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Description: Self-description: "Human Rights Center "Viasna" is a non-governmental human rights organization, created in 1996 during mass protest actions of the democratic opposition in Belarus. Viasna was initially a group created to help the arrested rally participants and their families. That’s why originally Viasna had the name “Viasna-96”. On 15 June 1999 the organization was registered as the Human Rights Center "Viasna". It is a national NGO with the central office in Minsk and regional organizations in the majority of Belarusian cities. Viasna has about 200 members all over the country. The organization is managed by the Council and chair of the Council, elected by the General Congress. "
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Publisher: Viasna: E-mail: viasna@spring96.org web-site: www.spring96.org
Language: Belarusian, English, Russian
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: The Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies is a joint programme by LMU Munich and the University of Regensburg, funded by the German Research Foundation as part of the Excellence Initiative
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Subject: Belarus, Politics, Political Crisis
Creator: Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies
Publisher: Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies
Language: German
Collector: Liladhar P.
Contributor: Lunja Jeschke, Bavarian State Library, Germany
Description: ARCHE, one of the key intellectual platforms in Belarus. It used to be a "thick journal" in the past but now, as I see, they have an online platform covering the elections as well as a page with their, and others, printed materials (Ostap Kin)..
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Subject: Politician, Belarus Politics, Belarus Elections, Belarus Political Crisis
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Subject: Belarus Politics, Belarus Crisis, Journalism
Language: Belarusian, English and Russian.
Rights: Copyright © 2008-2019 PA "Belarusian Association of Journalists"
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Description: Интернет-платформа для честного подсчета голосов на выборах президента
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Publisher: честные люди? https://honestpeople.org/?
Language: Belarusian, Russian, English
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: Self-description: "Organized by the Belarusian Diaspora from all across the planet, the World Belarus Congress aims to facilitate the consolidation of Belarus’s social, political, economic, and scientific potential. Through a global dialogue, we believe that we will find solutions to the current political and economic crisis and develop a plan for laying the foundation of a new and free Belarus. The World Belarus Congress is a unique event: for the first time in history, the global Belarusian diasporas have joined forces to discuss the future of the country and the role the diasporas will play in it."
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Subject: Belarus Protests, Belarus Political Crisis, Belarusian Diaspora
Creator: The World Belarus Congress
Publisher: The Belarus World Congress
Source: https://belaruscongress.org/world-belarus-congress-eng/#about
Language: Belarusian, English, Russian
Date: October 29, 2020
Contributor: Sasha Razor, UCLA
Description: Belarus Digest is a project of the Ostrogorski Centre
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Creator: The Ostrogorski Centre and individual contributors
Source: https://belarusdigest.com/about/
Language: English
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Subject: Belarus Politics, Belarus Elections
Language: Belarusian, Russian and English
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: The title can be translated as "Let's be Belarusians!". “Будзьма беларусамі!” – гэта грамадская культурніцкая кампанія, ініцыятарам і каардынатарам якой з’яўляецца Міжнароднае грамадскае аб’яднанне “Згуртаванне беларусаў свету “Бацькаўшчына”. "Let's be Belarusians!" Is a public cultural campaign initiated and coordinated by the International Non-Governmental Organization "Belarusians of the Fatherland".
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Subject: Belarus, Telegram Channels, Telegram, Belarus, Telegram Channels, Telegram
Language: Belarusian, Russian, English
Date: August 25, 2020, August 25, 2020
Contributor: Volha Charnysh (MIT), Volha Charnysh (MIT)
Collector: Liladhar P., Liladhar P.
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Description: Self-description: "The Fund was created by the co-founders of the BY_help campaign (Andrej Stryzhak, Alexey Leonchik), Belarusian diaspora and business representatives (Yaroslav Lickhachevskij) to support anyone who lost their jobs because of their beliefs and opinions, to support anyone who wants to live in free and democratic Belarus."
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Subject: Belarusian Diaspora, Belarus Political Crisis
Language: English, Russian
Type: Fundraising
Collector: Liladhar P.
Contributor: Lunja Jeschke, Bavarian State Library, Germany
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Subject: Belarus Politics, Belarus Political Crisis
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: Siarhei Uladzimeravich Cherachen (Belarusian: Сярге́й Уладзі́меравіч Чэрачань, also known as Sergey Vladimirovich Cherechen Russian: Сергей Владимирович Черечень; born 8 May 1985) is a Belarusian businessman, politician and candidate in the 2020 Belarusian presidential election.He is the current chairman of the Belarusian Social Democratic Assembly (Wikipedia).
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Language: Belarusian, Russian
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: CityDog.by – любопытная собака, которая рыщет по Минску, находит и систематизирует все интересное, особенное, необычное, нестандартное. Журнал создан и поддерживается ООО «Франциск-группа», УНП 190559700. CityDog.by is a curious dog that prowls around Minsk, finds and organizes everything interesting, special, unusual, non-standard. The magazine was created and supported by LLC "Francis-group", UNP 190559700.
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Publisher: LLC "Francis-group", UNP 190559700.
Language: Russian
Rights: Francysk Group Ltd., UTN 190559700. Permission email sent on 10/29/2020
Contributor: Lunja Jeschke, Bavarian State Library, Germany
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: Self-description: "Civil campaign “European Belarus” was set in motion in 2008. Andrei Sannikov, Mikhail Marinich, Micola Statkevich and Victor Ivashevich took the lead in the campaign, and soon their initiative was supported by many youth leaders. Since the beginning of 2008, activists of “European Belarus” have conducted hundreds of street protests, pickets, performances, flash-mobs in dozens of Belarussian cities, distributed millions of leaflets, placards, stickers, booklets with the logo of “European Belarus” and reasoning of the need for Belarus to enter the EU and to implement sweeping democratic reforms."
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Subject: Belarus Protests, Belarus Political Crisis
Language: Belarusian, English
Coverage: Belarus, https://europeanbelarus.org/?c=sp&i=1
Date: October 29, 2020
Rights: © European Belarus
Collector: Liladhar P.
Contributor: Lunja Jeschke, Bavarian State Library, Germany
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Language: Belarusian
Rights: © "Салiдарнасць", 2005-2019. Emailed 08/20/2020. gazetaby@gmail.com
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: The site covers exclusively human rights issues, human rights violations - both civil and political and socio-economic, cultural, environmental, contains regular information on how to defend and defend their rights in the police, courts.
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Subject: Belarus- Politics, Belarus-Elections, Belarus-Political Crisis, Self-description; "“Гомельская вясна” – праваабарончы сайт Гомеля і Гомельшчыны, які інсуе ўжо 7 год. Сайт асвятляе выключна праваабарончую тэматыку, парушэнні правоў чалавека – як грамадзянскіх і палітычных так і сацыяльна – эканамічных, культурніцкіх, экалагічных, змяшчае рэгулярна інфармацыю як бараніць і адстойваць свае правы ў міліцыі, судах."
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Creator: Алексей Шота, главный редактор
Language: Belarusian
Rights: © 2016-2020 hrodna.life
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Subject: Belarus, Belarus Political Crisis, Belarusian Literature, Belarusian Society
Date: 25 August 2020
Rights: kyky@kyky.org (emailed on 25 August 2020)
Collector: Liladhar P., Russian
Contributor: Sasha Razor (UCLA)
Description: The mission of the Minsk Dialogue is to offer an open and geopolitically unbiased platform for research and discussion on international affairs and security in Eastern Europe.
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Publisher: " Yauheni Preiherman, founder and director"
Language: Russian, English
Date: 01-22-2021
Rights: " Yauheni Preiherman, founder and director"
Collector: Lunja Jeschke, Bavarian State Library
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Rights: 2002-2020 БелаПАН.
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: Site description: "The Center for New Ideas has served as an independent think tank in Belarus for 8 years. We are a devoted team of individuals that hope to create and inform new policies for the path of a new Belarus while also helping Belarus overcome the challenges that our country faces in the 21st century."
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Language: Belarusian
Description: This is an online newspaper from Vitebsk.
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Source: https://news.vitebsk.cc/
Language: Belarusian
Rights: Email to editorial board was sent on 17 August 2020. , © 2006-2020 Народныя навіны Віцебска / Народные новости Витебска
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: Nasha Niva is one of the oldest Belarusian weekly newspapers, founded in 1906 and re-established in 1991. Based on the coverage, it seems to be a pro-Lukashenko government newspapers.
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Subject: Belarus Crisis, Belarus, Belarus Political Crisis, Belarus Elections
Date: 25 August 2020
Rights: © Прыватнае прадпрыемства «ННбай» УНП 193437024. https://nn.by/
Contributor: Professor Volha Charnysh (MIT)
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: WE ARE OUTRIDERS! We are a non profit newsroom covering global issues having local impact. We seek answers to problems, fears and needs. We explain things which happen far, but influence your daily life.
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Description: Mirror of "Golos," an online Belarus elections monitoring site.
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Subject: Belarus Elections, Belarus Political Crisis, Elections Monitoring
Language: Russian
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: Belarusian National Youth Council “RADA” is a voluntary union of 27 youth associations, being created with the purpose of consolidating of youth organizations and initiatives of Belarus. “RADA” operates in the areas of representation, promotion and defending common interests and freedoms of youth organizations and young people of Belarus (Source: https://en.rada.fm/about-us/).
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Source: https://en.rada.fm/about-us/
Language: Belarusian, English
Rights: © 2009 — 2020. An active hyperlink open to search engines indexing must accompany all copied materials.
Description: The Coordination Council of Belaru (Belarusian: Каардынацыйная рада Беларусі; Russian: Координационный совет Беларуси) is a body formed by presidential candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya during the 2020 Belarusian protests that followed the disputed 2020 Belarusian presidential election.The first meeting of the Council took place on 18 August.
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Subject: Belarus Opposition, Belarus Politics, Belarus Political Crisis, Belarus Elections.
Source: https://rada.vision/en/council-members/
Language: Belarusian, English and Russian
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Language: Russian, Belarusian
Rights: © 2020 Sputnik
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Description: Nexta, a Belarus-based online media, has become a key source of information about the crisis in Belarus following the national elections. There are also several channels on telegram as Luxta, Nexta.tv and others.
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Subject: Belarus -- Politics and government -- 21st century.
Creator: Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya
Source: Ivanou, Ihar
Language: English, Belarusian, Russian
Rights: Email sent to Anna Krasulina-the press secretary of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya.
Contributor: Ihar Ivanou, The QA Library
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Subject: Belarus Political Unrest, Belarus Elections, Belarus Political Crisis, Belarusian Revolution, Day 14 (Online)
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Subject: Belarus Political Protests
Creator: Dr. Sasha Razor (UCLA) and Wende Museum, Los Angeles
Publisher: Vimeo
Contributor: Sasha Razor, UCLA
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Language: Belarusian
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Subject: Belarus Political Crisis
Language: Belarusian
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Subject: Belarus Crisis
Description: Charter 97 (Belarusian: Хартыя'97; Russian: Хартия'97) is a declaration calling for democracy in Belarus and a pro-human rights news site taking its inspiration from the declaration. The document – the title of which deliberately echoes the Czechoslovak human rights declaration Charter 77 20 years earlier – was created on the anniversary of a referendum held in 1996, and which, in the words of the organisation of the same name, declares: "devotion to the principles of independence, freedom and democracy, respect to the human rights, solidarity with everybody, who stands for elimination of dictatorial regime and restoration of democracy in Belarus". (Source: Wikipedia)
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Subject: Belarus News, Belarus Political Crisis
Language: Belarusian, Russian, English
Date: September 2020
Contributor: McElvanney, Katie, The British Library
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: Dekoder is an online media source that combines Russian independent journalism with German academic expertise in Russian Studies.
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Language: German, Russian
Date: 1-21-2021
Rights: mail@dekoder.org
Collector: Lunja Jeschke, Bavarian State Library
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Subject: Belarus Crisis
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Creator: Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty/ Partially sponsored by US Government.
Language: Russian, Belarusian
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: Maria Kalesnikava or Maria Kolesnikova (Belarusian: Марыя Калеснікава; Russian: Мария Колесникова; born 24 April 1982) is a Belarusian musician and political activist who is a member of the presidium of the transitional council formed during the 2020 Belarusian protests in opposition to the rule of Alexander Lukashenko (Source: https://rada.vision/by/siabry-rady)
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Subject: Belarus Crisis, Belarus Opposition, Belarus Politician, Belarus Elections.
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Subject: Belarus Crisis
Creator: TUT.BY
Language: Russian, Belarusian
Rights: © ООО «ТУТ БАЙ МЕДИА», 2000 — 2020
Collector: Liladhar P.
Description: Pro-Governmental Newspaper
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Subject: Belarus, Belarus Political Crisis, Belarus Elections
Language: Belarusian, Russian
Type: Newspaper
Date: 25 August 2020
Collector: Liladhar P.
Contributor: Professor Volha Charnysh (MIT)
Description: One of the largest national pro-opposition newspaper on politics
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Source: https://www.nv-online.info/news
Language: Belarusian
Rights: © 2006-2019, Народная Воля.
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Subject: Belarus, Periodicals, Belarus Crisis
Creator: ООО «ОНЛАЙНЕР» (Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «ОНЛАЙНЕР»), Директор — Кажуро Денис Петрович.
Language: Russian
Rights: ООО «ОНЛАЙНЕР» (Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «ОНЛАЙНЕР»)
Contributor: Sasha Razor (UCLA)
Description: Pro-government Newspaper supporting President Lukashenko's administration.
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Subject: Belarus Crisis, Belarus Election, Belarus Political Crisis, Belarus, Minsk (Belarus) -- Newspapers.
Publisher: Беларусь Сегодня, 1998- 2020.
Date: 25 August 2020
Rights: © Беларусь Сегодня, 1998- 2020.
Collector: Liladhar P.
Contributor: Professor Volha Charnysh (MIT)
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Language: Belarusian
Collector: Liladhar P.
Contributor: Ostap Kin, Archivist- Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, NJ
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Publisher: ООО «ТУТ БАЙ МЕДИА», 2000 — 2020
Language: Belarusian
Rights: © ООО «ТУТ БАЙ МЕДИА», 2000 — 2020
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Subject: Belarus-Politics, Belarus-Political Crisis
Creator: Svetlana Tihanovskaya (?) and her team (?)
Publisher: YouTube
Language: Russian, Belarusian
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Subject: Belarus Crisis, Opposition Figure, Politics, Politician
Description: Site Self-description: Belarus Free Theatre (BFT) is a UK-based international award-winning theatre company founded on principles of freedom of speech and artistic expression. Our focus is on social justice, taboo zones and violation of human rights across the globe.
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Subject: Belarus Protests, Belarus Political Crisis
Creator: Belarus Free Theatre
Publisher: Belarus Free Theatre on YouTube
Source: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLte0z8UNPWM_eGUZFJdwppJ0C9bOj8Cvs
Language: English, Belarusian (?), Russian (?)
Format: YouTube Clips
Date: 21 September 2020
Contributor: McElvanney, Katie (Slavonic Curator-the British Library)
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Language: Russian
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Language: Belarusian
Collector: Liladhar P.
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Subject: Belarus Elections, Belarus Political Crisis, Elections monitoring
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