the extension of the state's shelter in place through April 30, the importance of filling out a Census form, and information about some upcoming assistance projects.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Local government--United States, Election day, Economic assistance
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-22
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - April 10, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz
Relation: www.accgov.com/coronavirus
Description: The debut of Band Together Encore presented by MMT, are special features highlighting your favorite Athens bands reminiscing on their most memorable shows in The Classic City. This week's show spotlights The Funk Brotherhood. All donations support the COVID-19 Community Relief Fund created by the Athens Area Community Foundation and the United Way of Northeast Georgia.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations, Band music
Creator: Band Together Athens
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-05-21
title: Band Together Encore featuring The Funk Brotherhood - YouTube
Contributor: MMT, Athens Area Community Foundation, United Way of Northeast Georgia
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Relation: https://bit.ly/BandTogetherAthens
Description: A new message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz with some updates on local responses from ACCGov, details on the virtual Community Conversation on Wed., April 29 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. with members of the business community, information about organizations interested in applying for funding for providing indigent services, and encouragement to follow the resolution recently passed by the Mayor and Commission.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Local government
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-28
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - April 27, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz
Relation: www.accgov.com/coronavirus
Description: A video from news outlet, 11Alive, informing the public of the passing of mask mandate in Athens-Clarke County.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Public health, Local government--United States
Creator: 11Alive
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: Athens-Clarke County passes mask mandate unanimously - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
description: Here is what we know.
Description: A youtube video from Clarke County School District showcasing a special message from Dr. Xernona Thomas. Premiered September 3, 2020.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Public health, County school systems
Creator: Clarkecoschools
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: Special Message to the CCSD Community - YouTube
Contributor: Xernona Thomas
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
description: Dr. Xernona Thomas, interim superintendent, shares a message with the CCSD community.
Description: Band Together presented by Terrapin Beer Company, The Classic Center, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce and MMT. All donations support the COVID-19 Community Relief Fund created by the Athens Area Community Foundation and the United Way of Northeast Georgia. Band Together is a weekly virtual concert series that brings together entertainers right to the public's doorstep. They met every Thursday night at 7 PM.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic Assistance, Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations, Band music
Creator: Band Together Athens
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-05-21
title: 05.07.20 Band Together featuring Danny Allen, Universal Sigh and Thomas Johnson - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Terrapin Beer Company, The Classic Center, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, MMT, Athens Area Community Foundation, United Way of Northeast Georgia
Relation: https://bit.ly/BandTogetherAthens, https://open.spotify.com/artist/4FhEJ..., https://open.spotify.com/artist/3kB5N..., https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Ait1...
Description: Video from the local government reminding Athens citizens to stay strong by continuing to stay home, to stay healthy, to keep distance from others.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Public health, Local government
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-28
title: Athens-Clarke County - Stay Strong, We'll See You Soon - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Relation: www.accgov.com/coronavirus
Description: A youtube video from Clarke County School District relaying reopening information on October 27, 2020.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, School management and organization, County school systems, Forums (Discussion and debate)
Creator: Clarkecoschools
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: Reopening Information Session - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz encouraging parents to keep up the good work with their children, announcing free WiFi access at certain ACCGov facilities for Clarke County School District students, discussing the upcoming Community Conversation on mental and emotional health on Wed., Sept. 23, and announcing fare free ACC Transit buses through the end of 2020.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Bus rapid transit, Public Buildings--United States, Wireless LANs
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-01
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - September 18, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A message from Georgia Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Kathleen Toomey regarding COVID-19 data in Georgia.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Public Health, COVID-19 (Disease)
Creator: Office of Georgia Governor Brian P. Kemp
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-02
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Brian P. Kemp, Kathleen Toomey
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz about supporting the youth in the community, updates on upcoming meetings, face covers in public places, and continued opportunities to meet with the mayor in person.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Masks, Youth
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-02
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - July 17, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Description: A youtube video from Clarke County School District showcasing Barrow Road Elementary School's virtual town hall. Premiered August 24, 2020 at 4:45 PM.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, County school systems, Forums (Discussion and debate), School management and organization
Creator: Clarkecoschools
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: School Virtual Town Hall - Barrow - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: An update on Athens-Clarke County and their proposed regulations on Thursday March 19th, 2020 for the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Local government--United States, Real estate business
Creator: 5Market Realty Athens GA Real Estate
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: Update on Covid 19 and ACC Regs - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz about the upcoming week of planned responses from ACCGov as well as an update of feedback he has received about the recently passed ordinance requiring residents to shelter in place and businesses to take steps to slow the spread of coronavirus.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Local government--United States, Public health, COVID-19 (Disease)
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-08
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz on March 23, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz
Relation: www.accgov.com/coronavirus
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz reminding everyone to extend love to one another and see our shared humanity, discussing the upcoming runoff elections and incoming new Commissioners, and encouraging people to continue to wear masks, wash hands, and stay safe during the pandemic.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, COVID-19 (Disease), Voting
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-02
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - November 6, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz with some updates on local responses from ACCGov, including a new information line at 706-613-3333, a Spanish version of the ACCGov coronavirus website, and some information tools for community use. Mayor Girtz also includes information about the upcoming Mayor and Commission Work Session on Tuesday, March 31 to begin discussing local relief package options.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Local government--United States, Public health
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-04-08
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - March 27, 2020 - YouTube
Contributor: Kelly Girtz
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Relation: www.accgov.com/coronavirus
Description: Band Together presented by Terrapin Beer Company, The Classic Center and the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce. All donations support the COVID-19 Community Relief Fund created by the Athens Area Community Foundation and the United Way of Northeast Georgia.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic assistance, Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations, Band music
Creator: Band Together Athens
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2020-05-21
title: 04.16.20 Band Together Featuring Max Woolery and Megan Moroney - YouTube
Contributor: Terrapin Beer Company, The Classic Center, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, Athens Area Community Foundation, United Way of Northeast Georgia
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Relation: https://bit.ly/BandTogetherAthens
Description: Six String Southern Special. The video creators thanked Six String Southern Production for supporting this show of Band Together presented by Terrapin Beer Company, The Classic Center, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce and MMT.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Band music, Economic assistance, Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations
Creator: Band Together Athens
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-05-28
title: 05.28.20 Band Together Featuring John King and Ashley Walls - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Six String Southern Production, Terrapin Beer Company, The Classic Center, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, MMT, Athens Area Community Foundation, United Way of Northeast Georgia
Relation: https://www.johnkingcountry.com/, https://linktr.ee/ashleywalls, https://bit.ly/BandTogetherAthens
Description: A video informing on March 8, 2021, educators and support staff in Oconee and Clarke County schools were given the opportunity to get the COVID-19 vaccine through a partnership with Piedmont Oconee Health Campus.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Public health, County school systems, Hospital care
Creator: Grady Newsource
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: Oconee and Clarke County Schools Vaccination Plan - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: Band Together presented by Terrapin Beer Company, The Classic Center, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce and MMT. All donations support the COVID-19 Community Relief Fund created by the Athens Area Community Foundation and the United Way of Northeast Georgia.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic Assistance, Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations, Band music
Creator: Band Together Athens
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-05-28
title: 05.14.20 Band Together featuring The Pink Stones, Nicholas Mallis and Wieuca - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Terrapin Beer Company, The Classic Center, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, MMT, Athens Area Community Foundation, United Way of Northeast Georgia
Relation: https://bit.ly/BandTogetherAthens, https://open.spotify.com/artist/77xJf..., https://open.spotify.com/artist/2KehE..., https://open.spotify.com/artist/3ETy4...
Description: In this online panel discussion, hosted by the ACS Athens Lawyer Chapter, Commissioner Denson addressed conditions at the jail, the dangers they pose to those incarcerated and the community, and how he and Commissioner Parker want all participants in the criminal legal system in Athens to respond to this threat. Ms. Roberts offered a statewide perspective on these issues and the challenges the crisis presents to efforts to reform the criminal legal system. Judge Hope addressed how he and his court have responded to the crisis. Former State Representative Deborah Gonzalez moderated.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Prisoners, Jails--United States, Prisoners--Health and hygiene--United States
Creator: American Constitution Society
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: ACS Athens: COVID-19 and the Athens-Clarke County Jail - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: A youtube video from Clarke County School District showcasing J.J. Harris Elementary School's Town Hall meeting on August 31, 2020 at 7:15 PM.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Forums (Discussion and debate), School management and organization, County school systems
Creator: Clarkecoschools
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: School Virtual Town Hall - J.J. Harris - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: A youtube video from Clarke County School District showcasing Clarke Middle School's town hall which occurred August 25, 2020 at 6 PM.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Forums (Discussion and debate), County school systems, School management and organization
Creator: Clarkecoschools
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: School Virtual Town Hall - Clarke Middle School - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz informing the public about the first COVID-19 vaccinations to be given in Athens-Clarke County and reminding people to continue using precautions while making plans over the upcoming holidays.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, COVID-19 (Disease), Christmas, Vaccination
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-02
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - December 18, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz
Relation: www.accgov.com/coronavirus
Description: A message from Athens-Clarke County Mayor Kelly Girtz encouraging returning college students to behave responsibly in light of COVID-19, discussing the Mayor and Commission meeting on August 24 with the Clarke County School District, and introducing the Athens Music Walk of Fame.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, School districts, County school systems, University towns
Creator: Athens-Clarke County
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-02
title: Message from Mayor Kelly Girtz - August 21, 2020 - YouTube
Collector: Athens-Clarke County Library
Contributor: Kelly Girtz
Description: A youtube video from Clarke County School District showcasing Barnett Shoals Elementary School's virtual town hall. Streamed on August 26, 2020 at 6 PM.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, County school systems, School management and organization, Forums (Discussion and debate)
Creator: Clarkecoschools
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: School Virtual Town Hall - Barnett Shoals - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
Description: A video from news outlet, 11Alive, informing the public that ACC would be begin requiring masks effective July 9, 2021.
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Subject: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Public health, Local government--United States
Creator: 11Alive
Publisher: Youtube
Language: English
Coverage: Athens, Georgia
Format: WARC
Type: Website
Date: 2021-06-28
title: Athens-Clarke County to require masks | What you need to know - YouTube
Collector: Athens Clarke County Library
description: It will go into effect July 9.
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