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Fishrot Fishery Scandal - After

Collected by: KRIA - The Icelandic Constitution Archives

Archived since: Dec, 2020


On 12 November 2019, WikiLeaks began publishing what it called the Fishrot Files (Icelandic: Samherjaskjölin), a collection of thousands of documents and email communication by employees of one of Iceland's largest fish industry companies, Samherji, that indicated that the company had paid hundreds of millions ISK to high ranking politicians and officials in Namibia intending to acquire the country's coveted fishing quota. The issue of the fishing quota rights is addressed in the 2011 constitution and referenced during this scandal. This collection includes media coverage, protest footage, artistic creations on the quota issue, and community deliberations.

Subject:   Government Society & Culture Politics & Elections

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Title: Petition for the Accountability of the Icelandic Government to the People of Namibia


Description: A petition to show that the people believe that the Namibia government should be held accountable

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá


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Title: Sjómenn telja sig hlunnfarna varðandi loðnuverð – Norsk skip fengu miklu hærra verð


Description: The Icelandic Seamen's Union claimed that their union members were paid less compared to Norwegian seamen during the capelin season.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Democracy is not a dictatorship


Description: A number of organisations have gathered and protested in response to the public in Namibia and Iceland being robbed by a large Icelandic fishing company.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá


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Title: : Anti-Corruption, Pro-Constitution Demonstration Draws Thousands


Description: The article mentions what happened during a protest in Austurvöllur bringing in 4000 people

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Samherji segist ekki hafa vitað um ákveðnar mútugreiðslur


Description: Representatives of the shipping company Samherji state they did not know about the 2% bribes charged in Namibia.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Segir könnun sýna að 23 prósent hafi hug á að kjósa stjórnmálaafl verkalýðshreyfingarinnar


Description: Following a public opinion poll, 23% of the public would vote for a political force of the trade union movement.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Sem spyrtir þorskar


Description: Bárður Jónsson talks about how both Iceland and Namibia show similar displays of corruption following the Samherji case.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Bráðum koma blessuð jólin, börnin fara að hlakka til ...


Description: ICEIDA a fisheries management system is training Namibia who are a very poor nation to utilize a rich marine resource off the coast of the country

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Það er komið að pólitíkinni


Description: There is an analysis of why more Icelanders are moving out of the country and living abroad rather than people from abroad moving to Iceland.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Athugið - Stjornarskrarfelagid


Description: A news company mistook that a fight meeting would erupt. Also a new group would be joining the unions against the government.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Tillaga Katrínar er svik við þjóðina


Description: The publisher disputes a politicians proposal whether if Iceland's natural resources should be privately owned or not.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá


Description: A large company campaigns against a journalist with decades of experience because they are heavily accused of falsifying data.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Hvað er nýja stjórnarskráin?


Description: Although there is a new constitution, there is nothing to emphasise that it is a new constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Samherjafólk reyndi að hafa áhrif á Blaðamannafélagið


Description: A propaganda campaign in the build-up of an Icelandic election to prevent a former RUV employee from being elected.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Stéttarfélagsformaður staðfestir málflutning Helga Seljan - Stundin


Description: Guðmundur Ragnarsson says that he received the same documents as Helgi Seljan based his discussion on Samherji possible violations in 2012. The former director of the Exchange Rate Bureau denies, however, that such documents have been compiled.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Samherji birtir eigin þátt um ásakanir


Description: A number of CEO's for a company called Samherji (a shipping company) have stepped down following allegations for a violation of foreign exchange rules being taken to the Supreme Court.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Eitraður útgerðarauður


Description: Fishing in Icelandic waters should be the common property of Icelandic people so the question arises to why it is concentrated to a small number of people.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Fimm staðreyndir


Description: A very brief article on the 5 impacts that the Samherji case has gained.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Þetta er ekki eitt af þessum málum sem mun lognast út af og hverfa“


Description: The chairman of the constitutional society talks of the Samherji case and makes clear demands that changes must be made in society and the public should be listened to.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Armageddon - Completely unrestrained people at Samherji


Description: Director of Icelandic division of transparency International says politics must respond to Samherji's corruption.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: MÓTMÆLI AUSTURVELLI 2311191 - YouTube


Description: Icelandic songs taking place in retaliation to the 'corrupt' Icelandic government.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: MÓTMÆLI AUSTURVELLI 071219 - YouTube


Description: Icelandic songs taking place in retaliation to the 'corrupt' Icelandic government.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

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