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Legitimation and Contestation - After

Collected by: KRIA - The Icelandic Constitution Archives

Archived since: Dec, 2020


This collection includes available materials that discuss the arguments for and against specific articles in the 2011 constitution draft and the constitution as a whole. These discussions took place after the draft was officially submitted. In this collection are news coverage, specialist reports, opinion pieces, conference proceedings, books, and interviews.

Subject:   Government Politics & Elections Society & Culture

Page 1 of 1 (6 Total Results)

Title: „Lögmæti“ og „þjóðmæti“


Description: Elvíra Mendez , an expert in European law, speaks to the revolutionary aspects of the constitutional convention and how the call for "substantive legitimacy" is a revolutionary legal claim still undergoing definition within the larger legal community.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Á vegamótum: Spurningar um völd, en ekki um rétt


Description: Legal scholar, Elvira Mendez establishes three requirements for the successful adoption of a constitution: "firstly, the new constitution reflects real powers in society, secondly, the new constitution enjoys widespread public support at all levels (the majority rules), and third, political parties (and the Althingi) must leave the constitutional authority to certain powers (sovereignty is with the nation)"

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Gamla símaskráin


Description: This article refutes claims made by Brynjar Níelsson that compared "the new constitution to a new telephone directory" because it was outdated and didn't reflect the will and needs of a modern constituency. It cites the results of a number of scholarly analyses and official and unofficial referendums that demonstrate public support.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Ný staðreyndavakt SUS


Description: This article discusses the results of a SUS fact watch that shows that Althingi is respecting the conclusion of the referendum in not moving forward with ratification of the constitution. It also discusses the Union of Young Independents movement coalescing around the hashtag "#hvar" ("Where") on twitter and are being accused of spreading information chaos about the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Óviðunandi að þjóðin sé rænd réttmætri eign sinni


Description: Indriði H. Þorláksson, former Director of Internal Revenue, says that the constitutional provision on national ownership of natural resources is necessary to prevent exploitation, fraud and the accumulation of wealth by a few parties.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Landssamtök landeigenda


Description: This article discusses a statement by the National Association of Landowners opposing the inclusion of special provisions on the environment and nature in the constitution. The association's memorandum was submitted to Althingi with "track changes".

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Page 1 of 1 (6 Total Results)