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Legitimation and Contestation - After

Collected by: KRIA - The Icelandic Constitution Archives

Archived since: Dec, 2020


This collection includes available materials that discuss the arguments for and against specific articles in the 2011 constitution draft and the constitution as a whole. These discussions took place after the draft was officially submitted. In this collection are news coverage, specialist reports, opinion pieces, conference proceedings, books, and interviews.

Subject:   Government Politics & Elections Society & Culture

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Title: A Review of Iceland’s Draft Constitution


Description: This study provides a comparative analysis of the Icelandic constitution in light of international trends in constitutional drafting before concluding that the project was "tremendously innovative and participatory."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Er thjodin stjornarskrargjafinn


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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Um snuna stodu i stjornarskrarmalum


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Title: Decision of the Supreme Court


Description: Complaints relating to the election of the Constitutional Assembly were addressed by the Supreme Court judges Gardar Gíslason, Árni Kolbeinsson, Gunnlaugur Claessen, Jón Steinar Gunnlaugsson, Páll Hreinsson and Vidar Már Matthíasson in this transcript of judiciary procedure.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Álit


Description: This article addresses the actions taken by the Constitutional Council in submitting for a new constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: „Lögmæti“ og „þjóðmæti“


Description: Elvíra Mendez , an expert in European law, speaks to the revolutionary aspects of the constitutional convention and how the call for "substantive legitimacy" is a revolutionary legal claim still undergoing definition within the larger legal community.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Á vegamótum: Spurningar um völd, en ekki um rétt


Description: Legal scholar, Elvira Mendez establishes three requirements for the successful adoption of a constitution: "firstly, the new constitution reflects real powers in society, secondly, the new constitution enjoys widespread public support at all levels (the majority rules), and third, political parties (and the Althingi) must leave the constitutional authority to certain powers (sovereignty is with the nation)"

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Þorkell Helgason-stærðfræðingur


Description: This article speaks to the balance between equalization and constituency seats and how the unbalanced ratio has led to a disproportionate representation of different parties in Parliament.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Færslur frá September, 2012


Description: This article addresses the question posed to the nation about the new constitution in the referendum: "Do you want a new constitution to include a provision that the votes of voters everywhere in the country weigh equally?" It addresses both the pros and cons of this proposal and ultimately concludes that the electoral system proposed by the constitutional council is well suited to encouraging the equal and unanimous representation of all voices in parliament.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Samanburður á stjórnarskrá gerðum


Description: This blog post provides a side-by-side comparison of four different versions of the Constitution - 1) Bill of the Constitutional Council, 2) Constitution of the Republic of Iceland, 1944 no. 33 June 17 (the current constitution), 3) The idea of ​​the Constitutional Committee, example A, and 4) The idea of ​​the Constitutional Committee, example B.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: #19 – „Nýja“ stjórnarskráin verður aldrei að veruleika - Stjórnarskráin á sig sjálf og ver sig sjálf


Description: This podcast addresses "politics, economics, culture and other national issues."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Iceland shows that a UK constitutional convention should involve politicians as little as possible


Description: An ex-member of the constitutional council sheds some light on what happened in the years following the completion of the constitution - and why there might still be some hope for this unique experiment.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Enginn áhugi á stjórnarskrárbreytingum, segir Sigurður


Description: This article criticizes Sigurður Líndal's leadership as chairman of the constitutional committee.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Ólafur Ragnar gegn stjórnarskrárbreytingum


Description: This article describes the actions of Ólafur Ragnar's last winter as President, including his opposition to constitutional changes. It criticizes Ólafur for using the presidency as his own "private district."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Stjórnarskrá og málamiðlanir – allt eða ekkert?


Description: This article criticizes the actions of many political parties in choosing not to cooperate with the Pirates to pass the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Stjórnarskrá og málamiðlanir – allt eða ekkert?


Description: This article criticizes the actions of many political parties in choosing not to cooperate with the Pirates to pass the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Langvinnt fúsk í stjórnarskrármálum kemur í hausinn á okkur


Description: This article uses the disorder and lack of mass public support for any one candidate in the presidential election to highlight the need for constitutional reform.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Framkvæmdastýra VG sakar Samfylkinguna um hentistefnu vegna stjórnarskrárinnar


Description: This article addresses the controversy within the Pirate movement whether or not proposals surrounding new resource provisions, provisions on referendums, and provisions on nature conservation should be supported.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Stjórnarskráin sem bætt flík – Guðni tekur afstöðu með Sveini Björnssyni en ekki Ólafi Ragnari


Description: This article provides a summary of Guðni Th. Jóhannesson's critiques of the current Icelandic constitution and his continued assertion that the 1944 Constitution only be an interlude or "temporary garment" that must ultimately be reformed.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Davíð í stuði:„Risastórt andaglas“- „Vitleysinga Spítali“ – „Rugl“ – „Stórskrípaleikur“


Description: This article addresses Davíð Oddsson's recent comments on constitutional issues including a debate over revision held in Laugardalshöll.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Brynjar segir nýju stjórnarskrána skrifaða af áhugamönnum:„Þessi skoðanakönnun hlýtur að vera áfall“


Description: The Independence Party's MP, Brynjar Níelsson wrote a Facebook Post implying that the supporters of the new constitution are leftists who are incorrect when they claim public popular support. He responded to a recent opinion poll conducted for the chairman of different political parties indicating that more Icelanders are satisfied with the current constitution that those who are dissatisfied.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Gefur lítið fyrir auglýsingaherferð – „Jafn neyðarlegt að horfa á þau og afhendingu Grímuverðlauna“


Description: This article features the response of Brynjar Níelsson to an advertisement campaign on social media featuring many of the country's young stars and attracting a lot of attention, calling for the new constitution. Níelsson says he does not pay much attention to the campaign and believes that it is based in misrepresentations and hypocrisy.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Mogginn hraunar yfir stjórnarskrár fólkið


Description: This news article details the response to a graffiti piece praising the constitution as well as the way in which the Constitutional Society acted in conflict against the government agency's response of removing and cleaning the graffiti.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Tekist á um stjórnarskrána í Silfrinu – „Þeir ráða sem mæta“


Description: This article highlights the differing opinions between Katrín Oddsdóttir and Sigurður G. Guðjónsson regarding the importance of the 40,000 signatures on the petition demanding a new constitution. The two also disagree about the need for a new constitution in the first place.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Davíð leggst gegn nýrri stjórnarskrá – „Sambærilegt því að við myndum skipa þríeyki með áhugafólki til að takast á við veiruna“


Description: This article summarizes statements made by Davíð Þorláksson criticizing those that support ratification of the new constitution and reiterates his argument that "the current constitution has worked well for us and there is no reason to overthrow it"

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: „Valdarán, það þarf að sjálfsögðu ekki að vera neitt blóðugt."


Description: This Facebook post attributes the new constitution as a bloodless coup d'etat and compares it to the "robbery of democracy" that have occurred in countries such as Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Argentina.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá



Description: The President delivers an address at the digital seminar of the University of Akureyri on the revision of the Constitution, on the occasion of the release of a publication on these issues. Address by the President in Icelandic and English.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá



Description: This text is a transcript of a lecture given by the President of Iceland Guðni Th. Jóhannesson at a seminar of the Faculty of Law at the University of Akureyri on the revision of the Constitution on the subject "The President and the Constitution Four Years Later."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: 76 ár


Description: This article argues that the constitution has "stood the test of time" and preserves the qualification of the presidency.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Ákrot um breytingar


Description: This article argues that the framers of the constitution neither had the 'expertise nor the democratic mandate to write a new constitution" and advocates for the merits of the old constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Beint lýðræði og traust


Description: This article consists of a comparative analysis as to how direct democracy in the form of statewide referendums has functioned within the hybrid constitutional structure established within the California government. The article positions the California constitutional structure as a partial model for the provisions about direct democracy within the new Icelandic constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Uppgjöf í stjórnarskrármálinu


Description: This article cites a recent Facebook post by Ragnar Aðalsteinsson, Supreme Court Attorney. He argues that "the authorities disrespect public sovereignty and trample on democracy" by continuing to stall the ratification of the constitution. He strongly advocates for "citizens to find a way to claim their sovereignty, including the right to establish a constitution, from the unlucky knights of power."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Former PM Calls Icelandic President’s Reasoning ‘Childish’


Description: Former PM Þorsteinn Pálsson calls President’s Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson’s reasoning for entering the presidential race “childish explanations. He criticized the reasons that President Ólafur Ragnar announced at a press conference such as the uncertainty and protests in society, as well as the likely difficulty of forming a government in the early elections this fall.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Guðni Bows to Pressure, Stands for President


Description: This article addresses the announcement that Associate Professor of History, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson will be running in the 2016 presidential election.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: New President Strikes New Tone in Inaugural Address


Description: This article addresses the content and tone of newly elected President Guðni Th.'s inauguration speech.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Auðlindaákvæðið „ekki bara glatað, það er stórhættulegt“


Description: The Prime Minister and the chairman of Viðreisn discussed the new resource provision in Althingi during an unprepared question time in Althingi.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Hvers vegna nýja stjórnarskrá?


Description: Eiríkur Tómasson, a former Supreme Court judge advocates for a new constitution, citing rationale such as the illogical structure and provisions of human rights and the disproportionate powers of the minister.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Er Alþingi löglaus stjórnarskrár brjótur?


Description: Ragnar Aðalsteinsson analyzes the question of whether participation of Icelanders in the revision of the constitution stands contrary to liberal democracy?

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Uppfærsla á hugbúnaði eða nýtt stýrikerfi?


Description: These article describes the current conditions of the fishery system and fishing rights and identifies a number of constitutional reforms that could support reform. The opinion of the author is that, among other reforms, the constitution needs to include a provision "that states that the Icelandic nation owns the country's resources and that they are only allocated to users temporarily for the right fee."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: andvíg ákvæðum um


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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Á að mæla fyrir um þjóðareign í stjórnarskrá?


Description: Davíð Þorláksson addresses the way national property is addressed in the constitution and compares it to property rights in other constitutions.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Tveir þriðju styðja tillögur Stjórnlagaráðs


Description: The MMR poll examines people's attitudes to the questions that were to be put to voters in an advisory referendum on the Constitutional Council's proposals for a bill on the Constitution and certain issues related to them. Two thirds of those who took a stand in the referendum (66.1%) wanted the Constitutional Council's proposals to be the basis for a bill for a new constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Meirihluti vill nýja stjórnarskrá


Description: This MMR poll cites data that shows that the majority of Icelanders, or 56%, consider it important to have a new constitution in the next election period.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Meirihluti telur enn mikilvægt að fá nýja stjórnarskrá


Description: The majority of Icelanders say it is important that Icelanders get a new constitution during the current election period. This is shown by the results of a new MMR survey conducted in October 2018

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Telja mikilvægt að Íslendingar fái nýja stjórnarskrá


Description: A new MMR survey conducted in October 2019 cites a number of statistics about public opinion on the current Icelandic constitutional structure. One interesting datapoint is the fact that "Just over half of Icelanders consider it important for Icelanders to receive a new constitution during the current election period, and just over a third say they are dissatisfied with the current constitution"

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Telja mikilvægt að Íslendingar fái nýja stjórnarskrá


Description: In a new poll conducted by MMR, it was found that just over half of Icelanders consider it important for Icelanders to receive a new constitution during the current election period, and just over a third say they are dissatisfied with the current constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Enn fleiri hagnýtar ástæður


Description: This article provides a list of "practical reasons" for the nation to vote for the Constitutional Council's bill for a new constitution in the referendum.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Hagnýtar ástæður


Description: This blog entry urges readers to go to the polls on October 20 or earlier and support the Constitutional Council's bill for a new constitution. The post details a number of ways that the constitution provides "significant legal improvements for the people of the country."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: #9 Saving Democracy (A conversation with Lawrence Lessig)


Description: In this episode Þórarinn talks to Lawrence Lessig. Lawrence is a professor at the Harvard School of Law and an adamant fighter for democracy around the world. They discuss how technology is corrupting our minds to benefit financially while simultaneously undermining our democratic institutions. Lawrence gives a brief description of the Icelandic referendum in 2012 for a new constitution, what it meant for Icelandic democracy and Iceland’s unique position in fighting for democracy due to its small population. Finally, they discuss the impeachment of Donald Trump, the Democratic primaries, and the 2020 presidential elections in the United States

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Democracy on ice: a post-mortem of the Icelandic constitution


Description: An ex-member of the constitutional council sheds some light on what happened in the years following the completion of the constitution - and why there might still be some hope for this unique experiment.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá


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Title: Segist ekki fylgjast með einstaka veggjakroti


Description: The Prime Minister says that he does not monitor individual graffiti and does not comment on people using this to express their views in response to a recent increase in graffiti in support of the new constitution. In addition, the article cites a new MMR survey that cites that 60% of the Icelandic public want Althingi to ratify the constitution in the next session and the petition with over 33,000 signatures urging the MPs to consider the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: „Vonbrigði að við skulum ekki vera búin að ná lengra“


Description: There is no prospect of an agreement between the chairmen of the parliamentary parties on the four amendments proposed by Katrín Jakobsdóttir, the Prime Minister. This article discusses the contents of the amendments which would have addressed resources, nature conservation, the president and the executive, and provisions on referendums and national initiatives. It also discusses tensions between the "People's Party" and the politicians and ministers.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá


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Title: Frumvarp um nýja stjórnarskrá lagt fram


Description: This article addresses actions taken by Logi Einarsson, chairman of Samfylkingarinnar in introducing the bill calling for the new constitution for the third time. This article also speaks to next steps taken by MPs in government.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá


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Title: Barátta gegn upplýsingaóreiðu


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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Það helsta um stjórnarskrá lýðveldisins


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Title: Hvaðan kemur umræðan um þessa nýju stjórnarskrá? Hver er staðan í dag


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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Gamla símaskráin


Description: This article refutes claims made by Brynjar Níelsson that compared "the new constitution to a new telephone directory" because it was outdated and didn't reflect the will and needs of a modern constituency. It cites the results of a number of scholarly analyses and official and unofficial referendums that demonstrate public support.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Ný staðreyndavakt SUS


Description: This article discusses the results of a SUS fact watch that shows that Althingi is respecting the conclusion of the referendum in not moving forward with ratification of the constitution. It also discusses the Union of Young Independents movement coalescing around the hashtag "#hvar" ("Where") on twitter and are being accused of spreading information chaos about the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Óviðunandi að þjóðin sé rænd réttmætri eign sinni


Description: Indriði H. Þorláksson, former Director of Internal Revenue, says that the constitutional provision on national ownership of natural resources is necessary to prevent exploitation, fraud and the accumulation of wealth by a few parties.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Landssamtök landeigenda


Description: This article discusses a statement by the National Association of Landowners opposing the inclusion of special provisions on the environment and nature in the constitution. The association's memorandum was submitted to Althingi with "track changes".

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Spurt og svarað um ákvæði í tillögum stjórnlagaráðs um kosningar til Alþingis


Description: This blog post consists of a Q&A of common concerns surrounding Article 39 of the Constitution. Each concern is addressed and refuted, broken down by paragraph and section.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: #nyjastjornarskrain


Description: Twitter compilation of all posts associated with the hashtag "#nyjastjornarskrain" ("The new constitution"). This thread includes a number of real-time reactions about the constitution ratification process, ranging in formality from memes expressing frustration to formal articles discussing the political ramifications.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Er stjórnarskráin úrelt plagg frá „körlum í Danmörku fyrir konungsríki“?


Description: This tweet refutes the claim that the current constitution is an "outdated garment from men in Denmark for a kingdom" by pointing out that the Constitution has been amended in the years since its ratification in 1944 and most recently in 2013.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá


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Title: Eyjan Hvar og stjórnarskráin


Description: This article addresses many cases of misinformation and media bias within coverage of contention over the constitution. It speaks to how public awareness has generally been failed by the media, as well as the referendum which has not accurately covered all of the issues inherent within the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Íhuga bótamál gegn dómara


Description: This article addresses actions taken by the Central Bank in considering whether it is right to sue those who appointed the Winding-up Board of Saga Capital.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Staðreyndavakt um stjórnarskrármál


Description: This article addresses the fact-finding watch on the Icelandic constitution, amendments, and proposed amendments established by the SUS.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Fraegir i frodu


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Title: Það sem þjóðin vill


Description: This article criticizes those who are attempting to advance the constitution eight years after the public referendum failed. The author argues that it is irresponsible to characterize the constitution as the "nation's choice" as the referendum failed and public interest in ratifying the new constitution remains relatively low.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Upplýsingaóreiðan í túnfætinum


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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá


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Title: Forseti án aðhalds og ábyrgðar?


Description: This article contemplates the role of the president as proposed in the constitution and questions how this power allocation would function in relation to Althingi.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Forseti án aðhalds og ábyrgðar?


Description: This article contemplates the role of the president as proposed in the constitution and questions how this power allocation would function in relation to Althingi.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Ruglingsleg þjóðaratkvæðagreiðsla


Description: This article speaks to several of the main criticisms for the referendum, including issues with the wording and choice of questions included in the referendum.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Ruglingsleg þjóðaratkvæðagreiðsla


Description: This article speaks to several of the main criticisms for the referendum, including issues with the wording and choice of questions included in the referendum.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Bandaríska stjórnarskráin og Ísland


Description: This article provides a comparative analysis between the Icelandic and US Constitution, highlighting many of the parallels in structure and public response.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Íslendingar, það skal takast


Description: This article contrasts American Democracy and rule of law to that in Iceland as a result of the delayed ratification and urges voters to hold MPs responsible for rejecting cooperation.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Íslendingar, það skal takast


Description: This article contrasts American Democracy and rule of law to that in Iceland as a result of the delayed ratification and urges voters to hold MPs responsible for rejecting cooperation.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Um gæði nýju íslensku stjórnarskrárinnar – fyrsti hluti


Description: David Carrillo addresses concerns about legitimacy, refuting both the premises of the argument that the process lacked democratic legitimacy as well as critiques of the lack of politician contribution in the drafting process.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Um gæði nýju íslensku stjórnarskrárinnar – fyrsti hluti


Description: The author of this article refutes claims that the constitution lacked legitimacy or that the process was not democratic. He advocates for parliament to "finish the project" and ratify the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Um gæði nýju íslensku stjórnarskrárinnar – annar hluti


Description: This article is the second in a series written by three experts in constitutional law at the University of Berkeley. The series of articles seeks to analyze and refute criticisms that have been leveled at the Icelandic constitutional process and urges the Althingi to legislate a draft Constitutional Council for a new constitution for Iceland This article refutes criticism of public participation in the drafting process, characterizing this criticism as a "fear of the masses."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Um gæði nýju íslensku stjórnarskrárinnar – annar hluti


Description: This article is the second in a series written by three experts in constitutional law at the University of Berkeley. The series of articles seeks to analyze and refute criticisms that have been leveled at the Icelandic constitutional process and urges the Althingi to legislate a draft Constitutional Council for a new constitution for Iceland This article refutes criticism of public participation in the drafting process, characterizing this criticism as a "fear of the masses."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Um gæði nýju íslensku stjórnarskrárinnar – þriðji hluti


Description: This article is the third in a series written by three experts in constitutional law at the University of Berkeley. The series of articles seeks to analyze and refute criticisms that have been leveled at the Icelandic constitutional process and urges the Althingi to legislate a draft Constitutional Council for a new constitution for Iceland This particular article rejects criticisms of the process of drafting the new constitution and argues that it was fair and balanced.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Um gæði nýju íslensku stjórnarskrárinnar – þriðji hluti


Description: This article is the third in a series written by three experts in constitutional law at the University of Berkeley. The series of articles seeks to analyze and refute criticisms that have been leveled at the Icelandic constitutional process and urges the Althingi to legislate a draft Constitutional Council for a new constitution for Iceland This particular article rejects criticisms of the process of drafting the new constitution and argues that it was fair and balanced.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Um gæði nýju íslensku stjórnarskrárinnar – Fjórði hluti


Description: This article is the fourth in a series written by three experts in constitutional law at the University of Berkeley. The series of articles seeks to analyze and refute criticisms that have been leveled at the Icelandic constitutional process and urges the Althingi to legislate a draft Constitutional Council for a new constitution for Iceland This particular article rejects assertions that there is nothing wrong with the current constitution of Iceland and shows that "now is the time to revise the constitution."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Um gæði nýju íslensku stjórnarskrárinnar – Fjórði hluti


Description: This article is the fourth in a series written by three experts in constitutional law at the University of Berkeley. The series of articles seeks to analyze and refute criticisms that have been leveled at the Icelandic constitutional process and urges the Althingi to legislate a draft Constitutional Council for a new constitution for Iceland This particular article rejects assertions that there is nothing wrong with the current constitution of Iceland and shows that "now is the time to revise the constitution."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Segir að setja þurfi ESB og stjórnarskrána til hliðar svo viðræðurnar springi ekki


Description: This article cites the opinions of many major scholars in the field to argue that the issues of the EU and the constitution should be put aside in favor of more pressing concerns such as education and health.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Nýja stjórnarskráin eða nýja símaskráin?


Description: A Member of Parliament argues that the new constitution is out of touch and would lead to harmful repercussions should it be adopted. He argues that, "It is written by people who had neither the experience nor the knowledge to write a constitution or assess the consequences of individual provisions"

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Pegar staðreyndir víkja fyrir málstaðnum


Description: This article points to a number of areas of concern within the new constitution and argues that the supporters of the constitution are stifling healthy debate over the substance of the document by demanding a "new constitution no matter how bad it may be."

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

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